Geraldo At Large - 08.23.08

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Hello everyone. This is my first post. IMO Geraldo is just messy. IIRC he was the first Fox reporter on the Natalee Hollaway story. His reporting was so sensationalized, he was soon replaced with Greta. I used to idolized G as a child. He was awesome way back when his heart was still pure. Now he just loves draaamma. Last nights Casey/Caylee segment may rate high on the enfortainment meter but very low IMO as far as any significance in the case. JMO.

Oh my, no spell check option. I'm in trouble.
I am sticking to my belief that there is a strong connection between Casey, Caylee, Amy, Chatt and Puerto Rico. I'll change that when I see it differently.


I agree and I think New York or Puerto Rico are two key areas.
I am not putting too much into that interview on Geraldo last night.
LE is most likely making sure EVERYTHING is complete with their case.
I think the talking heads reacted that way to make the show more interesting.
I knew they were going to turn the blame on Caseys friends.
I feel bad for all the people Casey has BSed:mad:
My feeling has alway been that Caylee was handed off to someone and that her circle of friends are key. So, the show last night just made me feel even stronger about my view.
Going by to the the NEW YORK comment made by LP does anyone remember the guy who came to visit Casey in jail ...well he made a comment about I think his name was Mike and on Casey's my space page Mike had gone to New York we had a discussion about this on a much earlier thread ...does LP think Caylee is in NY?????

Was that guy her first visitor, supposedly went to the same school as Casey - may have gotten the name out of a year book and ID to match. Could he have been there to let her know they were watching - she did seem startled or anxious when speaking to him. If I remember, she kept turning her head as if to look behind her - like you would to do see if someone was behind you.

sleuthmommy said:
Geraldo: Now everybody hopes that it is not true but realistically, what are the chances that little Caylee Anthony, the Orlando, FL 3 year old, now three year old that has been missing for more than two months is still alive? Before we explore the possiblity and get some surprising reaction from the cops, and I think surprising to Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez. I want to begin asking that question of JB, he's the mother's attorney. He joins me from outside his client's home. Good to see you. Do you believe, Caylee Anthony, this child is alive and if you do, do you believe as apparently the grandma does, Cindy Anthony Does, that the child has been in some way, kidnapped?

JB: The answer to your first question is absolutely. We do believe she's alive. And we most importantly believe that the police should be out there looking for her and until they find her or give us proof otherwise, we're going to err on the side that she's alive and we really do believe she's alive.

Ger: But would you, Jose, and you know I respect you as an attorney, would you allow your client tonight talk to the authorities and tell the authorities really what went down to help them in their quest that we all want to be successfully concluded?

JB: Everything that - first of all, the police if they want to come and have access to my client, I have already given them an open invitation and this has been a long standing and I have willing to allow open communication between police and my client so long as it's in the search for Caylee. But the problem is here is that we don't feel that there is a sincere effort that actually searching for Caylee. All they are doing seems to be is prosecuting Casey and that is not the way a missing child case should be laid out. Ok, yes, I can understand the suspicion, however, they still have a missing child and there is no suspicion, they still have a missing child and this sets a bad precedent for the missing children to okay once you focus in on what you call a person of interest, even though you don't have any evidence, so lets just call off the search and let's see what can turn up at that point. That's not the way that things should be done.

GR: Now, Casey is obviously in the building, in the parents' home behind you. You spent 7 hours together on Friday. How are things going? Are you gleening any information out of her that could be helpful or are you, as some contend, concentrating on her defense charges?

JB: No, everything we're doing is towards the search for Caylee. What we are focusing in on is trying to backtrack that might assist us in finding her or finding those responsible of having her and passing that on to law enforcement.

GR: I want you to stand by because I have law enforcement coming up on the other side of the commercial break. I think you'll be surprised with some of what the captain of the police department has to say and maybe it's all rhetoric, maybe from both sides; I don't know; but there are....... Can we run the investigation?

More coming........................
brought from another thread more of show in subsequent posts.
Hello everyone. This is my first post. IMO Geraldo is just messy. IIRC he was the first Fox reporter on the Natalee Hollaway story. His reporting was so sensationalized, he was soon replaced with Greta. I used to idolized G as a child. He was awesome way back when his heart was still pure. Now he just loves draaamma. Last nights Casey/Caylee segment may rate high on the enfortainment meter but very low IMO as far as any significance in the case. JMO.

Oh my, no spell check option. I'm in trouble.

:wave: Welcome Jacquie!

I think Geraldo needs to focus on Casey's litany of lies to raise doubt about HER CREDIBILITY. Why did she lead police on a wild goose chase about her whereabouts on June 16, 2008 instead of just telling them where she really was. Is she protecting Caylee or herself?
sleuthmommy said:
Two talking head attorneys
Talking head #1 (Judge) - Look, every fiber of my being as a prosecutor and a judge tells me that this baby was not kidnapped. It's almost like we are in a magic show. Now you see her, now you don't. There is decomposing body and how there isn't. If your child were missing, Geraldo, g-d forbid. And I would ask your viewers, if and of your children were missing, the one thing you would be doing is you wouldn't be partying, sleeping around, drinking and dancing at a club. What you would be doing is you would be sitting by the phone waiting for a phone call with sunken eyes - not be in jail saying why is everyone so concerned about my daughter and what's my boyfriend's number.

Talking head #2 (Prosecutor) - Yeah, it just doesn't add up and any bits of forensic evidence that they have right now tend to point to this poor girl being deceased, no longer with us. No evidence right now whatsoever supports the kidnapping theory. Everything that this one woman has said has been debunked already and that's the problem.
more from the other thread.. more in subsequent posts.
:wave: Welcome Jacquie!

I think Geraldo needs to focus on Casey's litany of lies to raise doubt about HER CREDIBILITY. Why did she lead police on a wild goose chase about her whereabouts on June 16, 2008 instead of just telling them where she really was. Is she protecting Caylee or herself?

Maybe she was trying to give them clues in a round about way without really coming out and saying it.
sleuthmommy said:
Captain Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Department

GR: Captain Nieves, first of all, I have to ask you the big money question. Do you believe that this child is alive or dead?

CN: We believe she's alive. We're still working under the premise like we did the first day when we started this investigation. To look at all of the information that we are receiving, try and find the whereabouts of Caylee and establish her well-being. Of course, during that process, receiving the information that we have, from the initial reporter which was Casey, we have to follow the evidence where it leads us.

GR: Do you have any evidence that Caylee is alive? Other than what Casey told you?

CN: Well, at this point, we don't have any information provided to us that leads us to believe otherwise. We believe that she's still out there. That she can be found. If anyone provides us any information. But again, the information we're receiving, the evidence, the follow up that our detectives are conducting with the assistance of the FBI lab as long with the Federal Department of Law Enforcement and their crime analysis folks, receiving all of those tips of information, we have not been able to establish her well being.

GR: I really want to get this point nailed down. You not only believe that it's a possibility that she's alive, you're telling me that there is no evidence to the contrary?

CN: We're letting the evidence lead us to a conclusion. What we will continue to do is follow up on all of the information. Again, the sheriff's office will exhaust all means to try and make a determination as to where the child is, where she has been and again the key to that information is working with Casey. She is currently out on bond and we stand ready to receive any information that will help us on that end.

GR: Have you been frustrated by your relationship with the defendent in the child neglect case, Casey Anthony?

CN: It's definitely frustrating for our investigators. They put a lot of time, a lot of effort and will continue to do so. Again, we have the assistant of the the FBI Fed Dep of LE and again, we are standing ready as we were on day one to marshall anything that is necessary; any units, any personnel once we receive the information that will put us on the right track from Mr. Baez or Casey Anthony.

GR: As you sit there tonight, is there any plan to bring additional charges against Casey Anthony?

CN: Again, at this point, our detectives are continuing to look at everything. They're going to look at the entire picture. All of the information that has been provided to us and depending on where the evidence leads us, that will determined at a future date.
more of the show..more in subsequent posts
Hey everyone - the general thread was just locked with no warning and no new thread as shown up yet. That's strange.

LP did say 5 friends - Amy, Ricardo, JP and the boyfriend (TonE) and did not name the fifth but let's see.............. could it be.................. well................. hhmmmmm...........


Did He said Ricardo, Amy, Chatt, Anthony ,or - Tony, Amy, Ricardo and JP Chatt
Padilla (BH) just said that he is not on Baez' side, "he's a defense attorney, and I can't even talk to his client."

Padilla was getting nasty, lol.

He said they will pay for a service that will give them the cell phone pings for the 5 days after Caylee went missing. It will show where Casey went, who she met with. They will track her down.

LP is giving them 5 days to produce Caylee, then he will go after them...the kidnappers that is. Padillo doesn't care about Casey.

Hi.. this is what i was going to post about as well--- Yea , LP seem a bit peeved at Casey not talking to him :eek: He thinks he's some big shot , who, just because he put up her bond (ok,ok,,.. his nephew,Tony did..he's just the 'media ho dawg")she would 'totally, run into his arms-tell HIM everything and they go get Caylee"? How naive can this guy be?:eek:

ETA: i think LP will be going home soon with tail (ANd THAT DAMN TOOTHPICK TOO) tuck between his legs .
Maybe she was trying to give them clues in a round about way without really coming out and saying it.


I don't personally believe that is the case - but even if it were - we're talking about a 2 year old child - not a misplaced set of car/house keys for God's sake.

IMO, there is a reason why Casey could/would not tell police where she really was. Only Casey knows why which is what is frustrating LE and everyone else who is trying to find Caylee.
sleuthmommy said:
Talking Head Judge: Ok, number one, this is a department that has held it very close to the vest. They have not talked. They are out talking now. That tells me that the forensic anthropology that they expected to come back that would tell us the state of decomposition based upon the air in the trunk and whether the baby was actually dead didn't come back the way that they wanted it to. Number two, they're not quite sure that they have a homicide case. They don't want her to look like a suspect. But they're backtracking here and they're talking for the first time. Something's going on.

Talking Head Prosecutor: (In regards to taking it to trial on child neglect and not murder) Yes, they're going to be pushed on that issue. It's bad timing. They expected two weeks ago to have the goods, have the forensics back. They're in a tough spot. They didn't get enough so now they're recircling this thing, saying maybe we should reexamine what she's been saying from the beginning. But the campaign of disinformation from her hasn't helped at all. All lies.
more transcription
What an incredible show it was and yes, Leonard did start spouting off names of people who were around casey during the "critical pings".....he named Ricardo, Amy, Chatt, Anthony and I forget the last one. I'm sure all these people are thrilled that he appeared to implicate them.

This may be the reason Geraldo ended the show so abrubtly.

I too was amazed at how fast Kim and Jeanine flipped on their opinions. This case is unlike any I have ever posted on, everyday something strange.

Stay tuned!!
It must be difficult to produce on of those shows because of the unknowns--like how long a guest will speak. I did not think Geraldo ended the show abruptly although it looked that way. What do you think?
Going by to the the NEW YORK comment made by LP does anyone remember the guy who came to visit Casey in jail ...well he made a comment about I think his name was Mike and on Casey's my space page Mike had gone to New York we had a discussion about this on a much earlier thread ...does LP think Caylee is in NY?????

HE said something to the effect of We have come to believe she is in NY.

I don't personally believe that is the case - but even if it were - we're talking about a 2 year old child - not a misplaced set of car/house keys for God's sake.

IMO, there is a reason why Casey could/would not tell police where she really was. Only Casey knows why which is what is frustrating LE and everyone else who is trying to find Caylee.

I am well aware that we are talking about a 3 year old and not a set of car keys.
Hello everyone. This is my first post. IMO Geraldo is just messy. IIRC he was the first Fox reporter on the Natalee Hollaway story. His reporting was so sensationalized, he was soon replaced with Greta. I used to idolized G as a child. He was awesome way back when his heart was still pure. Now he just loves draaamma. Last nights Casey/Caylee segment may rate high on the enfortainment meter but very low IMO as far as any significance in the case. JMO.

Oh my, no spell check option. I'm in trouble.

Welcome to the site, Jacquie
Baez said that he has been and is still willing to let Casey speak to LE about finding Caylee but not about any criminal actions on her part. I wonder two things.

1. Is LE taking him up on the offer?

2. Is that offer open to Leonard?

I would also like to hear conversations between Leonard and his girl in the house. The house is 1472 Sq feet. Can't hide much in a house that small. Leonard should feed his girl plenty of cabbage, chili, and boiled eggs.
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