George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #7

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"He and his father, a truck driver, were active in the Miramar Optimist Club, an organization that runs sports and academic programs for young people. Tracy Martin, the teen's father, coached his son's football team.

The boy was a swift athlete, according to a friend, and played a range of positions up to about age 14. After he stopped playing, he remained active in the organization, volunteering six days a week from June through November of last year to help run the team's concession stand.

"Trayvon was 6-foot-3, 140 pounds, a former Optimist League football player with a narrow frame and..."

Very helpful link!! Thank you very much !!
He was an awfully skinny boy!! I weigh more than that!! :seeya:
He knows to not follow the "suspect" isn't that in the neighborhood watch handbook? He was wanting to be a police offer, shouldn't he know that a civilian should never follow a "suspect" or to confront one? And yet he did and look what happened.... :(

I think a teenager should know not to attack someone, imo.
That doctor just contradicted most of the state's witnesses. Many of them saw swinging, or flailing, of the hands. John Good testified that Trayvon kept swinging his arm forward toward Zimmerman. He DID say that he couldn't see well enough to see if the punches hit George. This woman is acting like Trayvon only swung a few times. If head injuries aren't important, why is Roger Goodell making such a big deal about all the hits to the head in the NFL?
Originally Posted by Horace Finklestein View Post
If he started a fight like TM did (imo) and was killed, I'd look in the mirror to see where I went wrong as a parent, I wouldn't blame the guy defending himself. But my kid wouldn't be out in the dark in the rain buying snacks for an unsupervised 12 year old while on a 10 day suspension from school. I'd be monitoring him like a hawk. Also, I'm not one who believes GZ was out to kill a "kid" that evening. I also wouldn't sue the HOA, but that's just me.

IMO - Sure you would...your unarmed teenager was killed and the guy that killed him has a few scrapes and bruises...but you would think YOU failed as a parent? Wow

I agree with what Horace said. If I had a teenager that was on his third suspension from school, had been apprehended in the possession of stolen goods/jewelry, and a burglary tool, and had been sent to me by my former spouse because his behavior was in question, I would be monitoring said kid like a hawk. But then, I would have also done a lot of disciplining prior to this point. But by this time, my kid would have been on complete lockdown/restriction/grounded, not out roaming the streets after dark. JMO having raised three former teenagers, now married parents themselves.
You are right. But she fell and sustained this horrible internal injury. GZ claims his head was repeatedly slammed into concrete and he had no such internal injury.

Were xrays taken of GZ's head? I may of missed that info.
If not there is no way you can say he had "no such internal injuries." :moo:
Just a few questions/observations:
Did the CC & R's of the community allow for placement of video cameras on the outside of the townhouses?
Being the "Watch Commander", GZ would have known the CC & R's, and whether video cameras were actually allowed to catch the "incident". JMO

TM had a full front pocket on his hoodie, with a bag of Skittles and a can of Arizona fruit beverage (those cans are big). GZ said he saw TM go for his (TM's) waistband in one of his interviews (IIR). I just don't see having something bulky in your front pocket, but concealing "something" in your waistband. On a cold, raining evening, I think one would have both hands in their pocket, earbuds in your ears, hood up. Does that make sense? :scared: And I think a teenager would be hard pressed to "run", risking the appearance of looking "silly" with a large can in his pocket flopping all over the place or holding it in his pocket while he ran, it's a "teenager" thing. JMO

I'm kinda taken back by this TM was looking at GZ from under the porch where the mailboxes were. If it was raining, wouldn't you seek shelter until it subsided? And if a vehicle stopped in the vicinity, wouldn't you look towards it if it remained for an unusual amount of time? JMO

I just get frustrated with the logic that from the get go, TM was "up to no good", "on drugs" when all it was, was a teenager going to and from a store to get his soon to be step brother some Skittles. JMO

And the standard test for THC does find THC within a 30 day time frame. I know because I was responsible for collecting "samples" at our place of work to be tested at the local lab. But that's neither here nor there....there is no set behavior as to how a person acts under the influence of "THC", in the dark, in the rain. Mute point. "On drugs" is a pretty broad statement. IMO

Very good post! MOO, there are so many people who are walking around with THC in their system because it is a very widely used substance these days. You would be surprised at who can be found using it. Your bosses, congressmen, doctors, neighbors, and friends could very well have it in their system at this moment. It's considered a recreational drug at this point. And many want it legalized because they don't see it as dangerous. I'm not trying to justify it's existence or use, but I'm very well aware of how wildly popular it is these days. Most boast about it's ability to relax and mellow them out. MOO.
Very helpful link!! Thank you very much !!
He was an awfully skinny boy!! I weigh more than that!! :seeya:

And 6'3" tall according to that, guess the ME got that way wrong.
And since the subject of TM being a football player keeps coming up:


That is just opinion also. This guy has no idea what a 17 yr old boy would do when no adult was watching. Just pure conjecture.

We all have done things or behaved differently out of the presence of adults that know us. I think it is really short sighted to say someone would never...

Because there is no way that is true. We don't know what they would do..

Does anyone remember Nastasha Richardson? She fell down while skiing, No open wounds and died the next day of head trauma. She fell in the snow..

And then she died.

You don't have to have a lot of injuries on the outside to prove you had your head beaten in or to feel your life was in danger. OMO

Well, she did die.

What if she had lived and gone on to lead a normal life, as Z does? Would you then say her injuries were serious?

The test of the pudding is in the tasting, etc....

:twocents: IMHO.
"God's Plan". OMG!!! GZ said this to Hannity?? Wow... :furious:

IMO - It's a shame that this video couldn't be delved into more deeply. If GZ had the courage to get on the stand and testify, Prosecution would have a field day with him.
Were xrays taken of GZ's head? I may of missed that info.
If not there is no way you can say he had "no such internal injuries." :moo:

I don't believe so. His doctor referred him to an ENT for further treatment, but GZ didn't follow up. Something about the cost was more than he wanted to pay for further exams.

You are right. But she fell and sustained this horrible internal injury. GZ claims his head was repeatedly slammed into concrete and he had no such internal injury.


The injuries were only to her head, not her body, and were not outwardly visible IIRC. That's why she (very sadly) sadly did not seek medical attention.
Crucial question is asked, and judge shuts it down. Glad the jury heard it. Could the next injury have been life threatening? Exactly, he had no reason to let it get to that point. Good for GZ for stopping the beating imo.

That's a terrible question, from a legal perspective. It's asking the witness to predict the future. It could have been asked about the very first punch being thrown, as who knows, it could have had a 1 in a billion chance of being life-threatening.
He was suspected by GZ of planning or in fact, carrying out burglaries on the complex.

Has anyone else referred to him as a "suspect" other than GZ?


No, just GZ. This is where I have problem. In my opinion, things rapidly went out downhill when GZ became too suspicious of TM as opposed to waiting for LE to come check out the subject.
I have cared for people on ventilators who were reduced to a vegetative state after being beaten. The two that come to mind are one man who was hit on the head with a fist and another who was hit on the head with a brick. Whenever I see a fight, I get absolutely hysterical and scream "You could kill eachother!" because people can be, and are, beaten to death, unfortunately. And I made this clear to my sons while they were growing up. I don't know if many people feel this way, but it only takes one punch... That's why I would fear for the life of anyone who was being hit. MOO.

I agree and it's unfortunate that an ME would get on the stand and say an injury is insignificant from viewing a photo!
And 6'3" tall according to that, guess the ME got that way wrong.

It seems impossible he was 6'3" and 140. I've seen his facebook page, and while he is lean, he's not THAT lean. That's just bony.

That is just opinion also. This guy has no idea what a 17 yr old boy would do when no adult was watching. Just pure conjecture.

We all have done things or behaved differently out of the presence of adults that know us. I think it is really short sighted to say someone would never...

Because there is no way that is true. We don't know what they would do..


Not me. I've been a perfect angel all of my life. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
You are right. But she fell and sustained this horrible internal injury. GZ claims his head was repeatedly slammed into concrete and he had no such internal injury.


But she did not know it nor did anyone else. She had no outward sign at all of injury.. All she did was fall in the SNOW.

We all know that head injuries can be deadly. It gives to reason someone who is getting their head slammed would feel threatened and would feel scared for their life.

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