George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #14 Friday July 12

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The last place in the World I would be doing in a fight is putting my hands near someone's mouth. Biting ends fights. IMO

If I was beating someone up who was screaming for help over and over, I would most definitely be trying to cover their mouth.
Was not trying to start an argument.

I just think that if GZ had the time and awareness to get out his gun and aim, he had the time and awareness to give TM a warning to stop or I'll shoot, which he has never did said he did...... or to aim somewhere differently.

This is why many of us never post. Some on here just cannot tolerate other opinions without trying to refute anything that they disagree with.

Back to just reading.

Dear bamcaan,

We literally sit on this thread while it is open. It is never unattended. I'm very sorry you feel you can't post.

If anyone "bullies" you all you have to do is hit the red triangle in the upper right hand corner of the post and we will get to it quickly.

I wish you would really do this because we work very hard to keep this thread and topic from getting ugly. We need to know if a poster is behaving inappropriately. We will handle it.


Thank you.
If a guy gets out of his truck and starts running after a 17 year old blonde, blue eyed female walking home at night, would it be OK for her to hit him in the nose?

This is a good question...
If I notice some guy following me in a vehicle and then following me on foot, I might very well punch him in the nose when he approached me. (I'm not 17, but still. I'd be pretty terrified.)
In my opinion, I agree - this does not make sense. Didn't GZ say on his NEN call an drive thru that he was parked in front of the club house gave tat address, then followed, lost TM, then got back in his car and moved it to where he knew he could cut through? If TM is alarmed by the stranger staring at him and following him, it seems reasonable to me if he saw GZ's truck had left, he would go to a well lit public area, like the clubhouse mailbox area and wait a few minutes to make sure the guy following him had left, before going down the rather dark walk area to his house. When he felt safe that the person following was gone (although we know he was not, just parked and 'looking for a street sign'), he then just went towards his dad's, but sadly did not make it there, In my opinion. IMO, MOO

GZ could have driven around the complex to that other street to get an address, imo. Who gets out of their car into the dark of night where a suspected or punk or a-hole could be waiting and who could also possibly be armed? Not only did GZ not have any value for TM's life, he didn't have any for his own judging by the decision he made that night. Smh.
Personally I don't think GZ is a smart cookie at all. Regardless to guilty or not guilty it is always, always stupid to be questioned by LE without an attorney. And he should have known this with his schooling, father's job, etc. So IMOO that makes him especially stupid.

I have never found myself questioned by LE but I can promise you that if I ever did my one and only comment would be I want an attorney!

I totally agree with you. My original post was going to say, "Maybe GZ is smarter than he looks" but I wasn't in the mood to deflect tomatoes. I need a nap. :floorlaugh:
Hi, normally I just lurk as everyone has said everything so well long before I get here, but I've seen this over & over & have a few questions to ask. If he had made it home why would he have the skittles & drink still with him? Why wouldn't he have left them at home? If he was home & he knew he was going out to confront someone why wouldn't he have grabbed a weapon? I'm sorry but I don't get this part, I don't see any evidence that says he made it home at all.
Jeantel testimony that, "I thought he was going to be OK because he was right by his daddy's house, but his daddy was not home," Jeantel said as Martin's father cried in court."
From what the experts say, hollow points are safer because they lessen the chance of hitting bystanders. JMO. OMO. MOO.
So this means if you intend to fire your gun in public this would save lives...from my understanding of hollow points is the massive injuries it causes by fired into you means the damage is deadly if fired where you want to kill IMO
I've actually found that if I purposely block the poster's name from my view (by scrolling up) i agree with a lot of things posters say, no matter what side they are on. Interesting. if i just read the name, i kind of start out with a pre-disposition of whether i will agree with the post or not.

I never use "ignore" either - makes the conversation non-sensical.
I've also discovered that deciding whether to "like" a person's post may be influenced by the other names already there.
I wish who supports who, could be anonymous.
For instance, 5 likes, 2 dislikes, but no names there to sway you.

Yes, she first says he is in the area by his daddy's house, then after he says , "Oh S**t" he says Trayvon says he is almost there. She clearly does not say that TM said he is "AT" his daddy's house. IMO, if my ears still work.

I clearly hear her say "at" when I listen to it. MOO.
I don't know about the men you have known..... but the ones I do are too law abiding, happy and well adjusted that they and their friends do not get into bar fights. It's nothing to proud of, IMHO, it's trashy low life behavior and causes nothing but grief. Ick.

Good for you!
Unfortunately GZ is in the position where people have to figure out which parts were fabrications- like the bush that didn't exist- or shimmying 40 feet down the path. Hopefully, they will use their common sense and realize when there are 7-8 lies they KNOW of, that benefit the LIAR, there are likely more lies being spouted. IMHO

LOL, I cracked up when I heard that.. That interview with SH, again, did him a disservice..
1. No DNA on Trayvon's hands from hitting his face, nose, mouth. All the mucous areas. No blood. No injuries on Trayvon's hands from a nasty blow.

2. The defense showed and experts testified this week he was hit on the right side of his nose. We can see hat in photos. Trayvon was right handed.

3. The marks, cuts and injuries on the nose show cuts and are rectangular in shape consistent with barrel flip and recoil.

4. The gun he used is known to kick like a mule, it always recoils and in the proximity to shooting he was, it had to have recoiled right in front of his head. How would it NOT hit him in the face?

5. No skin, blood under Trayvon's nails from the scratches to his nose. Where did they come from?

6. Recoil to the face would slam your head back into the ground.

1. No bruising because TM died shortly after hitting GZ. As per trial evidence, the ME did not do the proper tests to see if TM's knuckles were consistent with striking blows.

2. Consistent with a sucker punch. GZ was not directly facing TM when he was hit.

3. And? This was not presented as evidence.

4. False. Some people think it's snappy, others don't. Kick is relative. I'm a very small woman with practically no upper body strength and have shot a .357 with no problem. If one knows that guns kick, they shouldn't have a problem with it. I'm sure GZ was familiar with the kick of his own gun.

5. Where did the scratches come from…the sidewalk, perhaps?

6. Again, when was this evidence presented at trial? Not once.

Is anyone aware if there's a set time of how long the Jurors deliberate before calling it a day?

I just heard on HLN -- so consider the "source" -- that the judge is allowing the jury to decide when they want to stop for today.

So ... adding another question to your question :

Will the jury deliberate tomorrow, Saturday, and what time will they start ?

Thanks !


ETA : Jury to deliberate on Saturday, 7-13-13 beginning at 9:00 am ET
I just heard on HLN -- so consider the "source" -- that the judge is allowing the jury to decide when they want to stop for today.

So ... adding another question to your question :

Will the jury deliberate tomorrow, Saturday, and what time will they start ?

Thanks !


I wonder if there would be value in releasing this verdict at, say, 2 a.m.

Some would indeed.This,however shows he is willing to engage in using his fists over a perceived wrong
Some would also call the proper authorities and let them deal with it.
George had no idea it was LE ...if he is to be believed.


I think if it was a serious confrontation, there would be charges and conviction. And he would not get a carry permit. IMO
If a guy gets out of his truck and starts running after a 17 year old blonde, blue eyed female walking home at night, would it be OK for her to hit him in the nose?

As my wise law professor would hammer home to us the answer is "it depends."
Is he attempting to return the cell phone or cash she dropped? Is she in imminent fear of a battery? She could punch him in the nose, sure, but the explanation would have to be sound. If she continued to beat the guy up (imagining somehow that would be possible) without provocation (words alone are not provocation) enough so that at some point she was getting the better of him and they guy reasonably feared for his life and's possible the guy would be acquitted. There are too many facts lacking in your scenario to be able to compare/contrast or even give a real answer.
I found the screams on the 911 tape very disturbing. I know both mothers said it was their son. Truth be told, I don't know if I would be able to tell if it was my child screaming as an adult. As young children I would have been able to tell. Imagining them screaming in terror as an adult causes me nightmares. JMV
So this means if you intend to fire your gun in public this would save lives...from my understanding of hollow points is the massive injuries it causes by fired into you means the damage is deadly if fired where you want to kill IMO

I'm not a gun owner but, apparently, the hollow points don't exit so if you shoot someone they don't exit and hit a bystander. IOW, they only hit whatever you're aiming at. But, again, I am neither an expert or a gun owner. JMO. OMO. MOO.
:drumroll: The Jury is finished for today and will begin tomorrow at 9:00 am per HLN

Until then ...

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