Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 6 murders, July 2023 #13

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( Just using your post as a jumping off point. )

One thing I try to remind myself of is the fact that simply because someone has hired legal representation that does not necessarily mean that they aren't cooperating with LE. We have no clue what AE and her adult children might have shared with investigators. For all we know, they may be actively working with LE, despite what statements they have issue publicly.
There is legal representation and there is legal representation.

The family has the latter. The kind that appears out of the woodwork. The kind with a criminal history. The kind that says things that makes their own client appear physically and mentally sick gratuitously. The kind that publicly denounces LE on behalf of the family when LE was investigating many murders and prepared to charge on three, making the family come off as extremely callous towards the victims. The kind that publicly blames LE for not speaking to their client when LE did. The kind that publicly tells their client not to talk about the case with the defendant, even though they are in theory NOT the defendants lawyer. The kind that manages to turn an international outpouring of sympathy and support for the client, support that was new in Massapequa Park, because neighbors who were unwilling to befriend the whole family reached out to the family after Rex's arrest, into international contempt. Lawyers that literally want to sell guns at a murder premium more than they want to find out facts of alledge serial killing.

I don't judge someone for having legal representation. Nor do I think it is at all an indication of something to hide. Especially in a case like this, where media drones are buzzing your house. I could see hiring a lawyer/spokesperson. I can't see not having one.

But this crew? I do judge Asa for tolerating them and not finding ethical representation.

I mean every one of us in this group have an interest in the same things or we wouldn't be here on this thread trying to sleuth this case. Are you curious about your own interests? Do you think if someone you love murdered someone that we would have the right to dissect your participation in WS?

I would fully expect LE would investigate if they thought I had info.
My interest is justice for VICTIMS, that is why I like to discuss cases on Websleuths.
I'll say this, if anyone in my family were ever accused of a serious crime, the first thing I would do would be to delete my accounts. I have seen what social media does to innocent people. It's terrifying.

Wouldn't you retain an attorney first? Delete accounts 2nd? ;)
Go to any high school art competition and you will see all kinds of morbid and shocking art made by teenage girls.
How many of their daddy's are sitting in jail on 6 counts of torturous murder along with an ongoing investigation into possible future counts of murder?

VH's art affinity far transcends the definition of "morbid" or "shocking".
lol, let me try again.

The press conference was about VH's violent art and the similarities to crime scenes from her childhood and even before she was born. The crimes are alledged done by her father.

Now, Tierney in a "doth protest too much," way indicates that murders are around times Asa leaves town. This pattern so far holds, but he does not have receipts that Asa was out of town the entire time that victims were missing.

I had made the point that even if the family knows nothing that they can identify the relevance of, they know things that LE knows the relevance of. Such as the new tire hypothetical.

John Ray has questioned the bizarrely adamant support by LE for the narrative that the family are not witnesses. LE can just be neutral. They can say the family is cooperating and giving us all the information that they have. They should mention the travel patterns, because it could make any witness remember something. But they don't need to do say more than there are no other suspects at this time.

John Ray previously has rather thoroughly debunked that Asa knew nothing about swinging. In addition, Asa was home when something criminal was happening to Karen Vergata, it appears. This does not mean Asa committed a crime or recognized that she witnessed one. Asa could have over-rationalized it or over trusted Rex and the detective, just as the witness did. But, it removes the possibility that Asa is clueless.

Today, John Ray exposed VH interests and art. There were many themes that can't be coincidence. It is not just what young people are into. John Ray is inferring that this means VH knew explicitly, although I don't make the same inference. I think it may be any number of things including VH being extremely drawn to LISK and not knowing why. It can be as horrid as her witnessing things she has painted, even by sneaking into the verboten torture room after school but before Dad got home.

In any case, she knows something. Whether it is a feeling she got when Dad saw her art, or what she walked into home from the first grade, and is forever burned in her memory, she has something. John Ray has shown us that.

John Ray is a hero in this case. So I hesitate to say this. It is true, but please do NOT use it to twist my words into anything to suggest other than that he is one of the few people bucking a huge power bloc and moving this case forward. I for one do not think that hairs at crime scenes, wrapped babies, multiple hair nets or art depicting murder, torture, rape and dismemberment point to a supportive role in crimes. But it is just my opinion. Because of John Ray we have data and information to develop theories and work leads. I don't have to agree with all the inferences made by John Ray to deeply appreciate all of the information we have only because of him.


Edited to add the less subtle detail:

Yeah. The family is making more than a million on this case. Peacock deal.


I was in the middle of typing a response, but there is no need to. As your response is 100x more concise & eloquent. Bravo to all of this.
lol, let me try again.

The press conference was about VH's violent art and the similarities to crime scenes from her childhood and even before she was born. The crimes are alledged done by her father.

Now, Tierney in a "doth protest too much," way indicates that murders are around times Asa leaves town. This pattern so far holds, but he does not have receipts that Asa was out of town the entire time that victims were missing.

I had made the point that even if the family knows nothing that they can identify the relevance of, they know things that LE knows the relevance of. Such as the new tire hypothetical.

John Ray has questioned the bizarrely adamant support by LE for the narrative that the family are not witnesses. LE can just be neutral. They can say the family is cooperating and giving us all the information that they have. They should mention the travel patterns, because it could make any witness remember something. But they don't need to do say more than there are no other suspects at this time.

John Ray previously has rather thoroughly debunked that Asa knew nothing about swinging. In addition, Asa was home when something criminal was happening to Karen Vergata, it appears. This does not mean Asa committed a crime or recognized that she witnessed one. Asa could have over-rationalized it or over trusted Rex and the detective, just as the witness did. But, it removes the possibility that Asa is clueless.

Today, John Ray exposed VH interests and art. There were many themes that can't be coincidence. It is not just what young people are into. John Ray is inferring that this means VH knew explicitly, although I don't make the same inference. I think it may be any number of things including VH being extremely drawn to LISK and not knowing why. It can be as horrid as her witnessing things she has painted, even by sneaking into the verboten torture room after school but before Dad got home.

In any case, she knows something. Whether it is a feeling she got when Dad saw her art, or what she walked into home from the first grade, and is forever burned in her memory, she has something. John Ray has shown us that.

John Ray is a hero in this case. So I hesitate to say this. It is true, but please do NOT use it to twist my words into anything to suggest other than that he is one of the few people bucking a huge power bloc and moving this case forward. I for one do not think that hairs at crime scenes, wrapped babies, multiple hair nets or art depicting murder, torture, rape and dismemberment point to a supportive role in crimes. But it is just my opinion. Because of John Ray we have data and information to develop theories and work leads. I don't have to agree with all the inferences made by John Ray to deeply appreciate all of the information we have only because of him.


Edited to add the less subtle detail:

Yeah. The family is making more than a million on this case. Peacock deal.

And yes Peacock will pay out the nose.
Again, they already have representation.

I'm sorry @LadyL, I was asking @Mountain_Kat because he/she mentioned previously they'd hire an attorney (it was a bit of an inside joke). Also, I already explained my legal representation comment earlier. Should I link my posts for reference to settle the confusion?

ETA: Actually, see my post#503 which is reply to you regarding previous misunderstanding you had earlier.
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