Governor of South Carolina is Missing- Last Seen Thursday

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I have never taken any exercise except sleeping an
Dec 18, 2007
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Sounds like he's having a personal meltdown or something. I heard he had some professional defeats last week. Somthing about trying to use the stimulous to pay down debt and he was shot down. Hope he's ok.

I was surprised I had not heard anything about it. I suppose his office was trying to keep in on the DL. It seems like kind of a big deal when the governor of a state goes missing.
Update, he turned up ok. But, this is weird. It's one thing to disappear from work, but not from your family. Especially for Father's Day. I hope he works out whatever is going on.


I tried this post in the political pavilian but it disappeared.?.....

Let me try it here-the press clearly smelled the blood in the water when supposedly the governor was out hiking the Appalachians. Then the media found his car at an airport...then they caught him as he arrived at the airport and he told them he had been in Buenos Aires. His surprised wife was interviewed and her short statement was that she had not even spoken to her husband yet since he had been reported missing by the state police after borrowing a vehicle and not returning it when it was due...

This man...I won't even go into it. From his rejection of the stimulus money when so many educators were losing their jobs this year, to this mess. And I heard somewhere he will be running for president??
This man...I won't even go into it. From his rejection of the stimulus money when so many educators were losing their jobs this year, to this mess. And I heard somewhere he will be running for president??

Maybe not so much the president part now, huh? Even with the amount of sympathy people felt for John Edwards wife, his political career is dust.
I think I'd go off an take a hike too. Good grief.
I've heard from people back at home that he is a nutjob... maybe his eccentric behavior was just a cover for man of ill morals...
I guess I can't say I'm surprised. When they said he was on a hike, I thought ok. But when I heard last night that he was in South America,.............:mad:

What a cowardly, excuse making man! He runs off without letting anyone know where he is, then returns making excuse after excuse trying to justify his sorry behavior. I don't care what happens to him. All my feeligs are for his wife and family who must be hurt and embarrassed by his behavior. He has changed the life of everyone around him by his lack of self-control and integrity.
I totally do not get this behavior, especially for those in the public eye who have so much to lose if they get caught.

How low is your self-control to do something so stupid?

I'm not just talking about this one person or event. I'm talking about generalities.
This guy is on tv now with his news brief. FOX/replay.......

He's going on and on and on about what started this whole affair. To be honest, he needs to shut-up and step away from the mic and be humble. Does he think we're going to feel sorry for him because of HOW it all started?

I think he's embarrassed himself and his family enough.

Seriously, this is painful to watch. I'm gonna turn the channel.

Bless his heart. I'm so glad not to live in the public eye. My prayers for him and his family.
SCM , all this man had to do was say I have made some private issues with my wife and i want to apologize to everyone for a very private matter. but instead he rambled on for 10 minutes about the Appalachian trail in front of touring group of boy scouts and then revealed he had an affair and how it came to pass! I mean it was the oddest thing I have ever heard

The emails that have been intercepted and released to the public between him and his gf are embarassing.
Oh I would never last in the public eye.
This guy is on tv now with his news brief. FOX/replay.......

He's going on and on and on about what started this whole affair. To be honest, he needs to shut-up and step away from the mic and be humble. Does he think we're going to feel sorry for him because of HOW it all started?

I think he's embarrassed himself and his family enough.

Seriously, this is painful to watch. I'm gonna turn the channel.

haha I should have read your post, I just posted the same thing. Have you heard the emails? Ouch.
Why can't these men who hold political positions keep their pants zipped up? Are they really so arrogant to believe they won't get caught? It's ridiculous.

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