Gerard Baden Clay's murder appeal

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[h=1]Ex-boss says Gerard Baden-Clay was ‘strange’ but wife Allison was ‘highly regarded’ in the workplace[/h]
GERARD Baden-Clay was a “strange” employee who left Flight Centre under an integrity cloud, company founder Graham Turner said

He described Gerard, 45, in polar opposite terms to wife Allison, who also once worked for the firm as its global human resources manager.

“I remember her quite well,” Mr Turner told The Courier-Mail.

“She was highly regarded, successful, both in the shop and when she came into recruitment – very highly regarded.

Flight Centre will support the rally in King George Square today, which will call for an appeal and highlight community concerns about domestic violence.

Mr Turner said senior executives and staff would attend in a show of public support for Allison’s family and any employees who may be affected by domestic violence.
I can't read all posts ATM.
I want desperately to go to the rally tomorrow. What is the ETA and place?
And hi everyone. Miss you guys.
I need and want to keep fighting for justice for Allison and also a hidden forgotten face in this murder investigation. A fallen ,comrade of ours, our wonderful brave and servant , police officer , Shane Dall'Osto , couldn't serve any longer, and took his own life, last year, just before the Trial. He worked on this case with all his might, to shine a light on this despicable crime. He was the leading police officer at her search, and he was there for his men and also for the Dickies and the community. He crawled on all 4's looking for her phone and He never left the Brookfield command , just to sleep. He cared and loved Allison and her family , like he loved his own family. He was everyone's hero. He was so desperate to find her and when he knew he couldn't bring Allison back to her children , he was devastated !
Will all his work be forgotten too, along with all his comrades?
I pray every day that GBC will not get away with his terrorism. I pray for Allison's family and friends, her children and their friends, and the whole community. Domestic Murder and Violence should not be hidden and forgotten! Australia needs to shine a light on it, not cover it up! Shame on the Appeal decision!! Allowing Gerard Baden Clay to murder Allison, silence Allison and her family, and give him excuses even he couldn't dream up. God help all of us!

Today’s the day! We hope you can take the time to join us at King George Square at 12:15pm today. Please bring your family, friends and co-workers in support. We need to let our political leaders know the social and legal structures designed to support and protect against domestic violence are not working.

Mr O’Gorman was particularly scathing of the Courier Mail’s coverage of Baden-Clay “from day one”, and reiterated his belief that Australia should introduce a US-style mechanism that negates prejudicial pre-trial publicity.

“I don’t think I have seen a case in the 40 years that I have been practising where the main newspaper in Brisbane waged a relentless campaign against Baden-Clay even before he was arrested, waged a relentless campaign in the lead-up to his trial, and continues to wage a relentless campaign,” he said.

“It’s a relentless campaign because (the appeal judgment) simply does not fit their agenda that they have adopted from the time that (Allison) went missing, that Baden-Clay is as guilty as sin.

“It would be almost impossible, and I say it was impossible, to find anyone in Brisbane who did not have an opinion about Baden-Clay by the time the jury was empaneled, and the only person who wouldn’t have had an opinion about Baden-Clay was someone who had been in a coma for 12 months.”
live feed.

THOUSANDS have gathered for a rally protesting the downgrading of Gerard Baden-Clay’s murder conviction.

The Doingit4Allison rally was organised to call on the Attorney General to appeal the decision to the High Court.
An enormous crowd of people have turned out dressed in yellow - Allison’s favourite colour.
:tyou: to all who attended. I truly hope we are seeing change from the groundswell!
I am lost for words.
A truly emotional day. I have never seen such a large gathering at KG Square. A sea of yellow with one common thought. Justice for Allison and her family. Near the large Christmas tree was a letter box for Santa. A little note got put in there that said

Dear Santa, Please reinstate Gerard Baden-Clay's charges to MURDER.
Quick report back...

A perfectly organised rally - the audio visual was impressive and professional, huge turnout, it was all so well put together. Towards the start there was a TV helicopter buzzing above - the big screen at KG square was tuned to the news so we could all see the copter vision almost in real time. The mood was calm, determined and full of love for Allison. Beautifully behaved crowd, very responsive with clapping and support to the speakers throughout key points in their addresses. One of the biggest shows of support was to the police - when it was mentioned how tirelessly they worked on the case. When people were dispersing afterwards, many were shaking the hands of the police to say 'job well done'.

All the speakers were utterly compelling and all had their own angle. Collective goosebumps for Allison's friend Nicole, as she recounted a story about a single yellow balloon after the trial:

Mostly women in the crowd, many wearing yellow. It was quite hot in the sun for an hour - but no-one was going anywhere - everyone was very determined to stand up and be counted. Police presence was minimal for QLD - I think they counted (correctly) on it being a well-behaved crowd (despite all the news articles prior trying to characterise the supporters as emotional, hysterical and misguided).

The main message that came through was to appeal the appeal decision, and to 'change the law'. The latter I'm guessing is about the 'bet both ways' which GBC was able to have - would that be correct?
Some legal eagles and government members have utilised MSM to call the crowd a 'lynch mob'. This label is misguided as GBC had already been convicted of murder. These messages are designed to 'degrade' the outrage.
Many citizens have expressed their concern that a verdict judiciously arrived at by a properly instructed Jury was subsequently downgraded by three Appeal Judges. Many citizens disagree with the Appeal Judges in this specific case. Also it seems many citizens are concerned about future implications of such a precedent.
Maybe the older Law needs to be changed and evolve to suit community expectations with enlightened, educated public awareness of domestic violence.
Alison had the right to live, continue to mother the girls and establish a new life away from GBC. She was removed from this earth permanently by GBC. Divorce was always available to GBC. Why was this option not taken?
Given his alleged controlling nature, it was likely he would not want Alison to fight for access to the children or take her 'share' of finances away. He had no right to kill her which is the pinnacle of Domestic Violence. My opinion only.
I wish I could find where I read that after telling the marriage counsellor that his 'intention' was to save the marriage he returned to the waiting room while she spoke to Allison. While he was waiting he was communicating with Toni via text or email. I think it may have been in the book.
Annastacia Palaszczuk has said in the Media:

"I know I'm asking Queenslanders and the public - the families out there - to be patient, but we have to let the DPP do its job."

Unless this is 'put to bed' soon, unless Gerard handled this killing all by himself, then it may be a looong time before any accomplice(s) can be charged if the Police have any evidence. Just saying
I don't think we will hear much about accomplices - this is all about GBC and nothing else.
Respectfully requoting

(it certainly sounds like the house was bugged.......Self harm?! All about himself again. The police were worried out the children!!)

As this article is behind a paywall I'll paraphrase as well as I can. Here I go....

Police spent the night secretly hidden around GBC's house fearing he was going to harm the children the night before his arrest and were under orders to storm the house if his three daughters were in danger. They remained there until morning when he left the home for work.

This secret operation can be revealed ahead of his appeal this week was arranged after police ramped up pressure with approaches to family members who had been his biggest supporters.

On the day before his arrest, detectives had flown to Townsville to present almost all of their evidence to his sister Olivia Walton and simultaneously, approached his parents Nigel and Elaine in Brisbane in a final bid to draw out more information.

Detectives arrested Baden-Clay in the Toowong Tower carpark on June 13, 2012, as he left work at his office at C-21 to pick up his daughters from school, and charged him with the murder of his wife Allison, 43.

He was convicted of murder in July last year after a five-week trial and sentenced to life imprisonment.(I just had to bold this sentence, it just sounds so gooood)
A sea of yellow sunflowers looks a lot like a sea of yellow from Friday's rally


  • Sunflowers.jpg
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Bottom line: in the absence of any new evidence, if the appeal court cannot show that the jury was misdirected, then it should not be possible to overturn a jury verdict. Or put it the other way around, when a jury verdict is overturned, it should only be on the basis that new evidence has been presented, or the appeal court can show how the jury was misdirected.

Otherwise, the jury verdict should be upheld, to show that the legal system can be upheld.
I will refuse if ever I am called upon for jury service again. I've been a juror on a murder trial and I can assure everyone that juries take their responsibilities very seriously. I will not put myself through that again if jury decisions can be overturned like this one!
To my mind, the hypothetical scenario put forth by the Defence to the Appeal Judges is a ‘case’ of “he could’ve if he could’ve said this” (not that he would’ve).

i.e. if he was charged with Manslaughter / and not Murder.

Gerard did say, when asked during the trial …. No, I did not kill my wife; but had he been asked ‘did your wife die during an altercation between you?’ on oath, he may have had to answer ‘Yes’.

Would that have amounted to an admission to Manslaughter?

….and at that point, all of his many his lies and claims for insurance would have exposed him to……….. Spur of the moment Murder (as Alioop has suggested) …… not just panic.

Would this be a case of ‘splitting hairs’?

JMO The Defence's Appeal shouldn't have changed the verdict, because his killing denial was not believed by the Jury, and because the evidence relating to all of his many his lies and claims for insurance remains.
What a lot of people forget or simply don't understand (understandable given the media hysteria) is that the burden of proving intent rests entirely with the prosecution, there is no obligation on the part of the defence to put forward any alternative theories. It is then left entirely to the jury to decide whether or not that they are satisfied that the ONLY reasonable inference that can be drawn from the evidence presented at trial.

The fact that the defence did not put forward an accidental death theory at trial means nothing, the jury still has the responsibility to consider any and all possible alternatives that may be consistent with the evidence.

Yes, Gerard lied (probably many times) but did the prosecution satisfactorily prove beyond reasonable doubt that this could NOT have been the result of an accident and subsequent panic? You could put forward the argument that a person who accidentally killed another would not go to such lengths to conceal the truth but the fact is that it happens more often than you might imagine, I can recall several QLD cases off the top of my head.

Bottom line: in the absence of any new evidence, if the appeal court cannot show that the jury was misdirected, then it should not be possible to overturn a jury verdict. Or put it the other way around, when a jury verdict is overturned, it should only be on the basis that new evidence has been presented, or the appeal court can show how the jury was misdirected.

Otherwise, the jury verdict should be upheld, to show that the legal system can be upheld.

While the rejection of the no case submission was not a ground of appeal, the unsafe and unsatisfactory verdict ground was so similar as to be virtually the same thing. Thus (in my opinion) the QCA tacitly conceded that the no case submission should have been successful as an inference could be drawn that while Gerard was responsible for killing Allison, he did so without the essential element of intent. Without explicitly saying it was the case, the QCA have inferred that Justice Byrne erred and the jury should never have been given the opportunity to convict Gerard of murder. In saying that, it's hard to be critical of Justice Byrne as he had literally a matter of minutes in which to make a decision whereas the QCA had the benefit of several months to mull over the evidence.

I also just have a general question for those who are seeking change to the law (to paraphrase), what is it that you want to change?

Are you wanting to remove intent as an element for murder? Something that has existed for hundreds of years in pretty much every developed legal system in the world?

Are you wanting to abolish the appeals process for jury decisions? Again something that is integral to the Westminster System (and others) that protects against error, negligence and corruption within our legal system?

Are you wanting an increase in penalty for those who have lied throughout the judicial process? Effectively this already happens as the normal discount for an early plea is not available for those who proceed to trial and fail to show any remorse.

Are you proposing a different (lesser) standard of proof for dishonest defendants?

I greatly admire those with the willingness to band together and effect change but I'm struggling to understand what change is being sought in this instance, every possible scenario I can come up with is either already in place or erodes all of our well established legal protections (and will flow down to all of the lesser offences, not just unlawful deaths).

This recent decision is not one that is out of the box, it happens many times every single year in QLD (unsafe/unsatisfactory). It is just the case that Allison's death and Gerard's subsequent trial/appeal has attracted more attention than most of the other homicide cases combined. This isn't an example of a systemic failing, it's just that nobody seemed to care until it happened to an attractive mother from an affluent suburb and I guess that troubles me somewhat.
I would just like it appealed to the High Court.

JMO but watching and listening to Gerard on the witness stand explaining, as best as he could, his version of the circumstances in the circumstantial evidence presented against him contributed to seeing him as a man in denial of any connection at all with the death of his wife.

Would this observation by the Jury too, have no standing at all in them viewing the collective circumstantial evidence as interpreting the likelihood of intent …. for them, beyond all reasonable doubt?
(Questioning by the Prosecution afforded this to them)

Thank you JCB; appreciate you taking the time.
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