Germany Germany - Inga Gehricke, 5, Stendal, Sachsen-Anhalt, 2 May 2015

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Here's some of the (badly) translated page:

In the case of the missing since two and a half months Inga from Saxony-Anhalt, investigators have searched with special dogs for the girl - to no avail. The action of seven specially trained people search dogs had been suspended, police spokeswoman Beatrix Mertens said Thursday in Magdeburg. Animals would pause after the long way through three states. Concrete steps further investigation the police say anything for tactical reasons.

The so-called Mantrailer with particularly sensitive sense of smell had been recognized for the second time on a trail in connection with the missing persons case.

Anyone got a better word for "mantrailer"?
Any news on Inge?

I found this birthday video someone made for her last month. My German is so basic I can't work out if there's anything new in it. It's very repetitive but it you let it run to the end a news report follows which seems to have loads of information.


Can anyone translate and summarise please?
The latest news on Inga is an interview with Mr.Schomaker, the president of LKA (= police) published by Mitteldeutsche Zeitung on Sep28.

*snip*"We do not just hope, we also assume that Inga is still alive." Not only because no body was found. There are different theories, though not a decisive one yet, what could have happened. Schomaker does not go into any details. "We can not do everything transparently," he says basically. The investigation must not be jeopardized, potential persons of interest must not be alarmed or driven to "unwanted" actions. Only one theory, that Inga had an accident while she was on her own, "we can certainly rule out". But even this theory is not entirely shelved yet. *snip* Extensive searches and appeals to the public have brought forth some 1700 leads, most of which have been looked into by now. "Ten percent are still open," said the Chief Constable, and new leads would still be added continuously. There are also still search actions not all of which are, however, made public - the latest only last week. *snip* Special sniffer dogs that can follow the finest odor traces even after weeks were used on the motorways 2 and 9. The result indicated that Inga could have been there, taken away in a car. *snip* The investigators has had 2000 talks with witnesses so far, with some individuals being questioned repeatedly. The nearby Fachkrankenhaus Uchtspringe in which mentally ill offenders are housed, has also been checked. "So far we have no indication that anyone from Uchtspringe or an ex-inmate is involved," says Schomaker. In addition, it was necessary to evaluate several terabytes of data. CC video recordings were seized around the time of Inga's disappearance at gas stations and public transport of the administrative district of Stendal and the Altmark district of Salzwedel. Also speed camera photos were evaluated, as were mobile phone cell data. *snip*. The investigation team is also in contact with the Potsdam police investigating the disappearance of six-year old Elias in July. Since the distance is just 100 kilometers, and the fact that there are two children vanished without any trace. "It is not excluded that there is a connection, but that would be speculative," says Schomaker.

The media reporting about this interview indicate that the police have specific reasons to assume Inga is still alive, but obviously there are no further details.
Finally some information!! It sounds as though the police have their suspicions.
Thank you for finding and posting that report, Pewter! Great first post! Welcome! :loveyou:

It seems that LE is working hard to make sure she stays alive while the investigation quietly proceeds. I doubt there will be many updates. I pray that Inga is being treated well, and can be rescued soon. Poor little girl. :(
Sorry, Pewter, didn't realise it was your first post!

Do you speak German?
A six year old boy, Elias, went missing in the city of Potsdam just outside Berlin about two weeks ago. He did not return home from the playground just outside the blocks of flats he lived in. The area has been searched thoroughly but there's no trace of him. Police do not see a connection to Inga except that it is very unusual for two children to go missing without a trace in such a short period of time. Very sad.


A man has confessed to the murder of Elias.

The man was apprehended at last in the case of the disappearance of a young refugee named Mohamed (4) from the Lageso area in Berlin. (Lageso is the organization where refugees need to register, it is a chaos and the family lost sight of the small boy.) The body of the boy was found in the boot of his car.

Berliner Zeitung,10809148,32294368.html

Silvio S. from Brandenburg has apparently also killed Elias (6) who went missing from Potsdam-Schlaatz in July. A police spokesman confirmed to the Berliner Zeitung that he had admitted the fact during the interrogation last night.

Investigators told that he would have buried the body of the little boy in a small garden in Luckenwalde, south of Berlin. This is 23 kilometers away from his home in Niedergörsdorf.

Other cases are being considered

"We check whether the man is also responsible for the disappearance of other children," said the police spokesman. For instance, in May, the five-year old Inga disappeared in a forest near Uchtspinge near Stendal. Despite an intensive search, she is missing without a trace until today.

A few days ago, the German Police published new pictures and a video made by a surveillance camera of the alleged kidnapper of little Mohamed. The man has now confessed to the murder of missing Elias (6) too and is a POI in the disappearance of little Inga Gehricke.

He was recognized by his mother, who went to the police.

Here is the video and the description of the man:



Berlin - On October 1, the little Mohamed (4) from Bosnia and Herzegovina disappeared. New pictures now show the face of the alleged abductor even clearer. Will the unknown man finally be caught?

The video was released Tuesday by the Berlin police. The photographs were taken by a surveillance camera and were recorded not far from the State Office of Health and Welfare (LAGeSo) in the Turmstrasse in Berlin-Moabit on the day of kidnapping (1 October).

The pictures show the wanted man in high resolution. For two weeks, the police has been searching for the unknown man.

Mohammed alleged kidnapper has a beard and glasses, his greasy hair is parted. Under a ribbed gray baggy sweatshirt bulges a paunch. His pants are gray-beige. In his hand he carries a full plastic bag from REWE supermarket.

The recordings were made at 13.30 clock by a surveillance camera, a few minutes before the alleged abductor entered the premises of LAGeSo.

About an hour later the approximately 35 to 50 years old man left the crowded area of LAGeSo with the four-year refugee boy at his hand. Mohamed had been with his mother and two siblings on the premises of the State Office.


The sad detail about the case of Mohamed is that his family would probably not qualify for asylum at all since they are from Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country that stands to become a member of the EU in the very near future.

I "follow" the refugee crisis, and I'd never have imagined that this would cross someday with the disappearance of little Inga.
Berliner Morgenpost

Missing children in Berlin and surroundings


Inga from Schönebeck remains missing

Still unclear is another spectacular disappearance from this spring. On May 2, the five-year old Inga disappeared from a forest near Stendal . Despite many tips there is still no firm lead. In the case of the little girl from Schönebeck there is currently no evidence, according to investigators of a connection with the killing of Elias and Mohamed. Although the police keep close contact with the investigators in Potsdam and Berlin, a spokesman for the police in Saxony-Anhalt said on Friday. That has been so from the beginning of the case, and for this moment this has nothing to do with the arrest of the suspected assassin of the two boys.

The girl was visiting in Wilhelmshof, Stendal. Inga disappeared during the all-day stay on the grounds of the local Diakoniewerk. Up till now the search for her, in which search dogs and police helicopters were deployed, has so far been unsuccessful.

Missing since nine years: Georgine Krüger from Berlin

A girl has gone missing from Berlin since nine years already: Georgine Krüger. Hundreds of policemen combed through Moabit in early autumn 2006 in search of her. She was seen for the last time on 25 September 2006, when she got off the bus from Line M27 around 13.50 clock on the Perleberger Straße / corner Rathenower Straße. It was only 200 meters to her home. But Georgine never arrived there.

In the evening her mother informed the police. Thereupon the police searched 240 apartments, cellars and attics, backyards and even garbage cans. Neighbors and business people, teachers and fellow students were interviewed. Even the bus driver of the line M27, with whom Georgine rode daily from her school to the stop at the Perlebergerstraße, was questioned by the officials. One thing is certain: Shortly before 14.00 hrs clock she phoned with a [girl] friend, then her mobile phone was switched off - and never activated again. The investigation into the case of Georgine is ongoing and will now be rolled out accordingly in connection with Silvio S., especially because the spot of her disappearance is very close to the Turmstraße, from where Mohamed was abducted.


Meanwhile, the remains that were found in Lückenwalde have been identified as those of Elias. The Police has been digging up the entire (small) garden, but nothing was found.

The distance from the home of the alleged killer in Niedergörsdorf to the Turmstraße in Berlin where Mohamed was abducted, is almost 110 kms.

The distance from his house to Wilhelmshof, Stendal, where Inga disappeared, is 150 kms.
They said that a man took Inga. The sighting was in Berlin. As the witness said inga was dragged and didn't want to leave.

In 2001, nine-year old Peggy Knobloch disappeared from Lichtenberg in the South of Germany. Parts of her skeletonized remains were found in a shallow grave in the woods this summer, at about 12 kilometers as the crow flies from her home.

Peggy was a blonde girl with striklingly beautiful blue eyes.


De Telegraaf

BERLIN - Near the remains of a missing girl who went missing in 2001, German investigators have found DNA material belonging to one of the members of the terrorist group NSU. Several German media reporteds this Thursday.

The traces of DNA belong to Uwe Böhnhardt, one of the three prominent members of the National Socialist Underground (NSU). This group is held responsible for, among others, ten racist murders. Böhnhardt probably committed suicide after a failed robbery along with another member of the group. The only surviving key member of the NSU, Beate Zschäpe, is on trial at present.

Böhnhardt's DNA was found near the remains of the girl Peggy. The nine year old child disappeared in May 2001 in the city of Lichtenberg. Parts of her skeleton were discovered last summer in the woods near the village by a mushroom collector.

Police experts who investigate the actions of the NSU have reacted with dismay and bafflement to discovery. They point out that in a burned caravan of the terrorist group kids stuff was found of which the origin is unclear. Experts argue that DNA of all NSU members should be compared with evidence of all unsolved crimes in which children or foreigners were victims.

On a very small piece of fabric, barely a centimeter large, found near Peggy's corpse, detectives discovered the DNA of the alleged NSU terrorist Uwe Böhnhardt. The fabric could originate from a blanket.

Was Böhnhardt the culprit? Could the Neo-Nazi, who shot himself together with his accomplices Uwe Mundlos in Eisenach in 2011, have murdered not only nine foreign minors and the police officer Michele Kiesewetter, but also a nine-year-old girl? Between the murder of the flower merchant Enver Simsek in September 2000 and the murder of the tailor Abdurrahim Özüdogru on 13 June 2001, in each case in Nuremberg? The new questions.

How did the DNA of Böhnhardt turn up on a piece of fabric that was close to Peggy's corpse on the forest soil? Perhaps only in the laboratory in Jena. Böhnhardt's corpse was investigated in 2011 at the same institute as the skeleton of Peggy and the objects from the spot where she was found.

However, a transfer through examination material, which investigators call a trace-track hit, is now almost excluded, since the piece of fabric with Böhnhardt's DNA was not examined in Jena in the same room.

It is still totally unclear whether the piece of material that the policemen found during the second investigation of the location of the remains has to do with Peggy.
The fabric was not directly next to the skeleton. Did it arrive by chance in the forest because someone had thrown away the blanket many years ago? A rather unbelievable but not impossible coincidence. Perhaps the perpetrator knew Uwe Böhnhardt and had gotten the blanket from him. Or the blanket lay in a used car, which the perpetrator had bought from Böhnhardt. Third variant: The perpetrator knew Böhnhardt and asked him to help with the removal of the corpse.For the Investigating Team Peggy, the spectacular DNA discovery means that they must now check witness statements, that many years ago were not taken seriously at all and were ultimately filed as negligible.


If there is a connection with rightwing extremists, perhaps this might provide new clues in the disappearance of little Inga as well.

Meanwhile, Inga remains missing and there is no news.
The aftershock of a possible connection between the murder of 9 year old Peggy Knobloch and the rightwing extremist murderer Uwe Böhnhardt is still resonating in Germany.
The authorities want to make absolutely sure that this find was not a result of cross contamination. (Germany had a bad case of cross contamination a few years ago, they were chasing a criminal woman who was wanted in hundreds of robberies and thefts because, as it turned out, her DNA had contaminated laboratory stuff at the factory where it was made ~ if I remember well.)

If the connection is true, and that is wat it looks like for now, the investigation of Peggy's case will take a U-turn.
Peggy's disappearance has been mainly investigated from the angle that a child molester abducted her and that this person was local, even an acquaintance.
Less attention was given to other options and witnesses.

Shortly after Peggy's disapearance, her mother received an anonymous letter, saying that a woman like her did not deserve to have a beautiful Aryan child with blue eyes like Peggy. At that time, Peggy's mother was living with a companion from Turkey and she was wearing a headscarf. It is unclear if indeed she had become a Muslim, or if she still is, but at the time she had the look.
Not much attention was given to the letter, other than hate speech.
But that is all changing now, of course.

Uwe Böhnhardt committed suicide in 2011 and for that reason alone, he cannot be involved in the disappearance of little Inga.
Yet also in Inga's case, there is a political angle that we have heard next to nothing about:
Inga's father Jens-Uwe Gehricke is a local politician for the left-wing Die Linke, in the town of Schönebeck where Inga lived with her family.

Inga disappeared from Stendal, 100 kms from Schönebeck, so the political motive is probably a very long shot, yet no one had expected this in Peggy's disappearance either.


Meanwhile, in the south of Germany, 3 cases involving missing / murdered children have been reopened.
In Thuringia, a 15-member special commission is investigating whether Uwe Böhnhardt is responsible for the unexplained murders of Stephanie Drews († 10) 1991 in Weimar, Bernd Beckmann († 9) 1993 and Ramona Kraus († 10) 1996 in Jena .

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