George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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Wow!!!!! Judge Nelson didn't even take a second to deliver her ruling against a JOA!!!

I'm not surprised at her ruling, but I thought she might at least take a breath before ruling. Mr. O'Mara had barely finished speaking before she delivered her ruling.
In my opinion, point four inches (.4) is quite close - I'm surprised that could be considered intermediate.

I think there is a lot of confusion whether Dr. Bao is saying "intermediate" or intermediary". "Intermediate" refers to the approximate distance. "Intermediary" refers to layers between the muzzle of the gun and the skin. - no link, this is my understanding from Dr. Bao's testimony, so IMO.

Dr. Bao has sometimes used one word when he means the other, I think, but with his accent it's hard to be sure. And though I don't think any of the attorney's are stupid, they do not seem to understand the difference between the two words even when the context is obvious.

Horace, I love all your posts.
I get the feeling you are a law and order person and if you truly felt GZ was guilty you would be the first one to say so.

Completely agree. For me this is one of the few cases where I am waiting to see the evidence. And really impartial on this one. I wanted to be convinced of m2 but it just not there.
Too bad the judge doesn't have to give her reasoning for allowing this farce to continue. Oh well, I think GZ will be home soon either way, thank goodness.
Wow!!!!! Judge Nelson didn't even take a second to deliver her ruling against a JOA!!!

I'm not surprised, but I thought she might at least take a breath before ruling. Mr. O'Mara had barely finished speaking before she delivered her ruling.

Well remember....this IS Florida.
I'd like to hear the first defense witness tonight - but I'm not a juror.

So now the state is going to take time to rest, and not just rest?

Well, in this climate, if I were a juror who was for acquittal I'd be SO GLAD the judge said it and not me.


In my opinion, I don't think the climate is as bad as we think it is. The media, for some ridiculous reason, is trying to, imo, MAKE the climate bad, and pit races against each other. THEY'RE saying that the climate is bad. But who can believe them, after this point? Imo, they've lost their credibility.

I think that most people are seeing the evidence, in my opinion, and learning the truth of the matter, which I think is that George Zimmerman was defending his life against someone who was intent on beating him to a pulp!
Then why are there licensed gun owners in any other states a majority of which don't have SYG?

There are many states that allow concealed weapons permits that don't allow SYG. MOO

In various forms almost all states do have SYG or Castle doctrines. In the process of obtaining your concealed, or open carry permits you are usually well informed of your rights to carry a gun and more importantly that your right to carry is not a right to use.

Meaning, only using your gun (deadly force) when faced with no other choice or die. I don't think GZ came close to proving he was in that predicament here and the Prosecution IMO can easily show this but haven't and won't. Likely to keep from saying, we didn't prosecute initially because we are racists and really had good evidence all long. Them prosecuting successfully now makes them look bad for not pursuing charges from the beginning with Serino's affidavit on feb 26th.

After today's three ring circus....I think the prosecution has no intention of seeing GZ in jail. Never did, the charges were brought IMO only to gather the AA vote that was needed the November following this incident. He will be found not guilty as long as the State only offers up witnesses favorable to the defense. It looks like they are throwing this case because they are.

GZ is guilty of:
Self appointing himself Neighborhood Police, judge and jury.
Profiling TM for walking while hooded and black
Breaking NW protocol that says don't pursue
Ignoring dispatcher requests to not follow
Confronting TM ( IMO) and as stated by POC in autopsy report
Homocide-( justifiable has yet to be proven, to me.)

TM is guilty of:
Walking to the store after dark in GZ's neighborhood in FL
fighting for his life
Losing that fight

I would too. Probably less backlash to deal with, though the public is so woefully uninformed in this case, I'm sure the jury would get death threats anyway.

IMO it's going to take a courageous jury to vote Not Guilty. They may be inclined to convict out of fear (not unjustified) for their own safety.

I hope I'm wrong.
good on this jury, I give them so much credit, they want to keep going.

Women are wonderful :)

The jury wants to continue.

IMO, these jurors seem to be dedicated to this case.

Let's hope they deliver a just verdict, whatever the outcome may be.
Completely agree. For me this is one of the few cases where I am waiting to see the evidence. And really impartial on this one. I wanted to be convinced of m2 but it just not there.

Scarlett, you have been both rational and fair in your opinions. That is rare right now. And the media are all up in arms. I fail to see why they are. I guess for the ratings. It isn't for justice.
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