Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 6 murders, July 2023 #14

Just my own thoughts but I think the dolls were perhaps left by a local resident as a way to shame, ridicule and disrespect the victims even in death. This individual may have their own bias against sex workers and both dehumanize and discriminate them. The way the dolls are posed with either their backs turned or faces covered seemed to be the way the person projects their own thoughts and feelings regarding sex work onto the victims. They also seem to mock the victims. It seems IMO cruel or just another way to taunt those who have already been denied their right to life, safety, freedom and justice for so long.

It reminded me of how the SCPD and the media also dehumanized the victims found at Gilgo Beach back in 2011 when their remains were first discovered. Their murders were disregarded as well deserved punishments for being sex workers. They were treated as people who cases needed to be solved, whose murders were of course unjust or like fellow human beings who were entitled to safety. Unfortunately, instead of portraying them as those you can see same light as friends, sisters, brothers, neighbor, classmates and such they were just labeled as prostitutes, portrayed as criminals while their lives and deaths were harshly treated like burdensome trash unworthy of empathy or compassion.

Could not velieve
Someone here was recently posting the possibility that RH might be responsible for the New Bedford victims. I recently read Shallow Graves by Maureen Boyle, a book about those murders and something caught my attention:

Police in New Bedford went to Florida to investigate a suspect in those murders and noted that a man named Paul Riley, a former corrections officer from New Bedford, lived in the duplex next door to that suspect (Kenny Ponte) and he was a friend of Ponte’s. Riley was sharing the names of various women with whom Ponte associated. Quoting the investigators recalling what Riley told them: “Two heavy-set sisters used to hang out with Kenny in New Bedford…there was a woman named Rochelle from the Cape who was there too, in 1988. In Florida he thought a woman named Linda stayed with Kenny along with a short, very thin blonde woman named Mary. Yet another woman named Amber who spent some time in the Hillsboro County Jail was also there in Florida at one time.”

I think I recall from watching “The Killing Season,” that Amber Costello’s sister, Kim mentioned that Amber had been living in Florida and was jailed there before moving to Long Island.

Has this reference to an “Amber” by Riley in association with the New Bedford case been explored here. (I am late coming to this case.)
No, no one has posted that and Wow. As i recall Rex had a property in fl. There i def something afoot no matter what. 18 vehicles and a tent at rt 88, ty
No. Macedonio said that the swinger affadavit's statement wasn't true because Asa was pregnant with Victoria at that time. Asa couldn't have Victoria in 1997 and be pregnant with her anytime near Valentine's Day, 1996.

(It was a little rich to listen to male attorneys announce brand new pregnancy
and discuss the impact on the pregnant person's sexual activity, as I recall.)

When Amber Costello disappeared in September of 2010, VH was a month shy of her 14th birthday. 2010-14=1996

Why did Macedonio even go there suggesting that LP, her narc boyfriend and KV actually could have been at Asa's house?
Why did Macedonio even go there suggesting that LP, her narc boyfriend and KV actually could have been at Asa's house?
Because his ethical and intellectual levels are similar?

Yes, Macedonio did confirm some elements of the witness's statement. He confirmed they were there. He confirmed that Asa did not have sex with the witness.

It reminds me of how he keeps trying to defend Rex, but then announces that the family hairs were transferred to the bodies, presumably by Rex.

I would like to know who sent that formally disbarred lawyer into to do the job of discrediting Asa and the investigation.

Because his ethical and intellectual levels are similar?

Yes, Macedonio did confirm some elements of the witness's statement. He confirmed they were there. He confirmed that Asa did not have sex with the witness.

It reminds me of how he keeps trying to defend Rex, but then announces that the family hairs were transferred to the bodies, presumably by Rex.

I would like to know who sent that formally disbarred lawyer into to do the job of discrediting Asa and the investigation.


His prior law partner Michael Brown who was assigned RH by the judge and first met RH the day of his first court appearance on 7/14/23?
Asa got Macedonio sometime over that weekend.

Macedonio isn't the brightest lawyer and see his comments as conflicted.
I think he fears the other shoe will eventually drop on his client all the while trying to defend her and her "stand by your man" spew while being more then legal buddies with Brown and they back-channel info and strategy to each other.
He obviously gets confused what his role is.
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His prior law partner Michael Brown who was assigned RH by the judge and first met RH the day of his first court appearance on 7/14/23?
Asa got Macedonio sometime over that weekend.

Macedonio isn't the brightest lawyer and see his comments as conflicted.
I think he fears the other shoe will eventually drop on his client all the while trying to defend her and her "stand by your man" spew while being more then legal buddies with Brown and they back-channel info and strategy to each other
Asa is an adult, and theoretically could just fire him. But my intuition is Macedonio has a lot of power over her that he is abusing.

He treats her like a classic abuser treats their targets: like she needs him. She has to get her mental health together. She is losing health insurance in New York! She has two kinds of cancer! She has to get a few pipes replaced in her house! She is fragile and needs me to get by.

In the mean time, she had had a couple of months of insurance, her lawyer could have negotiated in divorcing that Rex's business continue to pay her premiums, being that he filed divorce for her. But he was silent on any responsibility by Rex to provide this. It is against federal law to drop insurance - she'd have to have the opportunity to keep paying it herself. And in New York, there are multiple options for new insurance.

Asa could have continued to pay the insurance premiums if her lawyer was unable to compel Rex's business to do so. Around this time, and until Macedonia sabotaged it, Asa had vigorous community support, and a regular influx of gift cards and cash gifts. Her neighbors volunteered to help her clean up her place. But like a classic abuser, Macedonio first took credit for, then separated her from, her support system.


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