George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #14 Friday July 12

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I would love to know how many of you out there that are defending GZ have gun permits?

IMO, I perceive this as a loaded question, because the implication has been, from the very beginning of this case, that those who are vigorously seeking the truth are somehow "defending" GZ.

If I may make it clear: I am NOT defending GZ.

Mark O'Mara, Don West, et al., are defending GZ.

I'm personally defending the presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond any and all reasonable doubt in a charge of 2nd degree murder.

Regarding the question of who here holds gun permits: that is their business & no one else's, unless they choose to disclose that info.

Have you been to a local high school lately? Some of those boys have full beards!

I'm not long out of high school. I'm 24. I know all this. But what I am saying is that a 17 year old no matter what he looks like at that age is going to look like what he will look like as an adult. That's just biology. Look at Lebron James. Everyone said at 18 he was a man child, tall and built and even then you can look at his pics from when he was 18 and from just a few years later and there is a difference. He still grew taller and had some filling out to do. This is a fact unless the kid is malnourished and doesn't grow or something that he will not have the body at 18 that he will have at 21. Saying that Trayvon was 5'11 and 150 is not enough because he still looked young and immature in the face. IMO

But all of this is so beside the point it doesn't matter. Trayvon's doesn't change what happened that day and I wish people would move past the pedantry.
IMO, it's a bad move for the state to stress that "*advertiser censored**ing punks" shows ill will and malice when TM used racial epithets against GZ. JMO. OMO. MOO.

GZ was the one who was reporting a "suspicious" person, not the other way around. GZ thought TM looked suspicious because he was taking his time in the rain, not trying to get out of it, and looking around. Yet GZ got out of his car, IN THE RAIN, talking on his cell phone, does GZ look suspicious to you? He is doing exactly what TM is doing, except TM didn't get out of his car to get in the rain, GZ did. So, should we call NE on GZ because he's in the rain talking on his cell phone instead of staying in his car where it makes the most sense..
Although I don't support name-calling, and do feel bad that GZ has been repeatedly criticized about his body... I did LOL at this.

I'm just thankful for a few brief moments of levity during this, otherwise I could never follow these trials. It's too heavy.


I also had to snicker when MOM was imitating the prosecutor's voice. O'mara is one of the few defense attorneys I like ( Mark Eighlarsh too, c'mon he's cute) but that hulk voice he did made me giggle. I agree, you need a laugh every once in a while during intense emotional trials so you don't tear your hair out.
Does anyone know if this thread will remain open during jury deliberations? Maybe if we all continue to be nice to each other it will. Just wondering because IMO deliberations could last anywhere from 2 hours to several days.
NEW wftv: Cops: 14-year-old arrested after grabbing gun from deputy

Google it.

Suspected of 15 robberies. These teens should be tried as adults. IMO.

What a day. I can not imagine what it is like to be in that court room.

It is a tough case because there are so many elements that hit nerves for people.

If we can stick to facts and evidence and law we can all get through this!
I hope they will come back with not guilty on all counts.

IF this jury goes by the actual factual law, they will find him not guilty on all charges.

And we have minor children commit rape, robbery, murder etc. everyday in this country.


But as many posters here keep reiterating, we have to consider only facts and legality. So GZ 'thinking' TM was an adult based on size is intuition or speculation. Just the facts ma'am. Fact is that TM was a child. So calling him a child is a correct legal term. It's not grandstanding. MOO
Does anyone know if this thread will remain open during jury deliberations? Maybe if we all continue to be nice to each other it will. Just wondering because IMO deliberations could last anywhere from 2 hours to several days.
had to jump back in and remind those who complained about the prosecution's asking jurors to use common sense.... MOM ALSO asked them to use their common sense!!!!!


The state witness RJ under direct told us that TM told her " HE AT HIS DADDY'S HOUSE.. "

Her direct quote from testimony.

I did not ask who, said he was by or almost home.
I said, has the DEFENSE stated Trayvon ever made it home?
No. He didn't. Based on the entire testimony and evidence of the defense.
had to jump back in and remind those who complained about the prosecution's asking jurors to use common sense.... MOM ALSO asked them to use their common sense!!!!!



YEs. In according to the evidence..

The state actually asked them to ignore it.
When Juan Martinez asked his jury to do the same thing, people were like YES! That's what lawyers do. And the evidence was on Juan's side. It's getting silly and painful to read in here. BOTH sides are getting overrun with emotion I feel.
Yes, he certainly did have real, documented evidence to impeach JA's claims of self defense. That's what is generally needed for the state to bring charges and in that case to obtain a guilty verdict. Common sense and listen to your heart, are simply not enough to take away anyone's freedom ...IMO.
i'm hoping they will take all the time they need, go over every piece of evidence, if needed and not make a rush decision like the casey anthony jury did.

an innocent man (IMO)'s life hangs in the balance.
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