George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #14 Friday July 12

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I truly hope that, whatever the verdict, people don't go crazy and resort to violence. The Zimmerman Family and the Martin Family truly will need to heal as best they can from this. From personal experience,I know the Martin Family will need a lifetime. Whether GZ is found innocent or guilty, his life will never be the same. Truly sad.
1. No DNA on Trayvon's hands from hitting his face, nose, mouth. All the mucous areas. No blood. No injuries on Trayvon's hands from a nasty blow.

2. The defense showed and experts testified this week he was hit on the right side of his nose. We can see hat in photos. Trayvon was right handed.

3. The marks, cuts and injuries on the nose show cuts and are rectangular in shape consistent with barrel flip and recoil.

4. The gun he used is known to kick like a mule, it always recoils and in the proximity to shooting he was, it had to have recoiled right in front of his head. How would it NOT hit him in the face?

5. No skin, blood under Trayvon's nails from the scratches to his nose. Where did they come from?

6. Recoil to the face would slam your head back into the ground.

Ever watched an amateur or professional boxing match?
Boxers use BOTH HANDS. Nothing says tm didn't use both hands equally.
I truly hope that, whatever the verdict, people don't go crazy and resort to violence. The Zimmerman Family and the Martin Family truly will need to heal as best they can from this. From personal experience,I know the Martin Family will need a lifetime. Whether GZ is found innocent or guilty, his life will never be the same. Truly sad.

I'm not a betting woman but if I was I'd bet big money that there will be riots if GZ is found not guilty...

or there will also be wild out of control celebrations if he is found guilty.
lose lose situation. :moo:
What does this have to do with this case?

It doesn't which is why I said off topic. I posted because it an uplifting article. Take it however you want but I found it positive in light of everything. IMO MOO
Jury is going to adjourn for the night. So that makes me think that they are not very close. I would think if they were close they'd have dinner brought in and keep going. JMOO

Oh well at least now I can run to the grocery to grab something I need for dinner.

Doesn't it make you nutty playing the jury guessing game. We all do it, and of course, none of us are ever right :)
OMO but I feel like if they were going to say GZ was innocent, they would do it tonight and not make him sweat another night.. I think they're really undecided.

I think if the deliberations were moving along then they'd want to continue into the night. That they requested to stop now kind of says to me that it's not going well and they are getting frustrated with each other.

She was not credible, because her account was not consistent to a truthful narrative. First, she failed to call TM back over the next two days when she was so concerned for him and he was supposedly in fear according to her testimony. She acted like a mind reader of TM's fighting propensity, like when she would know how serious he would fight or when he would fight, as one example. In addition, her testimony was created with the assistance of Mr. Crump weeks after the incident, when it could be contaminated by outside knowledge of the case. It would have been much more credible if she had been contacted by the LE before many facts of the case were public knowledge. It is impossible not to question the accuracy and veracity of her testimony considering how long after the fact it came, even if she had valid (in her mind) reasons not to contact LE immediately.

why are you assuming she didn't know he was dead? No one asked her if she knew any of his other friends - or if it was on his facebook or a friends facebook that he's been murdered?

Pretty hard to tell the LE her side of the story when the LE took GZ's story at face value and assumed he was a . It took them months to get in touch with her. They didn't even bother to canvas the complex the night TM was found to see if he lived there or not. All of GZ lies were instantly taken as truth.


This thread is closed. Please check back tomorrow. We will open the thread if the jury deliberates over the weekend.

Don't forget tonight on Tricia's True Crime Radio my guests will be Florida attorney Richard Hornsby and Sheryl McCollum.

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