George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #14 Friday July 12

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However the evidence shows he was home and then went away from that home. Back to where gz was. According to his friend who said it was Tim's own words.

It doesn't matter if it does not make sense if that is what happened.

Many people do things I would not do.

I'm shock that you are saying this.

Based from his friend that said Tim (who was not there before the shooting)
"said it in his own words" and that is evidence ?? that is called hearsay which is not evidence.
:seeya: Check back in with y'all tomorrow ...

Have a good evening ...

:please::please::please: for George Zimmerman !

IMO ...
Based on the note, and this is just my opinion, but I think there might be some hostility or derision in that jury room. I would not be surprised by a hung jury.
JMO, but it seems that GZ may finally be getting the idea that the result of his actions are subject to the same rules as apply to society in general. GZ may be beginning to understand that there are consequences to ignoring the rights of others. But hey, what am I thinking. He will probably only see this process as unfairly put upon him. JMO, of course.
They are known to fragment inside, not exiting.
Killing instantly or close to it.
Hallow point is what LE uses here.

Thank you and also to the other posters for answering this for me. :seeya:
LOL, I cracked up when I heard that.. That interview with SH, again, did him a disservice..

That's exactly what I did. I tried to wiggle out from under my attacker after they got me on the ground. It's one of the reasons that the assault ended a good distance from where it started (the other reason is that I was being thrown/shoved around when I was still upright*). JMO. OMO. MOO.
Since the jury is done for the day we will be closing this thread in 10 minutes

Don't forget tonight on Tricia's True Crime Radio my guests will be Florida attorney Richard Hornsby and Sheryl McCollum.

A big thank you, and a world of appreciation to all the mods who had to control and babysit this thread for the entire case. It was one of the most emotional trials I have ever followed, on so many levels. Again, thanks mods!


:yourock: :yourock:


I like Rachel and I believe she is devastated by the death of Trayvon. But, I have had a problem with RJ's testimony since learning how she was first contacted and interviewed. The whole thing sounds very shady and I personally believe she lied.
At one point in the abc? tape she says to Crump "you want me to say that too?" Does someone remember what she was referring to here? It was played in court. The tape was of poor quality and Crump heavily edited out his coaching. Let justice be done but don't manipulate it. It isn't justice then. IMO
Good tweets from reporting outside the courthouse:
Desiree Stennett ‏@Desi_Stennett 11m
Interesting fact: I've talked to dozens of people today. only one has been from Sanford. #georgezimmerman

Court Announcements:
they would have to show their fear was "reasonable" . when MOM said you could claim that having NO injuries, he was technically correct- but the other person would need to have a gun trained on you or some other way to kill you right then. Not that they throw a scare into you.

So TM would have had to have pulled a gun or some other way to kill GZ in order for GZ to have lawfully shot and killed TM? So the scratches on his nose and the back of GZ's head are what is being used to argue he was facing death right then?
To those who think it might not make sense for TM to go back and confront or go back at all if he had reached an area close enough to his father's/fiance's place to just go home - teens do things all the time that don't make sense. Their judgment is not so good at times. They can be impulsive. It's possible he was mad about being followed and was going to go mess with him and just mouth off - really, who knows? No one but TM.

What's important for deliberation is given the time frame and the other evidence presented, t is quite possible that he did go back.
Since the jury is done for the day we will be closing this thread in 5 minutes

Don't forget tonight on Tricia's True Crime Radio my guests will be Florida attorney Richard Hornsby and Sheryl McCollum.

I'm shock that you are saying this.

Based from his friend that said Tim (who was not there before the shooting)
"said it in his own words" and that is evidence ?? that is called hearsay which is not evidence.

I think she meant TM
I don't think the color would come into question either.....its just most people look at it different with a female walking at night as opposed to a male. IMO OMO

I am still confused why everyone is under the belief he Trayvon was so scared, if he was he could of asked his friend to call the police or hung up and called himself....he did neither. MOO

The witnesses....RJ and GZ both said he ran away from GZ so that would show he wanted to get away from GZ because of.....fear, apprehension.

Nobody but GZ said he ran towards GZ. I think he was confronted by GZ with a gun unexpectedly before he felt danger enough to call 911. Had he lived he probably would have.
OMO but I feel like if they were going to say GZ was innocent, they would do it tonight and not make him sweat another night.. I think they're really undecided.
OMO but I feel like if they were going to say GZ was innocent, they would do it tonight and not make him sweat another night.. I think they're really undecided.

i think they are too. this looks like manslaughter or hung to me at this point.
JMO, but it seems that GZ may finally be getting the idea that the result of his actions are subject to the same rules as apply to society in general. GZ may be beginning to understand that there are consequences to ignoring the rights of others. But hey, what am I thinking. He will probably only see this process as unfairly put upon him. JMO, of course.

If that's his belief, he's far from alone. jmo
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