Governor of South Carolina is Missing- Last Seen Thursday

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While it would be nice if there was a happy ending, I think the marriage is doomed. Moving out doesn't seem to be a positive turn for the couple. He was so gushy and verbal about his Argentinian soul mate, which was an affront to his wife, marriage and sons, that I doubted a repair was possible. He didn't sound genuinely sorry, only sorry that he was caught.

It's my feeling that he will get his just reward, that his political career is dead in the water. No one seems to have heard the gf's story. Maybe he's still communicating with her? Has she moved on?

I think it would be hard to live with someone who not only cheated on me for several years, but declared it "true love" and that person his "soul mate".

Maybe an agreed separation can sometimes help both parties decide what their true feelings are for each other and whether the marriage can be salvaged.

I agree it's probably not a good sign for the marriage, though.
Trino, I'm confused. That's a picture of their house on Sullivan's Island - that's where I thought they were heading and where my Dad says they usually spend the school year.

It's my understanding that IS where they're headed. The boys, however, are apparently going to Porter-Gaud, a different school that where they went last year. My post responded to your comment that JS moved to coincide with the school year so as to not let it be a distraction/disruption. Moving to a different school could be thought to be a distraction.
It's my understanding that IS where they're headed. The boys, however, are apparently going to Porter-Gaud, a different school that where they went last year. My post responded to your comment that JS moved to coincide with the school year so as to not let it be a distraction/disruption. Moving to a different school could be thought to be a distraction.

Okay - sorry! I see what you were saying now. Maybe I didn't understand what my Dad was saying either!

Ethics probe re: Governor Sanford?

Since Sanford took office in 2003, he has taken trips on state aircraft to locations of his children's sporting events, hair and dentist appointments, political party gatherings and a birthday party for a campaign donor. Apparently, these trips are not considered official business.

He certainly opened up a can of worms.
I hope that they do this like grownups and think of the kids. I have been reading about Sanford wanting to reconcile with her the last few days....wishing them all well.
"Jenny Sanford announced today that she will file for divorce from embattled South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, who admitted in June to an affair with a longtime lover in Argentina."

More at:

I saw her interview with Barbara Walters a few nights ago. She learned about his affair the January before he disappeared to Argentina in June. I didn't know that.

The interview was short. She did fine but seemed a little uncomfortable giving an interview that focused on such a personal subject. My prayers to all of the Sanfords.

From this article:

"Jenny followed up the AP interview with ...........a televised interview with Barbara Walters, showing enough pain to be sympathetic yet enough grit to avoid seeming pathetic."

The Barbara Walters interview was the only time I have ever seen Jenny Sanford on television or seen her make any comment about anything.

But I want to go on the record and say that, IMHO, she seemed bitter and uncomfortable. I didn't think it was a great "showing." Her words said that she had forgiven him but every other part of her (eyes, body language, pursed lips) said, "I have NOT forgiven that rotten son of a b&tch."

I do agree that she did not seem pathetic and I loved what she had to say about how this situation didn't diminish her own sense of worth. However, overall, I sensed a lot of dishonesty. This is all just my opinion, of course.

Also, Barbara had named her one of the most intriguing people of the year, but why? - because she was married to a man who had one of the most bizarre political de-railings ever witnessed? I mean - I wish they had focused on something other than that because it said, in effect, you're interesting because of this man you married. I hated that - defining her by him. I just didn't learn much about her. I mean, I think it's great that she handled Sanford's meltdown with grace and dignity, but when all is said and done all I really know about her after that short interview was what I already knew before it - that she was married to him and that he had done her wrong.
That's understandable.

Absolutely!! But why say otherwise? I would have reacted better to the interview had she said, "I'm still bitter and uncomfortable!" There was just a big disconnect (for me) between her words and her nonverbal presentations.
Anyone with children who's had a spouse cheat on them knows exactly how she feels. In my instance, I hated the SOB but had to make a huge effort for my children so that I did not undermine their relationship with their father and his "new" woman.

I think after having that SOB tell everyone how "in love" he was with this other woman, how she was his "soul mate" that Jenny has every right to be angry, uncomfortable and bitter. But, it appears for the sake of her children, she's trying to get thru this with dignity intact... and she's doing a heck of a job of it.

Jenny Sanford: Husband asked for affair advice
Memoir describes feeling of being ‘gut-punched’ by governor’s infidelities

CHARLESTON, S.C. - In a new memoir, South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford writes that Gov. Mark Sanford sought her advice about his romance and how to deal with the media after she discovered his extramarital relationship with an Argentine woman. :sick:

Jenny Sanford: Husband asked for affair advice
Memoir describes feeling of being ‘gut-punched’ by governor’s infidelities

CHARLESTON, S.C. - In a new memoir, South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford writes that Gov. Mark Sanford sought her advice about his romance and how to deal with the media after she discovered his extramarital relationship with an Argentine woman. :sick:

OMG, what a jerk.

Is he still seeing Chapur? I hope she's dumped him big time.
Honestly. This guy makes John Edwards look like Sir Lancelot!

I do not understand why a man who is that cavalier about sex would seek public office or, why a public servant would throw it all away for sex.

It is beyond me.
Honestly. This guy makes John Edwards look like Sir Lancelot!

I do not understand why a man who is that cavalier about sex would seek public office or, why a public servant would throw it all away for sex.

It is beyond me.

...and, to tell it all publicly, as if we needed to know about it, NOT.

My jaw was on the floor when he talked about his soulmate (how hurtful to his wife). He came-off like a 13-yr old who had just discovered the power of s-e-x.

This grown man with a highly responsible and elected job could not put a lid on it. He kept going on & on...too much info for sure.

Darndest thing I ever saw!

LOL at him...:loser:

Go Jenny!

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