George Anthony on Geraldo -2/15. -Hes coming up next.

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Sep 9, 2008
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Just thought I would post this for anyone who is interested. He's going to be coming up next.
GA in yellow shirt. BC guarding him
Geo talking about meeting Haleigh's family. BC says GA and CA have a lot to offer people in situations of losing a child.
I've tuned in to the last part of this. My first question is, why the he!! is BC there with George?

ETA: And did George really get asked to leave?
GA in yellow shirt. BC guarding him
Geo talking about meeting Haleigh's family. BC says GA and CA have a lot to offer people in situations of losing a child.

uh, yeah, How to assist the authorities in their search for the truth about your lost child, by George and Cindy. A fictional book, of course.
uh, yeah, How to assist the authorities in their search for the truth about your lost child, by George and Cindy. A fictional book, of course.

If CMA didn't do it......

( I know, it's old & O/T, sorry!)

GA says he 'knows the pain'!
George stated on the show that he is in a club with other families of abducted and missing children. (The Lundsfords, the Cummings, the Van Damms, etc). George, that is not the club you're in. You're club is the one with the Yates's, and the Down's. I don't want to sound harsh, but this insistence on fantasy is not doing Caylee's memory any good, and probably contributed to her fate. Can't the Anthony's just stop? I don't think they can. The death of their granddaughter, the prosecution of their daughter, nothing seems to stop their nonsense. I think it is hopeless.
Is that all that George said on Geraldo? I missed it.
There is something very wrong and off-putting when George needs an ATTORNEY beside him just to talk about another family's search for their lost child.

George looked stupid on Geraldo IMO. He has no useful input into the search for Haleigh.
The search for Haleigh is not about finding an outlet for George Anthony to find a venture that he "enjoys".
George stated on the show that he is in a club with other families of abducted and missing children. (The Lundsfords, the Cummings, the Van Damms, etc). George, that is not the club you're in. You're club is the one with the Yates's, and the Down's. I don't want to sound harsh, but this insistence on fantasy is not doing Caylee's memory any good, and probably contributed to her fate. Can't the Anthony's just stop? I don't think they can. The death of their granddaughter, the prosecution of their daughter, nothing seems to stop their nonsense. I think it is hopeless.

Cindy may be able to pull it off, but apparently it is more difficult for G. to live a lie than the boss lady.
Is that all that George said on Geraldo? I missed it.

All he said was the obvious .... the family needs hugs, and love, and support, and he feels their pain (cut to commercial).

Then Geraldo asked George about Casey, and George passed it to Brad Conway, who gave some gobbeldy gook non answer.

If George is so well and strong .... bring on the LE questioning .....
George stated on the show that he is in a club with other families of abducted and missing children. (The Lundsfords, the Cummings, the Van Damms, etc). George, that is not the club you're in. You're club is the one with the Yates's, and the Down's. I don't want to sound harsh, but this insistence on fantasy is not doing Caylee's memory any good, and probably contributed to her fate. Can't the Anthony's just stop? I don't think they can. The death of their granddaughter, the prosecution of their daughter, nothing seems to stop their nonsense. I think it is hopeless.
Thanks for filling me in, Donna. Yes, George is in a different club. Yes he did lose his grandaughter, but the murderer is his own daughter. I believe George knows this too, but I can only imagine, in my nightmares, how this realization would feel.
George wants to help other hurting families. He needs to help, for his health, he needs to. I'm certain his own recovery demands that he reach out and help others. I just wish that in doinf that, he could also face the truth. Until that poor man faces the truth of his own personal tragedy, I don't know how he can be of help to others.
George stated on the show that he is in a club with other families of abducted and missing children. (The Lundsfords, the Cummings, the Van Damms, etc). George, that is not the club you're in. You're club is the one with the Yates's, and the Down's. I don't want to sound harsh, but this insistence on fantasy is not doing Caylee's memory any good, and probably contributed to her fate. Can't the Anthony's just stop? I don't think they can. The death of their granddaughter, the prosecution of their daughter, nothing seems to stop their nonsense. I think it is hopeless.

All he said was the obvious .... the family needs hugs, and love, and support, and he feels their pain (cut to commercial).

Then Geraldo asked George about Casey, and George passed it to Brad Conway, who gave some gobbeldy gook non answer.

If George is so well and strong .... bring on the LE questioning .....
Thanks ThinkTank.
See George should answer the questions about his daughter. And not pass them to BC. He will never get well until he faces those questions about Casey. I think it's really sad that he can't do that. Or won't do that.
All he said was the obvious .... the family needs hugs, and love, and support, and he feels their pain (cut to commercial).

Then Geraldo asked George about Casey, and George passed it to Brad Conway, who gave some gobbeldy gook non answer.

If George is so well and strong .... bring on the LE questioning .....

right...thats gotta be a LOT of help..."what about your case"....." to my lawyer."

this family has big balls, imo. what nerve.
I didn't hear Haleigh's mom voice any objection to George commenting on her daughter's disappearance. I think she might have if she objected to it.

That said, I have to revert to my disdain for George in his "new normal". He didn't say a single useful thing, he has nothing to offer, IMO, nothing interesting. Why doesn't he do something constructive if he really wants to help? Why didn't he volunteer to go out with Tim and TES? (yeah, I know) Why doesn't he hand out flyers on Haleigh? Why just show up, show your face to cameras and leave?

For that matter, why don't he and KFN go down and do something for little Adji Desir? Afraid that little boy wouldn't attract "donations"? Was George wearing a missing Haleigh button? A missing Azri button? Is he only going to speak up for "beautiful little girls" who go missing? Sorry, I have just had it with George and his "passion".

What a waste of air time to put George on. But that said, isn't that true of 95% of any Geraldo show?
George would certainly seem more useful in this arena IF the timing were different. Caylee's case needs to be resolved before he jumps into this sort of thing. Personally, I do believe he can be of some help to families, a resource for strength, IF he were willing to admit the truth in his own situation. This reminds me of an alcoholic being dry (not sober/recovering) for a mere month and wanting to be a sponsor for new AA members.
One thing I liked about enduring Geraldo tonight, was Kimberly Guifoyle(sp?) said, after George and Conway talked, Kimberly said "yeah, but Haleigh's grandparents REPORTED HER MISSING right away"! And another person on Geraldo said that he liked that NONE of Haleigh's family had "lawyered up" - you don't need an attorney if you had nothing to do with the disappearance (while George sat there with ATTORNEY Conway sitting beside him)!
IMO - the NOKidFinders jerk is pushing George to stay in the missing children arena because George brings a public presence that draws attention, and potentially MONEY. I think they are filling George's head with fake encouragement and telling him how good he is at it. And Cindy wants him out of the house - and keeping public interest in the Anthony family so they can make money off photos and videos of Caylee. And G & C's attorney just goes along to make sure George does not slip up and say something that mess up their public image.
George needs to go get a real job, and get some self worth back, and get away from NOKidFinders and from Cindy and get a backbone.
One thing I liked about enduring Geraldo tonight, was Kimberly Guifoyle(sp?) said, after George and Conway talked, Kimberly said "yeah, but Haleigh's grandparents REPORTED HER MISSING right away"! And another person on Geraldo said that he liked that NONE of Haleigh's family had "lawyered up" - you don't need an attorney if you had nothing to do with the disappearance (while George sat there with ATTORNEY Conway sitting beside him)!

:) That was the good 5%.
One thing I liked about enduring Geraldo tonight, was Kimberly Guifoyle(sp?) said, after George and Conway talked, Kimberly said "yeah, but Haleigh's grandparents REPORTED HER MISSING right away"! And another person on Geraldo said that he liked that NONE of Haleigh's family had "lawyered up" - you don't need an attorney if you had nothing to do with the disappearance (while George sat there with ATTORNEY Conway sitting beside him)!

Yes, that did put a better perspective on GA and BC appearance on GR. What was the point of GA being anywhere near Haleigh's family? The two cases are polar opposites, for now any way. GA has nothing to offer this family IMO. GA needs to fix his own leaking roof before he starts on the neighbors.
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