George & Cindy's Response to "NO DEATH PENALTY" Decision

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I'm confused. I thought the issue was that when asking for Caylee's brush, CA turned over a brush that wasn't exclusively hers (?).

NO I was reponding to statements that the hair they got from the brush, that was shared by KC and Caylee, was taken by a search warrant as opposed to being handed over freely by the A's.
red mine, obviously:)

OK it says they asked for and collected several items. How would they have known CA gave them the wrong brush?

The topic of the wrong brush was put out there by their old spokesperson.I was showing that it wasnt collected through a warrant or by the fbi like people had maintained earlier in the thread.

Even if GA didn't sign the paper , they would have gotten a warrant to collect it. I think GA has appeared to be the most cooperative of al the A's ( at least he gives the appearance), but I don't follow you on how that would exonerate CA from any wrong doing.

LE did get warrants for some of the things after they had been handed over to them by the A's, to cover all their bases. It doesnt change the fact that the A's handed them over freely, although they knew they didnt have to.
Again this is in response to the earlier posts that say the A's were holding back evidence from the beginning, and that the documents state this.

Since we havent see all of the documents yet, there could be something specific about the A's stalling on more evidence at a later date, but from what we have so far they were not doing this 1 ;) .

I don't see anywhere that Yuri made that statement. GA signing a document does not constitute free reign
Ok... youre right. It didnt say free reign,
but GA did not place any restrictions on what they searched or took as evidence. They were able to take anything that would help find caylee at that time.
What are the Anthony's hiding?

Why didn't Cindy mention to LE that she argued with KC & "Choked" her on the night of June 15th? The last day KC was seen alive by anyone other than an Anthony.

If Casey's pants smelled like "a dead body" why didn't she throw them away? Why wash them?

Cindy told Greta Van S. that she called KC & told her about the shed breakin & the gas cans being stolen. Thats a lie.

George filed the Police report on June 24th at 10:20am & KC was at the house between 2:25pm & 2:30pm when she "Returned" the gas cans.

There is no phonecall to KC from Cindy's cell phone or from the Anthony's home phone between 10:20am & 2:30pm on the 24th so why is Cindy lying by saying that she called KC & told her about the breakin?

KC's phone records show that Cindy first called Casey at 2:49pm on June 24th. The call lasted less than a minute & it was followed by 3 more calls less than a minute apart so KC obviously did not answer even though Cindy called her 4 times in 2 minutes.

George told LE that KC had stolen the gas cans before.

If he knew who stole them Why didn't he mention it in the police report?

Why file a police report at all for that matter? Why not call KC & tell her to bring back your gas cans?
What are the Anthony's hiding?

Why didn't Cindy mention to LE that she argued with KC & "Choked" her on the night of June 15th? The last day KC was seen alive by anyone other than an Anthony.

If Casey's pants smelled like "a dead body" why didn't she throw them away? Why wash them?

Cindy told Greta Van S. that she called KC & told her about the shed breakin & the gas cans being stolen. Thats a lie.

George filed the Police report on June 24th at 10:20am & KC was at the house between 2:25pm & 2:30pm when she "Returned" the gas cans.

There is no phonecall to KC from Cindy's cell phone or from the Anthony's home phone between 10:20am & 2:30pm on the 24th so why is Cindy lying by saying that she called KC & told her about the breakin?

KC's phone records show that Cindy first called Casey at 2:49pm on June 24th. The call lasted less than a minute & it was followed by 3 more calls less than a minute apart so KC obviously did not answer even though Cindy called her 4 times in 2 minutes.

George told LE that KC had stolen the gas cans before.

If he knew who stole them Why didn't he mention it in the police report?

Why file a police report at all for that matter? Why not call KC & tell her to bring back your gas cans?

Do you have a theory why GA called the police about the gas cans being stolen? I'm curious.
Do you have a theory why GA called the police about the gas cans being stolen? I'm curious.

It's not really a theory because I can't fit in the details but I do believe that June 24th & the gas cans are important clues.

I also have a strong feeling that Caylee's body was "hidden" in the "turtle Shaped Sand Box" that was in the backyard (It had a cover on it & the dogs hit on it)

Caylee died on the 16th. By the 24th (8 days later) I think George would have either found her body in the yard or smelled the odor in the trunk because he was literally right next to the trunk while it was open.

Here's why....

1) If Caylee was already disposed of by the 24th then George would have smelled the decomp in the trunk.

2) If she was still "hidden" in the backyard at that time then I think GA would have found her himself. He said he was going to mow the lawn on the 24th. That's when he noticed the shed was broken into. I think he would have looked around his yard to see if anything else was missing. If he did how could he have not noticed any sign of digging or noticed the smell? (8 days in the hot FLA sun)

Either that or Caylee was placed at another location. Somewhere other than the yard until her body was disposed of by Casey.

I don't know if any of this is making sense and feel free to correct me or inject your own Ideas & theories.

Anyway, I'm convinced that the Anthony's are lying about the gas cans....I just can't figure out why.

Any ideas.........???

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