Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 6 murders, July 2023 #14

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I think the DA withheld the missing clothing items for trial. (They were both missing panties and a left sneaker.) I *think* Sandra was found after the other two but murdered in between. Let me confirm this.

Sandra was found murdered in between the two Bittrolff victims. So any copying would be only copying Tangredi's murder, 18 days earlier. McNamee was found murdered two months after Costilla.

But if this was not known in press, I think there is anecdotal evidence that Rex acted like a cop. I could see him drinking at a bar with some detective who might drunkenly leak shoe info to him. "Yeah, the public doesn't even know...." Yet this seems less likely with the time frame.


Bold text added and some text crossed out in edit
I assume that, if RH wanted to be a "copycat" killer, he wouldn't have gone for someone who killed just one person. He'd likely go for someone more infamous/feared, like Joel Rifkin.

This makes it more likely that he knew Bittrolff at the time. Perhaps through hunting or construction work; JB is a carpenter after all.
Good morning everyone, I won't say anything new but I would also like to be able to say that I agree with some of you...
how full of coincidences this absurd enormous modern case has always been!
and here we are no less we have other coincidences which in my opinion speak a lot more than whisper and if I'm wrong I'll be the first to say it, but here the chances that RH and JB knew each other are really high and the more the days pass the more the rope tightens around to them...
my mind also immediately flies to that testimony of a SW who claims to have participated in a party with the ex-policeman JB... guys, when even introverted people find themselves with the same passions for sick people, you can be sure that they will become friends ... friends at least in "games", then at what level between one and the other we are not yet able to know...
but I think this case is really bigger than we think!
stay tuned because some good things will come out between now and the end of the year..
and I thank those people who have come up with interesting connections in the last few days!
Derek. If it's his spelling, or word-to-text, and he intended "derrick" (credit to the sleuther upthread), what happened if we substitute "hoist"? An arm, pulleys, maybe same concept as a derrick but something he borrowed, bought, modified?

Using coded language makes little sense there as the rest is incriminating and I doubt he ever expected it to be read by anyone but himself, doesn't even seem coded to look like work product if anyone in his family stumbled upon it. Might have been shorthand for his own benefit though.

Derek. If it's his spelling, or word-to-text, and he intended "derrick" (credit to the sleuther upthread), what happened if we substitute "hoist"? An arm, pulleys, maybe same concept as a derrick but something he borrowed, bought, modified?

Using coded language makes little sense there as the rest is incriminating and I doubt he ever expected it to be read by anyone but himself, doesn't even seem coded to look like work product if anyone in his family stumbled upon it. Might have been shorthand for his own benefit though.

I’m surprised he wrote stuff like this on devices he allowed access to the internet. In fact, I’m surprised he wrote this on a device with network capability. Of course, I don’t know that for a fact - that he really subjected his ode to torture to this sloppy behavior. He had every reason to be careful, not to say downright meticulous when it comes to security.

So, I would not be surprised if he pseudocoded what he wrote. U never know.
RH had contact to sex workers and sex partners via his burner phones. I just read it on this thread (#673, last paragraph, copy not possible).
I assume, RH had contact to JB as well, IF he was one of his lovers. Maybe, JB also had a fake name (at least for his burner phone, which he certainly owned). Somewhere a connection between the two men would be findable, if it existed. MOO
Who knows, with how many likeminded perverts RH had contact. OMG!

I mean birds of a feather flock together? Maybe, traded pix, photos, and films of their crimes?
I think the DA withheld the missing clothing items for trial. (They were both missing panties and a left sneaker.) I *think* Sandra was found after the other two but murdered in between. Let me confirm this.

Sandra was found murdered in between the two Bittrolff victims. So any copying would be only copying Tangredi's murder, 18 days earlier. McNamee was found murdered two months after Costilla.

But if this was not known in press, I think there is anecdotal evidence that Rex acted like a cop. I could see him drinking at a bar with some detective who might drunkenly leak shoe info to him. "Yeah, the public doesn't even know...." Yet this seems less likely with the time frame.


Bold text added and some text crossed out in edit

I am curious if RH was in an online DARK NET chat group and Bittrolff bragged about his killings? or even posted photos.
I assume that, if RH wanted to be a "copycat" killer, he wouldn't have gone for someone who killed just one person. He'd likely go for someone more infamous/feared, like Joel Rifkin.

This makes it more likely that he knew Bittrolff at the time. Perhaps through hunting or construction work; JB is a carpenter after all.

I'm on the same page as you. Otherwise, why copy an unknown local, why not copy one of the more infamous serial killers?
Derek/Derrick? first appears on July 16 (Wed) in his notes, 6 am, pick up Derek/derrick? for airport. Jessica Taylor was last seen July 18-21(?)/Port Authority. Her torso was found in Manorville July 26. Derek/derrick next appears in notes Sunday July 27 (day after JT's torso found) "Derek/derrick at house to cut 6x6 post on band saw."

Either way, there's something kind of odd about it. Either Derek is indeed a person and he's an active presence in RH's "schedule" and life while wife's away and RH is murdering. OR derrick equipment was brought to "house" ("at house") to help with cutting a 6x6 post? Derricks don't cut. They might dig/drill or hoist, hang, and I know nothing about construction, but I don't see any sign of them cutting anything. That would be the "band saw." But if you're using derrick for the "airport" (work project at airport/MacArthur??), that derrick isn't going to be transportable down to the basement because it's huge. And band saws are also pretty heavy, so that band saw probably isn't coming up out of the basement. If the bandsaw's in the garage, I don't see how you're going to navigate a derrick so it can extend over the band saw to hoist or maneuver. This "band saw" Derek/derrick event took place on a Sunday, that's probably a day off, he's acknowledging "house." So... what exactly was he doing?? And next day, there's a "concrete pour" scheduled at "21 SW." (Oddly, this makes me think of SW" the way it's used here on this site to refer to "sex worker.")

He went to a great deal of trouble to delete HK, I doubt he thought it would ever see the light of day. But this document we're talking about is different, and this might be coded in some way. Maybe not, Maybe 21 SW is some job he's on at Southwest something or other street. Maybe he's working on an airport concourse and "SW" is for the airline. So maybe it's something genuinely work-related and "at house" is some job-related thing he worked on Sunday, no idea, but it looks very odd either way in terms of the way the dates with Derek/derrick are before and after the murder and recovery of JT's torso in Manorville.

No clue what to make of it if it's equipment, honestly. The thing with the band saw "at house," though, I cannot picture because band saws are generally super heavy. (And they make sawdust).
Why the heck does Rex need Derek to cut a beam/post? Rex supposedly built furniture. It must be a code.
I am curious if RH was in an online DARK NET chat group and Bittrolff bragged about his killings? or even posted photos.
I have NO IDEA how such groups work, but am curious whether contributors profit by posting photos/videos that other predators access. That is, could motivation for engaging in predatory activities not just be typical serial predator motivations, but ALSO be motivation for $ profit - by sharing photos/videos?

There may be multiple motivations where a serial killer is involved.

This is unrelated, but I remember recently watching an interview of Joel Rifkin conducted by a man who at the time of the interview was an FBI agent (now retired from FBI - Mark Safarik, now FBS International). Certainly Mr. Safarik is much more knowledgeable than I about serial killers and their motivations, drives, signatures, eccentricities - but one of the things that repeatedly struck me during that interview is that it seemed Mr. Safarik was putting words in Rifkin's mouth with respect to Rifkin's motivations and reactions to his own crimes (perhaps things Safarik had learned from study of other serial killers). Perhaps there was a reason - awareness that such predators will hide such motivations unless they are outright suggested to them, etc. (ETA: Rifkin maintained the same flat affect throughout, even in response to reactions Safarik suggested Rifkin must have experienced.)

But one of the things I kept thinking was: maybe Rifkin's first killing of a SW was just because he'd gotten tired of parting with the cash for the service (after engaging in such services with multiple SW's over years). "How dare this SW charge for 30 minutes, what it takes me 3 hours to earn" kind of thinking. And so, knowing this was a person from a vulnerable population who may not remain in close contact with others concerned for her welfare, Rifkin just decided the profit (i.e. avoiding payment out of his pocket for these services) was worth the risk. And having gotten away with it once, and later multiple times, he just kept going.

Maybe there is something here too... motivation by $ that RH cannot manage to earn legitimately? He gets the services for free and then makes a little more on the side by selling the photos/videos?

A link to the Criminal Mindscape: Joel Rifkin interview by Safarik:

ETA: I guess what I am saying is that, maybe the ability to share things for an untraceable fee over the internet has opened up a new, dark market and the related profits that might be earned is, by itself, a strong motivator that did not previously exist for serial killers pre-internet.
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I have NO IDEA how such groups work, but am curious whether contributors profit by posting photos/videos that other predators access. That is, could motivation for engaging in predatory activities not just be typical serial predator motivations, but ALSO be motivation for $ profit - by sharing photos/videos?

There may be multiple motivations where a serial killer is involved.

This is unrelated, but I remember recently watching an interview of Joel Rifkin conducted by a man who at the time of the interview was an FBI agent (now retired from FBI - Mark Safarik, now FBS International). Certainly Mr. Safarik is much more knowledgeable than I about serial killers and their motivations, drives, signatures, eccentricities - but one of the things that repeatedly struck me during that interview is that it seemed Mr. Safarik was putting words in Rifkin's mouth with respect to Rifkin's motivations and reactions to his own crimes (perhaps things Safarik had learned from study of other serial killers). Perhaps there was a reason - awareness that such predators will hide such motivations unless they are outright suggested to them, etc. (ETA: Rifkin maintained the same flat affect throughout, even in response to reactions Safarik suggested Rifkin must have experienced.)

But one of the things I kept thinking was: maybe Rifkin's first killing of a SW was just because he'd gotten tired of parting with the cash for the service (after engaging in such services with multiple SW's over years). "How dare this SW charge for 30 minutes, what it takes me 3 hours to earn" kind of thinking. And so, knowing this was a person from a vulnerable population who may not remain in close contact with others concerned for her welfare, Rifkin just decided the profit (i.e. avoiding payment out of his pocket for these services) was worth the risk. And having gotten away with it once, and later multiple times, he just kept going.

Maybe there is something here too... motivation by $ that RH cannot manage to earn legitimately? He gets the services for free and then makes a little more on the side by selling the photos/videos?

A link to the Criminal Mindscape: Joel Rifkin interview by Safarik:

ETA: I guess what I am saying is that, maybe the ability to share things for an untraceable fee over the internet has opened up a new, dark market and the related profits that might be earned is, by itself, a strong motivator that did not previously exist for serial killers pre-internet.
I don't know how these things work, either- but I think there is some dark web system in place to prevent persons trading in media depicting crimes against children from turning each other in- like they have to upload something to see something. If one of them goes to jail, they both do.

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