George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

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Have they made any death threats? imo

I don't see these soft spoken, gainfully employed, politically active women, vietnam vets and law enforcement officers as volatile or as some sort of tinder box waiting to ignite upon hearing a verdict with which they disagree. As I compare their testimony and character to that of Rachel Jeantel I have to side with the defense. jmo
His fans, yes. All over the internet. Also I may point out to you that Trayvon Martin's mother, brother , father and others connected to him are also gainfully employed, soft spoken, college educated and community minded.
Miss Jeantel was so soft spoken, the lawyers on both sides were unable to hear her....and had to ask her to speak louder. She is tri-lingual, with English as her third langauge and I have no idea what you know about her school/employment records. IMOL
Really? Do you have proof of this? Or only word of mouth?? Because that seems odd to me. OMO

ETA: Just did a google search for proof and found none.. Waiting on reply.. :)

Probably because people got screenshots of their social networking pages before they were scrubbed. I read that they were scrubbed of negative statements and profanity, NOT that 'white supremicists' hacked the pages. That's just wishful thinking on the part of some anti-Zimmerman peeps.
To be fair, we have no clue if he is either or those, or neither.
I have yet to see any psych tests for GZ.

If he has not been diagnosed with either, We can not just put that title on him. If there is no proof of this condition we need to leave it alone. We can not just put mental illnesses on people because we don't like them.

It is one thing if he is diagnosed as such.. but if he was.. The state would be all over that...

Surely if there were any psych tests that were relevant to this case, those records would have been requested and used by the state.


Zimmerman wasn't tested for alcohol or drugs after he shot Martin dead either. I find that not only highly unusual but suspicious. IMO
Zimmerman wasn't tested for alcohol or drugs after he shot Martin dead either. I find that not only highly unusual but suspicious. IMO

You can be suspicious but the police did not feel there was any need. They would have if they felt he was under the influence of something.. That would have made their case for them.

Surely if there were any psych tests that were relevant to this case, those records would have been requested and used by the state.


See, that is a HUGE issue for me.
And neither side is bringing it in as a pro or a con.
He was seeing a Psychologist. That was testified to on the stand by the PA who examined him the day after.
I find it odd that it is not being brought in, in any form.

1) PRO- If it was just seeing one for average mental health problems a lot of people have, bring it in to show he does not have any issues.
2) CON- If he was seeing one because he had issues that may be related to his actions....bring it in to show why he may have been in the wrong that night.

His fans, yes. All over the internet. Also I may point out to you that Trayvon Martin's mother, brother , father and others connected to him are also gainfully employed, soft spoken, college educated and community minded.
Miss Jeantel was so soft spoken, the lawyers on both sides were unable to hear her....and had to ask her to speak louder. She is tri-lingual, with English as her third langauge and I have no idea what you know about her school/employment records. IMOL

Well she is a 19 year old high school senior, I believe, and had a friend write a letter she was unable to read, and signed it with a false name. Her facebook page, under employment said “My mama n daddy do all the work I just spend it.”. So I assume she wasn't working. I also don't buy the tri lingual excuse, jmo.
IMO Offcr Singleton and Cerino will be called back when Dad Martin is called to ask the limited question " did u @ first state that was not your son" jmo
See, that is a HUGE issue for me.
And neither side is bringing it in as a pro or a con.
He was seeing a Psychologist. That was testified to on the stand by the PA who examined him the day after.
I find it odd that it is not being brought in, in any form.

1) PRO- If it was just seeing one for average mental health problems a lot of people have, bring it in to show he does not have any issues.
2) CON- If he was seeing one because he had issues that may be related to his actions....bring it in to show why he may have been in the wrong that night.


If I recall correctly, he was being seen for anxiety and sleeplessness, is that right? I wouldn't bring that up if I were on either side either - it's hard to imagine someone filled with anxiety and sleeplessness would be likely to grab and pick a fight with someone larger than themselves, and also on the side of the defense it never looks good to have your client seeing a psych.

I don't think it would further either side -

See, that is a HUGE issue for me.
And neither side is bringing it in as a pro or a con.
He was seeing a Psychologist. That was testified to on the stand by the PA who examined him the day after.
I find it odd that it is not being brought in, in any form.

1) PRO- If it was just seeing one for average mental health problems a lot of people have, bring it in to show he does not have any issues.
2) CON- If he was seeing one because he had issues that may be related to his actions....bring it in to show why he may have been in the wrong that night.


Well since the state had rested, we can assume they didn't think calling the psychologist to the stand would be beneficial. Because they didn't.
Or we can assume the court did not see the relevance if the state wanted to.

We don't know yet if the defense will.

It is troubling that there are posts blatantly misstating facts/ making up facts and just using imo/jmo.

Over lunch break I heard on cnn that the defense has a animated reenactment. jmo
I saw the interview with the stepmother.. I felt bad for her but not know the history I don't know where she is coming from. IT is only one side and I did not hear any rebuttal from MR Martin or TM's mother on the subject.

How sad though that she felt left out of saying goodbye to someone she loved...

If someone you cared for was punched in the nose and had his head banged into a concrete sidewalk, both of which left bloody cuts, would you call those "owies"?

You bet I would if they tried to lie to me and tell me those wounds were Life Threatening. A couple of bandaides with NO internal injuries are negligible. IMO Broken noses are a dime a dozen in this world....quite a few in my family...who don't engage in fights like the defense does, but got theirs in sports injuries.IMO

The female ME declared the head injuries to be very slight.
Plus she said his head only hit the cement one time...O'Mara got her to say it Might have hit the sidewalk again...she said it was " possible" but didn't change her testimony that it was only one time. IMO
TM is not on trial for Murder 2.

But this is a case involving self defense.
So I would say TM's mental state is just as relevant as GZ's in this case.

It is troubling that there are posts blatantly misstating facts/ making up facts and just using imo/jmo.

Over lunch break I heard on cnn that the defense has a animated reenactment. jmo

If you have an issue report them. Because IMO not all things are covered under the IMO, JMO, or MOO rule and the mods are the one that have to make the call.


I am saddened because I want to discuss the facts of the case not the rumors and innuendo... OMO
People use the term all the time without knowing what it really means. He is not a psychopath. He is not a sociopath.. People want to call him something bad so that it what they use.. :) OMO

I think he is guilty but I don't think he is a sociopath. I think he has low self-esteem and looks for ways to bolster it and I think he deludes himself about his behavior. He hasn't had the success he hoped for. Things weren't going well for him financially and he had failed a course and still didn't have his associate's degree yet (though he allowed a friend to throw a graduation party without telling him that). He wanted to be in law enforcement and that wasn't happening for him. However, organizing the neighborhood watch DID make him feel important, more so once he got a gun. He wanted to be responsible not just for deterring criminals by making his rounds but to actually catch one. Then he could be a hero and maybe be hired into the police department. Once he decided that Trayvon was suspicious it never occurred to him that he might not be anything but a burglar. I think that he attempted to detain Trayvon physically and Trayvon defended himself and that George shot him because of it. Afterwards George in his written statement referred to Trayvon over and over as 'the suspect' even though as someone who had shot an unarmed teenager, he himself was the suspect. I don't think George is evil but I do think that he is a pathetic person who took his insecurities out on an unarmed, innocent teen in a perfect storm of a tragedy. I don't find his story of being ambushed credible at all.

I think that it is reflexive for him to lie to appear to advantage. In the non-emergency call he is clear in saying that Trayvon ran. But in the Hannity interview when Trayvon running was put in the context of Trayvon being afraid of George, a stranger to him, and running he denied that Trayvon had being running and that he was afraid of him. Hannity pointed out that he HAD said Trayvon was running in the call. George again says that Trayvon did not run and suggests it was more 'like skipping.'
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