George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

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I liked the way the last witness comported herself as a witness.

I agree that some people use that in everyday language and don't even realize it. It is just part of their voculabary. If someone heard me say those words in an everyday conversation, they would think I had lost my mind!


LOL! If I *didnt* use that language, *my* friends would think I lost my mind.
IMO because he confronted Trayvon and tried to physically detain him and Trayvon defended himself

GZ called 911...

He knew they were on their way...had no idea when they would show up...

Which makes more sense?

He was watching Trayvon to report his location...
He tried to detain him and hand him over to the police?

If you think he tried to detain him...please explain how GZ caught him...
I don't get how if TM was running, per the 9-11 call, how GZ could have caught him, unless GZ has superhuman speed. Makes no sense imo. If TM wanted to get away he would have, easily imo.

Was Trayvon actually running? In the Hannity interview, he told Hannity that Travyon was NOT running. When Hannity referred to the non-emergency call where he said that Trayvon was running, George then described it as skipping and repeated his claim that Trayvon was not running.
I cannot make myself believe that a full grown man that is aware he is armed, trained in MMA, with one ready to go in the chamber would be wailing for help. Totally unbelievable to me, seems the helpless one, the one without the weapon and/or training would be the one wailing.

Where people go wrong is the thought process that a 17 year old, unarmed is helpless/scared/can't fight/etc.

Just because someone has a weapon doesn't mean they want to use it. Isn't that what gun owners harp on when they say they own a gun for self defense?
Walking around in a neighborhood in which he didn't live, in a hoodie, in the rain would be suspicious to anyone imo.

DEFINITELY not to me. Here in the Pacific Northwest, I walk around in hoodies all the time. I go into stores with my hood up, walk to other neighborhoods to go to new parks with my kid or dogs, all the time. In the rain. It's just an article of clothing. Frankly I'd wonder WTF was wrong w/ someone if they were walking around in the rain without an outer layer and hood!

Would you consider a 4'10" girl in a hoodie suspicious because she was walking around in the rain in a hoodie? What if she was wearing a rain coat instead of a hoodie? Or a knit hat and non-hoodied sweat shirt?
WTH does this guy buying suits for GZ have to do with anything?

And why did Ms Osterman (sp?) get to keep calling him Georgie, but they make this guy use his surname?
What kind of fight have you ever seen where the guy who is sitting on top, delivering blows to the guy on the bottom, is yelling help?

Then GZ should have known when he was yelling and when he was being smothered. TM may have seen the gun and was trying to get it out of GZ's hand, this is what I think may have happened. The screaming went on for awhile so either GZ is lying about being smothered, or it was TM screaming. :twocents:

Also, GZ said that TM slammed his head into the pavement, and then reached for his gun and shot him. So, we have some conflicting stories from GZ about what happened. TM has his story but can't tell it..
This witness.... what a really nice guy and great friend to have. jmo
Re: Non-Profit and Social Work protocol. Volunteers typically sign an agreement to not work independent of the organization with any client...either during their agreed upon volunteer assignment or after the official voluntary position ends.

This is stressed in any reputable non-profit's volunteer training. (The above is all bases on my personal opinion and Social Work experience.)
I had not watched or paid any attention to this case until I started watching the trial.

The other day when his brother testified he gave his last name and the name of his uncle that lived with them. I thought the name was the same. I know it was not Martin, maybe Fulton?.

I also understand that TM's mother is divorced from his father. Was she married to a Fulton before him? Could the uncle be the brother of his father?

TIA for any information one can provide. Know it has no bearing on the case, just me being curious.

It's a sad world we live in when teen boys need to worry so much about what others think of them so that they should be worried about being shot walking to their friends' house. IMO.

You left out the part that TM might have started the fight. IMO, it's sad that not every teen knows that if he/she starts a fight, he/she could be shot if someone is defending their life with a CCW. Both sides have stipulated that they do not know who started the fight.

This is why I caution my son who lives in FL to be cool/calm when someone cuts him off in traffic, because he doesn't know who is carrying. IMO
I cannot make myself believe that a full grown man that is aware he is armed, trained in MMA, with one ready to go in the chamber would be wailing for help. Totally unbelievable to me, seems the helpless one, the one without the weapon and/or training would be the one wailing.

These are not facts in the case. He was not really trained in MMA. He was using it has exercise and not for combat purposes.

He was yelling for help because he did not want to hurt anyone. HE wanted someone to come and help him get the guy off of him.

The one that you call helpless was 6 ft tall in shoes, Had been home and then the evidence shows ended up back where GZ was waiting for the police.

GZ knows the police will arrive any second. It just does not reason he would go and pick a fight when there were video cameras, witnesses and police arriving momentarily. He stayed basically in the same place once he parked his car. TM is the one that according to the states witness was at home and then would have had to travel to where GZ was still .

GZ called 911...

He knew they were on their way...had no idea when they would show up...

Which makes more sense?

He was watching Trayvon to report his location...
He tried to detain him and hand him over to the police?

Just a point of clarification, GZ did not call 911. He called the non-emergency number. So perhaps would not be expected them to show up immediately.

I see what you are saying, but I took it as Serino asking GZ to make his job easier.

He may have been, I never thought of it that way because he was playing the 911 tape, then stopping it and asking GZ to explain things. I do know that that interview was Serino was giving GZ a chance to explain things or if he wanted to add anything else to his statement because this was going to be his last chance to do so. :)
I wish the defense would just save time and ask their witnesses right off the bat if the voice they heard was GZ's, then no more questions. What's the point!

Because that is not how it works. They have to lay groundwork and show that this person has a valid claim to know it is GZ. It is a legal proceeding with rules.
It's a sad world we live in when teen boys need to worry so much about what others think of them so that they should be worried about being shot walking to their friends' house. IMO.

You're leaving out quite a few components of this case. TM wasn't shot because he walking home. He wasn't shot because he black or wearing a hoodie, or because he went to 7-11. It's a good world we live in when a man stops a brutal attack on himself imo.
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