Found Alive Germany - Maria-Brigitte Henselmann, 13, Freiburg, 4 May 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Neither Maria's name nor Haase is on the Interpol list anymore (as would be obvious)

Extract from a French MSM report in Sept 18
Disparue pendant cinq ans : Maria H. revient sur ses déclarations
The prosecutor's office of Freiburg specified that the individual will have to answer for his acts in justice, since he had disappeared with a minor without the consent of the parents. Even if Maria accompanied him voluntarily, this is considered a crime. According to the German Penal Code, in the case of child abduction, the term of imprisonment may be up to five years, or even ten years in more serious cases.
WOW! This is incredible, fantastic news! /insert *happy dance emoji*
I know this happened way back in August but I took a bit of an hiatus from WS so am only found out about this while scrolling through my subscribed threads yesterday. (That'll teach me not to take such long hiatuses next time around:rolleyes:).
Just fantastic news!

Maria sounds like she's doing considerably well given the horrible circumstances she's been through... I cannot even imagine. Her mother NEVER stopped believing she was out there somewhere - and frankly, most of us here didn't either!

Not to be all "coulda-shoulda-woulda", but I recall awhile back in this thread there being some theories that Maria could likely be in Italy or Spain. And then it came out that one or two people thought they had seen her in Italy, to which they reported it to police and/or media. Turns out, they were right.
However, it's quite apparent that neither Interpol, Europol nor Italian LE ever fully followed up on those sightings, or at least they didn't bother investigating her disappearance further and with more scrutiny. That will always bother me (and how lackadaisical the authorities took her case for the most) as it could've saved Maria and her parents a few years less of turmoil and anguish if she had been found sooner.

Anyway, so glad about this wonderful outcome. I'm sure it's going to be really rough for her for awhile but at least she's back where she should be and with the people who love her most, and knows that she is loved and that her dear mother never stopped loving or looking for her, even when people told her to stop. I hope Haase gets the maximum in prison and deals with consequences of his actions for the rest of his life, as we know Maria definitely will.
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There was a discussion in another thread,also about a young girl (12) who was missing also a victim of a seks offender. and there was asked to remove the name of the victim,after she was found (luckily) alive and safe.
Found Safe - Netherlands - H****, 12, Rotterdam, 27 June 2019

I wonder if this also should happen here..,to remove her name from this thread...
Thankyou for the link - I keep taking time off from here due to other things happening, so Im so glad you posted a link of the article - Thankyou!

I was surprised to see only 6 years.

Just a small text extracts/summary of the German translation of the article below:
July 10, 2019 - 9:24 am
Maria Henselmanns Entführer Bernhard H. wurde zu 6 Jahren Haft verurteilt

For more than five years she had disappeared with him - now Bernhard H., the kidnapper of Maria Henselmann , was sentenced to six years imprisonment. The Freiburg Regional Court found him guilty of serious deprivation of minors and sexual abuse in more than 100 cases.
Maria Henselmann testified to the case in camera during the trial.
"Maria Henselmann cried at the pronouncement of the verdict, breathed heavily and repeatedly kept her eyes closed during the announcement," reports RTL reporter Romy Schiemann.
She was constantly manipulated by him and put under pressure, Maria said later about Bernhard H.
In August 2018, Maria finally escaped from her tormentor and returned to her mother.

There is a video at the end of the article - which I am unable to link.

Not to be all "coulda-shoulda-woulda", but I recall awhile back in this thread there being some theories that Maria could likely be in Italy or Spain. And then it came out that one or two people thought they had seen her in Italy, to which they reported it to police and/or media. Turns out, they were right.

Yes, there was. I remember reading the post on here way back then.
How amazing it was so early in the disappearance too.

In another article prior to the Court trial -
Some extracts ....
MSM: So will Maria Henselmann ihrem Peiniger entgegentreten

He disappeared with her for five years - So Maria wants to face her tormentor
May 7, 2019

Only today is Maria aware of how momentous her decision was at that time: "I never thought what I would do to my mother."
Now Maria has to testify in court against Bernhard H. "I'll try to make it clear that this person is in the dock because he did this to me because he's guilty," she says. She hopes to finally be able to draw a line: "After the trial, I have concluded with it and I also hope that I find peace for me there with the past years and that it was with it." One thing is certain: the relationship with her mother is a better one today. Both try together to work up Maria's past and create a beautiful future.


I hope Maria's future is brilliant and astoundingly successful.
Good luck to Maria and to her mother and family!

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