Governor of South Carolina is Missing- Last Seen Thursday

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Scandi - I totally agree with you on everything in your most recent post on this thread. Yes, Clinton was much less loquacious on his actions, which does show he at least has the good judgment to know when to be silent! As happens so often you and I seem to have similar opinions. And to tell you the truth, although he and I do not share the same political party I find that I like Bill Clinton. In spite of his weaknesses and his faults, he governed from the middle, was neither too left nor right, and no one can question his intelligence. Frankly, I have to say that the governor of SC has not shown much evidence of intelligence at all - neither in his actions and choices, or how he has handled being found out. JMHO

ITA with you about everything you said.

Because the emails between you and your gf are embarrassing as well?

:eek::eek::eek: I totally doubt that. It must be an inside Yoke, eh? . . . . . Even if it were true . . .
Why can't these men who hold political positions keep their pants zipped up? Are they really so arrogant to believe they won't get caught? It's ridiculous.

Oh Hi JB Fletcher. It is so good to see you after all this time! Ya Ya And yes, unfortunately I think many times they are.
There is another area outside of politics where men seem to have great trouble keeping it in their pants also - physicians. No offense to any physicians here, but I am a nurse and worked for years in acute care. There was one surgeon who always had a girlfriend in addition to his wife - a rumor went around that his wife took revenge on him in an inventive way. One night after they came home from a visit with friends and a round of drinks, she super-glued his male member to his stomach after he fell into a deep sleep. As this rumor went plastic surgery was required to repair the skin that was damaged when the stomach and his male member were separated! No one really ever confirmed the truth behind the rumor. But this same surgeon took a sudden 3 week vacation at the same time the rumor started... There were many other physicians involved with various nurses, most of whom thought the doc would leave his wife for them. But usually the doc just wanted to have it both ways. Mrs. Sanford didn't use Super Glue but she did have him leave the family home. Can't blame her - she didn't give him carte blance permission to publicly humilate her when she supported his political career. My thoughts lie with her and the four boys.
I am sorry to say this, but what I take from all of the information that has been revealed is that Governor Sanford meant to deceive his staffers, and the people of South Carolina. I do not believe that the "hiking in the Appalacians" was really his first intention, and replaced at the last minute by this trip to Argentina instead. Rather, my opinion is that Argentina was his planned destination all along. He thought he could pull the wool over everyone, and I believe, he was more than a little surprised at getting caught. Now, here is a questions I have not seen answered anywhere - with what funds did the governor pay for his trip to Argentina??
He was just doing what all cheaters do which is make up a good cover for his leaving for a few days or hours.. he just did it on a grander scale in this case. Keep in minde here he basically was out of pocket for 5 days for a hgh ranking public servent he took great risk that nothing would happen in his public or private life where he would need to immediately be avaialable.. for instance one of his children have an accident or sudden illness. Or a public crisis.. such as 911 where planes are grounded.. he in that case coud not hae hopped on a flight home.. and his publi oath would be in jeopardy. This is also about integrity on a personal level but it indicates much about his character as well .. these things dont change- your still the same person.
I need to vent for a minute. Jim McGreevey is now all over the Today show and the NY metro news offering his commentary on this situation. Why exactly do we need to hear from him? What does he have to do with the situation? The answer is absolutely nothing, but he is inserting himself back in the news to get people talking about it. People who claim to detest the media and their intrusive ways sure do find it handy to use the media when they want to promote themselves. :rolleyes:
This morning I heard on the news (think it was MSNBC) that his wife said she's willing to reconcile for the sake of the children. I think it would be better for the children if she held to her original plan...leaving him. I think when young men see their fathers behave in a certain way (immorally) then they think it's okay to do the same. Not all, but some. Mom should show them that this behavior is unacceptable.

Not only do I hope his wife boots him out but I hope the state of South Carolina does too.
I didn't hear it, JBean - I don't watch news - maybe I'll go find it later, but your description is wince-inducing enough!. I have always considered Sanford eccentric. Still, I feel bad for him and his family - I always feel bad for people when their failings are played out on a public stage. Like you, I wouldn't last two seconds in the goldfish bowl!

I just love ya, SCM-but I have to say that Sanford set himself up, not unlike Gary Hart. You have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. I am not advocating for being perfect, but for goodness sake have a dialogue with your spouse BEFORE you unzip your fly. "Hey honey-I am unhappy and I am attracted to an Argentinian hottie. Let's get counseling, separate, have an open marriage..."whatever.

Interesting idea. Of the people I have known whose marriage endured an affair, about half ended up divorced. I had a good friend that was truly caught off guard -- totally unaware her husband might be dissatisfied in their marriage. They stayed together.

I wonder is Sandford's lover was aware he was going to go public with the affair. I assume her family knew what was going on and what was coming.

The impression I am getting is that it was the other way around, quite frankly. How did the media obtain the emails? I think the mistress was either exerting some kind of pressure or pissed....JMO.
This morning I heard on the news (think it was MSNBC) that his wife said she's willing to reconcile for the sake of the children. I think it would be better for the children if she held to her original plan...leaving him. I think when young men see their fathers behave in a certain way (immorally) then they think it's okay to do the same. Not all, but some. Mom should show them that this behavior is unacceptable.

Not only do I hope his wife boots him out but I hope the state of South Carolina does too.

I don't know. I think it is despicable, but there is also a lot to be said for forgiveness. However, if his wife was to go that route, I would hope that they would very publicly engage in marriage counseling. That would send a powerful message to the people of SC. To let him back into the home after the affair without counseling would do no good. Counseling would also do Sanford some good. Maybe he would begin to see that his actions affect other people.
I just love ya, SCM-but I have to say that Sanford set himself up, not unlike Gary Hart. You have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. I am not advocating for being perfect, but for goodness sake have a dialogue with your spouse BEFORE you unzip your fly. "Hey honey-I am unhappy and I am attracted to an Argentinian hottie. Let's get counseling, separate, have an open marriage..."whatever.


That is definitely the courageous way to handle it, believe - I couldn't agree with you more about that. :blowkiss:
I don't know. I think it is despicable, but there is also a lot to be said for forgiveness. However, if his wife was to go that route, I would hope that they would very publicly engage in marriage counseling. That would send a powerful message to the people of SC. To let him back into the home after the affair without counseling would do no good. Counseling would also do Sanford some good. Maybe he would begin to see that his actions affect other people.

Forgiveness is the most powerful weapon there is, IMHO - it is love in action, always good for everyone - the forgiver, the forgivee and those who bear witness to the forgiveness. It is the way we will one day heal this world.
A friend of mine posted this on FB. I think this guy gets it right:

"Mark Sanford is no longer missing, but he's obviously lost. The South Carolina governor's press conference was excruciating: apology, followed by self-flagellation, followed by apology. It was like watching a man light himself on fire. I thought about his kids mustering up the courage to watch it on YouTube some day. I thought about his wife having to suffer the anger and the loss. Perhaps even worse, she's also going to have to endure the armies of pity and the people like me trying to guess what her feelings are."

more at link
A little rant: why is it necessary for newscasters to focus on the intimate emails to the point of reading excerpts from the, over and over? Seriously, it is like part of a Harlequin Romance novel has become the sound byte for this scandal. There is a bigger issue here when it comes to the public, and it isn't the Sweet Valley High dialogue this man had with his Latin hottie. News outlets need to get to the bottom of the important issue of: did this man pilfer state monies to finance this affair? why was he allowed to use ScLED vehicles to go on rendezvous' to meet up with the lady?

The taxpayers of SC deserve an answer... they are suffering through this financial mess our country is in, just like the rest of the nation... but yet their governor is off jet-setting to a foreign land to get a little something-something on the side. DID THE TAX PAYERS FOOT THE BILL?!?!?!?!

Ugh... I expect tabloid news outlets to post the smutty romantic dialogue from the emails, but when mainstream media starts blurring the lines of what is legitimate hard hitting news with tabloid fodder, it ticks me off.
Where there are a few there are many. I am sure there are many more political figures that are having affairs...very terrible for the wife and kids in the situation. I read this went on 8 years? And he still continued to stay married and have children?!
A little rant: why is it necessary for newscasters to focus on the intimate emails to the point of reading excerpts from the, over and over? Seriously, it is like part of a Harlequin Romance novel has become the sound byte for this scandal. There is a bigger issue here when it comes to the public, and it isn't the Sweet Valley High dialogue this man had with his Latin hottie. News outlets need to get to the bottom of the important issue of: did this man pilfer state monies to finance this affair? why was he allowed to use ScLED vehicles to go on rendezvous' to meet up with the lady?

The taxpayers of SC deserve an answer... they are suffering through this financial mess our country is in, just like the rest of the nation... but yet their governor is off jet-setting to a foreign land to get a little something-something on the side. DID THE TAX PAYERS FOOT THE BILL?!?!?!?!

Ugh... I expect tabloid news outlets to post the smutty romantic dialogue from the emails, but when mainstream media starts blurring the lines of what is legitimate hard hitting news with tabloid fodder, it ticks me off.

Thank you for asking. I too asked in a post yesterday if anyone heard the media speak at all about what funds were used for this Argentina trip. I sure would like to know, and more than the intimate details of his affair, I believe the taxpayers of SC deserve to know whether they paid/having been paying for his travel to visit his out-of-country lover!
This is not a political issue but a human issue. The only political side to this is that the man revealed his true character and not just with the affairm. It is about how he handled the entire situation -- the deceptions to his staff, the public, and then airing all this in his rambling news conference shows showed a man that does not need to be in public office for any party, but needs to get his personal life together.

I really must be missing something though... he was MIA from everyone, didn't set anyone up in his place, what if something were to have (god forbid) happened in SC and they needed him for something? with no one in charge, it would have taken day's to track him down. It is politically negligent in my opinion. YES your human but NO you weren't doing your job. You skipped town. Plus the turning down of the money when the school systems in the area are in turmoil doesn't help his case with "sympathy" either.

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