Geraldo Rivera - Live and at Large, Sunday, Dec. 7th

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I really like Kim too. She doesn't take any crap!
Darn, I hate I missed seeing this tonight... even though I can't stand Baez!

I'm sure Patty will have it posted by morning. Baez really stood alone tonight. Even GR couldn't support his friend.
Oh yeah, that's when we all say, "Now I understand, now it makes complete sense", right?

That'll be the day, that'll be the day...ay....ay when KC gets to fry.
Thanks for the recap everyone....I didnt get to see it yet! :)
For those of you who may be interested, the State of Florida (owing to its Sunshine Laws) has a very complete database of current offenders -- as well as their relative sentences.

You can select the criteria to see what similar cases have merited in terms of sentencing.

It might be helpful to select the criteria that most closely resembles KC, to see what you get.

LWOP? Maybe. I would hope, but....
Well if Kobi hasn't examined his DNA yet, it is KC's pre-trial hearing this week (Dec. 11?) and the trial was set of Jan 5 wasn't it -- so there is barely 3 weeks left!!!!

There has to be a plea deal in the works unless JB is counting on the Prosecution delaying to save him from filing a continuance. He hasn't filed for a speedy trial, change of venue or, delay yet and the clock is ticking.

How does JB have time to think about being on Geraldo????
I think that's JB's top priority, "making it big time"!
He is seeing $$ signs, and that's the strategy, making money from taking on this case.
And that's not too good for KC.:)
It is not unusual if one side "hires" a well known, respected forensic scientist. Often, especially if the client has deep pockets, they'll engage them just so they can't be used by the opposing side. Very common.
Don't you wish NG would just ask Kobi why he hasn't examined the evidence yet? I'd love to hear his explaination.

She did ask him and he said something about JB not calling him to come there yet.

And how is JB going to pay him anyway he can't even pay his photo copy bills?
NG has said all along that Kobi is a "paid consultant for the defense" wonder if they paid him to hold that title and now can't pay him to actually consult on the evidence?
Something tells me that Kobi will not put himself in a rush analysis of the evidence. If they can't get more time, Kobi more than likely will not be there for Casey's defense team.
Maybe all those goodies KC has been getting on her jail acct. She saves them up to serve to JB. Cheese pops, pretzels,etc:)

:floorlaugh: Hahahahhah - she's paying in pretzels and cheese poofs and who knows what else. ewwww Could be all that bologna she's feeding him too?? hahahahha
:floorlaugh: Hahahahhah - she's paying in pretzels and cheese poofs and who knows what else. ewwww Could be all that bologna she's feeding him too?? hahahahha

oh my just cracked me up with that one....we need to start a thread in the parking lot for all of these type could go along with the photo one....thanks for such a great laugh!!!:rolling::rolling::bowdown:
She asked him if he still believes the story his client told him. He said that he will reveal his defense in opening statements at the trial.
Then she said, how are you going to defend her against her own words and he said no comment.

He's the one that didn't want the Gag order, NOW all of a sudden "No Comment" WTH? :silenced:
Somehow I don't see this ever coming to trial. JB's full of hot air. They have no money. They have no case. Kobi's probably gonna bail, bet they haven't even paid him one dime and that's why they haven't sent him to analyze the evidence. JB's totally disorganized and hapless and inept. I don't see it happening.

I agree with you on this one.............there is a deal coming down and the Anthonys will look like the idiots they are for trying to cover for her. I bet in the deal she will arrange that they don't get prosecuted.
NG has said all along that Kobi is a "paid consultant for the defense" wonder if they paid him to hold that title and now can't pay him to actually consult on the evidence?
Something tells me that Kobi will not put himself in a rush analysis of the evidence. If they can't get more time, Kobi more than likely will not be there for Casey's defense team.

Since they were whining about the measly $900.00 for the evidence it is a pretty good sign JB is out of money to try this case.
Thanks for the recap - I missed the programs tonight. :)

In regards to a possible plea deal..........I can't see Casey taking a plea, simply because she's never had to take responsibility for anything. Mom and dad have always been there to get her out of a jam and clean up any messes she leaves behind. She's counting on mom and dad and JB to get her out of this jam too, and for Casey that means getting her off scott-free and no prison time. The way Casey sees it, doing ANY time in prison is punishment/taking responsibility, and she won't see that as "a deal."

On another note..........can you imagine how George and Cindy would react to Casey accepting a deal and pleading guilty to killing Caylee?
can you imagine how George and Cindy would react to Casey accepting a deal and pleading guilty to killing Caylee?

They would say how the media and LE has influenced the public and tainted the jury pool so that KC could never have gotten a fair trial and that this is the only way to save herself.
What I would like to see is their reaction if she discloses the location of the body and it is recovered (to whatever degree that is possible).
They would say how the media and LE has influenced the public and tainted the jury pool so that KC could never have gotten a fair trial and that this is the only way to save herself.
What I would like to see is their reaction if she discloses the location of the body and it is recovered (to whatever degree that is possible).

My thoughts exactly. If KC takes a deal, the A's will continue to search for Caylee alive and consider KC a martyr.

I would like to see KC give up the location. I would not, however, like to see their reaction if KC gives up the location of the body. I think I know what you meant when you said it (and I'm not playing holier than thou) but I started thinking literally...I literally would not want to see that. It wouldn't really be an "I told you so" moment. I'm sure many will take pleasure in that and I don't want to see that either.

KC will never tell.
I am new here, Hi everyone! Interesting threads.

If KC were to plea, it would be to a lesser charge right? She is currently looking at LWOP
at the worst. A plea would probably be lowered to " involuntary manslaughter" ? It would be hard to believe that such a plea would even be offered after the runaround that LE has gotten.
I am new here, Hi everyone! Interesting threads.

If KC were to plea, it would be to a lesser charge right? She is currently looking at LWOP
at the worst. A plea would probably be lowered to " involuntary manslaughter" ? It would be hard to believe that such a plea would even be offered after the runaround that LE has gotten.


Yeah, as far as I know, a plea would be for a lesser charge. My guess would be involuntary manslaughter as well.

I seriously doubt this will come down to a plea. I would think that prosecution wouldn't offer a plea unless KC gave up the location of the body or some other pivotal piece of information. I imagine they'll offer a plea with stipulations such as this and she won't take it because she'll never admit to having had anything to do with Caylee's disappearance. I bet that offer is out there and has been out there.
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