Glimpses into Casey's Frame of Mind During Solitude *REVISITED*

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Respectfully snipped...the magical spin Casey must put on Caylee's death to avoid the burden of the truth

It seems that Casey buried Caylee under a bunch of cool imagery as a way to deal with what she had done.

Magical spin is such a good way to put it. It is like how Casey wrote that Caylee is better off now. Casey makes jail sound like summer camp. She calls her defense team "her boys". It is how she could tell her parents she was going to "work" every day for two years when she was instead lolly-gagging around their house watching soaps and texting. Even saying the non-existent Zanny,was her "nanny" instead of her "babysitter" is pretentious spinning.imo.

Casey wasn't/isn't in a fugue and unaware of the truth. She knows/knew what was going on. Casey's magical spinning always made whatever she did sound better and herself sound cooler than whatever was really going on.

I totally agree that the skeleton art, poem and even Casey's prattling to her friends about her new "love" and her happy new life, the very same way she would soon be prattling to Robin about good jail times, were romanticizing and making pretty her ugly truths.
seagull, if you were completely innocent of anything to do with your daughter missing, and you were actually frantically trying to find your daughter, why would you take the time to post that Poster "Why do people..."? What would be the purpose if you were looking for your alive, missing little girl?

Then, Caylee ends up dead in the woods. Imagine that? Hmmm....
Here are some of the disturbed things that KC downloaded. Icons/?start=0
But we don't know if she was the killer (or even for sure if she was involved as an accessory). She could be either. Or the killer could be someone else, maybe they have skull and horror icons in their computer, or maybe not. We don't know.

To me, the popular theories (i.e. the narcissist theory and the Casey as murderer theory) could be true, but I find it's used as a circular argument a lot, each one supposed to prove the other (I don't necessarily mean by anyone here.) The whole narcissist theory seemed to arise to explain why she was supposedly showing no remorse, based on the premise that she was the murderer. But then she must be the murderer because her narcissism motivated the murder, etc. In other words: (a) She is the murderer but she's showing no remorse, so she's a narcissist. (b) She's a narcissist so that must be why she murdered. Could be true, or might not be what happened IMO.
:beersign:Share some with the rest of us! (kidding)
Magical spin is such a good way to put it. It is like how Casey wrote that Caylee is better off now. Casey makes jail sound like summer camp. She calls her defense team "her boys". It is how she could tell her parents she was going to "work" every day for two years when she was instead lolly-gagging around their house watching soaps and texting. Even saying the non-existent Zanny,was her "nanny" instead of her "babysitter" is pretentious spinning.imo.

Casey wasn't/isn't in a fugue and unaware of the truth. She knows/knew what was going on. Casey's magical spinning always made whatever she did sound better and herself sound cooler than whatever was really going on.

The really sad part is that Casey seemed to have actually learned this magical spinning technique from the Anthony parental elves that knew alchemy.

They taught Casey that as long as you have something to work with you can turn it into something else. Smell of Death turned into Pizza, and lots more. The elves were also good at detailing cars.
seagull, if you were completely innocent of anything to do with your daughter missing, and you were actually frantically trying to find your daughter, why would you take the time to post that Poster "Why do people..."? What would be the purpose if you were looking for your alive, missing little girl?

Then, Caylee ends up dead in the woods. Imagine that? Hmmm....

The flipside is, if you were the murderer, why in the world would you post this image on your computer or page?

I have always found the images interesting, too. Wonder who may have seen these images with her, discussed them, or even pointed her to them? Had them on their own webpage, etc. Who knows? Who knows what she knew at that time, how much she or others knew that they haven't divulged, or why she downloaded it or from whom? I mean, we download a lot of stuff trying to get to the truth, maybe she was doing the same? I don't know.
Her downloading this or "posting it" (she posted it on a page?) (if she's the one who did) could seem to me to be communicating with friends regarding something about Caylee, could indicate some knowledge on her part or others', and trying to explain away something that had happened, rationalize it, more like it was an accident. But on the other hand, if she were actually the murderer, why on earth would she collect such an image on her own computer or post such an image? (Not to mention, why would she have left the tape on the body when disposing of it and many other things, if she were the murderer.)
The flipside is, if you were the murderer, why in the world would you post this image on your computer or page?

I have always found the images interesting, too. Wonder who may have seen these images with her, discussed them, or even pointed her to them? Had them on their own webpage, etc. Who knows? Who knows what she knew at that time, how much she or others knew that they haven't divulged, or why she downloaded it or from whom? I mean, we download a lot of stuff trying to get to the truth, maybe she was doing the same? I don't know.
Her downloading this or "posting it" (she posted it on a page?) (if she's the one who did) could seem to me to be communicating with friends regarding something about Caylee, could indicate some knowledge on her part or others', and trying to explain away something that had happened, rationalize it, more like it was an accident. But on the other hand, if she were actually the murderer, why on earth would she collect such an image on her own computer or post such an image? (Not to mention, why would she have left the tape on the body when disposing of it and many other things, if she were the murderer.)
Probably, because like many murderers, she didn't expect to be caught and it taken into evidence...
I have been contemplating why and where KC came across The Apparition by Gustave Moreau. Clearly, KC wasn’t a painter and I can’t imagine her touring art galleries (unless they passed out lots of free wine). I have to believe that she was studied this during some art appreciation class in her high school. Read what the painter wanted his painting to depict. It is just creepy! KC must have believed her activities emulated this painting.

{If you look closely at this painting it depicts an executioner with a blood-stained sword, an almost nude looking woman, and the head of a dead person (St. John the Baptist).}

This is an art critics description of the painting:
The beautiful, nude princess becomes Woman while watching the execution and seeing the severed head. She becomes more refined, savage and exquisite. She was awakened from the dulled senses of man. She was bewitched and subdueded with her charm that was cultivated in sacrilegious beds and impious hothouses.

If KC believed this painting was relevant to her “activities/murder” at this time, consider the following.
The beautiful, nude KC becomes Woman while watching the death of Caylee and seeing her dead body. KC becomes more refined, savage and exquisite. KC was awakened from the dulled senses of man. KC was bewitched and subdued with her charm that was cultivated in sacrilegious beds and impious hothouses.

Other art critics have stated this r/t this painting:
The woman's gaze (the woman staring at the dead head) has been described as a combination of success at what she has just accomplished, and fear of what she has just done.

Very disturbing, eh?

Your questions seem valid. :waitasec: This pic of a famous painting The Apparition by Gustave Moreau must have touched Casey somehow.

The real painting just doesn't fit in with her other art collection. :alien:

Or maybe...she thought it'd make great album/cd cover art. That sounds more like Casey. :flashbak:
This may sound really simplistic, but I think she had a tug of war between love and death.

Death - will cure all my problems
Love - will cure all my problems

With Caylee, she may (IMHO) have seen her as a burden in finding love (ie, Tony didn't want kids (something to that effect).

So when she killed (MOO) Caylee, she thought it would be the answer. She quickly regretted it when she (may have) realized Tony was not the answer either.

Writing it out on paper, photobucket, helped with the demons in her mind.

So sad for so many people - especially Caylee.

Honestly, I'm having a moment today, seeing Cindy praying and so seemingly upset today and even seeing Casey cry when the defence mentioned that Caylee was healthy and happy before she "went missing", made me realize how human they all are.

I think that Casey is a psychopath, I beleive that a fight broke out June 15/16 and Casey was furious. I beleive that Casey had thought in the past about doing something but never went through with it, maybe even researched it, but realized it was not logical. However I think on this date KC was extremely angry and acted out of anger. I do beleive that she was having nightmares, I beleive that she was regretting it, and I beleive now that she is in survival mode.

I have done many things I regret and wish I could take back (never like this) and I think thats what happened here. I think that she does regret what she has done and I think that it is killing her. I do beleive that CA, GA and LA also know what she has done and I beleive that they all are at this point simply trying to save her life. I think they all love Caylee, I think KC acted out of rage and that CA feels like she is just as responsible because of the fight. I think CA is supporting KC out of guilt and GA is supporting CA and KC because he loves them but is torn because of what has transpired. I think LA loves his family and loves Caylee but feels he can not do anything either way so he is not going to support KC but he not going to be the one to put her to death.
I beleive KC does regret what she has done, at this point if she admits it she is likely to lose her life either by letal injection or the rest of her life in jail. My heart tells me that when Ashton spells out to the jury what he beleives happened what Caylee went through and the process that her body went through decomposing in the woulds that Casey is going to lose it.
Those theories are in conjunction with the 31 days and lying to police though. They make more sense when you look at how she behaved.

I agree that the big question is the failure to report and the failure to provide information to lead to the nanny (the particular named person).
Various possibilities, I always wished more of them had been ruled out during the course of the investigation. One theory of course being that at first she foolishly thought that Caylee was safe with some friend or acquaintance, maybe began to suspect or worry something was up or maybe not, but later was afraid to face her family with the situation. Maybe foolishly thought Caylee would be returned very soon, didn't want to get authorities or her family involved, didn't want to get a friend in trouble, or was afraid to face the actual possibilities/realities. From what we've heard, I see her as overtrustful of the peers around her regarding helping her watch Caylee or leaving Caylee with people in the apartment while she was in another room or sleeping or at the pool. I also see her as getting overly involved quickly with people and thinking of them as family or best friends. We know from the interviews that she would let her boyfriends' roommates (who were drug users) watch Caylee when she and boyfriend were asleep, etc. But on the other hand her old friends say she would never let Caylee be missing for any length of time, even a short time....

What if Casey didn't know Caylee was in any danger until she found Caylee's body in her car trunk. She thought it was going to be pinned on her or was told as much in some way. Wasn't sure who was responsible or knew it was retribution for some other crime. But if that were the case, I don't see her talking about the smell to others.

Maybe Caylee died due to some form of accident but Casey couldn't face it, or face her family with it. Escaped into fantasy.

What if there were marks or injuries on Caylee that a perp didn't want anyone (including Casey) to find out about? Even accidental marks or injuries for that matter. Or marks or injuries Casey didn't know how to face her parents with whether by herself or another person or from accident on her watch or her friends' watch.

I don't believe that only Casey had access to Caylee, the Pontiac, her keys in her purse, items from the home, etc. Many people were around all of these. And almost any perp could have known to dump the body near the Anthony home or Caylee could even have been taken from there and that was the nearest convenient spot.

I consider other possibilities, these are only a few (also the possibility that Casey could be the murderer, though I find it a stretch. If the murderer were Casey I really think she would have removed the tape from Caylee's face before disposing of her body, unless she was totally out of it on something. Also, she has no history of mistreating Caylee or other violent crime. Every witness said she was a good mother) Please excuse typos and misedits or repeats, It's so late! I will write better tomorrow

I also don't rule out:
onset of serious mental illness during the time frame, when it happens, that is a common age for onset

period of disorientation due to medical cause

Casey being introduced to meth or other drug during that time frame, she was very thin, totally vacant expression and tone of voice etc when she was arrested, only cared about contacting Tony, all old friends said the way she was behaving/sounding in the jailhouse phone calls was totally out of character

Casey having been drugged

Casey covering for a paramour or friend, whether abuse by this person or accident, rationalizing and "forgiving".

Something so awful happening to Caylee and Casey that Casey cracked up, became traumatized, resulting in a "blank" about Caylee and what happened to her, and retreating to safer times in her mind.

anyway, just a few
Apparition " and "ghost" are frequently used as synonymous terms. I'm still thinking about Casey having The Apparition painting in her "lovey dovey skulls and hearts art collection".

I think there is something in the very title of the painting that says something, but I can't see it as being something complex, religious, or deep.

IMO, at first Casey may have suffered a few apparition sightings of Caylee pointing her finger at her accusing, "Why Mommy, Why?" What do you think?

Is it possible Casey felt Caylee was still around in ghost form? Did she fear being haunted by her dead daughter? It's not as easy to manipulate ghosts compared to the living, that's for sure.

Or did Casey feel still in contact with Caylee beyond the grave, but in cohoots? Caylee was to stay hidden out there in the woods wearing her special endearing heart sticker. But then Caylee had to go and ruin it by having her bones found out there in the woods, and it made Casey double over in true anger and fear then. Casey might have imagined they had a deal.

What madness and so tragic what happened to Caylee.
Here are some of the disturbed things that KC downloaded. Icons/?start=0

Thank you for posting those. It had been a while since I had seen them, and really, it's disturbing to view them all over again.

"The police never think it's as funny as you do." - seriously sick, Casey. No, police do not think it's funny at all that you murdered your precious baby.

"Guess what? I always get what I want." - I guarantee you won't this time!

"I want a permanent solution to a temporary problem" - Yeah, so we noticed.

"Pretty faces LIE well" - No, your lies are very transparent, for anyone other than your parents, that is.

"Gosh, justice is expensive these days." - Caylee is worth it. Not to you or your parents of course, but to everyone else she is.

"Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off." - what a shallow, empty, worthless life Casey led with a pathetically low sense of self-image. There is nothing in her life that reflects pride.

Has anyone else perused these and noted the frequent, re-occurring theme of "Police, justice, laws" - all portrayed with such negativity and hate?

She certainly didn't portray that as she was happily bedding so many of them!
sorry, snipped by me. Just wanted to point out that we don't know for sure if Casey had any knowledge at that time that Caylee was dead or in danger. She could have known that, or suspected that, of course but we don't know that for sure. She might have thought at that time that whoever (she thought) Caylee was with was not someone who would harm her.
So she might have thought Caylee was in safe hands because the "kidnapper" was the nanny? It's my understanding that while KC was choosing films with her boyfriend, she knew the nanny had made off with her child. I mean, someone allegedly kidnapped her toddler, and KC's choosing films for a night in with her BF? I'm trying to follow you here, but I'm puzzled. I admire what you're trying to say, but it defies all logic that a good mother would behave that way if their child is kidnapped - by anyone at all - even Zanny the wonder Nanny.

'Oh no, Zanny stole my baby, but it's probably cool.' Whistles and walks away.
I agree that the big question is the failure to report and the failure to provide information to lead to the nanny (the particular named person).
That’s because Zanny the Nanny doesn’t exist.
Various possibilities, I always wished more of them had been ruled out during the course of the investigation. One theory of course being that at first she foolishly thought that Caylee was safe with some friend or acquaintance, maybe began to suspect or worry something was up or maybe not, but later was afraid to face her family with the situation.
This was ruled out when KC lied to LE when she claimed the Nanny stole her toddler. Her claim was that she dropped Caylee off then went to work (job was another lie) with Zanny, then went to pick Caylee up, but Zanny had made off with Caylee. According to KC, she panicked, searched, and was investigating all on her little lonesome.
Maybe foolishly thought Caylee would be returned very soon, didn't want to get authorities or her family involved, didn't want to get a friend in trouble, or was afraid to face the actual possibilities/realities.
She stated to LE that she got two friends involved: Jeff Hopkins and Juliette Lewis. Oh wait…she lied again.
From what we've heard, I see her as overtrustful of the peers around her regarding helping her watch Caylee or leaving Caylee with people in the apartment while she was in another room or sleeping or at the pool.
I see her as a lousy mother who manipulated those around her.
I also see her as getting overly involved quickly with people and thinking of them as family or best friends.
We know from the interviews that she would let her boyfriends' roommates (who were drug users) watch Caylee when she and boyfriend were asleep, etc.
That’s because she was a lousy mother, imo.
But on the other hand her old friends say she would never let Caylee be missing for any length of time, even a short time....
31 days. And even then, it was Cindy who frantically called for help.
What if Casey didn't know Caylee was in any danger until she found Caylee's body in her car trunk. She thought it was going to be pinned on her or was told as much in some way. Wasn't sure who was responsible or knew it was retribution for some other crime. But if that were the case, I don't see her talking about the smell to others.
I addressed the first part in another post, but insofar as KC being scared of the crime of her murdered child being pinned on her, so she said nothing; it’s not possible for me, given her happy go lucky life for 31 days. Bella Vita, txting a friend ‘this is the happiest I’ve been in a long time’. No fear there, none at all, imo.
Maybe Caylee died due to some form of accident but Casey couldn't face it, or face her family with it. Escaped into fantasy.
Possible, then KC used the duct tape as part of the staging.
What if there were marks or injuries on Caylee that a perp didn't want anyone (including Casey) to find out about? Even accidental marks or injuries for that matter. Or marks or injuries Casey didn't know how to face her parents with whether by herself or another person or from accident on her watch or her friends' watch.
I must be dense because I’ve no idea what difference this even makes.
I don't believe that only Casey had access to Caylee, the Pontiac, her keys in her purse, items from the home, etc.
How many people knew Caylee was missing for 30 days? According to the known evidence: One. How many called LE? None.

Who called LE on day 31? Not KC.
Many people were around all of these. And almost any perp could have known to dump the body near the Anthony home or Caylee could even have been taken from there and that was the nearest convenient spot.
Almost any perp? Name these viable suspects, please. No vague “perp” a name, any name that could have known how to frame KC, and is a viable suspect based upon the known evidence will do. I’d appreciate it.
I consider other possibilities, these are only a few (also the possibility that Casey could be the murderer, though I find it a stretch. If the murderer were Casey I really think she would have removed the tape from Caylee's face before disposing of her body, unless she was totally out of it on something.
I disagree completely, but OK.
Also, she has no history of mistreating Caylee or other violent crime. Every witness said she was a good mother) Please excuse typos and misedits or repeats, It's so late! I will write better tomorrow
Obviosuly, KC’s friend were the most wrong in all of wrongerton, since she didn’t bother to report her alleged kidnapped child missing. People can spin that any way they choose, but any mother worth their salt would get help NOW; not party, get a tat, and tell someone how happy they are. The evidence of her being a good mother, is nil, imo. IIRC, KC’s neighbours said she was a terrible mom and Cindy might have believed that as well. A co-worker said, iirc, that Cindy wanted custody of Caylee because KC wasn’t a good mother. This doesn’t mean KC was a bad mother, I think it’s clear that she was. I mean, her toddler was “kidnapped” and she partied.

I won’t cover the rest of your post, but suffice it to say, I’m not swayed by the f’d up due to drugs, or covering for a friend angle, unless you’ve seen some evidence the rest of us have not. Perhaps LE would like to take a look at it, too.

Anyway, I like your posts a lot; they are so apposed to my own and force me to rethink my own position, or clarify it in my own mind.

All just my opinion, of course, and I respect your right to have yours.


ETA: I retract these statements.
I give Valhall full credit for the discovery of this photo in the computer forensics. I have linked to her site for the full write up in my first post.

This is the artwork entitiled "Mitsukuni defying the skeleton spectre invoked by Princess Takiyasha" painted by Utagawa Kuniyoshi.

Was Casey haunted by her actions?
That's a compelling piece of art on its own terms, imo. Anyway, about Casey, I think she was haunted by her actions and probably still is. At least I hope she is.
KC lives in a fantasy world. Nothing she has said is based on fact. KC lied about the most important person in her life at the time, her child. There is no nanny. No traces, paper trail, records, etc. have been found to back up her story. No friend, family, employers of nanny. No one, nada found from defense or LE. Sometimes a lie is just what it is, a lie. KC has a history of lying, stealing, avoiding her responsibility. There is nothing credible about her. She escapes into her own little world to protect herself from her actions. When she's caught she jumps right into that world where everything is perfect. It's an illusion and it is where she lives most of the time. jmo
Why are people still saying Casey was a good mother even after finding out she didn't work, didn't buy grocery for Caylee. Probably no clothes (or with someone else's money ) Didn't put a roof over her head (Her parents did) and couldn't even purchase a birthday cake without stealing from her great grandma to get one?

A good mother isn't just about not spanking a child or just love. It is about providing for that child. Casey did none of that....

What made her a good mother?:banghead:


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