Gerry's Blog 9/10/07

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I would think it would be painful to return to the home where Maddie had lived. Why no comment about seeing her room and all of her things? Aren't there TONS of reminders of her there?

One of the media reported that Kate went to the room and cried.

Holding CuddleCat.

Gerry on the other hand is very much "business as usual back to normal routine" attitude.
One of the media reported that Kate went to the room and cried.

Holding CuddleCat.

Gerry on the other hand is very much "business as usual back to normal routine" attitude.

I bet Gerry kicked his shoes off and put his feet up, ordered Kate to make him a cup of tea, then launder the holiday clothes, then make dinner, then put the twins to bed as HE needs some peace..............

He then sat Kate down and began to tell her what a terrible ordeal this has been for HIM, how stressful HE is feeling, how this has interrupted HIS life, how this is affecting HIM, how HE needs to be left alone by the media, how all these allegations are very upsetting for HIM ............. blah blah blah!!!
I had another thought about his blog.

What if he's blogging for our benefit. For us here at the forum (and other forums as well)

What if he blogs, then comes and reads the threads, getting a good chuckle at it all? It just seems so wrong in light of the whole situation, but somehow.. I would not be surprised in the least if it was true. I sometimes do think he blogs what he does to watch people get fired up over it.
Latest Update - Gerry's Blog/Diary

Day 130 - 10/09/2007

The last few days have been incredibly busy and of course, unbelievably stressful and emotionally draining.

On Friday Kate and I were made ‘arguido’- official suspects in Madeleines disappearance. We cannot comment on any details of the investigation, interviews or any evidence that has been presented to us. We could never possibly have imagined being put in this unbearable situation. No specific charges have been presented at this point and there has been no restriction on our movements imposed.

Despite the anguish and extreme distress this has caused all of our family, long term no one will be able to doubt how intensely Kate and I have been scrutinised. We have absolute confidence that, when all of the facts are presented together, we will be able to demonstrate that we played absolutely no part in Madeleines abduction. Our primary concern has always been the search for Madeleine and this aspect, that our daughter is still missing, must remain a priority for the investigation.

On Saturday we asked the Portuguese police if they had any objection to us coming back to the UK. We had assured them that we will continue to cooperate fully with the investigation and of course will return as requested and for our own emotional reasons. We decided to fly back on Sunday as we had originally planned and all of our family spent the rest of the evening helping us to pack.

On Sunday we left for the airport at 7am with huge media attention. Camera crews followed us all the way to the airport, and the whole experience, like much of the last four months was incredibly surreal. The flight itself went quickly with Sean and Amelie constantly active and excited about returning to Leicestershire. We always hoped that we would not have to return without Madeleine and could never have imagined the possibility that we would do so as suspects in our own daughters disappearance. The pain and turmoil we have experienced in this last week is totally beyond description. Kate and I are totally 100% confident in each others innocence and our family and friends have rallied round unflinchingly to support us. We would like to thank everyone else for the support we have received since we came home.

We have had very mixed emotions since coming back to our own home. It is very comforting to have such familiar surroundings and our own belongings and the twins have settled straight back in as if they have never been away. We have had numerous visitors with friends and those in official capacities. We have appointed solicitors to advise us and assist our Portuguese lawyer in preparing our defence against any possible charges. The sooner this is done the sooner we can concentrate fully on trying to find Madeleine, which is the most important thing through this unending nightmare.

While this one is not so obviously not his actual writing.....two thoughts....

1. It feels like someone else trying to write like him...where are the spelling/grammer errors?

2. Why does his blog always have to be about him/them....

His very last paragraph here, did no one else notice. This is very telling. We've appointed a solicitor to advise our attorney to build our defense.

Hello, Hello, anybody home around here? They will be charged, Gerry has just confirmed it in his own words. This proves to me their guilt, he's got his lawyers working on their defense right now as we speak and sleep.

Who are those in official capacities? He needs to shut up already. He's giving his safe away. He sure isn't a bright bulb.
His very last paragraph here, did no one else notice. This is very telling. We've appointed a solicitor to advise our attorney to build our defense.

Hello, Hello, anybody home around here? They will be charged, Gerry has just confirmed it in his own words. This proves to me their guilt, he's got his lawyers working on their defense right now as we speak and sleep.

Who are those in official capacities? He needs to shut up already. He's giving his safe away. He sure isn't a bright bulb.

As soon as they hired the attorney who specialized in extradition, I knew they were pretty worried about what they cops had against them?
Personally I will be glad to see the blog go. It was the most annoying thing I have ever read and it certainly did not help them in any, but I hope they leave up Madeleine's pictures. The braclets could go though....:twocents:
His very last paragraph here, did no one else notice. This is very telling. We've appointed a solicitor to advise our attorney to build our defense.

Hello, Hello, anybody home around here? They will be charged, Gerry has just confirmed it in his own words. This proves to me their guilt, he's got his lawyers working on their defense right now as we speak and sleep.

Who are those in official capacities? He needs to shut up already. He's giving his safe away. He sure isn't a bright bulb.

Agreed! Their guilt can no longer be down played. Gerry spelled defense wrong as well in the text. BUT IMO, this has always been a PR person blogging trying to make the McCanns look more human, instead of cold and unfeeling parents that they are.
just lets imagine that Madeline was abudcted by a very clever person who had stalked the Mccans over weeks they were there and had a plan to just vanish very quickly - fast car you can be in Spain within the hour and then - dissapear gone .

If you were the Mcaans and knew you were innocent of murder and saw the way things were heading - being made suspects - looking like you were going to be charged for a murder you did not commit - then I sure as hell would be thinking of defending myself - people close will tell them they must - they also have the twins to think off - because the next thing they would be taken

I would be getting the best lawyer money could buy - I wouldnt give a dam what public opinion thought !!
just lets imagine that Madeline was abudcted by a very clever person who had stalked the Mccans over weeks they were there and had a plan to just vanish very quickly - fast car you can be in Spain within the hour and then - dissapear gone .

If you were the Mcaans and knew you were innocent of murder and saw the way things were heading - being made suspects - looking like you were going to be charged for a murder you did not commit - then I sure as hell would be thinking of defending myself - people close will tell them they must - they also have the twins to think off - because the next thing they would be taken

I would be getting the best lawyer money could buy - I wouldnt give a dam what public opinion thought !!

They want to use the money donated to find Madelaine and help other missing children and you agree that they should use it to defend themselves to prove their innocence, I dont think so, that is a cost they should pay for themselves, mortgage the house or get a loan, the money in the fund is for missing children, but mainly it was to help find Madelaine.
I personally think the McCanns are hypocrits if they use the fund money to prove their innocence in the crimes they are suspected of.
They want to use the money donated to find Madelaine and help other missing children and you agree that they should use it to defend themselves to prove their innocence, I dont think so, that is a cost they should pay for themselves, mortgage the house or get a loan, the money in the fund is for missing children, but mainly it was to help find Madelaine.
I personally think the McCanns are hypocrits if they use the fund money to prove their innocence in the crimes they are suspected of.

no I didnt say in my post that they should use the fund money - I said that they should defend themself and not feel guilty about retaining a lawyer .

Personaly I feel that maybe the find Maddy fund is probably not the best way to go and they should fund their defence themselves

i was just commenting that the view was they are retaining a lawyer they must be guilty - which IMHO is not the case !
no I didnt say in my post that they should use the fund money - I said that they should defend themself and not feel guilty about retaining a lawyer .

Personaly I feel that maybe the find Maddy fund is probably not the best way to go and they should fund their defence themselves

i was just commenting that the view was they are retaining a lawyer they must be guilty - which IMHO is not the case !
Sorry gord, I thought you were saying it was okay to use the fund money to pay their legal costs, I know we sit on the opposite sides of the fence regarding the McCanns involvement and I respect your opinion, I just thought using the fund money for their legal costs is highly immoral.
Sorry gord, I thought you were saying it was okay to use the fund money to pay their legal costs, I know we sit on the opposite sides of the fence regarding the McCanns involvement and I respect your opinion, I just thought using the fund money for their legal costs is highly immoral.

no probs - I post a lot on other boards so quite immune to most internet chat and never take anything personal

At the end of the day - no one know for sure yet what happened apart from the people who actualy comitted the crime - either the Mccaans or an abductor .

The case si huge news in the UK as you would imagine and I think that opinion is still on the side of G & K - though that could change in a heartbeat . I think mostly people are so appalled by the idea that a parent could either kill a little girl and then dispose of a body and maintain a charade of innocence and high profile press - that we just cannot accept that this is what happened . Myself personaly I want to see some pretty hard and fast evidence before I go down the guilty route
no probs - I post a lot on other boards so quite immune to most internet chat and never take anything personal

At the end of the day - no one know for sure yet what happened apart from the people who actualy comitted the crime - either the Mccaans or an abductor .

The case si huge news in the UK as you would imagine and I think that opinion is still on the side of G & K - though that could change in a heartbeat . I think mostly people are so appalled by the idea that a parent could either kill a little girl and then dispose of a body and maintain a charade of innocence and high profile press - that we just cannot accept that this is what happened . Myself personaly I want to see some pretty hard and fast evidence before I go down the guilty route
I understand what your saying gord, noone knows yet who is responsible for Madelaines disappearance, and as many others think the lies and actions of the McCanns have turned a lot of people into thinking they were responsible in some way, I am one of those people, sometimes I cant explain it, it is a gut feeling and hopefully whatever information the prosecutor has, it will be decided from there whether there is enough evidence to take this to court. If it is taken to court then it will be up to a jury and evidence presented as to the outcome. Madelaine is in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Maybe they can use the money for therapy for her when they do find her for all the trauma she has been through.............
Maybe they can use the money for therapy for her when they do find her for all the trauma she has been through.............
Yes, poco, that is a lovely suggestion.
Personally I will be glad to see the blog go. It was the most annoying thing I have ever read and it certainly did not help them in any, but I hope they leave up Madeleine's pictures. The braclets could go though....:twocents:

What sets my teeth on edge about that so-called blog is that there's one message posted, once a month, posted always on the same day, the 9th. (Well, he skipped July and August.) Just seems so mechanical. As if it's a chore set in the to-do list on the computer: "9th: Post msg to masses"
just lets imagine that Madeline was abudcted by a very clever person who had stalked the Mccans over weeks they were there and had a plan to just vanish very quickly - fast car you can be in Spain within the hour and then - dissapear gone .

If you were the Mcaans and knew you were innocent of murder and saw the way things were heading - being made suspects - looking like you were going to be charged for a murder you did not commit - then I sure as hell would be thinking of defending myself - people close will tell them they must - they also have the twins to think off - because the next thing they would be taken

I would be getting the best lawyer money could buy - I wouldnt give a dam what public opinion thought !!

Me too gord.
True. But I also think that most people who are accused of a crime, guilty or innocent, are going to fight it.
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