George has KC's car destroyed #2

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i think ga did the right thing,(even though i think part of it was trying to rehab their image, MOO) again it was a painful reminder of ( if not died in the car, it was a temp coffin for caylee) -plus they couldnt resell it. that smell probably STILL lingered in that car, and once it gets in, from what i understand it is NOT getting out. so fca cant very well drive it around( although i feel it would be a good punishment, a constant reminder of what she did/ the smell of death) but thats just me, and MOO.
Or maybe Cindy told George that she couldn't bear to see the car again and asked him to deal with it. Why, if we're going to assume something, must we always assume the worst? Why would she have to "bark out" orders? Couldn't they have simply discussed it calmly and rationally?

Nobody has to "assume" the worst when it comes to the Anthonys, that's all they've ever displayed.

Again, it isn't the act of crushing the car that most people have a problem with, it's the Anthony's motivation for doing so, which history has proven their actions to be geared toward financial or other self-serving gains.

The crushing of the car is no different considering they're still parading about, bellowing their "look at ME!" status with their hands out begging for money under the guise of their newest, senseless "foundation".

Had they ever thanked those who have helped them, e.g. TES, or Kronk, etc., the public might look at these acts as a positive direction for the Anthonys, but 3 long years later that hasn't happened and likely won't.

Shame, shame on them!
To me, I don't think the car was entered into evidence anyway,selling the car could and probably would have resulted in more exploitation of caylee,and driving the car around would have been met with even more distaste than destroying it.
IMO, this was the most logical and reasonable thing to do, because I don't see any reasonable options.

You're absolutely right. Thankfully the car wasn't sold to some collector of the macabre. I also believe the odor of death was still present, and therefore, GA did the only thing he could with the car. It certainly wouldn't make any sense to leave it parked at the house, still having to maintain it, with no possibility of ever being able to drive it again.

Sell it to whom? One of the collectors? That wouldn't go over very well, but who else would really want it? Last week most people said they wanted the car to be crushed, that it would be a dishonor to Caylee to allow anyone to drive around in the "death car." That seemed to be the general consensus right up until it happened, then it was wrong. Go figure.

And the poor charity that they might pick to donate the money to - it would be turned upside down and inside out by people looking to find something shady about it.

The car is gone, George and Cindy didn't get a dime from it, Casey won't be able to drive it. People SHOULD be happy. Just this once it would be nice to hear people applaud the A's for doing the right thing. Just this once. *sigh*

Respectfully, They could have donated to TES and not many would have picked them apart. After all they searched for Caylee. Personally, I could care less what the Anthonys do as long as they stay out of sight.
I can not think of 1 reason TES would have wanted the car.
In the long run, it's immaterial that the car is a cube of metal waiting to be melted down and turned into something else. They had no place to securely store it where they could keep an eye on it and still be able to protect their other "new" cars. After all, it's only a 2 car garage, right?

Ok, so they destroyed the car which apparently was the place where poor little Caylee started decomposing, yet the pool where poor little Caylee supposedly drowned is still there (from all accounts I've seen). Interesting set of priorities from the "grieving" grandparents.
They most certainly are grieving grand parents IMO.

They know she didn't drown in the pool.
They know her lifeless body was in that car decomposing.

They did the best thing IMO.

In the long run, it's immaterial that the car is a cube of metal waiting to be melted down and turned into something else. They had no place to securely store it where they could keep an eye on it and still be able to protect their other "new" cars. After all, it's only a 2 car garage, right?

Ok, so they destroyed the car which apparently was the place where poor little Caylee started decomposing, yet the pool where poor little Caylee supposedly drowned is still there (from all accounts I've seen). Interesting set of priorities from the "grieving" grandparents.

Their priorities have never been those of "grieving grandparents", noted by their continued cover for Casey, even lying for her during the trial.

They can't expect 3 years of their lies, deceit and willful destruction of Caylee's honor to be washed away with one simple crushing of this car. It's not going to happen.

Your poignant comment of their 2-car garage was very well-put. After all, where else would they put that shiny red new jeep of theirs? ;)
Im happy GA and CA destroyed the car. I even suggested it in the thread about them getting offers on the car. Thank you GA and CA!
Their priorities have never been those of "grieving grandparents", noted by their continued cover for Casey, even lying for her during the trial.

They can't expect 3 years of their lies, deceit and willful destruction of Caylee's honor to be washed away with one simple crushing of this car. It's not going to happen.

Your poignant comment of their 2-car garage was very well-put. After all, where else would they put that shiny red new jeep of theirs? ;)

Even though I agree with alot of what you said I personally have to say Im greatful to the A's for distroying the car. I dont think Caylee would want anyone to have that car. Caylee would want to be remembered for the angel she is not by where she possibly died. I dont agree with the A's most of the time but I do have to give them credit for doing the right thing :twocents:
..i would give him the same----but even though the thread title says that "george" got rid of the car, the reporter on the scene tells us that it was lippman that followed the tow-truck george.

..yes---the title had to be signed over to the salvage company---by george and cindy, for it to get the "Junked" stamp.

..bringing cindy into the equation---i have to go with "public image move" to discount the recent "cayleesfund" donation by dr. phil---soften up their image before the show airs....where they will no doubt be promoting the 'foundation'....( possibly hoping to?) attract fans/grandparents who adore dr. phil..

..this also has me believe that they got a substantial donation from dr.P.......sorry-----i've been seriously fooled by cindy before, don't believe it now, unless she benefits...( in a backwards sort of way...)

..and if cindy decided " okay---we're scrapping the car", she decides for george too.IMO

BBM - this, is the whole point, nice post.

As for the Anthony's substantial donation from Dr. Phil, it has already been reported that George & Cindy demanded the donation to their foundation from Dr. Phil or they wouldn't appear on his program.

When O' when will the Anthonys learn to do something pure of heart with no self-serving ulterior motive attached?
Respectfully, They could have donated to TES and not many would have picked them apart. After all they searched for Caylee. Personally, I could care less what the Anthonys do as long as they stay out of sight.

Please tell me you're kidding.
BBM - this, is the whole point, nice post.

As for the Anthony's substantial donation from Dr. Phil, it has already been reported that George & Cindy demanded the donation to their foundation from Dr. Phil or they wouldn't appear on his program.

When O' when will the Anthonys learn to do something pure of heart with no self-serving ulterior motive attached?[/QUOTE]

I'll answer that. NEVER.
Well, at least that is one less piece of evidence that won't be cargained for on eBay.
I'm glad that deathmobile which held the decomposing body of Caylee Marie is finally gone.

BBM - this, is the whole point, nice post.

As for the Anthony's substantial donation from Dr. Phil, it has already been reported that George & Cindy demanded the donation to their foundation from Dr. Phil or they wouldn't appear on his program.

When O' when will the Anthonys learn to do something pure of heart with no self-serving ulterior motive attached?
Could you please provide a link to the A's demanding the donation or they wouldn't appear on the program? Everything I've seen says they asked for the donation and says nothing about whether it was a conditions of them doing the interview. TIA
Could you please provide a link to the A's demanding the donation or they wouldn't appear on the program? Everything I've seen says they asked for the donation and says nothing about whether it was a conditions of them doing the interview. TIA

It was originally found on the Dr. Phil Facebook page. You'd have to read the thousands of complaints and promises to boycott his sponsors to find it if it's still there.

In addition, the Anthonys don't ever ask, they demand, and afterwards never graciously thank.
I almost gave kudos to the Anthony couple for getting rid of the car, because it further proved to me (personally) that they knew that the car was indeed Caylees place of death.


Then they invited the media along to the 'event' and I stopped myself, because now I'm waiting for the motive to become apparent.

I wonder if they were paid for the 'footage' or the 'photo' of the document?

Don't know, don't care much, but don't ask me to sympathise with this odious couple.
HLN had a great tweet this morning regarding how holding grudges affect one's health. I agree. I understand people just don't like the A's as you say. But regarding the Sunfire being crushed, I've seen posters attempt stunning acrobatics to try and find fault with this latest move. It is what it is. The car will not be used for display or profit. It's gone, and GA did the right thing IMO.

I haven't been following this thread closely and only noticed posters who thought it was the right thing to do.
I know ,for myself that forgiving the A's would be best,but they just don't stop! It's a lot easier to tolerate them when they are not seen or heard from. This is where their attorney took a wrong turn. He was admired when he seemed to get the A's to finally stop talking,but since the verdict it's been one wrong PR move after another.
I'm glad the car was not sold and didn't become a spectacle. I just wish George and Cindy would do what Lee is doing. Work hard and stay out of the spotlight. Lippman needs to get back to his office and zip it .
Or maybe Cindy told George that she couldn't bear to see the car again and asked him to deal with it. Why, if we're going to assume something, must we always assume the worst? Why would she have to "bark out" orders? Couldn't they have simply discussed it calmly and rationally?

Have you seen the first interviews Cindy did when Caylee went missing? She barks. She didn't plead with the public to help find Caylee,she barked the order to get up off our a$$es and find her :maddening: She hung up on Megyn Kelly when she didn't like a question. Instead of staying away she publicly confronted LP when he divers searching for Caylee ,barking her demands. She barked and snarled at Tim Miller and she was barking cuss words at George while leaving the Morgan office after her depo.
If this is the scenario we imagine happened over the car, it's because Cindy has shown us WHAT SHE IS! :maddening:JMO
Personally, I think it will take a whole lot more to earn my respect...except to be honest, I wish they would just go away. That will keep people from talking. I'd applaud them then.
well imho only the public can make them go away .. less interest in them the less coverage . and i do agree with you i feel for them yea .. to me i dont see how they benefited i think they made the right decision to have the car crushed it probably wouldve killed them to see it there in that garage ..they knew caylee died somehow just not how or when ..casey messed with them so bad and no i will never understand how they could still stand up for her ..i hope they never do again the trial is over they have no more excuses to ..before the trial yea i can because they didnt want her to die too .. but now shes not gonna they need to let her go
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