George A admits losing money to email scam

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I found the whole idea of a scam very interesting and the first thing I thought of was Casey behind the whole thing. He said he checked out names and stuff and it looked all on the up and up. So much of what George does and says it to please Cindy it is hard to tell what is true and not true.

I think George is so afraid of Cindy's wrath that that he might buy into something like this to try to get out from under a debt so he could get out from under Cindy’s thumb. When it ended up being a scam and he then had to explain where the money went.
Is he covering for something that Casey did and the A's had to pay back restitution to keep it quite? Maybe
From what we have seen so far I can see either one as being very plausible. Cindy would have not wanted anybody to find George was stupid or that her precious perfect daughter did anything wrong. Ok, George…this is what you are going to do. You use your credit card and take a cash advance so we can pay this back and we will just tell everyone that you had a problem with gambling on line.
The medical profession readily acknowledges an addiction and to Cindy I think it would be an acceptable reason for having financial problems. They tried to pretend to everyone that Casey was not pregnant at that wedding so this is not too far out the realm top what lengths they will go to try to cover something.

The poor man is so controlled that he just does whatever the Cindy tells him to do. For self-survival he has deluded himself into believing that they equally share in decisions and the running of the household.

George also owes money he has to pay back to Ohio for un-employment or disability fund monies that either were not paid on time or paid out incorrectly from the car business [You can go on line and look up the docs in Trumbull County Ohio] that has been hanging over his head for years. That type of thing can cost a lot money due to the interest that compounds on the principal and the arrears along with the fines and penalties that are imposed end up making a few thousand dollars turn into a huge amount. He was truthful when he told the FBI that he has had prior financial problems to do with the car business in Ohio. He took the blame for all of that by saying he made some bad decisions. He did not place any blame on Cindy at all.

What we don’t know is would George go as far as to cover up a murder to keep the peace with Cindy. I would hope not but at this point I do have to wonder. He has appeared to be upfront with LE, despite what he has said publicly but as time goes on it is getting harder to give him the benefit of the doubt. I also am starting to wonder if George is covering for something that Cindy has done to protect Casey. I also have had the fleeting thought that George has been set up to take the rap for this whole thing when all is said an done.

As far as the online money scams and people getting caught up in them about 5 years ago my one sister got caught up in one. Same type of thing although I don't remember where the email was suppose to have come from but it ended up having some connection to money going through Canada to another foreign country. She lost about 5,000.00. She received 2 checks to deposit into her account. One was for 5000.00 and the other was for 2000.00. She was to write out a check for 5000.00 and send it to an address in Canada. She would make 2000.00 for doing this. Of course both checks bounced and she was out the 5 grand. She went to the bank, the police and a lawyer. She never got anywhere. Of course the lawyer wanted gobs of money to hire a PI to run down the email and the bank account numbers. Her bank didn't loose any money so they were not all that concerned and never did a thing to look into it. Had they been out the money I think she may have gotten some help. The police took the report and said they would look into it but they had seen this type of thing before and basically there really was not any crime committed due to some of the wording in the originally email that made you a willing participant and that you were not guaranteed a return on your money so even if they could locate the party in Canada they wasn't going to be much they could do.

I was flabbergasted she even did this. I get stuff like that all the time. Email and letters and toss them out. She is not stupid by any means but she was thinking about a getting a divorce and needed the money to file and with 3 children and a mortgage .... I don't know I guess to her at the time it looked like an answer to her prayers.
Now she had taken the money out of their savings account to so there was no credit card involved but she now did not have the money to pay the tax bill and some other things that the money had been set aside for. I didn’t find out about it for months afterward.

Just my 2-cents in this new twist in this case
I receive at least 2 or 3 of these type of emails every week. A few weeks ago, my friend's husband received one. God bless him ~ he is cute but so dumb. Fortunately, she found out what he was doing before it was too late. Needless to say, she was furious. I do not picture the As as being remotely financially responsible or smart. This would not surprise me in the least.
George has proven once again, that he too is as brainless as the rest of the family ..
Who gets suckered into those hokey email scams in this day and age??? :rolleyes:

Fool ..

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