George has KC's car destroyed #2

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You must have mis-read lauriej's post. She clearly stated, "sell the damn thing, and donate the proceeds".......

There would have been no "car to drive around".

Huh? If they sold the car why would there be no car to drive around?
Sell it to whom? One of the collectors? That wouldn't go over very well, but who else would really want it? Last week most people said they wanted the car to be crushed, that it would be a dishonor to Caylee to allow anyone to drive around in the "death car." That seemed to be the general consensus right up until it happened, then it was wrong. Go figure.

And the poor charity that they might pick to donate the money to - it would be turned upside down and inside out by people looking to find something shady about it.

The car is gone, George and Cindy didn't get a dime from it, Casey won't be able to drive it. People SHOULD be happy. Just this once it would be nice to hear people applaud the A's for doing the right thing. Just this once. *sigh*
Personally, I think it will take a whole lot more to earn my respect...except to be honest, I wish they would just go away. That will keep people from talking. I'd applaud them then.
Huh? If they sold the car why would there be no car to drive around?

There are plenty of places to sell that car where there would be no driver. Supposedly, if you can believe anything Lippman says, which I don't, they had many offers, not just Ebay for someone to "drive the car around".

As far as your comment of, "the Anthonys have feelings", of course they do, and their own is all they ever consider. Why have they not thanked TES or Kronk yet for the services both parties bestowed on their granddaughter? A simple thank you is too much to expect from them, but the profit of that car could have gone a long way to restore Cindy's precious "public opinion".
..i did answer you 'chillywilly' and you said people would have complained anyway..

..initially, lippman came out saying that he was getting all sorts of offers, that george and cindy "didn't want to profit one bit off of the sale of the car"-------the $$$'s ( IF the car was sold ) would instead go to--------(their) "cayleesfund" foundation. ( and we all know who will be drawing salaries from that fund.)

..that was why THAT idea was "frowned upon".

..i had said earlier that what would have worked-------sell the damn thing, and donate the proceeds of the sale to a charity that the anthony's have NOTHING to do with.

'Chilly Willy' : "Sell it to whom? One of the collectors? That wouldn't go over very well, but who else would really want it"?

..why wouldn't that 'go over well'? some idiot pays big bucks for the car to park between his lock of charles manson's hair and ted bundy's home-made cast??....i would have cared less.

"Last week most people said they wanted the car to be crushed, that it would be a dishonor to Caylee to allow anyone to drive around in the "death car." That seemed to be the general consensus right up until it happened, then it was wrong. Go figure".

..already explained that----it was the whole, sell it---and the $$$'s go to the cindyandgeorgefund-----that was why last week 'crushing' it was preferable.

"And the poor charity that they might pick to donate the money to - it would be turned upside down and inside out by people looking to find something shady about it".

..depends on the charity. i wouldn't have kicked up a fuss if it was TES....or turned their organization upside down looking for shadiness.

"The car is gone, George and Cindy didn't get a dime from it, Casey won't be able to drive it. People SHOULD be happy. Just this once it would be nice to hear people applaud the A's for doing the right thing. Just this once. *sigh*"

..not sure where this---be happy/applaud the anthony's---statement of yours applies in response to my post ?..i was just replying to you as to what else could have been done......and not whether people should/shouldn't be happy with what in fact did happen...
The "damn" car got the ending it deserved-Thank You George Anthony!!
This doesn't make me an Anthony supporter by any means-but I'll give him a :thumb: for this decision!!
In my mind, that car was the first resting place of Caylee Anthony on her journey into the afterlife. I feel it deserved the same respectful status and treatment that a coffin, or a shroud, or some sort of container or vessel with the spiritual responsibility that holding the body of a human being entails. I do wish it had been treated a little more as such -- perhaps incinerated.

Not everyone shares my religious beliefs, however, and I am very relieved to hear that it wasn't sold to some stranger for a ridiculous sum of money, or given back to FCA to drive around and flaunt in the faces of all of those (including myself) who believe she drove around Orlando with that little girl decomposing in the trunk. GA did the best he could with what he had to work with - I am certain it would not be easy to incinerate a automobile legally.

I am certain that GA believes Caylee was in the trunk of that car, and he attempted to dispose of it with respect in the best way he could think of. It must have been very difficult for him to do that personally, so I also respect him for picking it up himself and not hiring the job out to someone else. I also respect him for doing it in a timely fashion, not letting it sit there - again, that would have been a sign of disrespect to Caylee. It actually proves to me that GA could NEVER have disposed of Caylee in trash bags in the swamp-woods among the garbage.

As to the rest of the recent comments, I agree, please oh please, GA and CA, honor the memory of your grand-daughter and just spend the next 3 years remembering her privately and grieving together as a family without additional publicity. It tarnishes her memory. I cannot imagine that she would want you on talk shows discussing family matters, her death, and alienating all the other families who are missing and grieving their own children, which is what is obviously happening, whether it is your intention or not. Please reconsider these interviews.
The "damn" car got the ending it deserved-Thank You George Anthony!!
This doesn't make me an Anthony supporter by any means-but I'll give him a :thumb: for this decision!!

..i would give him the same----but even though the thread title says that "george" got rid of the car, the reporter on the scene tells us that it was lippman that followed the tow-truck george.

..yes---the title had to be signed over to the salvage company---by george and cindy, for it to get the "Junked" stamp.

..bringing cindy into the equation---i have to go with "public image move" to discount the recent "cayleesfund" donation by dr. phil---soften up their image before the show airs....where they will no doubt be promoting the 'foundation'....( possibly hoping to?) attract fans/grandparents who adore dr. phil..

..this also has me believe that they got a substantial donation from dr.P.......sorry-----i've been seriously fooled by cindy before, don't believe it now, unless she benefits...( in a backwards sort of way...)

..and if cindy decided " okay---we're scrapping the car", she decides for george too.IMO
I asked the same question on the previous thread and no one answered. I don't think it matters. Whatever they did would be wrong in some people's eyes. :banghead:

I personally think they did the right thing. Now the fact that they didn't have it filmed (as far as I know) and benefit from selling the footage is even more of a shocker. I'd say this time they handled it correctly.

In my eyes anyway.



ETA: I agree with laurij. This was not a "george" decision - I'm sure of it. Cindy had her say in this decision as well. Does anyone really think George called Lippman and laid out the plan to dispose of the death-mobile? Nahhh....Cindy does what Cindy wants to do (ie, her epic fail on the stand re: the searches). I bet George even tried to talk her out of that one (I have no proof of course - just speculating). I've always thought of George as a passive person who doesn't take charge. I truly believe that's Cindy's role. Again - JMHOnly.
How about the simplest answer. Chances are pretty good the car still smelled of death. Once that smell gets into the car, you cannot get it out completely. jmo
Here is an honest answer. People just don't like them.So no matter what they do they will be criticized. You can try to change peoples minds all you want, but I think you will have a difficult time. Whether the Anthonys deserve this criticism, I don't know. The car is crushed. It's gone.Why it's gone is for people to debate.Myself,I don't really care.

HLN had a great tweet this morning regarding how holding grudges affect one's health. I agree. I understand people just don't like the A's as you say. But regarding the Sunfire being crushed, I've seen posters attempt stunning acrobatics to try and find fault with this latest move. It is what it is. The car will not be used for display or profit. It's gone, and GA did the right thing IMO.
..i would give him the same----but even though the thread title says that "george" got rid of the car, the reporter on the scene tells us that it was lippman that followed the tow-truck george.

..yes---the title had to be signed over to the salvage company---by george and cindy, for it to get the "Junked" stamp.

..bringing cindy into the equation
---i have to go with "public image move" to discount the recent "cayleesfund" donation by dr. phil---soften up their image before the show airs....where they will no doubt be promoting the 'foundation'....( possibly hoping to?) attract fans/grandparents who adore dr. phil..

..this also has me believe that they got a substantial donation from dr.P.......sorry-----i've been seriously fooled by cindy before, don't believe it now, unless she benefits...( in a backwards sort of way...)

..and if cindy decided " okay---we're scrapping the car", she decides for george too.IMO

bold by me

Does it really matter if it was GA, Lippman, if GA followed Lippman, if Lippman followed GA, if they rode together or were three car lengths apart, if CA agreed to it, shook her head at it, signed her name to it, stayed at home? The car is crushed. :woohoo:
The "damn" car got the ending it deserved-Thank You George Anthony!!
This doesn't make me an Anthony supporter by any means-but I'll give him a :thumb: for this decision!!

I so appreciate your ability to see this for what it is! Simple, and right! :clap:
Maybe Lee already got his money back, maybe he doesn't want it back. That's between him and the A's, I would think.

IMO the last thing on LA's mind is cash for the clunker. He does have a life to get on with. (As do we... :rolleyes:)
I agree with laurij. This was not a "george" decision - I'm sure of it. Cindy had her say in this decision as well. Does anyone really think George called Lippman and laid out the plan to dispose of the death-mobile? .................... I've always thought of George as a passive person who doesn't take charge. .
+respectfully snipped+

Hi Melanie. Thanks for the post. I'm speculating too, but I can just see it - Cindy barking out the order to George to "tell Lippman to get rid of that damn car". I believe george does actually have it in him to take charge - but he's simply never been given the opportunity. "I wear the pants in my house .... when my wife tells me I can".
+respectfully snipped+

Hi Melanie. Thanks for the post. I'm speculating too, but I can just see it - Cindy barking out the order to George to "tell Lippman to get rid of that damn car". I believe george does actually have it in him to take charge - but he's simply never been given the opportunity. "I wear the pants in my house .... when my wife tells me I can".

I love the subtle disagreements we're seeing between the A's lately, however. At the birthday memorial event, the A's were asked if they had spoken to KC. CA said "I can't discuss that". GA said "NO."
+respectfully snipped+

Hi Melanie. Thanks for the post. I'm speculating too, but I can just see it - Cindy barking out the order to George to "tell Lippman to get rid of that damn car". I believe george does actually have it in him to take charge - but he's simply never been given the opportunity. "I wear the pants in my house .... when my wife tells me I can".

Or maybe Cindy told George that she couldn't bear to see the car again and asked him to deal with it. Why, if we're going to assume something, must we always assume the worst? Why would she have to "bark out" orders? Couldn't they have simply discussed it calmly and rationally?
The "damn" car got the ending it deserved-Thank You George Anthony!!
This doesn't make me an Anthony supporter by any means-but I'll give him a :thumb: for this decision!!

ITA. I am not a fan of the A's at all but I feel like to continue to question their motive for doing this is kind of like :deadhorse: None of us really know what their motive was...whatever the reason, I am just glad that they did it. Now we know that KC won't get to drive it, and it won't be owned by a murderabalia collector trying to exploit the situation. JMO. :twocents:
Or maybe Cindy told George that she couldn't bear to see the car again and asked him to deal with it. Why, if we're going to assume something, must we always assume the worst? Why would she have to "bark out" orders? Couldn't they have simply discussed it calmly and rationally?

Yes, they could've simply discussed it calmly and rationally.
To me, I don't think the car was entered into evidence anyway,selling the car could and probably would have resulted in more exploitation of caylee,and driving the car around would have been met with even more distaste than destroying it.
IMO, this was the most logical and reasonable thing to do, because I don't see any reasonable options.
To me, I don't think the car was entered into evidence anyway,selling the car could and probably would have resulted in more exploitation of caylee,and driving the car around would have been met with even more distaste than destroying it.
IMO, this was the most logical and reasonable thing to do, because I don't see any reasonable options.

It wasn't entered into evidence. Just parts of it was.
Those parts are still being held.

ITA with your post.
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