Glimpses into Casey's Frame of Mind During Solitude *REVISITED*

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I can see why these icons in Photobucket were kept out of the trial as irrelevant. If you have seen the Facebook pages of 16-22 year old females, these are the types of quotes you will see. And KC had 300 of them. I just do not think there is much to see here. However, seeing some of them now is a bit chilling.
Is it permitted to point out that Casey was acquitted or will that get me banned?

Of course you can post that she was acquitted. You won't be banned...But what's the point? We all know that she was acquitted. Perhaps you should expand your post?
I can see why these icons in Photobucket were kept out of the trial as irrelevant. If you have seen the Facebook pages of 16-22 year old females, these are the types of quotes you will see. And KC had 300 of them. I just do not think there is much to see here. However, seeing some of them now is a bit chilling.

Out of context, they mean little. I agree. In context, combined with all of her computer activities, phone calls and actions...well, they just might have meant something. Past tense of course, because this information has no critical value now but this forum is not a court of law. We are discussing what we know; much of which (unfortunately) was not presented to the jury.
I can see why these icons in Photobucket were kept out of the trial as irrelevant. If you have seen the Facebook pages of 16-22 year old females, these are the types of quotes you will see. And KC had 300 of them. I just do not think there is much to see here. However, seeing some of them now is a bit chilling.

Other 16-22 year olds may have the same quotes but how many of them were charged with murdering their daughters.
Is it permitted to point out that Casey was acquitted or will that get me banned?

Welcome jeannebreault, so happy to see you. Of course it's permitted, she did get acquitted. Speaking for myself it's just so hard to get over the fact that she was acquitted. To me it's a crying shame.
OK - I went to my Nook and looked at it's history. This is the site (page 75/75 of can go back to look at all pages) that has the icons. (That site may be optimized for mobile viewing vs. computer? ) I see some here that are not on Desi's list......yeez, even more strange ones!
Below are transcriptions of the first 100 images of the 300 at that linked PB album. (As noted, a couple of the images are not FCA icons, but screencaps related to the case.)

1. [Screenshot of excerpt from LE witness interview.]
2. Everybody has a secret world inside of them.
3. I'm not the girl next door, I'm the [b----] down the street.
4. The police never think it's as funny as you do.
5. I'm just a crazy kinda girl, I'll tell it to the world, I've just begun having my fun.
6. Just once, why can't the one I want want me too?
7. I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake. (heart)

8. Guess what? I always get what I want....
9. Don't live for anyone but yourself.
10. Lick my boots and be my [b----]. (boot, skull)

11. Never underestimate a parent's ability to mortify their child.
12. You are one [l---] your mother should have [s------ed].
13. Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me [..]
14. [F---] me like you mean it.
15. && she wonders what it is about her that isn't good enough for him.
16. Don't be fooled. I just ACT like I care.
17. Yes, I am the center of the universe.
18. Good girls do bad things.
19. I hate you. Die.

20. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

21. Same old story... Boy meets girl and she falls much harder than him.
22. I miss you. I can't stand this. I want Me & You to be together. But there is NOTHING I can do. (hearts)
23. Throw your pain in the river.
24. Summer. Late nights, boys, parties, beach. Need I say more?
25. I'm full of Good Deeds. You just have to ask.
26. Gosh, Justice is expensive these days.
27. The only thing I got from my family is my Temper.
28. Sorry, but I just can't turn off how I feel. (heart)
29. Pretty faces LIE well.

30. You look Unhappy. I like that.

31. Is this more than you bargained for yet? (heart)
32. (Cartoon kitty praying) Dear God, Make everyone die. Amen.

33. Friends, Guys, & Drama. (heart) It's what being a girl is all about.
34. I have a crush on every boy!
35. I'll keep you my dirty little secret.
36. No, I don't have a boyfriend. But I know a guy that would be mad if he heard me say that.
37. Never go to bed angry. Stay up and plot your revenge.
38. She's a life ruiner. She ruins peoples' lives.

39. Do you see my face when your [f---ing] her? (heart)(three long strips)
40. I (heart) it Rough.

41. I'm a piece of his past that he wants to forget.
42. Current job? Eh... I'm an icon collector, what do you do?

43. A friend with weed is a Friend indeed.
44. (star, moon) So tonight I'll sit and pick apart your pictures and over analyze your words. The truth is that I've never fallen so hard.
45. You know what? I don't like Your Version of the truth.
46. We lie to ourselves because the truth... The truth freaking hurts.
47. When mimes are arrested, do they have the right to remain silent? Huh?
48. & She's the kind of girl CONSTANTLY making mistakes and having them SHOVED in her face. (tears, heart)
49. REVENGE / is love. (heart, heart, heart)

50. I keep myself up at night, thinking about rejecting those apologies I know will never come.
(blue sky above tops of green trees in wooded area)

51. [News photo of Casey/Lee high-five]
52. Don't hate me because I'm popular.
53. I'd [f---] me.
54. It's not us, it's them. Them & their stupid boy [p-----s].
55. I'm just a crazy girl who loves this boy way too much. (three hearts)
56. Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a total [b----] just like you.

57. A pretty mess.
58. You will get trapped, once you understand.
59. The past. It's done. It's unchangeable. Move on.

60. You might be a Redneck if... You've ever lost your wife in a poker game.

61. You, me, whipped cream and handcuffs. Any questions?
62. You and I should get away for awhile. I just wanna be alone with your smile.

64. YOU will be the answer when someone asks me what I'm thinking about. (heart)
65. & she just woke up one day and decided it was over.

66. I agree with the dictionary. Girls before guys. Partying before studying. Friends before love.
67. I'm not a *advertiser censored*, I'm just popular. *advertiser censored*
68. She was a girl who knew how to act happy even when she was sad and that's what's important. --Marilyn Monroe (heart)
69. How pumped would you be driviing home from work, knowing somewhere in your house is a MONKEY that you're going to battle?
70. It's not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. Sinners can surprise you. And the same is true for saints. Why do we try to define people as simply Good or Evil? Because no one wants to admit that compassion and cruelty can live SIDE BY SIDE in one heart. And that anyone is capable of anything.
[Note: Quote is from Desperate Housewives - Season 2, Episode 9]

71. I want a guy that loves my smile & my dorky laugh & doesn't care about what I wear or how I do my hair. I want a guy who loves ME.
72. I love talking [s---] about stupid [wh---s] with you. (heart)
73. I love school. Except the learning part. That's gotta go.
74. I'm not afraid of happy endings. I'm just afraid my life won't work that way.
75. In love / with love.
76. Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like an unrequited love.
77. I want a permanent solution (heart) to a temporary problem. (heart)

78. Why do we always seem to want what we can't have?
79. Future Trophy Wife.
80. Whatever, whatever, I do what I WANT. (heart)

81. Guys are like buses... another one will be along in 5 minutes.
82. & She's the kind of girl that goes on PRETENDING everything is fine. (heart)
83. I never met a zipper that didn't need a good tug (picture of open female lips)
84. Yeah, they talk about her; she smiles like she's so tough. She says, "Hey, can you talk a little louder? I don't think my heart is broken enough." (many hearts)
85. Most people don't know who they are yet, that's why they lie, they are afraid that someone else will figure it out before they do.
86. [B----]... You have to be pretty for me to hate on you.
87. One day I will be Famous. (lipstick kiss)
88. I'm the most TERRIFIC liar you ever saw in your whole life. It's awful.

89. Everybody has a secret world inside of them. [DUPLICATE]
90. Smile... though your heart is breaking. (broken heart)

91. Here's to Life. Hanging out, making out, sneaking out, passing out. Whatever happens, happens. No regrets. (heart)
92. I have more fictional boyfriends than you do, BEAT THAT.
93. Every second I'm without you I'm a Mess. (heart)
94. Next failed trial. Next broken heart. It happens every day to [a] million people. But why always to ME?
95. I only sleep with the best.
96. And in the end, people always turn out to be who they Promised they wouldn't.
97. A Killer with the perfect Weapons, crystal eyes and a heart of coal.

98. I am your [wh---]. (heart)
99. I love (heart) a man in uniform.
100. Hot guys+flip flops+mini skirts+glossed lips+late nights=My Life.

Source: Icons/?o=296
when was the photobucket created, and were many of the icons posted after June 16th?
The innocent/acquitted discussion is better suited for sidebar. You are welcome to discuss it there... Lets not veer off track from the topic of this thread... Thanks!
when was the photobucket created, and were many of the icons posted after June 16th?

There are items in the folder dating back to 2002, although it looks like most of them are dated in 2007 and early 2008. Items of particular interest in June 2008 include the "apple of death" picture (6 versions downloaded or modified 6/26/08 between 8:08 and 8:34 pm), the picture of the word "love" in the woods (4 versions 6/26/08 between 3:51 pm and 8:43 pm), and the "those we meet change us forever" picture with the two children in shadows (6/24/08 at 3:04 pm).


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Welcome jeannebreault, so happy to see you. Of course it's permitted, she did get acquitted. Speaking for myself it's just so hard to get over the fact that she was acquitted. To me it's a crying shame.
welcome Jeanne :)

Edited Harmony!:)
Is it permitted to point out that Casey was acquitted or will that get me banned?
Not at all! Would love discussions!

I can see why these icons in Photobucket were kept out of the trial as irrelevant. If you have seen the Facebook pages of 16-22 year old females, these are the types of quotes you will see. And KC had 300 of them. I just do not think there is much to see here. However, seeing some of them now is a bit chilling.

Stated on another thread that when I was that age :gasp: !!! It has no relevance to me as to partying/drinking/sleeping around (I plead the 5th :blushing:) It is putting the puzzle together.....31 days etc ect etc :deadhorse:

Below are transcriptions of the first 100 images of the 300 at that linked PB album. (As noted, a couple of the images are not FCA icons, but screencaps related to the case.)

1. [Screenshot of excerpt from LE witness interview.]
2. Everybody has a secret world inside of them.
3. I'm not the girl next door, I'm the [b----] down the street.
4. The police never think it's as funny as you do.
5. I'm just a crazy kinda girl, I'll tell it to the world, I've just begun having my fun.
6. Just once, why can't the one I want want me too?
7. I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake. (heart)

8. Guess what? I always get what I want....
9. Don't live for anyone but yourself.
10. Lick my boots and be my [b----]. (boot, skull)

11. Never underestimate a parent's ability to mortify their child.
12. You are one [l---] your mother should have [s------ed].
13. Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me [..]
14. [F---] me like you mean it.
15. && she wonders what it is about her that isn't good enough for him.
16. Don't be fooled. I just ACT like I care.
17. Yes, I am the center of the universe.
18. Good girls do bad things.
19. I hate you. Die.

20. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

21. Same old story... Boy meets girl and she falls much harder than him.
22. I miss you. I can't stand this. I want Me & You to be together. But there is NOTHING I can do. (hearts)
23. Throw your pain in the river.
24. Summer. Late nights, boys, parties, beach. Need I say more?
25. I'm full of Good Deeds. You just have to ask.
26. Gosh, Justice is expensive these days.
27. The only thing I got from my family is my Temper.
28. Sorry, but I just can't turn off how I feel. (heart)
29. Pretty faces LIE well.

30. You look Unhappy. I like that.

31. Is this more than you bargained for yet? (heart)
32. (Cartoon kitty praying) Dear God, Make everyone die. Amen.

33. Friends, Guys, & Drama. (heart) It's what being a girl is all about.
34. I have a crush on every boy!
35. I'll keep you my dirty little secret.
36. No, I don't have a boyfriend. But I know a guy that would be mad if he heard me say that.
37. Never go to bed angry. Stay up and plot your revenge.
38. She's a life ruiner. She ruins peoples' lives.

39. Do you see my face when your [f---ing] her? (heart)(three long strips)
40. I (heart) it Rough.

41. I'm a piece of his past that he wants to forget.
42. Current job? Eh... I'm an icon collector, what do you do?

43. A friend with weed is a Friend indeed.
44. (star, moon) So tonight I'll sit and pick apart your pictures and over analyze your words. The truth is that I've never fallen so hard.
45. You know what? I don't like Your Version of the truth.
46. We lie to ourselves because the truth... The truth freaking hurts.
47. When mimes are arrested, do they have the right to remain silent? Huh?
48. & She's the kind of girl CONSTANTLY making mistakes and having them SHOVED in her face. (tears, heart)
49. REVENGE / is love. (heart, heart, heart)

50. I keep myself up at night, thinking about rejecting those apologies I know will never come.
(blue sky above tops of green trees in wooded area)

51. [News photo of Casey/Lee high-five]
52. Don't hate me because I'm popular.
53. I'd [f---] me.
54. It's not us, it's them. Them & their stupid boy [p-----s].
55. I'm just a crazy girl who loves this boy way too much. (three hearts)
56. Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a total [b----] just like you.

57. A pretty mess.
58. You will get trapped, once you understand.
59. The past. It's done. It's unchangeable. Move on.

60. You might be a Redneck if... You've ever lost your wife in a poker game.

61. You, me, whipped cream and handcuffs. Any questions?
62. You and I should get away for awhile. I just wanna be alone with your smile.

64. YOU will be the answer when someone asks me what I'm thinking about. (heart)
65. & she just woke up one day and decided it was over.

66. I agree with the dictionary. Girls before guys. Partying before studying. Friends before love.
67. I'm not a *advertiser censored*, I'm just popular. *advertiser censored*
68. She was a girl who knew how to act happy even when she was sad and that's what's important. --Marilyn Monroe (heart)
69. How pumped would you be driviing home from work, knowing somewhere in your house is a MONKEY that you're going to battle?
70. It's not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. Sinners can surprise you. And the same is true for saints. Why do we try to define people as simply Good or Evil? Because no one wants to admit that compassion and cruelty can live SIDE BY SIDE in one heart. And that anyone is capable of anything.
[Note: Quote is from Desperate Housewives - Season 2, Episode 9]

71. I want a guy that loves my smile & my dorky laugh & doesn't care about what I wear or how I do my hair. I want a guy who loves ME.
72. I love talking [s---] about stupid [wh---s] with you. (heart)
73. I love school. Except the learning part. That's gotta go.
74. I'm not afraid of happy endings. I'm just afraid my life won't work that way.
75. In love / with love.
76. Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like an unrequited love.
77. I want a permanent solution (heart) to a temporary problem. (heart)

78. Why do we always seem to want what we can't have?
79. Future Trophy Wife.
80. Whatever, whatever, I do what I WANT. (heart)

81. Guys are like buses... another one will be along in 5 minutes.
82. & She's the kind of girl that goes on PRETENDING everything is fine. (heart)
83. I never met a zipper that didn't need a good tug (picture of open female lips)
84. Yeah, they talk about her; she smiles like she's so tough. She says, "Hey, can you talk a little louder? I don't think my heart is broken enough." (many hearts)
85. Most people don't know who they are yet, that's why they lie, they are afraid that someone else will figure it out before they do.
86. [B----]... You have to be pretty for me to hate on you.
87. One day I will be Famous. (lipstick kiss)
88. I'm the most TERRIFIC liar you ever saw in your whole life. It's awful.

89. Everybody has a secret world inside of them. [DUPLICATE]
90. Smile... though your heart is breaking. (broken heart)

91. Here's to Life. Hanging out, making out, sneaking out, passing out. Whatever happens, happens. No regrets. (heart)
92. I have more fictional boyfriends than you do, BEAT THAT.
93. Every second I'm without you I'm a Mess. (heart)
94. Next failed trial. Next broken heart. It happens every day to [a] million people. But why always to ME?
95. I only sleep with the best.
96. And in the end, people always turn out to be who they Promised they wouldn't.
97. A Killer with the perfect Weapons, crystal eyes and a heart of coal.

98. I am your [wh---]. (heart)
99. I love (heart) a man in uniform.
100. Hot guys+flip flops+mini skirts+glossed lips+late nights=My Life.

Source: Icons/?o=296

Desi, I'm starting from the back end...I think I have the last 78 and perhaps we will meet in the middle.......Jeez, multi quote learnings that we had 3 months ago may come in handy. :great:

1. It’s amazing how quickly a broken heart can mend when it falls in love with the perfect person
2. Relax, I’m not going to burn you again. I’m going to stab you!
3. Why do I always fall for the wrong person
4. We’re all addicted to something that takes the pain away
5. Such a beautiful lie
6. She’s cold and she’s cruel, but she knows what she’s doing
7. Please don’t pretend you care, then crush my feelings into little bit-sized pieces for you to eat up with a side-order of my dignity covered in self-respect sauce.
8. And when you begin to miss me, don’t forget it was you who let me go
9. I’ll get him one day
10. It’s love when you can’t stop thinking about him when you really want to hate him when you end up waiting for him to sign on
11. I am a slow motion accident
12. I find all my pleasure in your misery
13. I’m so sorry if my agonizing pain is inconveniencing you
14. Why can you believe the lie but not the truth?
15. LOST: My youth If found, please return
16. You know what really gets my attention? Male Enhancement.
17. Waste all your time with me I know I’m a mess right now don’t give up believe. I’d wait it out for you
18. Praying for love in a lapdance & paying in naivety
19. Don’t buy drugs! Become a rockstar and get them for FREE!
20. Boyfriend? Um, no, I’ll past but thanks for the offer. Oh, why you ask? It’s simple really, you see the word boyfriend is actually two words, disguised as one that tricks you, it’s actually friend attached to boy. Friend is a great thing, boy on the other hand, well, you know the story
21. & if you ran to the end of the earth I would catch you
22. Something like this only happens to dumb girls (oh so that’s why it happened to me
23. Have fun laugh at things that aren’t funny and make a huge loser of yourself in public
24. The media thrives on you
25. Call me a *advertiser censored* again and I’ll pee on your leg
26. Be insane because well behaved girls never made history
27. My knight in shining armor turned out to be a loser in aluminum foil
28. I really need to hear how great I am cause I can’t even get up out of bed
29. Let’s run away we’ll never look back
30. Everyday people ask me “are you two going out?” & you don’t realize how painful it is to reply no were just friends
31. Some secrets need to be kept
32. I wanted to tell you all my secrets but you became one instead
33. #3 All she wants is someone to love her endlessly
34. You are the perfect drug & I’m addicted to you
35. I’ll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake
36. Guess what! I always get what I want
37. Icons/tho22.jpg
38. Icons/tho30.jpg
39. Girls just want somebody to want them back. At least I do.
40. Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on it’s own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed, but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it, hits way below the belt and doesn’t let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can’t outrun it, and life always makes more.
41. Yeah I’m a party girl so what of it? I live for the weekend I drink till I drop I dance on tables. When I’m drunk I want every hot boy in the room but hey that’s just me you only live once so be a party girl
42. Passion is knowing what you want and never stopping until you get it
43. If it weren’t for physics and law enforcement, I’d be unstoppable
44. I (heart) Jesus Ortiz
45. When people you don’t even know hate you…you know your –the best-….but If you look at me closely you will see it in my eyes this girl will always find her way
46. I’m still young & I just want to live it up be outrageously crazy be spontaneous & never giving a ******
47. Judge me & I’ll prove you wrong. Tell me what to do, & I’ll tell you off. Say I’m not worth it & watch where I end up. Call me a ***** & I’ll show you one. ****** me over & I’ll do it to you twice as bad. Call me crazy, but you really have no idea.
48. I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the girl who could brighten up your day even if she couldn’t brighten her own.
49. We all want to fall in love. Why? Because this experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moments, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn’t diminish it’s value because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives.
50. I’m here, which, roughly translated, means I would rather die than stay away from you.
51. Don’t live for anyone but yourself
52. I’m forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life
53. Boys *suck*
54. Fat kids are harder to kidnap
55. There is one person, in every group of friends, that nobody *advertiser censored**ing likes
56. I know that you re living a lie
57. The truth is everyones going to hurt u, u just have to decide whos worth the pain
58. Baby the only way I would kick you out of bed, would be to ****** you on the floor
59. A ******ing *advertiser censored* is what I am
60. Here we go again with your mixed signals and my second thoughts
61. I’m not a *advertiser censored*. Your boyfriend just thinks I’m hot
62. We’re only young once Lets ****** it up right
63. I suck at life. But I’m wicked cool
64. What I hate the most; is that there isn’t one single song in the whole world that describes what you put me through
65. &&she WONERS What it is about her that isn’t good E.N.O.U.G.H for him
66. Don’t Be Fooled. I just act like I care.
67. I’m addicted to you
68. Promises mean EVERYTHING but after they’re broken; sorry means nothing
69. “Are you alright?” Why do people always ask you that when the answer is obviously no?
70. See you in hell
71. The prettiest girls can do the ugliest things.
72. I don’t know where I stand with you and I don’t know what I mean to you all I know is everytime I think of you all I wanna do is BE with you (e.d. referring to Tony?)
73. You were the best and the worst thing for me
74. Yes, I am the center of the universe
75. You want me? Come find me.
76. Bisexual, kinky, polyamorous, horny (e.d. all checked off)…And I’m still not sleeping with you.
77. Damaged people are dangerous because they know they can survive
78. Sometimes…….I wish I had a d**k to shove in bi****’s mouths to make them shut the ****** up
Thanks again to AZ! We have now 2 1/2 times as many guests here as members? Anyhow.........if we have a specific request for a date, can we PM or post and you can find out? That one of the skeleton hovering over the man/woman with the lady scribing on the left...........the chinese one........was always the most disturbing to me and would love to know when that one was uploaded. Is there a way we can sleuth without asking you? That assumes that even you know?

Thanks again to AZ! We have now 2 1/2 times as many guests here as members? Anyhow.........if we have a specific request for a date, can we PM or post and you can find out? That one of the skeleton hovering over the man/woman with the lady scribing on the left...........the chinese one........was always the most disturbing to me and would love to know when that one was uploaded. Is there a way we can sleuth without asking you? That assumes that even you know?


I scrolled all the way back to 2007 and didn't see that one. Frankly, I don't think I saw it when the photos were released either. I'm not sure it was ever part of Casey's Photobucket at all. She downloaded a picture by the same or a very similar artist on 6/26/08 at 8:04 pm, but not that one.

ETA: Shoot! I just realized all the times I've been giving would be AZ time. The actual FL times would be later and would depend on Daylight Savings Time as well (because AZ doesn't do DST). For the relevant time period, the difference should be 3 hours. So:

Japanese pic (not the scary skeleton one but another one) would be 6/26/08 at 11:04 pm Orlando time.

"Apple of death" picture would be 6/26/08 between 11:08 and 11:34 pm.

Picture of the word "love" in the woods would be 6/26/08 between 6:51 pm and 11:43 pm.

"Those we meet change us forever" picture with the two children in shadows would be 6/24/08 at 6:04 pm.
Thanks again to AZ! We have now 2 1/2 times as many guests here as members? Anyhow.........if we have a specific request for a date, can we PM or post and you can find out? That one of the skeleton hovering over the man/woman with the lady scribing on the left...........the chinese one........was always the most disturbing to me and would love to know when that one was uploaded. Is there a way we can sleuth without asking you? That assumes that even you know?


I scrolled all the way back to 2007 and didn't see that one. Frankly, I don't think I saw it when the photos were released either. I'm not sure it was ever part of Casey's Photobucket at all. She downloaded a picture by the same or a very similar artist on 6/26/08 at 8:04 pm, but not that one.

ETA: Shoot! I just realized all the times I've been giving would be AZ time. The actual FL times would be later and would depend on Daylight Savings Time as well (because AZ doesn't do DST). For the relevant time period, the difference should be 3 hours. So:

Japanese pic (not the scary skeleton one but another one) would be 6/26/08 at 11:04 pm Orlando time.

"Apple of death" picture would be 6/26/08 between 11:08 and 11:34 pm.

Picture of the word "love" in the woods would be 6/26/08 between 6:51 pm and 11:43 pm.

"Those we meet change us forever" picture with the two children in shadows would be 6/24/08 at 6:04 pm.

Incidentally, the Japanese art pic that she downloaded was just a Dave Matthews Band tour poster. I still don't see the scary skeleton one anywhere in the folder.
Incidentally, the Japanese art pic that she downloaded was just a Dave Matthews Band tour poster. I still don't see the scary skeleton one anywhere in the folder.

According to Valhall's article, computer forensics showed the art work was saved on Casey's computer on July 13 and 14. I don't think it was on her photobucket account.
According to Valhall's article, computer forensics showed the art work was saved on Casey's computer on July 13 and 14. I don't think it was on her photobucket account.

Do you have a link to Valhall's article? I'm just not seeing that Japanese skeleton art anywhere in Casey's photo folders.

ETA: I did find a copy of the article that someone posted on another site, but there were no links provided. :/
One thing that is absolutely clear in seeing these morbid pictures/images is that Casey is a sick, sick woman. She is just too evil to imagine. Even people who murder do not normally drive around with a dead corpse in the trunk, they don't save images of skeletons after the sick deed has been done. (Serial killers maybe) Gosh, she was a young mother who not only murdered her baby but had to see that child in a decomposed state. That would freak anyone out. But not Casey. She was probably able to see the 'apple of death' without blinking an eyelid. I don't think even Scott Peterson was this bizarre. She is just plain e-v-I-l.

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