George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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I have not read every thread on this case, but I'm curious if there has been a discussion about how George could have possibly reached his holstered gun with Trayvon sitting astraddle of him? To me this is a HUGE issue!!! We have tried this numerous times with several people and it just CAN'T BE DONE! It makes GZ's entire story of how he came to shoot Trayvon a LIE. (Before you start throwing things at me, try it yourself.) :truce:

Yes ! what GZ has gotten some people to swallow whole, is not even possible. He is one slick talker. Thanks for bringing this out! Hope the jury is able to connect ALL the dots and convict. I don't want this guy on the loose. They say it's always easier to kill the second time et al. IMO
Is GZ ambidextrous? He appears to be left handed when writing notes in the courtroom, but shoots right?

Per UT video.


I am left handed. I can only write with my left hand, but I can do just about everything else with my right hand. I really use my right hand more so than my left. Just stating as a reference to your question. I'd like to know if that makes me ambidextrous or not tbh.
I will say if I were standing behind Trayvon that day in an otherwise empty convenience store I would have been getting a bit nervous. Baggie jeans and an oversized hoodie with the hood up, taking a long time to pay for his purchase, etc...

Yes, I profile. In the area I used to live in there were numerous robberies and the robbers often wore that attire. Wearing that attire with the HOOD UP inside stores intentionally portrays a certain image just as when I get dressed up in business attire I portray a different image. Clothing isn't random, we all dress in the manner that reflects how we want to be perceived. IMO.

I wouldn't personally. I grew up in a relatively rough area of mostly minorities where ALL the kids dressed that way. My school even had to make it part of the dress code that we couldn't wear anything hooded because kids would wear the hood. I don't think it really would have gone off on my radar or if it did it wouldn't have made me uneasy, really. I would just think the guy was weird or high or something.
I think the tactic is so that if in the case that they can't the charges thrown out it gives the jury a lesser charge to consider other than murder. So if by chance the jury is thinking Zimmerman should be charged with something, they won't have the opportunity to even consider murder or a compromise. They will have only two choices: manslaughter or acquittal.

I don't think the judge will do it but I think she should. This should probably have been a manslaughter case from the get go.

I think manslaughter is appropriate, but if the judge gives him the max, it could be 30 years. That is way too harsh (yes, I know, not as harsh as death, I got it), and you just know Deb would love to lock him up and throw away the key IMO.
I have not read every thread on this case, but I'm curious if there has been a discussion about how George could have possibly reached his holstered gun with Trayvon sitting astraddle of him? To me this is a HUGE issue!!! We have tried this numerous times with several people and it just CAN'T BE DONE! It makes GZ's entire story of how he came to shoot Trayvon a LIE. (Before you start throwing things at me, try it yourself.) :truce:

So if someone's straddling you, you can't reach into your waistband/holster? Why not? imo
Jodi does the same thing in court.... I wonder if it is to show that the gun was holstered on his left side which would have been Trayvon's right side...

GZ's gun was holstered on his right side (in his own words) per the UT video.

[ame=""]George Zimmerman Re-enactment (Full Video) - YouTube[/ame]
Did the defense attorney just say that some of the witnesses said maybe TM moved on his own after the gunshot, maybe he didn't? I don't think any of them said that - in my opinion.
On another note - I know it's standard for defense to request acquittal, and for all attorneys to talk a lot but this is one of the longest run-on sentences ever - in my opinion.
No wonder he needed some sips of water!

I certainly agree his sentence was almost me, ALL of his sentences and questions just drone on incessantly!! Which serves no purpose rather than to prolong the trial and make his hours add up. IMO
The community GZ was dedicated to failed him miserably. The people that sat by cowering should be ashamed. imo.

I have to give the benefit of the doubt to the neighbors, IMHO. Like I have said, I grew in a bad neighborhood. I lived in a town home behind a Wal Mart that had NO lights and was pitch dark at night. I hated going anywhere after sun down because you couldn't see anything. If I heard two men wrestling and I heard someone screaming the way the person on the call was screaming and I couldn't see who it was or what was happening or if any of them had weapons or not, I would be quite hesitant to go out too. My husband, before my daughter was born, would probably be the kind of person to intervene, but not now since he has a child to consider should anything happen to him or around us. And we don't have a gun so there's that too. I think the neighbors did what most people would do which was call the police.
I think the tactic is so that if in the case that they can't the charges thrown out it gives the jury a lesser charge to consider other than murder. So if by chance the jury is thinking Zimmerman should be charged with something, they won't have the opportunity to even consider murder or a compromise. They will have only two choices: manslaughter or acquittal.

I don't think the judge will do it but I think she should. This should probably have been a manslaughter case from the get go.

Why would the defense ask for manslaughter to be added if they feel their client is innocent? Why not just bank on the jury finding him not guilty of M2? Especially if they are asking for an acquittal also? I'm just asking out of curiosity. Does anyone know?
I am left handed. I can only write with my left hand, but I can do just about everything else with my right hand. I really use my right hand more so than my left. Just stating as a reference to your question. I'd like to know if that makes me ambidextrous or not tbh.

I think it does, IMO.
MOM done, State up.

I think Judge knows her decision also but she may wait till Monday to make it appear that she is taking all the argument under advisement for appearance sake IMO

Or..... she'll say Nope cause that is how she rolls
I think manslaughter is appropriate, but if the judge gives him the max, it could be 30 years. That is way too harsh (yes, I know, not as harsh as death, I got it), and you just know Deb would love to lock him up and throw away the key IMO.

I read the max for manslaughter in FL was actually 15 years. And there's no way of knowing what the judge would actually do.

Does the jury suggest a sentence in Florida if he's convicted?
I have actually seen it once. Many years ago, a Disneyland employee, dressed as a character, took their head off backstage. There was a family backstage, whose car had been broken into and they were waiting for, I guess security. The kid saw the headless character and the parents said he was traumatized.

They put on their case, which was ridiculous, and the defense asked it be thrown out. Case was thrown out.

The case was about more than that.

On August 17, 1995, 52-year-old Billie Jean Matay (who was once a performer on Disney's <I>Mickey Mouse Club</I> TV show) visited Disneyland with her daughter and three grandchildren. Matay claimed that when they returned to their car in the Disneyland parking lot that afternoon, they were accosted by a man with a gun who took their credit cards and $1,650 in cash before fleeing on foot. She maintained that Disneyland security officers did nothing to assist her after the hold-up but instead took her and the others to a security office, where they were held for hours against their will.

The lawsuit filed by Matay four months later alleged that Disneyland failed to provide sufficient security, that park officers held her and her family for questioning against their will, and that cast members dressed as Disney characters removed parts of their costumes in front of her grandchildren, traumatizing them by "exposing the children to the reality that the Disney characters were, in fact, make-believe."

The case finally went to trial in August 1997, where Matay admitted on the witness stand that what had happened backstage (i.e., her grandchildren's glimpsing headless characters) was unimportant. Her suit against Disney over their failure to provide adequate security was dismissed by the trial judge at the conclusion of a weeklong trial on 22 August 1997.
Some keep talking about GZ bad behaviors before TM's death. How about the records of TM's bad behaviors? I am glad this case will go to a jury, regardless of the outcome, rather than to WS posters like all of us. This case should be judged by facts presented in court. If one WS member is going to talk about the past of GZ, let's bring up the past of TM also and be fair.

The death of TM was a tragedy but none of us were there so we don't even know what happened between those two men. IMO, not much has been presented in court. That doesn't mean I know what happened. But if you want GZ to go to prison, shouldn't the prosecution have had some direct evidence? It's very very sad someone died but not knowing what really happened and judging by emotion is very scary. All MOO.
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