George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #14 Friday July 12

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I cannot believe how different Florida's court system is than ours here in CA! Juries here work about 24 hours a week! NO weekends and nothing after 5:00, and usually not on Fridays. Wish ours could work like Florida's do.
The jury wishes to adjourn for the night. Back at 9:00 am. So no verdict tonight.
Jury is going to adjourn for the night. So that makes me think that they are not very close. I would think if they were close they'd have dinner brought in and keep going. JMOO

Oh well at least now I can run to the grocery to grab something I need for dinner.
Now that the trial is over: There was a moment during the in court playing of the Sean Hannity interview where it looked liked GZ was at home in a recliner and he could have been watching a movie or show while munching on some popcorn and sippin' a coke. When the lights came back up, he sat back up, from his reclining position, and while adjusting his jacket he turned in the direction of the peanut gallery..with a look of pride and satisfaction, the Cheshire grin made me fully aware that this man is a true narcissist and he was quite proud of himself.

It was at that moment, that any room for error in my opinion of GZ, disappeared completely. I was 100% certain that he could care less about the lives of others. I got the sense that he didn't even grasp that others might look upon his end comments (God's he wouldn't do anything different) as cruel, insensitive and disgusting.

In the closing rebuttal by the State or just before, he looked liked he was furious and about to blow his top. The quiet ones are often the ones who have the most pent up anger and hostility. IMO, it takes that one last thing (maybe Trayvon was about to get away) to blow the gasket. IMO.

Another time this week, the camera shifted during BDLR's remarks and GZ, although his expression didn't change, looked angry. They panned to his hands and they were the tightest fist I have ever seen.

He, IMO, has no remorse. He is as guilty as sin, IMO.

I could not agree more. In MY OPINION he is a sociopath. Like so many before him, he is apparently able to mask this fairly effectively and fool quite a few people.

I base this opinion on the 911 call, which to me reads like a script for a "justified" shooting right there in the street. Consider the call, listen to the words, and then consider that while all of this was supposedly going on Trayvon was actually just walking down the street chatting with his girl and trying to get away from the creeper following him.

LISTEN to his words. It's a script. He's going down a list and checking off boxes. He's reporting a suspicious guy, there's something "definately wrong with him," he's on drugs or something, now he's checking me out, he's coming my way, he's got his hand in his pants, now he's holding something in his hand, I don't know what it is! This is practically right out of a freaking textbook. IN MY OPINION Zimmerman opened his door to get out and blow him away right there on the street, but Martin ran.

I believe Zimmerman rehearsed all of this in his mind, he knew exactly what he was going to say and he knew which victim would attract the least attention. He'd have his nice justified shooting, and everything would be on tape. No WAY would he be convicted.

Again, all that is my opinion only, but I believe some of the officers share my opinion as well. The questions they asked during the walk through indicate to me that they too see something very wrong with his account. And note that Zimmerman was never able to define what had led him to believe that Martin was on drugs, or that there was something wrong with him.

IMO and all that.
Oh well, guess it wasn't as obvious as some people thought.....
Recess for the night. Starting at 9am tomorrow.

Check out all the lawyers eyeballing the jurors. They are all trying to enforce the Jedi mind-trick on them... lol

I suppose the thread will be closing down soon. Just want to say good night, all. See you tomorrow.
:drumroll: The Jury is finished for today and will begin tomorrow at 9:00 am per HLN

Until then ...

Rene Stutzman @renestutzman
Jury passes out note: we want to quit for the night now, come back tomorrow at 9a.
Judge: I'm gonna let em.
I have a question about bullets. I know zero about guns. Do most gun owners who carry for personal protection use hollow point bullets? Does the type of bullet depend on the amount of damage one wants to inflict? What do LE use? Thank you for helping me.

They are known to fragment inside, not exiting.
Killing instantly or close to it.
Hallow point is what LE uses here.
I clearly hear her say "at" when I listen to it. MOO.

I think the prosecutor asked her so many times that RJ tried to be specific so he could understand her. Being "at" his daddy's house can have many meanings. In Louisiana, people are known to say, "I'm going by my mama's", lol.
I think if it was a serious confrontation, there would be charges and conviction. And he would not get a carry permit. IMO

Well we all know (or should know ) that folks can get away with crimes.The main point for me is that he wasn't afraid to react or confront those he viewed as being in the wrong.
I think if it was a serious confrontation, there would be charges and conviction. And he would not get a carry permit. IMO

Detailed here:
Zimmerman was charged with resisting arrest, violence, and battery of an officer after shoving an undercover alcohol-control agent who was arresting an under-age friend of Zimmerman's at a bar. He avoided conviction by agreeing to participate in a pre-trial diversion program that included anger-management classes.
The gunshot expert explained that the entry wound and the placement of the shot on TM's hoodie revealed that the garment was hanging down and was not being grabbed or stretched. JMO. OMO. MOO.

But how would that explanation apply if GZ was only pulling on the hoodie drawstring?
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