George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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For some reason Dr. Bao only deals with facts instead of supposition, hypotheticals, and GZ's non-factual blitherings...and those proffered by West & Co.IMO

IMOL, the Defense has gotten away with " murder" in this sham thus far....constant iirelevant babbling...asking questions of an individual who is not designated to reply to such questions, questioning the veracity of a mother's ears......when there were plenty of reasonable questions which could be asked of her.IMO
I will say if I were standing behind Trayvon that day in an otherwise empty convenience store I would have been getting a bit nervous. Baggie jeans and an oversized hoodie with the hood up, taking a long time to pay for his purchase, etc...

Yes, I profile. In the area I used to live in there were numerous robberies and the robbers often wore that attire. Wearing that attire with the HOOD UP inside stores intentionally portrays a certain image just as when I get dressed up in business attire I portray a different image. Clothing isn't random, we all dress in the manner that reflects how we want to be perceived. IMO.

BBM: So do ya think the world perceives me as a "workout maniac"? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my sweats. :floorlaugh:

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I actually agree with you. And my bank has a decal sign on their door that says "Sunglasses Off, Hoodies Down Before Entering Bank".:twocents:
I got the impression that BAO was acting like a nut on purpose. I'm not sure why he would do that.

Some notes on his cross examination by the defense:

First, is it final that the judge won't let the fact that the doctor said that Mr. Martin may have been influenced by the marijuana in his system? That seems like a non-legal act on her part, imo. I'm sure we haven't heard the end of that. No way the defense would let that slide...

I wonder why there was no peripheral blood available? I have no medical background, so I'm not sure what that would mean.

Just because one person in one case made a noise indicating pain after getting shot in the heart doesn't mean that someone who is shot in this manner couldn't have said "You got me." BAO is not using the scientific method if he thinks that.

BAO seriously can't establish a more exact distance of the gun to the skin than from between .4 inches to four feet? That seems awfully lackadaisical on his part, imo.

That was one strange interaction, imo. I didn't watch the prosecution speak with him - did he continue to act that way?

No peripheral blood available means that when there is an injury to a vital organ (in this case), the body attempts to constrict blood flow to the extremities (periphery) and shunt blood to major organs I.e. heart, lungs, brain. The arteries and veins basically go into spasm in an attempt to promote circulation and prevent hemorrhage. HTH
Just waiting to hear this: “Mr. Gambini, that was a thoughtful, coherent, exceptionally good objection. DENIED” = My Cousin Vinney = "home-cooking" = JMO/MOO
Correct. This judge has let her bias against the defense cloud the law and will be reversed if there is a conviction in this case. Way to go Deb!

I'm like the opposite of a legal eagle. Can the defense petition to have this judge removed due to obvious bias (as shown by her not allowing important information be introduced into evidence, imo, moo, etc.)? The fact that Mr. Martin may have been influenced by drugs in his actions seems an extremely important point!


sorry for a dumb question but what does "throwing the case" mean?

Throwing the case means trying to loose it on purpose. In order to throw the case, one has to have it to begin with.
During Mr. O'Mara's argument for JOA, whenever the camera panned to Judge Nelson, she was shown rifling through papers (giving the appearance that she may have not been giving Mr. O'Mara her complete attention).

During Mr. Mantei's counter-argument, whenever the camera has panned to Judge Nelson, she has appeared to be hanging on Mantei's every word.
I'm like the opposite of a legal eagle. Can the defense petition to have this judge removed due to obvious bias (as shown by her not allowing important information be introduced into evidence, imo, moo, etc.)? The fact that Mr. Martin may have been influenced by drugs in his actions seems an extremely important point!



Defense already had one judge removed. I really don't think they want to do it again.
Ug. There he goes using that word "final" again.

I don't think it means he's about to stop talking, though.

Some keep talking about GZ bad behaviors before TM's death. How about the records of TM's bad behaviors? I am glad this case will go to a jury, regardless of the outcome, rather than to WS posters like all of us. This case should be judged by facts presented in court. If one WS member is going to talk about the past of GZ, let's bring up the past of TM also and be fair.

The death of TM was a tragedy but none of us were there so we don't even know what happened between those two men. IMO, not much has been presented in court. That doesn't mean I know what happened. But if you want GZ to go to prison, shouldn't the prosecution have had some direct evidence? It's very very sad someone died but not knowing what really happened and judging by emotion is very scary. All MOO.

ITA. I am speechless that they're bringing in things from his schooling, years ago in such an attempt to tarnish him. I guess wanting to bring fugitives to justice is a bad thing now? It's like...he was SO good, he's sinister, because he must have been hiding something. What an obscene witch hunt this has become imo.
I think every licensed gun owner in FL knows it. That's the very reason they carry. IMO JMO

Then why are there licensed gun owners in any other states a majority of which don't have SYG?

There are many states that allow concealed weapons permits that don't allow SYG. MOO
ITA. I am speechless that they're bringing in things from his schooling, years ago in such an attempt to tarnish him. I guess wanting to bring fugitives to justice is a bad thing now? It's like...he was SO good, he's sinister, because he must have been hiding something. What an obscene witch hunt this has become imo.

ITA. He wanted to be a cop or a prosecutor. I guess that means GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY.
During Mr. O'Mara's argument for JOA, whenever the camera panned to Judge Nelson, she was shown rifling through papers (giving the appearance that she may have not been giving Mr. Mr. O'Mara her complete attention).

During Mr. Mantei's counter-argument, whenever the camera has panned to Judge Nelson, she has appeared to be hanging on Mantei's every word.

She knows the law (O'Mara), so she's listening intently for the State to give her some crumb of evidence to avoid it. jmo
Legal folks say the defense will ask for the charges to be lowered today from Second Degree Murder to Manslaughter. They will also ask to have hte case dismissed.

If I were Zimmerman I don't think I would want to ask the judge to reduce charges, I would rather go for the higher charge OR have the charges dismissed. If he is found guilty to either there will be appeals and it is less likely the jury will convict him on second degree murder.

What do others think?

I think, and, I'm sorry, this doesn't really address your question directly, that if George Zimmerman is found guilty of second degree murder, then we'll know the fix was in, in my opinion! There's no way, given the evidence that's been introduced so far, that anything but a dismissal is in order, in my opinion.
The point is you said the State had nothing on GZ. GZ says he knew nothing about stand your ground. Well we find out he was taught all about this.
GZ lies and fits every bit of evidence to fit the circumstances given the night he murdered a teenager. Deadly force turns out to be 2 scratches on his head and a broken nose. Are you going to kill someone every time you get a nose bleed? I doubt this. IMO

I agree - there is certainly evidence that GZ knew the law, at least to some measure, and knew the use of his firearm in a deadly manner was serious GZ didn't shoot for the shoulder, or the foot, and his gun was loaded with a round in the chamber, ready to shoot, and the victim (and TM is the victim) had no DNA of the person he'd supposedly beat up on his hands - in my opinion, this is highly relevant - no one removed GZ's DNA from the bloody nose we've seen a picture of over and over again from the victims hands.

I'd feel safer if I believed GZ's story, I would like to think it were true - but I cannot - and TM cannot speak. in my opinion, logic does not support GZ's account.
For the record: I'm typically pro-prosecution.

As I've followed this trial, I haven't seen/heard evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt the state's charge of 2nd degree murder as the state has presented its case.
ITA. I am speechless that they're bringing in things from his schooling, years ago in such an attempt to tarnish him. I guess wanting to bring fugitives to justice is a bad thing now? It's like...he was SO good, he's sinister, because he must have been hiding something. What an obscene witch hunt this has become imo.

Horace, I love all your posts.
I get the feeling you are a law and order person and if you truly felt GZ was guilty you would be the first one to say so.
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