Germany - Multiple Injuries in train axe attack 18 July 2016

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"I am endlessly saddened by what happened to you in that train. You sought a German idyll and instead experienced the worst nightmare imaginable. I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will once again awaken from this horror, even if your lives can never be the same again. My thoughts are with you and your relatives in Hong Kong. You must not take personally the fact that most of my colleagues have barely taken notice of you. They have to deal with a number of other very important questions."

Questions such as: "Was the lethal force of police against the perpetrator justified?" "Was the attacker given enough of an opportunity to integrate into German society?" "Was he a terrorist that snuck into Germany among refugees, or was he radicalized after he got here?"

That last question is of the utmost political importance. If the young Afghan were already a terrorist when he came to Germany, it would shine a very negative light on the government's refugee policy. For politicians it is therefore important to determine whether the minor was acting on orders from Islamic State (IS), or if he should be thought of as an individual perpetrator.


Let's be honest: Does it really make a difference whether the young man brutally attacked people with an axe on orders from IS or was just "inspired by IS propaganda" as de Maiziere put it? Does the situation become more bearable for the victims if journalists choose to describe the bloodbath as an assault rather than a terror attack?

Quite the opposite: By going to such lengths to find an explanation, even a kind of excuse for the deed, victims are being abused, even ridiculed. For me, Würzburg not only clearly takes its place alongside Paris, Orlando and Nice - the attack also represents a turning point. Now we know that it is not only gay bars and rock concerts that are a thorn in the side of Islamic radicals. They are willing and capable of striking anywhere. Even in the middle of nowhere.



The assassins of Ansbach and Würzburg had multiple contacts with alleged members of the "Islamic State" (IS), through several phone numbers, including in Saudi Arabia. This is revealed from chats that are in possession of the German authorities.

The attacker from Würzburg, Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, who probably originates from Afghanistan, injured several people seriously in a regional with an axe and a knife on 18 July. Prior to the attack he said goodbye with the words: "See you in Paradise."

In earlier chats an IS-contact had suggested that the 17-year-old should drive a car into a crowd. He rejected this on the grounds that he did not have a driver's license. Instead, Ahmadzai announced that he would get on a train and attack the first passengers he would see.


According to HuffPo, the Würzburg attacker was registered as an unacompanied minor refugee in Hungary on June 25, 2015.
Hungarian authorities took his fingerprints and he was admitted to a children's home in Fót.
He did not stay long.
On June 30 2015 he applied for asylum in Germany. He was registered there, but no fingerprints were taken.
According to the Dublin Rules, German authorities should have sent him back to Hungary.
(Instead, they chose to spend a lot of money on him.)

The German Immigration Office refuses to comment.

It's time to take a look at this group in more detail. For a socially explosive mixture is brewing and care costs are going through the roof. More than 50,000 euros per year are not uncommon. And a great part of them are not even minors.

Tichy's Einblick

The ax-attacker Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, who seriously injured many people in a train in Würzburg three weeks ago, was supposedly an Afghan and reportedly 17 years old. Ahmadzai traveled in the summer 2015 through Passau into Germany. He belonged to the rapidly growing group of "unaccompanied minors" (UMR) - at least he had been posing as underage.

It's time to take a look at this group in more detail. For a socially explosive mixture is brewing here, that may come to hit us hard. And the cost of the care of these migrants have reached a point where a simple "business as usual" no longer applies. These costs are exploding: EUR 2 billion annually

Unaccompanied minor incoming travelers are taken "into care" by the youth welfare offices and then supported from morning to evening. The number of "UMR" who were taken into care, has risen last year to 42 309, according to the Federal Statistical Office last week. That was an almost a fourfold increase over the previous year. According to Destatis, 91 percent of UMF are male.

The total number of unaccompanied minors entering the country (Destatis avoids the politically correct term "refugee") was probably considerably higher. Not all, however, can register immediately. Nearly 9,000 unaccompanied refugee children are currently registered in Germany as missing, they left after their registration and carried on.

Once the Youth Welfare Office has taken charge and found a guardianship, costs start running up extremely high.
Most young people are accommodated in small groups or homes that are teeming with social workers in such numbers that they practically take care of the youth around the clock. This results in costs for each teenager of about 40,000 to 60,000 euros a year, according to professionals such as the Landrat of Deggendorf, Christian Bernreiter, who is also the president of the Bavarian County Association.

Take the example of the ax-attacker of Würzburg. For the care of Riaz Khan Ahmadzai taxpayers paid 52,000 euros last year, as shown by research of the Münchner Merkur. Eleven months the alleged Afghan boy spent in a Kolping House, which received a total of 47,850 euros at a daily rate of 145 euros. For the "social industry" the UMR are a sales booster. The so-called 'taken into care' procedure after Ahmadzais arrival cost 2,000 euros. The foster family, where Ahmadzai lived for two weeks, got 1,200 euros a month.

It is amazing how much money is spent on the unaccompanied minors. By comparison, the Hartz IV rate for socially vulnerable young people between 15 and 18 years is 306 euros a month - which is less than one-tenth of what is spent on a UMR.

For the more than 42,000 minor migrants taken into care last year you can roughly calculate around 2 billion euros care costs per year - and these costs are rising.

Some CSU politician like the social minister Emilia Müller have sounded the alarm and call for a change in the law with the aim to be able to treat unaccompanied youths according asylum laws, and not - as required until now - according to the Youth Services Act. Many of the young people are not in such need of care as otherwise the children who come into care through youth welfare offices, because they must be protected from abusive fathers or drug-addicted mothers.

Since the vast majority of illegals entering the country are undocumented because they lost or destroyed their documents, the authorities have to rely on the selfreports of the migrants (as happened with Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, who posed as Afghan, though his language sounded more like a Pakistani dialect and also his age now seems doubtful).

Some of the young migrants are obviously minors, some real children, only 12 years old. But there are many borderline cases - young people, who claim to be 16 or 17 years, but in fact already clearly developed and act mature. Amazingly many already are growing a very strong beard.

It has become common knowledge that you receive as a "teenager" a much more convenient accomodation and support than as a grown up asylum seekers. Therefore, many young asylum migrants pose as under-18-year-old, even though they are not. The social services now try to verify the information with interviews and examinations by doctors and psychologists. But this is a difficult undertaking.

About 40 percent of UMR are not underage, as Munich Social Officer Brigitte Meier (SPD) estimated last year. In Hamburg, the Senate has replied to a request of a Christian Democrat, that 45 percent of "minor" refugees cheat about their the age.

Although the professional refugee helpers do not like to talk about it, high proneness to crime is an open secret. Precisely among the juvenile asylum migrants considerable problems with crime arise. This is particularly evident in Hamburg and Bremen, two port cities, where a lot of young asylum seekers have landed.

According to a police spokesman there are In Bremen "some 200 refugees registered as under 20 years that constantly stand out because of crimes".
"A real problem with criminal refugee minors" exists. The police spokesman reported to the Huffington Post about "real gangs with street children who commit street robberies, pickpocketing or drug trafficking". The Bremer police alone counts with about three dozen young repeat offenders in asylum procedures in their files. Behind closed doors, professionals speak especially about criminal African youth. Other police spokesman refuse to speak up; there is no way they want to talk negatively about the young refugees.

One has to have understanding for the young migrants. A considerable number of them is actually traumatized by the experiences in their home countries, or they are on the run or wandering. Some were abused by traffickers, to whom they still have repay the debts that they owe them. Or they fall into the clutches of gangs that use the boys as helpers for their serail break-ins or trick thefts. The police union estimates that may have a four-digit number of refugee minors is now active in (petty) crimes. The cases of sexual assault are piling up. The excesses of Cologne's Eve were committed to a large extent by very young asylum seekers.

The arrival of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors poses a country like Germany with a dilemma. They can not refuse them. They have to provide for them and support them. In the wider family of the author, there are helpful people who have been caring for over a year now fora young man from Afghanistan, who was taken in in Upper Bavaria by a church. Allegedle tthe young man is doing very well.

However, the private and public helpfulness has its downside - it creates a strong pulling effect. Many of the unaccompanied migrant youth are sent forward by their families as asylum advance party. Smugglers demand a lesser fee for young people. The boys manage to get through quicker than the whole family. Therefore, they should move into into the promised land at first alone, and then, once they have a well-established residence status, fetch the rest of the family. Because of family reunification, the number of asylum seekers will rise dramatically again in the next few years.

If the word get around in the world that a follow up program of more than 40,000 euros a year awaits theunaccompanied youths who enter Germany illegally, one need not be surprised that the number of those who try it, will greatly increase. Germany will be faced with an enormous integration problem in the coming years.


It is amazing how much money is spent on the unaccompanied minors. By comparison, the Hartz IV rate for socially vulnerable young people between 15 and 18 years is 306 euros a month - which is less than one-tenth of what is spent on a UMR.

Schocking. Outrageous.

Those in power see people at the bottom as aliens whose bizarre emotions they must try to manage

Peggy Noonan, WSJ

(...) Ms. Merkel’s acquaintance sighed and agreed. It’s one thing to be overwhelmed by an unexpected force, quite another to invite your invaders in! But, the acquaintance said, he believed the chancellor was operating in pursuit of ideals. As the daughter of a Lutheran minister, someone who grew up in East Germany, Ms. Merkel would have natural sympathy for those who feel marginalized and displaced. Moreover she is attempting to provide a kind of counter-statement, in the 21st century, to Germany’s great sin of the 20th. The historical stain of Nazism, the murder and abuse of the minority, will be followed by the moral triumph of open arms toward the dispossessed. That’s what’s driving it, said the acquaintance.

It was as good an explanation as I’d heard. But there was a fundamental problem with the decision that you can see rippling now throughout the West. Ms. Merkel had put the entire burden of a huge cultural change not on herself and those like her but on regular people who live closer to the edge, who do not have the resources to meet the burden, who have no particular protection or money or connections. Ms. Merkel, her cabinet and government, the media and cultural apparatus that lauded her decision were not in the least affected by it and likely never would be.

Nothing in their lives will get worse. The challenge of integrating different cultures, negotiating daily tensions, dealing with crime and extremism and fearfulness on the street—that was put on those with comparatively little, whom I’ve called the unprotected.
They were left to struggle, not gradually and over the years but suddenly and in an air of ongoing crisis that shows no signs of ending—because nobody cares about them enough to stop it.

The powerful show no particular sign of worrying about any of this. When the working and middle class pushed back in shocked indignation, the people on top called them “xenophobic,” “narrow-minded,” “racist.” The detached, who made the decisions and bore none of the costs, got to be called “humanist,” “compassionate,” and “hero of human rights.”


Peggy Noonan nails it here.
IMHO this also explains why human rights are abused solely for the benefit of newcomers, for instance when criminals cannot be expelled or when youngsters with no income get the right to let their entire family enter the country and the state will pay the tickets.
Ot when terrorists are allowed to enter with no checks at the borders.

Perhaps it was a "fortunate" coincidence for the simple Germans that four of the victims of the Würzburg axe man were Chinese.
China is extremely important for Germany, both as a market for exports and as a growing source of tourism into Germany.
The axe man has put the downsides of Merkel's refugee policy in the international limelight.
May that light shine long and merciless!
Another train attack this time in Switzerland today 13 August 2016 I just made this post in up to the minute

Breaking News

Swiss train passengers have reported been attacked by a man with 'fire and a knife' sparking fears of new terror attack.

At least seven passengers were left seriously injured by the man who is believed to be 27-years-old.

Details surrounding the incident took place are currently unclear, but it comes after Europe has been rocked by a series of terrorist attacks over the past 12 months.

France, Germany and Belgium have all been targeted, and other European nations have been bracing for assaults on their soil.

Latest Update

The man set the train carriage on fire using a flammable liquid and also stabbed passengers, including a six-year-old child, police said.

Read more:

Unfortunately it is looking like a terror incident by a lone man.

Angela Merkel is facing an uprising within her own supporters after her former right hand man admitted the recent terror attacks in Germany have left his wife too scared to take the train.

While Ms Merkel has stood by her open door, pro-migrant, policy, public opinion has quickly turned against the Chancellor after a summer marked by deadly incidents.

Edmund Stoiber, the former leader of the CSU party, who are in an alliance with Ms Merkel’s own CDU party, has now added more fuel to the flames by admitting his own wife is too scared to use the train in the current climate.

He revealed: “My sense of security has changed. I am even more vigilant, more alert about my environment.

“My wife doesn’t take the train at night anymore.”

In an astonishing interview, Mr Stoiber added he was now wary of attending large gatherings and understood the concerns of those people who were avoiding travelling to Tunisia, Turkey or Egypt.


The status of the four victims of the ax-attack from Würzburg who are still treated in the University Hospital, has continued to improve, according to the medical director. A 30-year-old Chinese could be brought out of the artificial coma.

As medical director Georg Ertl announced on Friday, the patient, however, was not yet awakened, that could take days. However, for this patient there still exists a significant risk of complications. He must remain in intensive care for the next few days, so in principle, his life still is in danger. Once he can leave the intensive care unit, it is to be expected that a longer period of convalescence and rehabilitation will follow. To which extent long-term damage due to the severe craniocerebral injury will remain, has presumably to be determined in the coming weeks and months.

As for the other three victims, who are also originally from Hong Kong, medical director Ertl envisages a discharge from the hospital before the end of August. This concerns a married couple and their 26 years old daughter. The 30-year-old had traveled when her as her boyfriend to Europe and like the 62-year-old father he was critically injured in the ax attack on the train. After a day trip to Rothenburg on der Tauber, the four tourists from China were on the return trip to Würzburg when they were attacked.


long-term damage due to the severe craniocerebral injury...... :notgood:
Thank you, ZaZara, for posting the excerpt from Peggy Noonan's article.

I think you're right. She has nailed it.
The elite make the lofty, idealistic decisions.
The unprotected make the sacrifices, and sometimes become the sacrifices.
[h=1]German government asks citizens to stockpile food and water ‘in case of a catastrophe’[/h]
According to a report by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper published Sunday, the plan recommends that people stockpile enough food, water, money and medicine to keep them comfortable until the government could respond in the event of a national emergency. Germany’s Cabinet is set to approve the plan by Wednesday.
The precautionary measures also reportedly demand that people “prepare appropriately for a development that could threaten our existence and cannot be categorically ruled out in the future.”
It also mentions the necessity of a reliable alarm system, better structural protection of buildings and more capacity in the health system.
Details of the reported plan come on the heels of several deadly attacks in the European country.

One of his victims, a Chinese tourist from Hong Kong is still being trated in the University Hospital, according to the Hospital.


The article dates from October 10.

Tichy's Einblick, October 7:


In modern media-political times, in which symbols and words are sometimes everything, a considerable part of the population is waiting for a sign of compassion and indignation from Chancellor Merkel. No longer only for dead migrants on mediterranean coasts. No longer only for asylum seekers who have been wronged. No, finally and at last for the victims of religious radicalization on German soil. But Angela Merkel and her government remain seated and silent when the perpetrators originate from cultural backgrounds that are alien to us or have an immigration background if it dates from far away.

It is inconceivable that the President of France, for example, would avoid to be seen at terror crime scenes. After the night of terror in Nice or the murder of a priest in a church, Francois Hollande immediately hurried to where the events took place. The president may be unloved by the people, but he knows what is the right thing to do.

The Chancellor behaves quite differently. When the first religiously motivated suicide attack on German soil took place in Ansbach, she did not even deem it necessary to interrupt her holiday.
She could only spare a few dutifully hypocritical words of regret for the Chinese victims of the attacker of Würzburg.


How do those people feel after their life took a turn from one moment to another when they ended up injured in the hospital or have been wrecked psychologically by the traumatic experiences? It is unthinkable that no one in Berlin has the awareness that these people also long for sensitive words, great gestures or quiet but genuine compassion.
And it is also impossible to take amiss the voice of the people, who, after the events of the recent months, now ask if the Federal Government divides the victims into more valuable or less valuable categories. With her cynicism, Angela Merkel also destroys the last respect that one should actually have for her office.


With the axe attack in a train near Würzburg, terror suddenly arrived in Germany a year ago. A young refugee had seriously injured five people. One year after the attack many questions remain unanswered.

The attack by the 17-year-old Afghan came completely unexpected. With an axe and a knife, the refugee suddenly attacked four passengers on a regional train in Bavaria on their way to Würzburg and injured them severely. Afterwards, he fled on foot, attacked a woman who was walking her dog and was finally shot in Main-Auen by two policemen. Before that, he allegedly attacked them with his weapon raised and shouted "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is great).

The act of the young man was later claimed by the Islamic terrorist state IS, in a video the 17-year-old pledged allegiance to the IS. On the 18th of July, the terrorist actt will be one year ago.

The shock after the attack in front of the gates of Würzburg hit deeply: Where did the sudden hatred of the young man spring from? Only days before he appeared quite normal to his foster parents and many refugee helpers in the Bavarian village of Ochsenfurt (district of Würzburg), he had been promised an apprenticeship and he had the reputation of being perfectly integrated. Did the death of a friend in their home country of Afghanistan possibly thrown him out of balance, so that the attack seemed the only correct reaction to him? There won't be any answers, because the assassin is dead.

The investigation was taken over by the federal prosecutor shortly after the attack. According to a spokesman, the investigation is still ongoing. "There is no new status", an end to the investigationis not yet foreseeable.

His foster parents at the time and the Ochsenfurt community of helpers do not want to talk to the press. The Mayor of Ochsenfurt, Peter Juks, is glad that despite everything, refugees in the region are not under general suspicion. "There was a sense of uncertainty in the beginning, but otherwise the population was very prudent," the politician says today. And they were helpful: The 250 to 300 refugees in the region are looked after more intensively than before, according to Juks. The city has paid a full-time job specifically for this purpose. Apart from this, "We are back to normal everyday life again."

And yet the ax attack marked the beginning of a change: the sense of security of the Germans started to falter since Würzburg. Four days after the attack in the pedestrian zone of Nice with 86 dead, the axe attack suddenly brought the terror to Germany. Only a few days later followed the first IS suicide attack on German soil - next to a music festival in the Bavarian town of Ansbach. "Würzburg, the amok run in Munich with nine dead, Ansbach - and everything within a week. This has worsened the subjective feeling of security with one blow, " Unterfrankens Police President Gerhard Kallert says one year later.

On July 18, 2016, more than 300 emergency personnel, police and pastoral caretakers were deployed. First, under very difficult conditions: "We did not know for a long time whether we were dealing with only one or with more offenders. The constant threat was our biggest problem, " Uwe Kinstle of the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe tells. He was a section leader at the crime scene.

The victims of the attack are still struggling with the long-term complications - a woman from Würzburg and four tourists from Hong Kong. The Chinese parents were with their son and their daughter as well as the fiancée of the daughter on vacation in Germany. The father was seriously injured in his stomach by the assassin, the couple on the head. The mother got away with minor injuries, the son remained physically unharmed.

Hans-Peter Trolldenier from the Society for German-Chinese Friendship in Würzburg visited the victims only a few weeks ago in Hong Kong. "They are doing well, but they still need regular medical and psychotherapeutic treatment," the 72-year-old says. The association had collected a lot of donations in 2016 and in the end paid more than 15,000 euros to the families so that they could stay financially afloat during the many months of their hospital stay in Germany as well as back in Hong Kong where they were initially without a job.

Meanwhile the young couple are back to work again. Despite the terrible events, they are very thankful, as they wrote two days ago by e-mail to Trolldenier. Thankful for all the help and solidarity they have received after the attack in Germany. And she - the fiancée - could even imagine traveling to Würzburg again.


To answer one of the questions from this report: No, the hatred of the axe-attacker wasn't sudden and no, he wasn't integrated at all.

Würzburg attack still haunts the first responders

WÜRZBURG - With the Axe-Attack on a train near Würzburg a year ago, the terror arrived in Germany. A young refugee seriously injured five people. How are the people in Heidingsfeld doing today? a report by NN editor Arno Stoffels.

Melanie Göttle stands at the railway embankment. With a machete she is cutting the scrub in front of her garden gate. "Do not worry, I'm just looking for our duck," she says. A few weeks ago, the 44-year-old found the injured wildfowl, took care of him. Now he is gone. Perhaps, finally, Gottle thinks, the animal has made it down to the nearby Main river.

But to those water meadows she does not want or cannot go. Until a year ago, she was often there, walking her dogs. But then came this terrible evening with its images, images that follow the woman to this day, and torment her. On that day, July 18, 2016, shortly after 9 pm, a man suddenly stands in front of her garden gate, which lies directly near the railway tracks between Würzburg and Treuchtlingen.

He asks about bandages, cloths, disinfectants. In the regional train behind him someone had hit around with a knife and an axe, he says. Gottle helps him. "I thought it was all about simple cuts," she says. But the wounds of the passengers, who were hit during minutes by the young man from Afghanistan or Pakistan, are gigantic and horrible.

Together with a neighbor, she does what she can. Then the paramedics arrive, heavily armed police officers appear suddenly everywhere on her property. The four victims, a family from Hong Kong, are removed through her garden. "There was so much blood everywhere," she says. Since then, much has changed for her in the small residential area of Heidingsfeld in the Wuerzburg district.

The attack is rarely a topic in the neighborhood. But every train that passes through brings back her memories of that evening. "The loud freight trains are still my favorite," she says. But with every regional train her fears return. In the evening she avoids the garden, she also goes in a big circle around larger crowds. She has given up her job at a taxi switchboard. To this day, Göttle is undergoing therapeutic treatment in order to get to grips with the inconceivable: how can it be that a man does such a terrible thing and also believes that he pleases his God in doing so??

Wit this question, rage is also connected, a rage that she does not want to conceal. The perpetrator, who had seriously injured a neighbour of of Göttle during his flight and who was finally shot dead a few hundreds meters further on the banks of the Main by the Special Services, has been given way too much attention in her opinion. All those stories of the inconspicuous, easy-going and happily integrating refugee, who had only become radicalized here, and thus, in a sense, was himself a victim of the twisted terrorist ideology of the Islamic state, hurt her.

Others have suffered, Göttle says
. First of all, the injured tourists from China, whom she wanted to visit after the attack in the clinic. Just to make sure that they were getting well again. At least physically. "But I wasn't allowed into the building," Gottle says. She hopes that they are doing better in her homeland today, that they can live with her psychological injuries. Just like she herself still has to learn how to manage.


In the video, the journalist explains that it took from July until November before Melanie Göttle received serious psychological help.

It has been mentioned befor that the Merkel Government only shows mercy for certain types of victims, or alleged victimg, namely 'refugees'.
A year after the axe attack, the region has signed yet another agreement, with the Congregation of the Sisters of the Saviour in Würzburg, for refugees:
Facility for asylum seekers who are particularly vulnerable

The Congregation of the Sisters of the Saviour in Würzburg set up a community shelter in the Ebrachergasse for asylum seekers who need special protection. Today, Mother Superior Monika Edinger and President Paul Beinhofer have signed an agreement.

Up to 60 people can be accommodated in the facility. Envisaged are above all pregnant women, single mothers with small children, mentally conspicuous persons or chronically ill people. The medical care of the residents will be taken over by the Klinikum Würzburg Mitte (formerly the Missionsärztliche Klinik). Already in the past years, the Sisters of the Saviour accomodated accommodated up to 100 persons in their rooms from the first-admittance center Schweinfurt. It has been shown that the long-term needs for such a facility are high, the government said.

The costs are borne by the State of Bavaria.

"Our guiding principle 'in love for life, so that redemption becomes reality', is not just an empty word, but can be translated into action." Mother Superior Monika Edinger

#MerkelMercy: moving taxpayers' money away from the taxpayers to benefit millions of dubious newcomers.

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