Gerard Baden Clay's murder appeal

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Here we are yet again. Waiting, waiting:waiting::waiting:
Not meaning to rehash everything, but there was so much that we all thought would be relevant to the case that wasn’t even mentioned at the Trial.

In relation to the events of ‘that night’, it is quite amazing that the young girls went so soundly to sleep, and that they didn’t wake up or hear a thing ….. especially if they knew there was friction between their Parents before they went to bed and to sleep,
Gerard sure took a chance on leaving the house with Allison’s body ……… and hoping none of his young girls woke up and discovered nobody at home.

With regard to the Captiva …… wonder what has happened to it?
I think he had his girls so programmed they would not have dared get out of bed. Kids usually sleep well at that age unless sick. There was also talk about phenergon being bought but maybe that was for the catapilla itch.

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Baden-Clay smothered his wife to death while their daughters slept soundly in their beds.
I'm hoping for the nice surprise that 'Ol Oscar Pisstorious got with is appeal.
I'm hoping for the nice surprise that 'Ol Oscar Pisstorious got with is appeal.
Pistorius didn’t deny actually shooting Reeva, just that he didn’t mean to.

Baden Clay hasn’t admitted to killing Allison. I think he has somehow convinced himself that he didn’t extinguish her life, but that Allison did that herself by failing to continue breathing when he did whatever he did.

The Jury would have seen for themselves what a controlling personality he has, and the performances of him to deny and try to lamely explain away his denials….. a man totally in denial; no accidents evident at all.

For me, the problem has always been connecting him to actually being present at the bridge where Allison’s body was found.
Not meaning to rehash everything, but there was so much that we all thought would be relevant to the case that wasn’t even mentioned at the Trial.

In relation to the events of ‘that night’, it is quite amazing that the young girls went so soundly to sleep, and that they didn’t wake up or hear a thing ….. especially if they knew there was friction between their Parents before they went to bed and to sleep,
Gerard sure took a chance on leaving the house with Allison’s body ……… and hoping none of his young girls woke up and discovered nobody at home.

With regard to the Captiva …… wonder what has happened to it?

How outraged Gerard was at that suggestion, too. He went off into a long oration about his 'girls'. how he, the Great Gerard, the man who can teach you and me a few things about manners and business acumen, wouldn't even consider doing a dreadful thing like that, .. what?? leave his 3 treasures alone while he drove 14 kms out and 14 kms back to discard Allisons body?? . what kind of people are you to even suggest this!!.

but that's exactly what he did do.

Gerard, for all his life long practice at lying, was so amateur at it. He just never got it up to professional speed, what he thought was people swallowing his yarns were people bored stiff with him. Toni was even bored stiff with him, not that the boredom overcame her fever for him..

And I recall, one of the aspects of evidence both Olivia and Gerard gave, in concert, with the air of people dealing with recalcitrant dills, so irritating, was that Gerard and Allison had argued over the sleeping arrangements and habits of the girls.. Gerard, that Great Philosopher, who 's training in bringing up children surpasses human understanding, felt that no one should be cuddled, or paid attention to at bedtime. Under any circumstances.

I always think of those girls lying in their beds, frozen in fear and anxiety every night, not just that night. Particularly as Gerard was at pains to point out to Joyce, the business partner, that he had no hesitation in belting them, on a regular basis. He seemed actually proud of it.
Trooper, wasn't it Jocelyn Frost, not Joyce?? ... And Phillip Broom?
And somewhere in his socialisation he seems to have been rewarded for being the 'Master of Excuses'. That is blindingly obvious IMO

This article is chilling.

Take note of the paragraph about going to court!
...... and what a pathetic individual Gerard has turned out to be; a slave to his own needs! / so destructive to others, but mostly to those closest to him.

Possumheart, as your quoted article says ........ those at the uppermost level of NPD will be unlikely to ever be 'turned around'.
Trooper, wasn't it Jocelyn Frost, not Joyce?? ... And Phillip Broom?

Jocelyn it was, indeedy,thankyou,Poss...

her affidavit and his were masterpieces of insights into Gerard at work and at play.
If it wasn’t proved in the Trial that there was intent at the time of the extinguishing of Allison's life, then in my opinion it was displayed (for all to see) that her death was very quickly turned into a murder scenario
….. Allison’s body was placed under the bridge 14 kms away within a ‘short period of time’ (words from the Autopsy) following any accidental ‘killing’ by Gerard; also with the intent of collecting the insurance payout (applied for by his Father at the very earliest opportunity on her body being found).

In my opinion, because of the very quick decision to gather up Allison’s body, manoeuvre it into the back of the Captiva and drive 14 kms, manage getting her body under the bridge, and then drive the 14 kms back and deal with any evidence remaining …… this scenario after the event would still strongly point to intent existing ….. more than intent not existing.

Just my thoughts while waiting ………
The only possible downgrade of bwana Jr.'s charges are an admission to domestic violence.
Just stating the obvious. Entrenched mysogeny.
Some days I still seethe.
The only possible downgrade of bwana Jr.'s charges are an admission to domestic violence.
Just stating the obvious. Entrenched mysogeny.
Some days I still seethe.

BBM. You and me both Poss.
Just heard on the news. The decision will be handed down tomorrow. Waiting nervously. :scared:
Gerard Baden-Clay murder appeal decision to be handed down tomorrow
A decision on wife killer Gerard-Baden Clay's murder conviction appeal will be handed down tomorrow at 9.30am. Last year, Baden-Clay was found ...
Just heard on the news. The decision will be handed down tomorrow. Waiting nervously. :scared:

Thanks Whatif? and BreakingNews Hopefully, the Jury's conviction will be upheld. :scale:

Appeal decision due on Baden-Clay murder case
by Rae Wilson, 7th Dec 2015 5:58 PM

THE Queensland Court of Appeal will tomorrow hand down its decision on whether a jury wrongly convicted Gerard Baden-Clay of murder... If successful, Baden-Clay could be released from prison. If the appeal is rejected, he can still apply to the High Court of Australia to contest the conviction...
oh * moaning * hyperventilating* .. 12 hours to go.

I am comforted by the fact that Gerard couldn't even get bail, due to the preponderance of evidence against him and the lack of evidence for him .. he languished on remand for nearly 2 1/2 years. What a travesty it would be if his conviction was overturned. .. I cant even contemplate it for long without gagging.

It isn't unusual to have sympathy for murder's families, but in this instance, no. .. Not bit of it. Prayers for the girls and Allisons mother , father, brother and sister. . Just the longest night.
If he gets to have a shot in the High Court, I'd like to know who is bankrolling it . . Because that person can kiss that money goodbye!
Nasty dealings. Don't lose any sleep. He doesn't deserve it. If we all just hate him a tiny bit, collectively that is a good effort IMO
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