Governor of South Carolina is Missing- Last Seen Thursday

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Well, then that further proves my thought that he's mentally unstable. How he thinks that justifies lying to not only his wife and family but the State of South Carolina too.

Sure, she's his soul mate but what about the other women that he says he may have crossed the line with? What were they? Maybe he just THOUGHT they were his soul mates.

YEP, we are on the same page, I think. I think he is crazy because his brain came "unzipped." heh It's much classier to cheat on your decent wife with a soul mate than it is to just fornicate with another woman.

His career??? Yep, he is crazy.
Personally, I think he's lost his mind. Why keep making things worse with ignorant comments (made publically) that do nothing but hurt your wife, sons and yourself? He needs to be taken out of office and committed.

If I were his wife I would tell him not to waste the effort "trying to fall in love" with me again. He's proven that his love is worthless and I wouldn't want it.

Imo he's saying these things so his wife will begin divorce proceedings, then he will not be seen as the one who left her, after all he was trying to fall back in love with her!

Did he pay for his little 'let out steam' trips with his own money or taxpayer money?
I think I read that he came to the last meeting with a personal check for $3,000. So, I'm assuming that some of his trysts were paid for with state money.


Making things so bad that your spouse is forced to ask for a divorce sounds familiar. Why can't cheating spouses grow some b*lls and just say they're not happy, they want out, way before they find someone else and humiliate the family?
I think he is in a massive justification mode. By telling more and more details and describing her as his soul mate, he is asking the public to believe that he is not just another creepy cheater, that he is not a sleeze-ball. He wants the public to understand that NO ONE could be expected to refrain from an illicit relationship with a SOUL MATE.

IMO---this is all to make the public think well of him. He hasn't given one thought to the effect of his statements on his wife or children. IMO

You could be right, but if this is his mindset, maybe he should stop trying to win us over. This is way more information than anyone needs to know. It truly makes me think of him more as a sleazeball and creepy cheater, because he can't frame any this of around anyone but himself. He seems very emotionally immature, and this last round of excuses has me questioning his ability to make sound and responsible decisions -- as in holding a position in the government. Not that maturity of any sort seems to be a high requirement to be in the govenment.
Sanford is talking again -- and he really should learn to shut up. I feel so sorry for his family and his poor wife. I guess he wasn't sure he had embarrassed her enough.,0,1751328.story

There is no fool like an old fool.

I cannot believe how this "man" is behaving. Gimme a break! He will be able to die knowing he met his soul mate... (or words to that effect). Of course, he's not talking about his wife and the mother of his 4 kids. He's talking about the hottie he's seen a handful of times. His wife doesn't deserve this. Here she is trying to hold her head up high and maintain some sense of normaly and dignity for herself and her kids and he's spewing this nonsense. I really hope that she has avoided reading this interview. Wishful thinking I'm sure. Sorry for the rant but you might be able to tell this has struck a raw nerve with me.:crazy:
What a complete immature ignoramous.

Who wants to bet his "soul mate" will dump him?

He seems like a guy who never really fell head over heels with a woman who was way above him - she reciprocated and he lost his mind.

He needs to go. I don't care what party you belong to, an idiot cheater is an idiot cheater. (but keep in mind I think Bill Clinton is in the same league as the rest of them).
I agree southcitymom! I am very disappointed in him and his stupid decisions and have prayers for his family. At one time he really was considered a good man and good for S. Carolina. I really do dislike that some here turn this into a political issue, as we have seen that people from both sides of the aisle have stayed from their marriages. What is that phrase...he is faultless throw the first stone?
Funny, I was just thinking along the same lines as your last sentence about throwing the first stone. He was in the very long line of people throwing stones at Bill Clinton when his relationship with Monica became public knowledge. The word hypocrite comes to mind. People need to watch out when they are throwing the stone, it may bounce back and hit you in the head.:rolleyes:
What a complete immature ignoramous.

Who wants to bet his "soul mate" will dump him?

He seems like a guy who never really fell head over heels with a woman who was way above him - she reciprocated and he lost his mind.

He needs to go. I don't care what party you belong to, an idiot cheater is an idiot cheater. (but keep in mind I think Bill Clinton is in the same league as the rest of them).
I totally agree. Any elected official who is caught in the same situation should step down. Their credibility is shot and they no longer hold the people's trust.
I cannot believe how this "man" is behaving. Gimme a break! He will be able to die knowing he met his soul mate... (or words to that effect). Of course, he's not talking about his wife and the mother of his 4 kids. He's talking about the hottie he's seen a handful of times. His wife doesn't deserve this. Here she is trying to hold her head up high and maintain some sense of normaly and dignity for herself and her kids and he's spewing this nonsense. I really hope that she has avoided reading this interview. Wishful thinking I'm sure. Sorry for the rant but you might be able to tell this has struck a raw nerve with me.:crazy:
I think that he let the small head take over his senses. Oops, I may be banned.....
Well, then that further proves my thought that he's mentally unstable. How he thinks that justifies lying to not only his wife and family but the State of South Carolina too.

Sure, she's his soul mate but what about the other women that he says he may have crossed the line with? What were they? Maybe he just THOUGHT they were his soul mates.
The other women? Oh, he was just searching for the real soul mate.:crazy:
I hope reporters are still camped outside Maria's apartment. MS needs to know who her newest soul mate may be.
There is no way the Gov can put lipstick on this pig!!! And, by pig, I DO NOT mean the female involved.
Lots of luck with that marriage there, you complete and utter *advertiser censored*. What a tool.


A complete embarrassment.
Just assume he ends up divorced and falls into the arms of his hottie. He's going to be socked with child support for 4 kids. His money (and, most likely, his political positions) came from his wife's side of the family, since her parents are worth quite a lot. If I correctly recall, they're Skil Power Tools.

And, how will he support himself? Most likely he hasn't thought all this through. Maybe he thinks his hottie will support her soul mate and his 4 kids. Or, maybe he thinks they'll just feed each other grapes and live on love.
Maybe the good Gov thinks he is Bill Clinton and will be able to recover some of his position with his electorate and his wife. Maybe..just maybe, the blood has drained from his brain and left him addled.
One has to think that if this woman has been married to the man for 20 years she must have had some inkling of what an @sshole he is. She just may not have known exactly how big of an @sshole he is.
I know there are marriages that survive infidelity. But it is my belief that those marriages are never, ever the same. Once that trust is gone, it is gone.
(To be clear, in what I say next I do not condone infidelity...)

In this case we're not talking about a one-time drunken mistake at a hotel bar. This worthless sack is telling the press that the other woman is his "Soul Mate" - right here, right now! Trust has nothing to do with it at this point - he doesn't feel he did anything wrong, and he's telling the world his wife means nothing to him. There's nothing to fix - she needs to kick his *advertiser censored* to the curb right now. Period.

Absolutely right and he does seem to think for some demented reason that everyone is going to get all dewy eyed with him about this big moment in his life.
The only advice I would give to this man right now is just.......shut up.

Each time you open your mouth, another knife to the heart goes flying to your wife.

Don't cry, don't make excuses, and spare your family the details. "Soul mate" just tells me how giddy in "love" he is with this woman......hope she was worth it...

His true regrets will come after this "giddy" phase when reality resurfaces to his pea brain.
This guy is just such a piece of work---first giving a long dissertation about hiking the Appalachian trail, which he did not do, then confessing his unfaithfulness to his wife, apologizing to everyone from family to staff to SC residents, comparing himself to King David and now trying to play on emotions (what?) talking about his soul mate and his true love story---a tragic love story. His respectable wife, who has conducted herself has a true lady in public and did NOT stand by his side at the presser, needs to kick him to the curb. Adios---what woman would want to work on her marriage after her husband has told the world that this woman in Argentina is the love of his life, his soul mate? Sorry---I am usually one who roots for counseling, trying to work things out, etc., but not in this situation.

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