Gerry's Blog 9/10/07

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That is so close to the real blog that it's almost scary! :eek: The sort of dry, businesslike tone is what makes that blog seem so detached and cold.

Thanks for sharing that.

ROFL, it's sad that something like this can be parodied...that right there tells you something is widely seen as incredibly odd and bizarre and just plain WRONG.
Somebody is an excellent writer at parody. That was really well-done. Thanks for the link!

Ditto what Texana said...excellent writer!
His on-going bloggings are just bizarre.
I worked in Media for more than 10 years (non-English Media, I do not work anymore) and I can assure you that Gerry's last blog was not written by him but by a PR person. Every word was carefully chosen and we all know Gerry's past posts (like jogging, eating treats from Glasgow, shopping spree, etc...) You know...everything to do with Maddie's disappearance.
Agreed! Their guilt can no longer be down played. Gerry spelled defense wrong as well in the text. BUT IMO, this has always been a PR person blogging trying to make the McCanns look more human, instead of cold and unfeeling parents that they are.

I think the English English word is spelled defence.
What sets my teeth on edge about that so-called blog is that there's one message posted, once a month, posted always on the same day, the 9th. (Well, he skipped July and August.) Just seems so mechanical. As if it's a chore set in the to-do list on the computer: "9th: Post msg to masses"

Interesting observation, it's the 'little things'. The #9, the day 9th, wonder if there is any signifigance.
Interesting observation, it's the 'little things'. The #9, the day 9th, wonder if there is any signifigance.

It has been said before by someone else: that is just the European way of writing a date. In Europe we would say that today is 13 September 2007, and write it as 13-9-2007 (as opposed to the US way of saying it is September 13th, and writing 9/13/2007).

The format is day-month-year instead of month/day/year.
Interesting observation, it's the 'little things'. The #9, the day 9th, wonder if there is any signifigance.

I don't understand this...

If he skipped July and August, this means he only posted on the 9th 3 out of 5 times...that's just over half of the time.

I am not getting the significance of the number 9. Can someone please clue me in? Thanks in advance.
Please read my above post Brefie... it is only a matter of European versus US date formats, nothing else.
That's okay, you posted very shortly after me I think, so that happens. I just wanted to point you to it and make it extra clear to everyone else reading the thread, before all kinds of theories are spun around this. Which would sadly be only a waste of time... and I'd hate to see that happen over this.
I've been collecting Gerry's blogs, but I don't think I have them all. I should post them here in the forum if there aren't copywrite issues. Many are very bizarre.
I've been collecting Gerry's blogs, but I don't think I have them all. I should post them here in the forum if there aren't copywrite issues. Many are very bizarre.

Oh yes please post the ones you do have Calikid.I have missed reading a few of them.Maybe someone else here have the ones you are missing.
So what do you think, Jeana? I've seen Gerry's blogs posted all over the internet. Is it okay to put them into a separate thread?
Calikid, that would be great. I only read a couple of them.
OMG!! LOL! This is brilliant. (The above-mentioned satire blog)

Friday, 31 August 2007

Gerry's Blog - Day 1,518

We are entering the planned quieter phase in our Campaign, however plans to tour Europe in our McCann Expedition Vehicle are continuing to be finalised. Despite having been specially custom built for us by Winnebago Industries, our vehicle is a rather modest affair contrary to what was reported in the Portuguese press. Rumours of the 2011 modified Vectra model containing a 50” plasma TV, 430 litre drinks fridge and 18” disco ball are completely unsubstantiated. Fund McCann would never have a need for a television in excess of 42” for its media campaign.

We hope to start our European tour next year, after Kate has undertaken her HGV training.
Holy crap! I didn't read a lot of their blog.

Ok, work with me here... G-man seriously prattled on, making jokes about the plasma tv and disco ball? Or that is your painfully accurate satire of his blog.

Sorry to be so lame...

Editing post: Man. You got me, Pinkhammer!
...but as many have said, it's hard to tell the parody from Gerry's real blog.

He is such a pompous greedy *advertiser censored*!
Pinkhammer, tell me you are kidding with that entry blog!!!!!!!!!?????????
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