Governor of South Carolina is Missing- Last Seen Thursday

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Sanford should send flowers to Farrah and Michael's funerals to thank them for knocking him out of the spotlight.

I was just thinking that he was probably bummed the news didn't come out today.
Sanford should send flowers to Farrah and Michael's funerals to thank them for knocking him out of the spotlight.

I was just thinking the same thing.

Korea could launch an attack, and Iran could totally melt down, and they would be lucky to make the news crawl at the bottom of all TV screen.
I was just thinking the same thing.

Korea could launch an attack, and Iran could totally melt down, and they would be lucky to make the news crawl at the bottom of all TV screen.

I didn't even know this thread existed but just posted on the one in the Political Pavillion about the Gov getting a break in the sensationalized coverage of his affair. Personally, I was sick of it already! He is a governor, not the Pope, for crying out loud.

There are so many more important issues to concern ourselves with!
I didn't even know this thread existed but just posted on the one in the Political Pavillion about the Gov getting a break in the sensationalized coverage of his affair. Personally, I was sick of it already! He is a governor, not the Pope, for crying out loud.

There are so many more important issues to concern ourselves with!

So true. Just my opinion, but two things that set Sanford apart from some of the other political affairs was him going totally AWOL from office and his rambling news conference. When you have so much media that needs 24/7 news, he was something different to chew on. Now we have Michael Jackson. Poor Farrah Fawcett is already old news.
Sanford is talking again -- and he really should learn to shut up. I feel so sorry for his family and his poor wife. I guess he wasn't sure he had embarrassed her enough.,0,1751328.story

Sanford said his feelings for Chapur were real. Whether her feelings were mutual, he refused to say on the record.

But to him, it doesn't really matter.

"I will be able to die knowing that I had met my soul mate.

There is no fool like an old fool.
Can you imagine his wife and sons reading this trash? Soul mate? He got down on one knee? He wasn't in love with his wife? The only justice for him will be if his Argentine soul mate tells him to go fly a kite.

Jenny, find the nearest divorce court, and show your boys what a strong woman you are. While it will be difficult, this man isn't capable of crawling the same ground you've highly walked.
Yep, she was his soul mate, but he "crossed some lines" while on the lookout for her.

What a dirtbag!

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he "crossed lines" with a handful of women other than his mistress — but never had sex with them.

The governor says he "never crossed the ultimate line" with anyone but Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine at the center of a scandal that has derailed Sanford's once-promising political career.

During an emotional interview at his Statehouse office with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he's trying to fall back in love with his wife.
I hear this all the time when these cases are discussed and it may well be true of Sanford - I couldn't possibly know. But my own daily life experience with the issue is that most men/women want to get caught in some form or fashion. My other daily life experience is that the affair is usually the last nail in the coffin of a marriage that was in real trouble. I'm sure each situation is unique, but over and over again, I've seen affairs as the end of the end and not the beginning of the end. I'm not saying that makes having an affair a good thing, but I am saying that a lot of men and women I know were happy to finally get caught.

I understand what your sharing, SCM. I truly do. But I have to share that I find horrifically selfish of the person who chooses to do such a thing. Is it possible there is a death nell ringing in a marriage? Yes. But, fer gawds sakes stop thinking of yourself as one and consider others that are within your life. Like wife/husband you decide you don't want anymore and your children. You want a life, fine. Divorce and move on to pursue what you believe you are entitled to. There is absolutely no excuse to have an affair. The Man is a snake that has hurt those close to him beyond repair. For the sake of only himself. Of the *one* only. Loser in everyway possible definition that word can possibly define.

Do I sound a wee bit bitter??? LOL. :)
Yep, she was his soul mate, but he "crossed some lines" while on the lookout for her.

What a dirtbag!

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he "crossed lines" with a handful of women other than his mistress — but never had sex with them.

The governor says he "never crossed the ultimate line" with anyone but Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine at the center of a scandal that has derailed Sanford's once-promising political career.

During an emotional interview at his Statehouse office with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he's trying to fall back in love with his wife.

Yeah. Never had sex with them. What a guy. He must have been so tormented. :sick:
I understand what your sharing, SCM. I truly do. But I have to share that I find horrifically selfish of the person who chooses to do such a thing. Is it possible there is a death nell ringing in a marriage? Yes. But, fer gawds sakes stop thinking of yourself as one and consider others that are within your life. Like wife/husband you decide you don't want anymore and your children. You want a life, fine. Divorce and move on to pursue what you believe you are entitled to. There is absolutely no excuse to have an affair. The Man is a snake that has hurt those close to him beyond repair. For the sake of only himself. Of the *one* only. Loser in everyway possible definition that word can possibly define.

Do I sound a wee bit bitter??? LOL. :)

LOL - I hear you, OL. It is the coward's way out, to be sure!
I used to consider Sanford, I, I don't know what to think....perhaps he's lost his mind.

Attention had turned away from him and he drags it back with this very thoughtless interview. I would almost think he has some twisted need to hurt his wife with his continued blathering about his "crush."

After this interview, I would tell him not to bother to "try and fall in love" with me again.

I truly feel sorry for his family. As for him -- grow up. You are not the center of the universe.
IMO, I do not think that Sanford deserves to continue to be the Governor of his state. This affair shows he does not have the character and integrity to maintain such an office. If he will compromise his marriage, then what else will he compromise?

Sanford is a proven liar. He sure did not go hiking, did he? He lied to his family and cheated on them - yes them - not just his wife. He goes out of the country to have his sordid little affair. I think he should have to exile there, LOL.

I feel sorry for Sanford's wife and children. I do hope she will find a great lawyer and show Sanford that she will not tolerate what he has done. I know it is her business as to what she does, but I would not have that stinker back on a silver platter if I were her.

Bottom line - he is a real SOB, IMO. If he were the Governor of my state, I would not want him in that office, and he does not deserve to be. IF he ever learns how very important family really is, I hope it is too late.

JMO, and all that jazz!
Personally, I think he's lost his mind. Why keep making things worse with ignorant comments (made publically) that do nothing but hurt your wife, sons and yourself? He needs to be taken out of office and committed.

If I were his wife I would tell him not to waste the effort "trying to fall in love" with me again. He's proven that his love is worthless and I wouldn't want it.
The oldest son is 16. What must he be thinking about his dad? Maybe the citizens of SC should buy MS a one-way ticket back to Argentina before he can do more damage to his wife and family, as well as the State of SC. I'm not even from SC, but I'd contribute.
Personally, I think he's lost his mind. Why keep making things worse with ignorant comments (made publically) that do nothing but hurt your wife, sons and yourself? He needs to be taken out of office and committed.

If I were his wife I would tell him not to waste the effort "trying to fall in love" with me again. He's proven that his love is worthless and I wouldn't want it.

I think he is in a massive justification mode. By telling more and more details and describing her as his soul mate, he is asking the public to believe that he is not just another creepy cheater, that he is not a sleeze-ball. He wants the public to understand that NO ONE could be expected to refrain from an illicit relationship with a SOUL MATE.

IMO---this is all to make the public think well of him. He hasn't given one thought to the effect of his statements on his wife or children. IMO
I think he is in a massive justification mode. By telling more and more details and describing her as his soul mate, he is asking the public to believe that he is not just another creepy cheater, that he is not a sleeze-ball. He wants the public to understand that NO ONE could be expected to refrain from an illicit relationship with a SOUL MATE.

IMO---this is all to make the public think well of him. He hasn't given one thought to the effect of his statements on his wife or children. IMO

Well, then that further proves my thought that he's mentally unstable. How he thinks that justifies lying to not only his wife and family but the State of South Carolina too.

Sure, she's his soul mate but what about the other women that he says he may have crossed the line with? What were they? Maybe he just THOUGHT they were his soul mates.

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