Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023 #3

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I think your mistaking it or the other user here is, but if your speaking about Shannon Gilberts phone then the other user is correct. She was not a part of the Gilgo4 found on the beach at Ocean Parkway. The Gilgo4 were told by the killer to leave their phones behind and were never found or maybe they will be found during the house search or storage unit searches.
this isn’t true about Gilgo4 phones - Megan and Amber did not have phones. Melissa and Maureen did
Missing Persons in Owned Land Area States - Initial, Indicative Statistical Analysis

I am doing some number crunching on missing persons in potential areas of interest to this case, beginning with New York State. I will drill down to areas closer to Long Island shortly.

Sleuths, if you think I should change 'cut-off' criteria, like heights, ages and date of last contact, then let me know, as I have not had time to look up the height range preference of the def, or checked the potential active years - it's in previous replies.

Although my knowledge of US geography is not great as I must admit that I am not from the States, I understand the defendant has property in: Las Vegas, South Carolina and Long Island.

At the moment I am looking only at data on missing persons with a New York State tag [update: I'm expanding the dataset to now include: Nevada + South Carolina].

If anyone can pass me the further detail around the names of the towns/cities/states/locations where the defendant had the land + properties, and the same for land identified as potential dumping ground, let me know, and I will expand the search and start drilling down.

This should include if possible out-of-state if appropriate (e.g. if land is on a state border).

Include also any towns/names of any lake, reservoir and beach areas, potentially forest areas as well.

It would be especially helpful if you could provide the names of the nearest towns/cities/boroughs (e.g. Bronx, etc) to (a) Long Island itself; (b) the def's Manhattan office (presumably Manhattan, but give surrounding); (c) Any known red light / cruising areas in New York, especially those near to arterial roads to Long Island.


Missing Persons Females Aged 26 and under, New York State, of Height 4'8" to 5'2"
Date Missing and Age Range
Earliest last contact Date29 March 1990
Latest last contact Date12 December 2022
Age Range6 to 26
Of which Black
Of which White
Of which Hispanic/Latino
Of Which Asian
Of Which Other


South Carolina Missing and 4'8" To 5'2" tall
Age Range ConsideredAge 6 to 28
Earliest Date Missing
04 March 1991​
Latest Date Missing
23 May 2023​
Ethnicity Black
Ethnicity White
Ethicity Hispanic / Latino
Ethnicity Asian
Ethnicity Other


Nevada Missing and 4'8" To 5'2" tall
Age Range ConsideredAge 6 to 28
Earliest Date Missing
25 May 2023​
Latest Date Missing
25 August 2023​
BlackEthnicity Black
WhiteEthnicity White
CSAmericanEthicity Hispanic / Latino
AsianEthnicity Asian
OtherEthnicity Other

Caveats: Not quality assured; not for wider sharing; no vouch for accuracy
Source: Analysis of US Government Data.

NB For insight to those interested, this is exactly the sort of "quick and dirty" message I would be sending internally to colleagues in the NYPD or wherever, if I was starting out on this from a standing start, and providing analytical support at pace.
this is amazing work!!!! to my knowledge Heuermann owns at least four lots of land in Chester County, approximately 22 acres or rural land. i’ll link a map and the land he owns are the blue/green

<modsnip: Image removed due to no link to source>
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I've expanded my initial, indicative analysis of missing persons in Nevada, New York and South Carolina, to what I am presuming at the moment are unidentified remains which are likely to be of under 30s age group, and I believe the discovery dates are post-1990 but don't quote me.

Extension of: this post

I still need the nearby locale, and potential dumping ground surrounding areas help requested in that post, and the preferred height and age range of the def.


What I find quite interesting is that among all the Jane and John Does, estimated average age comes out at only 20.
Including all from 1971, average age is more like 27.
Again, please note the caveats. I don't have time at the moment to check and quality assure.

Caveats: Not quality assured; not for wider sharing; no vouch for accuracy
Source: Analysis of US Government Data.
  • He is in custody for three murders and is due back in court on July 20

They are taking a wide range of things, including a guitar in one of the photos. It is curious what range of things that they think might be linked to the crimes.
I hope that the cat is quickly taken to the mom and/or daughter. How long has it been since anyone was there? Cats shouldn't go long without food.
  • He is in custody for three murders and is due back in court on July 20

It also mentions this:
"Other items taken from the property include duck camouflage tarp, similar to the type found on some of the bodies, and a life jacket."
Absolute trash journalism imo by the nyt. The family are victims. Go after the monster not his family. I am so glad that nasty neighbor quoted is not in my area. Also the store clerk would be looking for a new job if I ran that IGA. Heartless and thoughtless. Imo
And for the clerk to comment that he never goes to the IGA, so what that’s not weird? My father never went to the supermarket, ever, my mom did.
this isn’t true about Gilgo4 phones - Megan and Amber did not have phones. Melissa and Maureen did

It seems that Megan Waterman did take her cellphone with her. At least that's what it seems to say on the bail application document, embedded in this news report, page 6

Read Rex Heuermann's redacted and denied bail application due to ‘extreme depravity'

"The Disappearance and Murder of Megan Waterman
Megan Waterman was last seen alive at the Holiday Inn in Hauppauge, New York, on June 6, 2010, at approximately 1:30 a.m. At that time, she was believed to be working as a sex worker. On June 5, 2010, Ms. Waterman’s cellphone was contacted by another burner cellphone, which had just been activated that day. Thereafter, the Waterman Phone communicated with this burner cellphone on June 6, 2010, at approximately 1:31 a.m., which is around the time Megan Waterman was captured on video surveillance exiting the Holiday Inn in Hauppauge for the last time. Following that communication, the burner cellphone had no further phone activity. However, cell site records show that the Waterman Phone traveled to Massapequa Park with the last cell site location being in Massapequa Park at approximately 3:11 a.m. in the vicinity of the residence of Defendant Heuermann."

That was very surprising when I read the bail application b/c I also thought Waterman left her phone behind based on reporting from years ago, such as the Killing Season show.
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Told to leave phones behind? o_O
What a big, big red flag!

Melissa had phone w her. RH called Melissa’s sister w taunting phone calls from her phone. Megan left hers in hotel and from what we know Amber left her at house because there was another girl there placing escort ads on Craigslist and that was the cell # in ad. Maureen called her sister to tell her she had enough money for train and was coming back to Connecticut and was never heard from again
So, RH was not yet charged in the murder of MBB, but that seems like it might happen in the very near future. MBB was very likely his first victim (certainly first of the famed Gilgo 4 predating the other three by two years). Its worth noting that the belt with the "WH" initial (presumably belonging to his late father William Heuerman), was taken off the body of MBB, as the others were mentioned being bound by duct tape and not belts. According to the bail document; the buckle of that "WH" belt had the hair of RH's wife on it - meaning it was probably from the house where they both resided and not stored away on some closet or storage bin or storage unit that his wife did not frequent. The belt was out in plain sight in their house to the point where a hair of his wife's could thankfully find its way on it. If the belt was in plain sight, one would think the "WH" initials would be seen at some point by anyone in the house visiting, or otherwise. The photos of the initials were all over the TV and newspaper the days after the SCPD released those photos. A friend of mine in SC even saw it on the news as did its his dad too.
Also interesting in the MBB case, is that she is the only one of the four not associated with the duck blind camouflage burlap. We know from the bail docs that it mentions only 3 of the 4 girls in burlap and that two of the victims had hairs removed from the burlap (Waterman and Costello mentioned by name). Furthermore, we know that canine unit PO who initially found the Barthelemy body specifically mentioned 'disintegrated burlap'. So that leaves MBB as the sole outlier. She was two full ears prior to the other 3 girls, bound with three belts instead of duct tape, and picked up from NYC (not Long Island motels like the other girls). The use of a family object like a custom belt hints that RH grabbed what was laying around in a pinch, and perhaps what happened to MBB was not planned for and his initial killing was not as premeditated as other years later. MOO. Anyone who googles a picture of the duck-blind camo burlap and is familiar with the brush on the side of Ocean parkway will see an absolutely perfect match and one that clearly shows a well thought out and premeditated choice. The duck blind camo isn't your typical army camo, it matches the tans and brown grasses of ocean marsh brush identically (see photo attached) - and is designed to do so as that is where these duck blinds typically are located. We see a killer evolving, preparing for his next kills, fine tuning, being a little more meticulous, but luckily not meticulous enough.
This post has started me wondering if RH might have injured himself in the encounter with MBB. He's a big, soft, out-of-shape person. MBB is the earliest victim we know about but he was in his mid 40s. I for one don't believe she was his first. So, why were the others hidden so much better? Maybe he was injured. In a struggle he could have pulled a muscle or been hurt in some way that necessitated him grabbing whatever he could to restrain MBB -- thus the monogrammed belt. His pain was great enough that reworking the bindings was more than he could do, just as disposing of MBB as he had the others was more than he was capable of doing. RH had a deadline. His family was coming home. A wrapped, bound package would be safe for a few days in the coolness of the "root cellar" of his basement, but HAD to be gone before the family came home. (I'll bet he fixed that too, just in case. Having a locked vault loaded with guns gave him a "reasonable" explanation for the locked room. He was just keeping his children safe. No one else was allowed a key because HE was responsible. Wonder when the gun collection started? Or when it moved into the locked basement room?) So, in 2007 an injured RH struggled to dispose of MBB. His family came home and he waited 2 years for the body to be discovered. It wasn't. Yay! He was home free with a handy, dandy close hiding place that offered much easier access for his aging body that was tiring much more quickly and perhaps going through a series of painful joint pullings, etc. You don't even have to pull. Just suddenly you've hurt something. Shoulders are incredibly painful and heal slowly. (Been there and I know how this aging junk feels and can sneak up without warning.)Since RH considers himself a troubleshooter and problem solver, he analyzed what he would need -- the tape and camo burlap -- and was all set to resume his hobby when the opportunity arose. However, it was extremely sloppy of him to perhaps use whatever tape was already around the house as it included hairs that can be traced to him. So, is this what possibly happened to change the way he killed and disposed of his victims? Notice, too, that at one time, he appears to have been meeting his victims in the city, but learned a Long Island Hotel would also work. Polishing his technique as he aged.
It seems that Megan Waterman did take her cellphone with her. At least that's what it seems to say on the bail application document, embedded on this news report, page 6

Read Rex Heuermann's redacted and denied bail application due to ‘extreme depravity'

"The Disappearance and Murder of Megan Waterman
Megan Waterman was last seen alive at the Holiday Inn in Hauppauge, New York, on June 6, 2010, at approximately 1:30 a.m. At that time, she was believed to be working as a sex worker. On June 5, 2010, Ms. Waterman’s cellphone was contacted by another burner cellphone, which had just been activated that day. Thereafter, the Waterman Phone communicated with this burner cellphone on June 6, 2010, at approximately 1:31 a.m., which is around the time Megan Waterman was captured on video surveillance exiting the Holiday Inn in Hauppauge for the last time. Following that communication, the burner cellphone had no further phone activity. However, cell site records show that the Waterman Phone traveled to Massapequa Park with the last cell site location being in Massapequa Park at approximately 3:11 a.m. in the vicinity of the residence of Defendant Heuermann."

That was very surprising when I read the bail application b/c I also thought Waterman left her phone behind based on reporting from years ago, such as the Killing Season show.
I’m guessing these girls had two phones - one for personal and ones for John’s
I haven't seen anywhere in MSM that RH's wife is employed.

But if she is, then I doubt that she is following her regularly life routine right now, so I doubt she is showing up for work anywhere. I think she would be hounded by reporters and the Daily Mail and/or other MSM would be discussing this in the media.

I think she is more likely hunkered down with her family and doing what they can to protect themselves from the onslaught of media and, of course, trying to come to terms with what has happened and its impact on their lives.
I read in a media article days ago that she worked at a local medical center though her employment there might not be current.
It's also been reported that her adult son lives at home with special needs, which would likely be the reason someone in the family receives public assistance.
This is all information that has been reported publicly by major media organizations.
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New article in The NY Times — I gifted the article so it shouldn’t be behind a paywall

Apparently the family paid for groceries with food stamps, which is interesting considering RH had his own pretty successful architecture firm.

In Gilgo Beach Slayings, a Wife Nearby but Apparently Unknowing - NY Times

<snipped & BBM>
Cashiers at the supermarket knew them as a quiet, cheerless family that shopped several times a week. Ms. Salmeri said she watched their children grow up over the past 25 years. One thing remained constant, she said: Mr. Heuermann never accompanied them.

“He never came with them,” she said. “I’m not sure what that says about them.”

[RH’s wife] looked depressed, Ms. Salmeri said, and the family often paid with food stamps, unusual at this store.


The Mustos, like other neighbors, called Mr. Heuermann’s family reclusive and enigmatic. On a tight-knit block, they did not socialize. Their unkempt house stood out almost as an extension of their nature.

To Ms. Musto, [RH’s wife] did not seem concerned with appearances either. “It could be middle of the afternoon and she looked like she just rolled out of bed,” she said.

I’m friendly with everybody around here but she didn’t talk to anyone,” Ms. Musto said.
Many thanks for the gift.

Two things jumped out at me:

"Cashiers at the supermarket knew them as a quiet, cheerless family that shopped several times a week."


"Ms. Ellerup looked depressed, Ms. Salmeri said, and the family often paid with food stamps, unusual at this store."

Food stamps???
I know of people who buy them from others for less than their value in cash and then use them. So say I have card with $100 in available benefits, I can sell it for $75 cash and they get to use card and I get the cash for other purposes. Not saying that’s what’s going on here but it’s a possibility.

Or...steal them from victims?
How many serial killers have told it all? I can only think of BTK and Green River... who else?
There are a few. Just off the top of my head, there's Ed Kemper who talked at length to profilers, Dahmer who talked at length to his legal counsel, the New York Zodiac Heriberto Seda (listed his victims and how he killed them to the police through letters before capture), Samuel Little who not only talked about his victims, but drew portraits of them for investigators trying to link his confessions to unsolved cases and Does. There are probably others, but those are the first I thought of.

There are a few. Just off the top of my head, there's Ed Kemper who talked at length to profilers, Dahmer who talked at length to his legal counsel, the New York Zodiac Heriberto Seda (listed his victims and how he killed them to the police through letters before capture), Samuel Little who not only talked about his victims, but drew portraits of them for investigators trying to link his confessions to unsolved cases and Does. There are probably others, but those are the first I thought of.

also Robert Yates spilled a lot in his plea deal
It also mentions this:
"Other items taken from the property include duck camouflage tarp, similar to the type found on some of the bodies, and a life jacket."
Life jacket. WSers who predicted a boat will enter the plot were likely right! I didn't think so, but looks like we're sailing in that direction.

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