Governor of South Carolina is Missing- Last Seen Thursday

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I think his wife, Jenny, is my new hero! Kicked him to the curb two weeks ago and DID NOT stand there sheepishly by his side. She could teach these others politicians wives a thing or two!

What a piece of work this guy is...he goes on and on .....finally his staff came and took him away. He appeared to be having a total meltdown..

I pray for his family!
LoL @ CC and I with the curb kicking!!!!!
I've only got one for the guy: Loser. Well, there are sooo many others, but this is a member friendly site.

I have absolutely no sympathy for this.... dork. None. He made his choices (hiking story, but in Argentina? :rolleyes:) and payback is a witch. As it should be. Crocodile tears during a media release just made the microphone wet. The only regret this "a" has is getting caught. How arrogant. Can we say, narcissistic???

Prayers for the Mrs. Sanford and her beloveds. This is going to be hell for them and I truly wish them all strength to get through it.
This guy is as narcissistic as they come. I thought he would never shut up -- going on and on and on and on about how pathetic he was. He had one long pity party on live TV. I hope one day he realizes he is not the vicitm. This was a case where the less said would have been better.
Mark Sanford has four kids (all boys, I think). Why don't people think before they act? You would definitely expect more from an elected official, but anybody, really. Does the person having an affair even think for a moment that the lives of the kids are going to be affected? Is it that hard to keep it in your pants?
His wife kicked him to the curb 2 weeks ago:

At a point, however, she says "to look my sons in the eyes and maintain my dignity, self-respect, and my basic sense of right and wrong, I therefore asked my husband to leave two weeks ago."

Bless her. Her comments this weekend left me to think she knew where he was even if that did not mean, in truth, physically. She knew he was not with her and their sons on Father's Day. Instead, dad was in Argentina feeling sorry for himself because he couldn't have both his family and his mistress.

The tiger has revealed his stripes and the voters are lucky to know now rather than later.

Have people always been this selfish?
SCM , all this man had to do was say I have made some private issues with my wife and i want to apologize to everyone for a very private matter. but instead he rambled on for 10 minutes about the Appalachian trail in front of touring group of boy scouts and then revealed he had an affair and how it came to pass! I mean it was the oddest thing I have ever heard

The emails that have been intercepted and released to the public between him and his gf are embarassing.
Oh I would never last in the public eye.

I didn't hear it, JBean - I don't watch news - maybe I'll go find it later, but your description is wince-inducing enough!. I have always considered Sanford eccentric. Still, I feel bad for him and his family - I always feel bad for people when their failings are played out on a public stage. Like you, I wouldn't last two seconds in the goldfish bowl!
Why can't these men who hold political positions keep their pants zipped up? Are they really so arrogant to believe they won't get caught? It's ridiculous.

It is so NOT just well-known men. All I have to do is look around at my closest circle of friends to see that.
I've only got one for the guy: Loser. Well, there are sooo many others, but this is a member friendly site.

I have absolutely no sympathy for this.... dork. None. He made his choices (hiking story, but in Argentina? :rolleyes:) and payback is a witch. As it should be. Crocodile tears during a media release just made the microphone wet. The only regret this "a" has is getting caught. How arrogant. Can we say, narcissistic???

Prayers for the Mrs. Sanford and her beloveds. This is going to be hell for them and I truly wish them all strength to get through it.

I hear this all the time when these cases are discussed and it may well be true of Sanford - I couldn't possibly know. But my own daily life experience with the issue is that most men/women want to get caught in some form or fashion. My other daily life experience is that the affair is usually the last nail in the coffin of a marriage that was in real trouble. I'm sure each situation is unique, but over and over again, I've seen affairs as the end of the end and not the beginning of the end. I'm not saying that makes having an affair a good thing, but I am saying that a lot of men and women I know were happy to finally get caught.
I agree southcitymom! I am very disappointed in him and his stupid decisions and have prayers for his family. At one time he really was considered a good man and good for S. Carolina. I really do dislike that some here turn this into a political issue, as we have seen that people from both sides of the aisle have stayed from their marriages. What is that phrase...he is faultless throw the first stone?
Bless his heart. I'm so glad not to live in the public eye. My prayers for him and his family.
I'm sure each situation is unique, but over and over again, I've seen affairs as the end of the end and not the beginning of the end. I'm not saying that makes having an affair a good thing, but I am saying that a lot of men and women I know were happy to finally get caught.

Interesting idea. Of the people I have known whose marriage endured an affair, about half ended up divorced. I had a good friend that was truly caught off guard -- totally unaware her husband might be dissatisfied in their marriage. They stayed together.

I wonder is Sandford's lover was aware he was going to go public with the affair. I assume her family knew what was going on and what was coming.
I really do dislike that some here turn this into a political issue, as we have seen that people from both sides of the aisle have stayed from their marriages. What is that phrase...he is faultless throw the first stone?

This is not a political issue but a human issue. The only political side to this is that the man revealed his true character and not just with the affairm. It is about how he handled the entire situation -- the deceptions to his staff, the public, and then airing all this in his rambling news conference shows showed a man that does not need to be in public office for any party, but needs to get his personal life together.
I think that any man or woman in public office should realize that any digressions from their marriage vows will probably end up in a very public forum, with a very public apology, etc, and a very publicly embarrassed, humiliated wife and family!! So, such persons should keep this first and foremost in their minds when making behaviorial choices. And I also found his rambling, all too informing "press conference" painful to watch. It looked like something out of a movie when he was only on his second question and his staffer/bodyguards, or whoever they were, come up to the microphone and pull him away. Of course, his first answer was way too revealing - his staffers did the right thing! This could not be made up - even in a made-for-tv movie! He also embarrassed and humiliated his constituents. People deserve better from their elected public officials.

Having said that, I would like to add that when Bill Clinton was president there were many instances of infidelity, the most infamous being with Monica Lewinsky. Somehow, even with all of the investigation, impeachment proceedings, etc, former President Clinton maintained a popular image with many people. His actions were not above those of Mark Sanford. Surely it is clear that this type of behavior crosses all political party lines, and will continue to exist as long as humans inhabit this planet. So sad for all those involved and afftected by Governor Sanford's poor choices.
I am sorry to say this, but what I take from all of the information that has been revealed is that Governor Sanford meant to deceive his staffers, and the people of South Carolina. I do not believe that the "hiking in the Appalacians" was really his first intention, and replaced at the last minute by this trip to Argentina instead. Rather, my opinion is that Argentina was his planned destination all along. He thought he could pull the wool over everyone, and I believe, he was more than a little surprised at getting caught. Now, here is a questions I have not seen answered anywhere - with what funds did the governor pay for his trip to Argentina??
Bless her. Her comments this weekend left me to think she knew where he was even if that did not mean, in truth, physically. She knew he was not with her and their sons on Father's Day. Instead, dad was in Argentina feeling sorry for himself because he couldn't have both his family and his mistress.

The tiger has revealed his stripes and the voters are lucky to know now rather than later.

Have people always been this selfish?

Yes Kateyes, I agree, but with Clinton he spoke very few words on the subject even though it was a lie. With Sanford I think he spoke way too much which showed how embroiled he still is in the problem.

I am glad he is not my Governor. I am thankful his wife has such common sense to kick the cheating b****** out the door. And it was 5 mos ago when she learned the truth about his affair.

I just think about this mom with 4 active boys, all that she does in raising them, the work involved while her hubby is meantime dreaming of this femme fatal down in Argentina. :eek:
This man...I won't even go into it. From his rejection of the stimulus money when so many educators were losing their jobs this year, to this mess. And I heard somewhere he will be running for president??
I really don't think he will be making a presidential bid after this fiasco. I am not ashamed to admit I am a member of his same political party, but I am ashamed of and condemn his actions. His is a poor example of a husband, father, and politician and public servant. Good riddance - hope he also resigns from his post as governor of SC, and further stays away from public office permanently.
Scandi - I totally agree with you on everything in your most recent post on this thread. Yes, Clinton was much less loquacious on his actions, which does show he at least has the good judgment to know when to be silent! As happens so often you and I seem to have similar opinions. And to tell you the truth, although he and I do not share the same political party I find that I like Bill Clinton. In spite of his weaknesses and his faults, he governed from the middle, was neither too left nor right, and no one can question his intelligence. Frankly, I have to say that the governor of SC has not shown much evidence of intelligence at all - neither in his actions and choices, or how he has handled being found out. JMHO
Interesting idea. Of the people I have known whose marriage endured an affair, about half ended up divorced. I had a good friend that was truly caught off guard -- totally unaware her husband might be dissatisfied in their marriage. They stayed together.

I wonder is Sandford's lover was aware he was going to go public with the affair. I assume her family knew what was going on and what was coming.

I am close with a good many people (male and female) who have stepped out. Three of these couples remain married - the rest got divorced. Of these three, I think one will get divorced when their last daughter goes off to school. 9 out of the 10 who stepped out and got "caught" seemed very candid when they told me they were glad and wanted to get caught. Only one person I know lives in fear of her brief affair being discovered.

Sanford's lover must have known there was a large chance this would all come out.

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