"Geraldo" Show W/Enhanced Ramsey 911 Tape...

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My recollection of the 911 tape.
Bear with me while I explain my history on the JonBenet boards. I came to cybersleuths in late 1997 early 1998. I was searching for information on the Martha Moxley case. At that time I found a chatroom that Mapek and cybersleuths was running. At that time cybersleuths wasn't sectioned off into different topics. Such as Moxley posted here, Ramsey here etc. They had a daily thread and maybe a general crime thread and that was it. I really can't remember anymore. Like I said I was interested in the Moxley case but being the way cybersleuths was set up I read alot about Ramsey. It was all mixed together. The chat room was the same way. I would go to chat about Moxley and alot of the Ramsey people would be there too. So as time went by I came to know who was who in Ramsey and all about the case in the early years. I joined JW and got a little interested in the case but just because it was the main case discussed on the crime boards I visited. Ok get to the point you say??? My point is I heard the 911 tape being played on TV. What I remember about it was it played later at night I'm thinking after the 11 pm news (I'm on the east coast) I had fallen asleep on my couch with the tv on and woke up and the show that was on was talking about the Ramsey 911 tape and I remember thinking, oh the ramsey people on the boards and chat will be talking about this. I never paid to much attention to it because Ramsey wasn't the case I was following closely. As time went by the controversy over the tape started on the boards. I think I may have posted one other time that I too had heard the tape. At that time no one could mention hearing it without Candy swooping in and attacking you and calling you a liar for saying that so I never got involved much with it. I, like RR can't remember exactly if it were Geraldo or some other "news" show. So I can't help there but I do remember it playing later at night if that helps any.

I saw it on Geraldo's morning talk show...when he came on then. So, since he played it...I am sure that other shows did too. Either that, or you watched a repeat of the morning show. But, we can add your name to the list of people that have heard that tape played on tv.
It probably was a repeat because after 11 pm I doubt it was regular programing. I thought the time would help narrow down what show it was and who was repeating after 11 pm on east coast.
Also at age 47 it's the details that are getting harder to recall:boohoo:
It probably was a repeat because after 11 pm I doubt it was regular programing. I thought the time would help narrow down what show it was and who was repeating after 11 pm on east coast.
Also at age 47 it's the details that are getting harder to recall:boohoo:

I know for SURE that it was Geraldo's Morning talk show, that I heard it on. So, you must have seen a repeat of that show, or another show got their hands on it somehow.
See? This is exactly why I hate this topic! I know for a fact that whatever show it was on, it was during the early evening hours as I was preparing supper for the night, but it could have also been on an earlier show in the morning - I believe you, Ames.
Posters so far that have heard the "Geraldo" Tape...

1. Ames
2. RiverRat
3. Drew

I know that there are more out there...let us hear from you.

I have been with webs.since the start (1997),I was pineapple at first ,then changed handle to lannie ,I also heard the enhanced tape on Geraldo , you could clearly hear John's voice say (we are not talking to you )right after BR said (what did you find ?)
See? This is exactly why I hate this topic! I know for a fact that whatever show it was on, it was during the early evening hours as I was preparing supper for the night, but it could have also been on an earlier show in the morning - I believe you, Ames.

Yes to was on several different tv investgative shows in the evening ,& some of the tv news programs I also heard it played on the talk radio shows late night at night
See? This is exactly why I hate this topic! I know for a fact that whatever show it was on, it was during the early evening hours as I was preparing supper for the night, but it could have also been on an earlier show in the morning - I believe you, Ames.

LOL...Thanks, I believe you too. Sounds like it was played on more than one program, or a repeat of the earlier program. Either way...we heard it, and we know that we heard it...and that is all that matters to me.
I have been with webs.since the start (1997),I was pineapple at first ,then changed handle to lannie ,I also heard the enhanced tape on Geraldo , you could clearly hear John's voice say (we are not talking to you )right after BR said (what did you find ?)

Exactly, I couldn't remember what order everything was said. But, I know what I heard. I will add your name to the HEARD IT TOO list.
..from what I recall about ppl who've said they heard it on the show,JR's voice was said to be extremely harsh,and they were alarmed about it..does that sound right?
LOL...I doubt it...


"Comment: At dinner recently, a friend said never to eat pineapple after
eating crab. Supposedly it causes a reaction that has been "known to kill

This sounds somewhat familiar to Prawn Shopped, although I've never heard
anyone extolling the virtues of eating pineapple for Vitamin C as is heard
for oranges.

I'm assuming it's false, because I'm pretty sure I've seen "Sweet and
Sour" Shrimp at Chinese restaurants before, but have never seen any
reports of people dying after eating it. "
FROM AMES: That wouldn't explain the displaced skull bone, either.

Sure its been known to kill people....especially after you bash their skull in and then strangle them with a garrote. It's called the Raging Liar Effect.
Wonder why the R laywers didn't conjure up some medical examiner somewhere to corroborate this? And of course, the well-respected MEs who commented on this case TOTALLY forgot about "killer-crab pineapple effect".

Pineapple chunks are a very common dessert in Chinese restaurants, where crab is always on the menu. I have never seen a warning.
Its just RST wishful thinking...
Does anyone remember discussions on the message boards at the time Geraldo (or whatever show it was) aired the 911 tape? Any oldtimers out there? Like I said I was on the Ramsey boards back then but not to discuss the Ramsey case. So I can't recall any specifically.
I do remember this topic coming up before and a huge war breaking out between "heard it" and "didn't hear it" posters.
..from what I recall about ppl who've said they heard it on the show,JR's voice was said to be extremely harsh,and they were alarmed about it..does that sound right?

Yes, he was harsh. See, if it had of been a REAL kidnapping, when Burke asked "what did you find?", John would have said.."Son, your mother was on the phone with a 911 operator, because she found a ransom note. Your sister has been kidnapped, Burke. Did you hear or see anything?" BUT NOOOOOO...John simply says, "We are not speaking to you", in a hateful tone. IOW...stay out of it.
Sure its been known to kill people....especially after you bash their skull in and then strangle them with a garrote. It's called the Raging Liar Effect.
Wonder why the R laywers didn't conjure up some medical examiner somewhere to corroborate this? And of course, the well-respected MEs who commented on this case TOTALLY forgot about "killer-crab pineapple effect".

Pineapple chunks are a very common dessert in Chinese restaurants, where crab is always on the menu. I have never seen a warning.
Its just RST wishful thinking...

I had to laugh when I read that comment from the Snopes message board. Like Pineapple and crab combined, make a deadly concoction that kills people. :rolleyes: The poster that posted it here, was only kidding about that being the reason that JB died, thank goodness. I don't think that anybody could be THAT stupid, unless of course, you are the poster that posted that comment on the Snopes message board. I love Chinese....and if crab and pineapple together kill people...then I should have been dead a long, LONG time ago. :crazy:
Does anyone remember discussions on the message boards at the time Geraldo (or whatever show it was) aired the 911 tape? Any oldtimers out there? Like I said I was on the Ramsey boards back then but not to discuss the Ramsey case. So I can't recall any specifically.
I do remember this topic coming up before and a huge war breaking out between "heard it" and "didn't hear it" posters.

I wasn't posting here then, I barely could use a computer...much less the internet then. LOL

It makes me mad that posters that didn't hear it, practically call the ones that did hear it...a liar. Like WHY would somebody make the fact that they did hear the enhanced 911 tape, up? I don't appreciate people telling me what I heard or didn't hear....just because they missed the show.
Yes, he was harsh. See, if it had of been a REAL kidnapping, when Burke asked "what did you find?", John would have said.."Son, your mother was on the phone with a 911 operator, because she found a ransom note. Your sister has been kidnapped, Burke. Did you hear or see anything?" BUT NOOOOOO...John simply says, "We are not speaking to you", in a hateful tone. IOW...stay out of it.
for sure,poor Burke,he knew something was wrong,yet dad yells at him..no wonder Patsy said he had tears in his eyes..I would've been crying,too !
for sure,poor Burke,he knew something was wrong,yet dad yells at him..no wonder Patsy said he had tears in his eyes..I would've been crying,too !

Yeah, he knew something was wrong. IMO..he just didn't know what, that morning when he heard his mom on the phone with the 911 operator. I don't know why John felt the need to be so harsh with him. He didn't yell...he was just harsh. IMO...he said that, and after Patsy (or someone) discovered that the phone wasn't hung up, and hung it up...he probably told Burke to go back to bed. IMO.."we are not speaking to you", was John's way of saying..This is none of your business, go back to bed. When, in fact...it it had of been a true kidnapping, he would have asked Burke if he saw or heard anything...AND he would have been afraid to send him back up to his room, for fear the "kidnapper" was still in the house (possibly in Burke's closet, or under his bed). Also, if it had of been a TRUE kidnapping...there would have been so much screaming, crying and yelling in that house, that Burke wouldn't have been able to sleep it all. There was SOME commotion, because Burke admitted that he heard his mom and dads voices outside of his room, and he pretended to be asleep. If you heard crying, yelling and screaming...would YOU pretend to be asleep, or would you get up to see what the heck was going on? Now, if you were nine years old, and you heard your parents arguing, THEN you would pretend to be asleep, at least I know that I would. IMO..that is the voices that he heard outside his room....a whole lot of arguing going on. The Ramsey's didn't even comfort each other that morning, according to their friends and authorities. I believe that Patsy did it...so, John was not to happy with her.
Does anyone remember discussions on the message boards at the time Geraldo (or whatever show it was) aired the 911 tape? Any oldtimers out there? Like I said I was on the Ramsey boards back then but not to discuss the Ramsey case. So I can't recall any specifically.
I do remember this topic coming up before and a huge war breaking out between "heard it" and "didn't hear it" posters.

Huh?! You were on the Ramsey boards, but not to discuss the case? Were you a Lurker that took the Leap like I was? I followed for a long time until I felt comfortable enough and was familar with the posters and knew which ones to avoid and which ones that I still admire to this day.....I am sooo glad that I didn't particpate those first couple of years as it seems like that time period had far too many players instead of concerned citizens!
Okay, I heard it on Geraldo's nighttime "legal issues" show. The one where he was serious, discussing the O.J. case all through that, then the Ramsey case came on the radar. The "911 tape" was only advertised for that day or so, and it was played on one of the "tabloid" shows at the time as well, something like "Inside Edition". I heard/saw the Geraldo episode, I'm sure, because I remember he had a couple of guests, they listened as well, and they discussed if they could actually "distinguish" the words--no, they couldn't, and neither could I. This lasted only about 5 or 10 minutes of the show and then they went on to the next topic. It was very anti-climatic, actually, and I had no idea it was a big deal until I came online sometime later and found out I would be attacked for sharing what I'd seen that night. I mean, how many 911 calls get released? Plenty, and no drama with them "disappearing" into oblivion.

But there is an issue that I didn't understand even existed when I heard that airing of the ENHANCED TAPE, and obviously, with time and confusion, many here haven't caught on to it or don't remember.

What I heard played was THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE END OF THE 911 TAPE, not the whole 911 original call with Patsy's "performance". At least, this is what I remember and how I have deduced the sequence, though lord knows anything in this mess of a case is arguable:

At the time I heard the tape on Geraldo's show, which I watched EVERY night or I probably would have missed it myself, I had NO IDEA there WAS an "enhanced tape", per se. I may have heard about that being done--or maybe not. In either case, I just didn't "comprehend" the specific elements of that process to "raise" the voices in the background from the orginal tape, nor did I differentiate between the "original 911 tape" vs the "enhanced tape". I really hadn't studied the case that intensely then nor did I even ponder airing the tape was strange, because at that time, it was just another murder case we expected to be solved one day. I wasn't online then, only saw national news reports or writings on the murder, etc. I saw none of the early stuff written by Colorado news media, not until I came online. I still find articles all the time from the Co. media, reporting early in the case history, that I never saw before. I can't even remember if Schilller's book was out yet, or if I'd read it, but I don't think so.

The reason I figured out that Geraldo played the ENHANCED tape is because when Wood released the ORIGINAL 911 tape in full, I couldn't remember at ALL hearing Patsy in that panicked voice, etc. I was about convinced I'd hallucinated the whole Geraldo episode myself--and I had a memory like a steel trap most of my life, so I had never wondered THAT before, but you know how this case twists and turns until you think YOU'VE lost YOUR mind.... Then a poster at another forum, one who prides herself on "inside sources" and "posting 13 minutes before anyone else", wrote about her source revealing the enhanced tape made by Aerospace blahblahblah. That's when it clicked: you can't HEAR the voices that well unless you hear the SEPARATE, ENHANCEMENT TAPED BY AEROSPACE. It's a SEPARATE TAPE, made FROM the original. Of course it is: they couldn't DESTROY the original to work on it, could they?

So I realized, unless I really did have a memory fade out highly uncharacteristic of me at the time, that I had not heard the entire original until Wood released it. What Geraldo had played was the enhanced tape,--a copy of it, and that was the one with a voice on it alleged to be Burke's--a minor child. It was and is highly protected evidence in an open murder case. So IMO, that's why "someone" saw it aired and reached the BPD or BDA promptly. That obviously resulted in a "cease and desist' order for airing the enhanced tape" given to the broadcast company that was parent to both CNBC (that's the channel Geraldo's night show was on at the time) and the network or production company which produced the tabloid show which also ran it, and any other show which people might have seen it on. The copy of the enhanced tape was probably spirited away or given to LE, then the repeat of the show and tapes of it were purged by threatening lord knows what.

Now, it has been a very long time ago, and we've heard the entire 911 tape many times. So memories get mixed up, etc. If someone else has another memory of this, I'm not saying I'm right and they're wrong. This is just what I remember. My memory is really not what it once was, and there have been many years when I didn't even think about this disputed airing. When I did try to recall the events, I had to wait for some of that memory to "surface again" at times, because I just hadn't thought about it for a long time. So...all I can swear to in a court of law is this: I heard Geraldo play what he said was the 911 call, and what I remember is that we could hear a man's voice scolding a childlike voice, with Patsy's voice in the mix as well. I can't actually remember the 911 operator's voice now, so can't say if that was audible in the recording or not. I guess I remember the other voices most because they were the ones in question. It has been too long. I look forward to the day I never write about this again.

Another word about what other shows played the tape that day: many people have said they thought they saw it on a tabloid show, or they have a relative who saw it on such a show, etc. Since we know that various media outlets are owned by the same company often, that's how the tape got aired on more than one show, IMO. I never watched Geraldo's morning/afternoon/Springer-type show, however, so I'm certain I did not see it on that program. I did not watch Geraldo's mock trial, either, though I saw ads for it: I just thought it would be dumb because it was pure exploitative sensationalism, and it was, IMO.

Anyhow, that's my best guess about the whole mess. I've said this about a thousand times through the years and I'm as tired as you, Rat, of being called a liar, delusional, mistaken, or taken in by a hoax, all over something that really is just another Ramsey case perversion of the truth, perpetrated by LE in Boulder who have spent 12 years burying the case for reasons they'll never, ever expose.

Oh, I do have some posts from others on the net who have written about seeing/hearing that tape, and one mentioned that the repeat she was going to tape after she saw it on the original airing had a message up front about the show being edited for legal reasons or some such. I'll try to find it to post for y'all.

In the end, people believe what they want. I know what I saw and heard. But it's really moot, because there is lots of corroboration that the voices are on the tape, from credible sources, including Michael Kane, Thomas, and Schiller, all who heard it.
Yeah, he knew something was wrong. IMO..he just didn't know what, that morning when he heard his mom on the phone with the 911 operator. I don't know why John felt the need to be so harsh with him. He didn't yell...he was just harsh. IMO...he said that, and after Patsy (or someone) discovered that the phone wasn't hung up, and hung it up...he probably told Burke to go back to bed. IMO.."we are not speaking to you", was John's way of saying..This is none of your business, go back to bed. When, in fact...it it had of been a true kidnapping, he would have asked Burke if he saw or heard anything...AND he would have been afraid to send him back up to his room, for fear the "kidnapper" was still in the house (possibly in Burke's closet, or under his bed). Also, if it had of been a TRUE kidnapping...there would have been so much screaming, crying and yelling in that house, that Burke wouldn't have been able to sleep it all. There was SOME commotion, because Burke admitted that he heard his mom and dads voices outside of his room, and he pretended to be asleep. If you heard crying, yelling and screaming...would YOU pretend to be asleep, or would you get up to see what the heck was going on? Now, if you were nine years old, and you heard your parents arguing, THEN you would pretend to be asleep, at least I know that I would. IMO..that is the voices that he heard outside his room....a whole lot of arguing going on. The Ramsey's didn't even comfort each other that morning, according to their friends and authorities. I believe that Patsy did it...so, John was not to happy with her.

and Burke was said not to have asked any questions at all..not even on the ride over to the White's..you bet he didn't.I think JR scared him so bad he was too afraid to dare ask anything at all! And Patsy says JR was getting dressed during the time it took LE to arrive...no,I think he was already dressed and waiting for them,he had obviously stood beside Patsy,supervising her,the whole time she was on the phone,and in the time it took for LE to arrive,JR had sent BR back to bed,with implicit instructions on what to do (not talk) and not to get up until he came back to get him.
It seems to me JR was supervising the call,when unexpectedly,Burke got up and started asking questions,messing up the scenario they'd wanted...for LE to find him in bed.So he was marched right back to bed,with instructions on what to do (or what not to do,rather).
Huh?! You were on the Ramsey boards, but not to discuss the case? Were you a Lurker that took the Leap like I was? I followed for a long time until I felt comfortable enough and was familar with the posters and knew which ones to avoid and which ones that I still admire to this day.....I am sooo glad that I didn't particpate those first couple of years as it seems like that time period had far too many players instead of concerned citizens!

I was on the boards because of true crime discussions. Cybersleuths, the first board I joined, didn't discuss just Ramsey. I was there because of the Martha Moxley case. As time went by I joined other boards such as JW where Ramsey was discussed alot. I never posted or commented much at all concerning Ramsey. Just read about it alot because I was at the boards for other topics.

edited to add: please see post #19

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