*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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Got lost on my way over to the new thread . . . almost lost this post from the last one . . . thank god I remembered to copy so I could paste here!

what danger exists in Feb 20th took place in closed session - show us where the danger is . . . on any closed session - any couple of sentences in the transcripts to help us find out - give life to our first amendment protetions ...
court is mindful . . .keep court room doors open - we have done so gavel to gavel . . .some evidentiary hearings conducted in open court and others have not . . .there does exist a compelling interest to seal or redact record when required . . .this court found on occasion - privacy of witness and jurors by disclosure of matters disclosed in chambers - prejudiced if record is not sealed . . . that proposed sealing was narrowly tailored and achieve that compelling interest

intense media scrutiny in this case dissemination of certain matters could affect strategy in this case - for those reason the court has sealed specificportions of this case . . .

application for leave to intervene for 2/20/2013 is denied for reasons stated . . .some of the mwere not sealed . . if specific one is request - court will review . .. .sealing those specific proceedings wsa necessary in the public interest

other matter - unrelated to this - exhibits - counsel has one exhibit for the state still checked out . . . he just asked me 5 min ago - I told him I did and I will bring it tomorrow -
counsel approach

something else to say?
2 points of clarify . . . 1) application denied for reason stated . . . .hope application for interene would be granted . . but delay deny . . .copy of those transcripts for conclusion for the trail . . I will grant your request to intervene after trial has concluded..

Nurmi objects . . habeus issues arise . . ..
Beth Karas InSession
After Arias completes her testimony next week, the defense is expected to call two experts: psychologist Richard Samuels and domestic violence expert Alyce LaViolette. They are expected to offer opinions that she suffers from PTSD and Battered Women's Syndrome--and will explain Arias's behavior in that context.
For those people unsure what the media was trying to get released it was the hearing on the 10 letters which TA supposedly wrote about being a pedophile. More of Jodi frame up of Travis.

You can read the court final ruling at the link posted below. It proves that Jodi Arias wrote the letters in question herself. JODI WROTE THE LETTERS and that is what the press is after. Court documents does not show the letters themselves but it does show what was ultimately decided about who wrote them.

Clink on the document in top left and it will come up without having to download anything. The court judgement starts on page 11.


As many times as Nurmi and Jodi have brought up the letters, I think that it is only right that the Court ruling on them is made public even without showing the letters themselves. In the interest of Justice that ruling should be admitted into the court record for the jury to see and take into consideration in determining if what JA says about TA being a pedophile has ANY truth behind it.
Not been able to completely keep up with you guys ... dang real life!
This is from the minutes from Feb 20th, and seems to be what the media wanted access too. I don't think it had anything to do with the letters. JMO

3:40 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant and respective Counsel present.
Discussion is held as stated on the record.
Each Juror is brought in individually and Voir Dired.
IT IS ORDERED this portion of the hearing from 3:40 p.m. to 4:18 p.m. shall be sealed
not to be opened until further order of the Court
M: Ma'am take a look at exhibit 78. and, uh, you indicated that you were in this vicinity here with your head in this direction when Mr. Alexander was in this vicinity sort of next to you, correct?
A: Yes
M: And you indicated that you were able to get up, right?
A: Yes
M: He was within a foot of you, wasn't he?
A: That sounds right, I don't know, but that sounds right.
M: Well he was in an arm's length, he could have touched you if he wanted to, right?
A: I think so, he would have had to reach down, I guess.
M: Pardon. I can't hear you, pull the microphone up or
A: He would have to reach down because I was on the ground but he was within arm's reach.
M: Or, he could have kicked you if he wanted to, he was that close.
A: Yes, he was that close
M: And you were able to get up, right?
A: After rolling, I got up.
M: So you rolled, then right?
A: Yes
M: You were able to get up
A: Yes
M: And he was standing right there
A: In the same place, but I pulled away
M: And you began to run, right?
A: Yes
M: And he began to run after you, correct?
A: I heard his footsteps, I didn't look.
M: You didn't tell us about, in fact when you testified prior to trial you told us that you didn't know if he was coming after you.
A: prior to trial?
M: Prior, this morning when you testified . Do you remember testifying this morning?
A: Yeah, I didn't know for certain, cause I didn't look back.
M: Ma'am my question to you is do you remember testifying this morning?
A: Yes
M: And remember we discussed this issue about going down the highway, do you remember that?
A: Yes
M: And you had no idea where he was.
N: Objection
J: Overruled you may answer
A: I didn't say that
M: You said that you didn't know if he followed you because you weren't paying attention, do you remember that?
A: Um, I no I don't remember saying I didn't know, I remember saying I wasn't sure.
M: And that you didn't know, you said that you didn't hear him. You didn't say anything about hearing him, did you?
A: I didn't say that I heard him, I didn't say that I didn't hear him.
M: So you're now saying that you did hear him coming after you, right?
A: I'm saying I thought I heard footsteps coming after me.
M: Well, when you said you think it implies that you're not sure. Did you or did you not hear footsteps going down the hallway
A: I think I did.
M: Okay so you heard footsteps, that means he's running after you doesn't it.
A: That's what I believed
M: All we care about is what you believe in so you say that you hear his footsteps, right?
A: Yes
M: So he is coming after you, right?
A: Yes he is
M: Makes you scared, right?
A: Very
M: And you're saying that this individual that's in shape is not able to catch you before you turn the corner to go into the closet
A: He did not
M: That's what you're saying that he wasn't fast enough to do it, right?
A: Um, that's right
M: And you slammed the door, right?
A: I did
M: You can't see through the door, right?
A: That's correct
M: So how do you know he's still mad?
A: Cause Travis never calmed down that quickly.
M: Ma'am you couldn't see through the door at his expression on his face, could you?
A: That's correct
M: You couldn't see his eyes, correct?
A: correct
M: and so you're inside this closet, right?
A: Yes
M: And you don't know what he's doing outside according to you, right?
A: That's right
M: So even though you don't know what he's doing outside, you claim you go for a weapon, right?
A: Not immediately, my thought was to run through the other door first.
M: So then you sad around and waited, there was a period of time here you waited?
A: No, it all happened very quickly
M: okay well then I thought you said that you thought, or that you took some time to think this out.
A: It was like instantaneous, I thought as soon as I slammed the door I was gonna run through the other door and in a split second, I realized where the gun was and I went to grab it so I could protect myself.
M: So you're inside this closet, right? And you're ahead of him, aren't you. In other words he's on the other side of the door.
A: that was my thought
M: Ma’am I'm not asking you what your thinking was, I'm asking you if it was true that he was outside the door.
A: Well, I don't know where he was, I shut the door
M: Well, he was somewhere in the bedroom, right?
A: I don't know, he could have been in the bedroom or running down the hallway to meet me at the other door.
M: Bottom line is he wasn't in the closet with you is what you're telling us.
A: Yes that's right
M: And you don't know what he's doing during that period of time that he's out there, right?
A: Um, I
M: Yes or no, do you know what he's doing during while he's out there?
A: Specify which period of time your referring to.
M: The period of time when you're not seeing him,you don't know what he's doing
A: That's correct.
M: and this is a period of time that allows you for contemplation or to think, right?
A: Um, if I was in my right mind, yes
M: Well, I'm not asking you if you were in your right mind, was I
A: Um, no
M: I was asking you whether or not you had time to think.
N: Objection, asked and answered
J: Overruled
A: Um, I may have had time, but
M: Well didn't you just tell us just now that you sat, well not sat, that you thought about what you were going to do next ?
A: Yes, I thought of getting away
M: So the answer is yes you did think, right?
A: Yes
M: And, in fact when he was, when you were doing this thinking, he wasn't in the closet, right?
A: Um, no he was opening the door
M: Ma'am, he wasn't in the closet, was he?
A: Um he was opening the door and entering the closet.
M: I'm not asking if he was opening the door. The way he told the story just now, you slammed the door, didn't you just say that?
A: Yes I did
M: And when you slammed the door you didn't get his foot, right? He didn't have his foot in the door?
A: No
M: He didn't have his hand somewhere so the door didn't close, right?
A: That's right
M: The door closed, right?
A: Yes
M: And for whatever period of time, he was outside, right?
A: I guess because it opened pretty much right away.
M: Ma'am at this time you were ahead of him in the closet according to you.
A: That's right
M: You had enough time to grab the door, right?
A: No, I slammed it.
M: You touched the door , right?
A: Yes
M: And you slammed the door, right?
A: Yes
M: It shut, right?
A: Yes
M: at that point he wasn't in the enclosed area with you, correct?
A: In that very second, no, he was not.
M: You could have continued running out this door here, couldn’t' you?
A: Yes
M: You chose not to because you thought about it, right?
A: Um, I don't remember really thinking, I just remember being scared and trying to put distance.
M: You could have run out and put distance between, to use your term, between you and him by running out this door, right?
A; That's right
M: And if you would have ran out this door you could have then run down the hallway, right, again, right?
A: that's possible
M: Well, it's something you could have done, right?
A: Um, if he hadn't stopped me
M: Well, wait a minute you you were alone in the closet after you slammed the door for a period of time, a brief period of time, whatever it was, right?
A: Um, yes
M: And during this brief period of time when this person who was obviously in shape can not catch you , you could have run around and gone down the hallway, correct?
A: Um, not if I'm trying to keep him away from me
M: Ma'am you could have done that couldn't you? You were alone in the closet, right?
A: Yes I was
M: And so you're alone in the closet nothing was stopping you from heading for this exit door. I know it's a door, let's just call it a door.
M: you could have then taken another right, you were familiar with his house
A: Yes
M: You were familiar with the fact you could have gone down the hallway , right?
A: Yes
M: And then you could have taken a quick left and you would have been down the stairs, right?
A: No, I probably would have been dead
M: Ma'am you could have done that couldn't you?
A: Not unless I was suicidal
M: You're saying that all of the sudden between the door to the closet, the one that's in the bedroom and the one that's in the bathroom, he suddenly got a lot faster then he did from this area here going all the way around. Ma'am, you're saying he all of a sudden got a lot faster, right?
N: Objection, argumentative, mischaracterizes her testimony
J: Restate your question
M: Ma'am the distance from here all the way around the door is further than the distance from where you were standing inside of the closet from this door here, isn't it?
A: yes
M: So you could have continued running through here, couldn't you?
A: yes
M: He wasn't in the closet at that time, was he?
A: Um, he was by that point, yes
M: And so he's now in the closet and you're saying he's now in the closet and he allows you, according to you , because now he's in the closet, he allows you to go up and get the gun. That's what you're saying. He's now in the closet, right?
A: He entered the closet at the point that I was jumping on the shelf.
M: So the door is opening then, not when you told us before but when you're going up onto the shelf?
A: yes when I told you before which was almost immediately after.
M: Ma'am my question to you is when you went in you were able to have time to go towards the shelves right?
A: Yes
M: And you just told us now that during that period of time whatever it was he was not in the closet.
A: At that very moment, he had not opened the door.
M: So then you just said you were going to the closet area to get the gun, right?
A: The corner
M: The corner, right And as you are in the corner, he's coming in through the door, right?
A: Yes, as I'm beginning to step up on the shelf.
M: Right, you're stepping up and this person who's coming after you and is angry has now given you more time and you now have more time to get the gun from up in the closet, right?
A: Um, yes that's correct
M: Ma'am, this is a very small closet, isn't yet
A: No, it's bigger than the cell I live in.
M: It's bigger than what
A: It's bigger than the cell that I live in, it's not a small closet
M: Ma'am we don't want to know where you live in.
A: I'm just using it for reference, it's not small.
M: Ma'am, we don't did I ask you where you were living?
A: No
M: We're clear, right, We do not want to know where you're living right now
A: Ok, sorry
M: No need to be. Take that attitude that, is there an issue with you answering the questions as they're posed?
A: Sometimes, but I'm trying to answer them the best I can
M: So is it an attitude issue with you then?
N: Objection, argumentative, move to strike
J: Overruled you may answer
A: I don't think it is.
M: So this closet is a small closet, isn't it?
A: no
N: Objection, asked and answered
J: Overruled
A: Not in my opinion
M: It's actually about 11 ½ feet isn't from the door over there to this door here, isn't it?
A: I don't know but that sounds somewhat accurate, I would have said 12.
M::I couldn't hear you, I can't hear you
A: It sounds somewhat accurate, but I don't know really know as far as distance how long 11 ½ feet is.
M: Well then let's take a look at exhibit #249 See the measurement of the line from here to there, you see what the measurement is? It's 11 feet 4 inches so it's a little bit over 11 ½ feet long, right?
A: Around that, yes
M: So you're in this closet and when you're in this closet you reach up to get this gun right?
A: Yes
M: And on direct examination do you remember looking at this photograph which is exhibit #70?
A: Yes
M: And you indicated that the gun is up in this corner here, right?
A: Yes
M: And that's a pretty high shelf, isn't it ma'am?
A: No
M: How tall are you ma'am?
A: 5 foot 5 ½ last I checked
M: And this shelf, you see that there,
A: Yes
M: it goes almost to the roof, see that?
A: Yes
M: You see that thing to the right, there?
A: Yes
M: It is higher than the door, isn't it?
A: Yes
M: You're saying that standing there in front of that shelf you could, at 5 foot 6 you could reach up and grab that top there?
A: No, that's not what I'm saying?
M: In fact you have to get up on the shelves to do it, don't you?
A: Yes, I just got up on one
M: Yes or no?
A: Yes
M: And when you get up on the shelves, it isn't a situation where you can just get up with one hand, isn't it?
A: I did, I
M: So you were able to somehow put one foot on one of these shelves and without putting any other, which hand did you grab it with?
A: I don't remember
M: Alright with the hand that was free that you didn't not use to grab that you were able to just put one foot up there, grab the gun even though you said it was way in the back?
A: It's just sitting right in the corner, not way in the back, there is no back that's just the wall..
M: Well, here's the back part right here that's the term that you used
A: Yes
M: So you're saying that it's in that corner you can according to you put your foot on one of these shelves without disturbing anything else reach out and grab the gun.
A: That's what I did
M: Without disturbing anything else in that closet, right?
A: No, my foot went right on the edge
M: Pardon?
A: My food went right on the edge
M: And you didn't disturb any of the shoes, right?
A: No
M: you didn't disturb any of the pants there, right?
A: Right
M: You didn't disturb and of the ties that are there? Nothing was disturbed.
A: Um, no, yes that's right nothing was disturbed
M: If we take a look at exhibit number 69 this gives us a further out view, doesn't it?
A: yes
M: And it also includes the bench seat, right?
A: Yes
M: Nothing is disturbed there, right?
A: That's right
M: Yet you're saying that this very angry man it coming through here coming after your, right?
A: Yes
M: And that he's very upset about his camera and you're able to get the gun up here, right?
A: That's right
M: Is this the same gun that you told the detective he didn't own?
A: That's right
M: You can't have it both ways ma'am. Back then on June 10, 2008 you did say he did not own a gun, correct?
A: Yes I did
M: and no one was even consulting you about the investigation, you initiated that contact, right?
A: That's right
M: What you are telling us today is to be more than fair, inconsistent with that statement, right?
A: That's right
M: And this thing or the statement about the gun, this didn't that you said involved the gun didn't come for years after you had been arrested correct?
A: Yes years it took me to admit it
M: So the answer is yes it came years later, right?
A: Yes
M: We've reviewed a lot of text messages we've reviewed a lot or some email correspondence and even your journal. And the text messages there was some exchanges between you and Mr. Alexander could be defined as heated, correct?
A: Yes
M: You guys were fighting at some of these point, right?
A: I would say arguing, yes
M: Alright, arguing and nowhere in those text messages does he ever threaten you physically, does he?
A: Um, no he doesn't
M: He doesn't does he?
A: That's correct
M: And there's no email correspondence into which he's threatening you correct?
A: um, I'm trying to think. We talk about it but there are no threats.
M: There are not threats .And there's no police report, because you never called the police.
A: That's right
M: There are no individuals who have come in to say they saw him mistreat you, correct?
A: Physically, that's right
M: Well, no, you're saying that there are individuals that came in here that said he mistreated you some other way?
N: Objection
J: Overruled
A: Yeah, I do.
M: Okay, Dan Freeman testified, right?
A: Yes
M: He indicated that he treated you appropriately, didn't he say that?
A: He did say that, he also said the opposite.
M: And in fact there was only one fight where he was present, right?
A: Yes
M: This is the trip to Havasupai
A: Yes, I was mortified by it about it
M: Pardon
A: Yes, I remember that.
M: And do you remember that the reason there was a fight was that he was trying to make the trip and enjoyable one , right?
A: I don't remember Dan saying that
M: Remember he said that it needed to be enjoyable and he needed to take out whatever heavy products were in your backpack, do you remember that?
A: I remember that's what started the argument
M: Right, and you got mad at him, right?
A: No, he got mad at me.
M: Oh so Dan Freeman got mad at you?
A: No, I thought you were talking about Travis
M: No, I'm talking about Dan Freeman
A: No, I've never been mad at Dan Freeman
M: I'm not asking if you were mad at Dan Freeman, Dan Freeman did not get mad at you then, did he?
A: No, he didn't
M: And in fact, he indicated he was just trying to make the trip enjoyable because these backpacks can get heavy, right?
A: Yes, something to that effect.
M: And somehow , given what Dan Freeman did, it became a fight between you and Mr. Alexander, right?
A: It sparked a fight, yes
M: And the way you phrased it it was Mr. Alexander's fault, right?
A: That time, yeah it was his fault.
M: Even though you're the person who's upset at having to conform to something that someone else wanted you to do, right?
A: I wasn't that upset
M: Well, you started the fight, not Mr. Alexander like you're saying, correct?
A: no, I took the backpack upstairs and he came in and started screaming at me.
M: So, you didn't your actions in no way, shape, or form ma'am contributed to the problems that happened that morning before you went to Havasupai
A: No, they definitely contributed.
M: They started it didn't they?
A: Um, I didn't think we were arguing so I don't know.
M: Your actions were the ones that started this whole fracas, weren't they?
A: I guess, I
M: No, don't say that you guess ma'am, you were there, right?
A: Yes I was there
M: And you know how the fight started, right?
A: I do
M: And it was because you had an attitude because Daniel Freeman had got into your stuff and removed items, right?
N: Objection
J: Overruled you may answer
A: That's not when I would consider the argument began.
M: Alright, you don't consider that. In fact, though, we look at the text messages and remember talking about whether or not there was any indication that Mr. Alexander ever threatened physical harm and you said no, right?
A: Yes
M: But you did, you threatened physical harm to him, didn't you?
A: As a joke I think I did once
M: No, yes or no. Didn't you threatened him with physical harm, yes or no?
A: Um, I don't remember ever threatening Travis with physical harm ever.
M: Okay let's take a look at one of the exhibits you entered, exhibit 443. Starting at the top. He says to you “it gets old when you dramatize everything. You stress me out on a regular basis. You have 27 hours and your moaning about making PC. You shouldn't hang up on someone trying to help you. Now you are on your own.” That's what it says, right?
A: Yes
M: That is not a happy text message is it?
A: No, it isn't
M: That is not a joking text message, is it
A: Yes
M: And then you say nor should you have to
A: No that's nor should you have to, yes.
M: And then you say after that within seconds I wanted to tell u something about today. It's important and time is of the essence, right?
A: Yes
M: That's what you tell him
A: Yes
M: His response to you “too bad, you shouldn't have hung up on me, right?
A: Yes
M: Still not a joking conversation, right?
A: yes
M: Still a fight or an argument via text message right?
A: Yes
M: and then you say It was for YOUR own benefit—not mine. I only wanted to tell you because I care about you, right?
A: Yes
M: So now the mood is changing, you only did this because you cared about him, right?
A: Yes
M: And so hanging up on him is cuz you really love him, right?
A: I guess, indirectly it could be.
M: Okay, so you show love by hanging up on him in this circumstance, right?
A: If I didn't love him, the swearing would hurt as bad so I wouldn't hang up on him, so yes.
M: Ma'am you hung up on him, right?
A: Yes I did
M: and you hung up on him because you love him, right? That's what you're saying.
A: I'm saying in and indirect way it could be construed that way.
M: So the answer's yes, correct?
A: that's not the direct reason
M: But, you hung up on him and you're saying you hung up on him because you love him, yes or no?
A: Put plainly like that I would have to say no.
M: And then he says “whatever Jodi” doesn't he?
A: Yes
M: He's upset at that point, right?
A: I don't know.
M: You think he's happy there?
N: Objection calls for speculation
J: Overruled, you may answer
A: No, I don't think that
M: Well the first text message was at 16:53 and we understand that's 7 hours ahead. The text message where he says Whatever Jodi is at 16:57, do you see that?
A: Uh, yes
M: And so, roughly about four minutes later, right?
A: Yes
M: And you told us that you guys were fighting in this conversation, right?
A: Um, yes we were arguing
M: Yes, during this 4 minutes that it takes to text back and forth, right? So it's not a joking conversation, right?
A: Um not at this point
M: No, and then you answer almost immediately, “I'll whatever you in the nose, Travis”
A: Yes
M: You think that's funny, right, that's a joke
A: Yeah that was his joke that he used to say.
M: what
A: That was his joke that he used to say.
M: And you think that was funny
A: I was hoping he would think it was funny

M: Ma'am I'm asking you if you think that's the joke.
A: The whatever you in the nose?
M: I'll whatever you in the nose, Travis , right
A: Well, that was my goal, so at the time yeah
M: So you thought it was a joke
A: Yeah
M: Even though you were in the middle of a fight
A: I'm trying to diffuse his anger.
M: That's not what it indicates there, Travis I'm trying to diffuse the anger
N: Objection, it's argumentative judge, he's already said
M: I'm going to punch you in the nose
J: Overruled, you may answer
A: Well not if you know Travis
M: Yes or no
A: You're wrong
M: Well, let's look at the next message. It says “I was just trying to help u out. U've hng up on me sevral times b4 even after I've asked you not 2. It's reasonable that I shdn't tolerate swearing, but again I'm very sorry have a great day. You're still fighting in between there, aren't you?
A: No, I'm trying to ameliorate the situation.
M: The fight isn't over, that's why you're apologizing, right?
A: I guess
M: So it's not a joke, right?
A: No it was a joke
For those people unsure what the media was trying to get released it was the hearing on the 10 letters which TA supposedly wrote about being a pedophile. More of Jodi frame up of Travis.

You can read the court final ruling at the link posted below. It proves that Jodi Arias wrote the letters in question herself. JODI WROTE THE LETTERS and that is what the press is after. Court documents does not show the letters themselves but it does show what was ultimately decided about who wrote them.

Clink on the document in top left and it will come up without having to download anything. The court judgement starts on page 11.


As many times as Nurmi and Jodi have brought up the letters, I think that it is only right that the Court ruling on them is made public even without showing the letters themselves. In the interest of Justice that ruling should be admitted into the court record for the jury to see and take into consideration in determining if what JA says about TA being a pedophile has ANY truth behind it.

The court ruling was just one sentence saying that the state's motion to exclude the letters was granted. The reason for the ruling was just that the defense caved in--the court made no findings whatsoever about the letters. There has been no determination about the letters at all.

Page 11 of the link is not the court ruling--it is the state's brief about the letters.

The document in that link that talks about Jodi being the author of a questioned document is not about the letters at all--it is about her journals.
M: So you say that you grabbed the gun from this area here, this is exhibit 70, at the top without disturbing anything, right?
A: that's correct
M: So then, what do you do?
A: Right as I'm reaching for it, or getting up on the shelf, he's opening up the door so I run out the other door and he follows me and I turn and point the gun
M: Well, let me stop you there. So what you're saying is you are able to get the gun before he opens the door, right?
A: No, it was contemporaneous
M: So he's opening the door and you're grabbing the gun.
A: Around that time yes, right around the same moment.
M: So if you're down here toward the end here which is near the door you agree with me that the gun was near the door, right?
A: Um, when I grabbed it, yes
M: Pardon
A: When I grabbed it, yes
M: No when it's s kept up here, this is near the door area isn't it?
A: Yes
M: And you're saying that that's the time that he's opening the door to get into the closet, right?
A: As I'm going for it yes
M: So you have at least 11 ½ to 12 foot head start at that point, don't you?
A: Um, yes
M: And with that head start which is the length of the closet, by the time he opened the door you could have been out this door couldn't you?
A: Yes
M: You chose to escalate didn't you even though you had that 12 foot head start didn't you.
A: No, I didn't chose to escalate it I was trying to deescalate it
M: and you chose to deescalate the situation by according to you getting a handgun, correct?
A: Yes
M: Just like this situation here in exhibit 443 you tried to deescalate the fight by telling him I'll whatever you in the nose, Travis , right?
A: Yes, except that was a joke
M: Yes, yes or no
A: Yes
M: So now that you've grabbed the gun take a look at exhibit number 72 you see the closet door there?That's the one you came out of, right?
A: Yes
M: Where do you go?
A: Into the bathroom
M: Pardon?
A: into the bathroom
M: This is the bathroom that we're looking at, right?
A: Yes
M: And so you go in there, where do you stand?
A: In the center
M: So this would be the center right about here, right?
A: I don't know, it's even further than that.
M: So you're even further away than this picture shows to the bathroom, right?
A: Um, I'm right about there
M: And you run in, into the bathroom, don't you?
A: Yes
M: And you're in a hurry, right?
A: yes
M: You want to get away right?
A: I want him to not get near to me.
M: Well, you want to get away, that's what's going on
A: I want him to not get near me, that's what's going on.
M: Right and so you're going quickly aren't you
A: Yes, it was frantic
M: You're not going leisurely, right?
A: Definitely not
M: And so when you get inside here you what run in here? Is that what you do.
A: I took a few steps and turned around
M: Alright. The few steps that you take are they quick running steps or are they just leisurely steps?
A: They are quick steps
M: Like running, right because you want to get away from the circumstance according to you, right?
A: Yes but the floor was wet and it was kind of slippery
M: But you had socks, right?
A: I don't remember

M: Well then let me help you refresh your memory. Take a look at exhibit 162 . See that photograph there?
A: Yes
M: You see that foot there?
A: Yes
M: That is your foot, right?
A: yes
M: There is some footwear on there, correct?
A: Yes
M: There is a sock, right?
A: Yes
M: Or are you saying it's a shoe, which one is it?
A: Its a black sock
M: So you run in here and you say it's wet, right?
A: Yes
M: But if anybody is more wet, it's him, right?
A: Yes
M: Because if you're talking about slipping, he's the one that's more apt to slip because he's the one that's wet, correct?
A: Yes
M: Not you because you are not wet, right?
A: That's right
M: and the socks provide better traction, don't they?
A: Yes
M: And so what you do then, is according to you is you then go in here and then you pivot or turn around?
A: Yes
M: Right?
A: That's correct
M: You run in here, you don't go that way, it's easier to run to the right, than it is to come to the center of the bathroom, isn't it?
A: Um, I don't know, I wasn't thinking of left or right or what just
M: It's closer to go to the right down the hallway than it is to come into this area of the bathroom, isn't it?
A: I would say it's equal distance
M: Alright, it's equal distance in this area that you go to. Then you turn around, right? Which takes some time
A: Um, yeah, half a second
M: It does take some time to pivot doesn't it?
A: nods
M: You have the gun which hand do you have the gun in?
A: both
M: So you have it out like this with both hands outstretched?
A: Yes
M: Correct?
A: Yes
M: He's still not there yet, right? He's still in the closet.
A: He's coming out the door as I turn
M: So he's at the door now, right?
A: nods
M: How far away are you from the door?
A: um, I don't know, I'm somewhere in the middle of the bathroom
M: You're in the middle of the bathroom and he's standing at the door?
A: He's not standing, he's running toward me.
M: So he's running very fast, right?
A: yes
M: Almost without giving you a time to react, right? That's the way you described it, right?
A: I don't know he was just running at me as a turned around
M: Right and he was really close at the time you turned around, right?
A: I don't know he was coming at me.
M: I understand he was coming after, I'm talking about how close he was, he was close, right?
A: He was, um closer than I wanted him to be at that moment but I don't know what you mean by close.
M: Well how close is he being closer than you wanted him to be, how close it that.
A: I don't know, I just didn't want him
M: I understand you didn't want him near you but how close is he to you, is he as close as you and the court reporter?
N: Objection ,argumentative
J: Overruled
A: At one point, yes, but that distance was closed.
M: Okay and that distance was close after, or the distance was close than then you shot him, in other words, he got closer before you shot him, right?
A: Um, I think it was all simultaneous
M: You think what?
A: I think it was simultaneous
M: You don't have any problem remembering this part of it the event, do you?
A: When you break it down that much, yes
M: I'm not, it's something according to you, you said on direct examination, I've never killed anyone before, remember that?
A: Yes, I remember
M: So, it's kinda a highlight in your life, would you agree, or a low-light, however you want to look at it?
A: A defining moment
M: Right, and as a defining moment to use your term is something that will stick with you , won't it?
A: Yes
M: And so I'm asking about a defining moment in your life, how far away this individual was when you had the gun out? The gun that you brought from Yreka, didn't you?
N: Objection, mischaracterizes her testimony, it's a cop out question
J: Restate the question
M: You brought the gun from Yreka, didn't you?
A: No
M: So, how far away was he?
A: He was running toward me so the distance varied.
M: Well he couldn't have been running toward you for very long because if he's here and the breech of the door and you're right here, that's within four feet isn't it?
A: I guess, I don't know how long it was.
M: Well, maybe if we take a look at the measurements here, it will tell us a little bit, okay? You see that the door is 33 inches, right?
A: Yes
M: And that's where he was standing, right?
A: He was never just standing, he was in motion
M: That's where you saw him in the breech way when you saw him coming at you, according to you, correct?
A: That's correct
M: And the distance from here to here, the door, 36 inches, see that?
A: No, where?
M: right here, so that's three feet right?
A: Um yes
M: And if you just take that out and you stand right there, isn't that about where you told me you were?
A: No, I didn't say that I was more in the center of the bathroom
M: What
A: It was more toward the center
M: It was in the center can you see how far this was here? Six and three feet, that's nine feet, right?
A: Yes but that's not accurate
M: So you're saying whoever measured this, didn't measure it accurately?
A: No, not the measurements
N: Objection, ….correlate to where she was, he's talking apples and oranges
M: Objection to the speaking of ...nature of the objection
J: I'm going to overrule you're objection. Restate your question
M: The distance from here to here you told us is three feet, right?
A: Yes
M: The distance from here to here is about 9 feet, right?
A: Um
N: Objection foundation, she didn't do these measurements
J: Sustained
M: This says three feet, right?
A: Yes
M: This says 36 inches, right?
A: Yes
M: So that's nine feet total, right?
A: Yes
M: And you were standing you said about the middle of this room, right about here
A: Right around there somewhere
M: Right about the middle, right?
A: Yes
M: And if you take it across that says 6 here, right?
A: That looks about to scale
M: Pardon
A: That looks about to scale
N: Objection the measurement is not where he's asking her, the measurement is where she's standing.

M: So you said you were right here, correct?
A: Right about there
M: And he's coming through the door right?
A: Yes
M: And you have your hands outstretched with the gun, right?
A: yes
M: So then in determining how close he is that brings you about the length of your arms, that brings him that much closer to the muzzle of the weapon, doesn't it?
A: Yes
M: And he's moving fast isn't he?
A: Yeah, he's moving very fast
M: You said it happened very very quickly, right?
A: Yes,
M: He's not wearing any clothing, correct?
A: Yes
M: According to you, he is on you when you shot him, right?
A: Not quite on me, the gun went off and then he impacted me shortly after that.
M: What I'm asking ma'am is you have your hands outstretched, right?
A: Yes
M: And he's coming toward you, because you've already told us you're here, correct?
A: Right about there.
M: And he is coming to the door, right?
A: Yes
M: And you have your hands outstretched facing him didn't you?
A: yes
M: And he keeps coming toward you and he's not stopping, correct?
A: Yes
M: And according to your testimony on direct, he falls on top of you , right?
A: he lunges at me like a linebacker
M: He lunges at you and that's when the gun goes off, right?
A: It went off prior to him
M: Prior to him lunging at you?
A: No, prior to him impacting me
M: so in other words, he's lunging out you and is almost on you when according to you, the weapon goes off, right?
A: Um, something like that. He went to lunge as the gun was going off and the impact
M: So he's already moving in the air towards you when the gun goes off? Is that what you're saying?
A: Yes he was moving for my waist
M: And he comes towards you, right?
A: yes
M: And you keep saying like a linebacker, what does that mean?
A: Cuz linebackers kind of get down low and crouch and then they attack, or whatever they do and that's kind of what it reminded me of. He didn't get down with his hand on the ground but he got down low and he impacted my torso like
M: No no I'm not asking where he impacted your torso. I want to know how he was standing so that it reminds you of a linebacker stance.
A: because it reminded me of a linebacker the way he
M: I understand it reminded you of a linebacker,
N: Can she finish answering the question?
J: Yes finish your
A: When he lunged at me he crouched down like a linebacker kind of. That's why I say that because that's what it reminded me of.
M: I understand that's what it reminded you of, how does a linebacker crouch ma'am, explain that to me. You just keep defining a linebacker crouching by saying he crouches like a linebacker. How?
A: He got down kind of low
M: Okay does that mean he was all the way down on the ground, is that what you're saying?
A: It's almost like he dove, kind of like that.
M: So, he dove at you and got very close, correct?
A: Um, yeah, he was pretty close, to close for my comfort
M: and as he's diving towards you, that's when the gun goes off, right?
A: I think so, yes
M: Well no,
A: It was contemporaneous, it all happened so fast
M: And you do have your hands outstretched, right?
A: yes
M: And from then on you say you don't remember anything ,right?
A: No, I remember a little bit after that.
M: Okay what happened to the gun?
A: It got knocked out of my hand
M: How did it get knocked out of your hand, ma'am?
A: The impact
M: The impact from what
A: From Travis hitting me
M: So he actually fell on top of you, he was that close but he fell on top of you, right?
A: Um we both fell together, I was trying to keep him from getting on top of me,he lunged at me and he hit me and knocked the gun out of my hand and we both fell backward toward the trash can.
M: I don't understand. You said you said that you're out here with the gun outstretched and he's lunging toward you, right?
A: that's correct.
M: And he's looking toward you when he's lunging
A: Um, I don't know where he's looking
N: objection
J: Overruled
A: I don't know where he's looking
M: You could see his face, right?
A: I don't recall looking in his eyes,
M: I'm not asking you if you could see his eyes, I'm asking if you could see his face
A: Um, not really, like he was kind of bent down
M: So what you're saying is that he is more like a bull rather than a linebacker, because he's charging like a bull with his head down, that's what you're saying ,right?
A: Not quite down like that ,maybe in between that would be accurate
M: Okay so maybe in between here. If he's got his head down as you tell us that he does and you say you can't see his face, though, that's what you say, right?
A: No, I just don't remember whether I noticed his face or not, he was just a ball of fury coming at me and that's what I remember
M: But you said you could see his eyes, is that what you remember?
A: I don't remember seeing his eyes
M: That means you didn't see his eyes, right?
A: I don't remember looking into his eyes
M: So if he's down in this position like you're talking about with his head down like that, how could he possibly know to come after you if he's looking down? What's he going to do feel his way around?
N: Objection speculation
J: Sustained
M: He had his head down, that's what you said, right?
A: He was like a linebacker, I can just describe it like a linebacker which unless I get up and act it out which I'd like to not do if possible
J: Then do it, show us how he was sitting or crouching
A: He
M: no, no go ahead and do it, just stand
N: Your honor, may we approach
J: You may
Sidebar Camera's stop recording until 51:32
M: Now stand up and go to left. Show me the posture of Mr. Alexander immediately before he rushed you according to you.
A: I was
M: No, no, just show me, that's what I'm asking you to do, not talk, show me, c'mon, show me the linebacker pose
A: He got down and
M: Well show me the linebacker pose that what I'm asking for you to do.
A: He went like that and he turned his head and he grabbed my waist.
M: Just like that, correct?
A: pretty much
M: And he grabbed your waist, right?
A: I can't say it's just like that but it's how I remember it.
M: Well no, I want it without talking ,just show me the pose
A: He got down like that
M: Alright, go ahead and have a seat ma’am. And now you said that this happened right about here correct?
A: I don't know, it was somewhere in the center of the bathroom.
M: Right so how is it ma'am that if you are shooting him and that's the first thing that happened, then how is it that the shell-casing, exhibit 111 then landed in blood?
N: Objection, calls for speculation
J: Overruled
A: It didn't land in blood
M: You see exhibit 111, right?
A: Yes
M: That's the casing that was involved in this case isn't it?
A: Yes
M: There was a casing that was ejected, wasn't it?
A: Yes
M: And when you say this happened there wasn't any blood on the floor, correct?
A: Yes
M: This was the first, if you will, blow, correct?
A: Yes
M: And this is how the casing land it, do you see it?
A: That's not how it landed from the blow
M: Ma'am, you do see the casing there, don't you
A: Yes
M: After he came at you ma'am and that happened, did you go down?
A: We both went down
M: You went down on your back, right?
A: Yes, I went on my back
M: Did you strike your head?
A: Um, I don't recall striking my head that time.
M: So the answer is no, you don't remember striking your head.
N: Objection, asked and answered.
J: Overruled
A: No, I don't think I did, but I don't know.
M: And was he one top of you? How was it?
A: He landed to the side of me and was grabbing at my clothes
M: okay so he landed to which side of you, the right or the left?
A: The right
M: Okay he landed to the right and now he's got this gunshot where?
A: I didn't know he had a gunshot
M: I'm not asking you if you knew he had a gunshot, we know he did. I'm asking you after he has this gunshot, what is he doing?
A: He's very pissed off and he's trying to grab me
M: And he's speaking to you, right?
A: He's screaming obscenities at me
M: What's he saying? What's he saying to you after he was shot, tell me what he's saying?
A: I don't remember the words
M: You can't remember a single word that he's screaming at you afterward?
A: No, I don't
M: And he's screaming this loudly, screaming but he's doing it loudly correct?
A: Yes
M: And he is to your left or to your right?
A: my right
M: So he's toward the tub, correct
A: He would be on that side but not near the tub
M: But it would be on that side, correct?
A: Yes that's correct
M: And you're saying he wasn't bleeding at that time.
A: I'm not saying that, I don't think you've asked me anything about that.
M: I'm asking you right now, are you saying he was bleeding?
A: No, I”m not saying that
M: so he was bleeding at the time, correct?
A: I don't remember seeing any blood at that moment
M: When he's down there, you don't see any blood, right?
A: No
M: So at that point there can be no blood in the bathroom, we can agree on that, right?
A: No, I don't agree with that
M: There was blood somewhere in the bathroom, immediately after you shot him, other than around him?
A: I don't know
M: Well you were there, right?
A: Yes
M: You said that you ran in this direction when he was chasing you did you happen to see the blood over on the left side when you were running in that direction?
A: There was no blood there when I was running in that direction?
M: And was there any blood down here when you ran down the first time?
A: No
M: How about any blood where it says number 5, it's right here.
A: no
M: So there was no blood when you shot him then, right?
A: Um, not at the moment the gun went off.
M: How about immediately after he was struck was there any blood?
A: I don't remember
M: Weren't you looking at him or anything?
A: Um, I wasn't examining him or anything
M: Weren't you looking at him right after the gun went off?
A: I think I closed my eyes really tight. I've never seen him. I just remember getting hit really hard and we fell
M: So you remember going down but you don't remember looking at his face or anything like that.
A: not at that point
M: well according to you you don't know if he's been shot, isn't he still a threat?
A: Definitely
M: right and you're not trying to get away at that point, right?
A: I was
M: Well, no, you said your eyes were closed and you were just laying there, didn't you just say that?
A: No, I closed my eyes I think as the gun began to go off.
M: You opened them up at some point, right?
A: yes
M: did you open them up when he was lying right next to you on your right hand side?
A: I believe I did
M: and so then you see him bleeding, right?
A: I never looked at him.
M: So you never looked at him but he's cursing at you, though, right?
A: Yes
M: He's cursing at you like before, right?
A: Maybe not the same words but he was cursing at me.
M: He was cursing at you which you say precipitated this killing, right?
A: um, yeah
M: and so then you say that you're down on the ground and he's still cursing, whatever the words may be, right?
A: Yes
M: And you're not looking at him now, right?
A: no
M: You're not rolling away from him at this point, right?
A: I'm attempting to get away from him
M: With your eyes closed right?
A: No
M: your eyes are open now, right?
A: I believe they are open, yea.
M: And you aren't looking at the source of the danger, right?
A: no
M: You're not
A: No
M: why not? If you were looking at him before and this person was threatening you, why aren't you looking at what the source is? So that you can try to get away again.
A: I don't need to because I already knew what he was doing at that point,
M: What
A: I didn't need to because I already knew what he was doing at that point.
M: you already knew what he was doing at that point.
A: Yes
M: You knew he was cursing, right?
A: Yes
M: you knew he was right next to you, right?
A: Yes
M: You knew he was grabbing at you, right?
A: yes
M: And so you just kept your eyes closed and you don't even know where you’re going to go?
A: I believe I said my eyes weren't closed at this point
M: Okay so you're eyes are closed for how long?
A: I don't know I just blinked hard.
M: So then you do open your eyes, right?
A: Yes
M: Then do you see blood
A: Id don’t remember seeing blood
M: so you don't see blood at that point, right?
A: no
M: and he's still not dead, right?
A: definitely not dead and he's very angry
M: He's very angry and this is seconds afterward, right?
A: yes
M: Is he on all fours now?
A: Um, he's on the side of my grabbing at my clothes and grabbing me.
M: So he's at your right side grabbing at you, right?
A: Yes
M: Is he punching you?
A: no
M: Is he hitting you?
A: no
M: is he doing anything else?
A: He's just, it seemed like he was trying to get control of me and I was pushing him away.
M: throughout this whole thing where you are having this confrontation with him do you ever tell him to stop, or tell him to do anything?
A: I think I screamed stop when I pointed the gun at him
M: and when he's next to you on the right hand side did you say anything to him?
A: I don't remember
M: are you saying that you're having a hard time remembering things that are happening now that you've shot him?
A: yes
M: so it appears then that your memory gets faulty immediately upon shooting him.
A: yeah, things get very foggy from there.
M: That's immediately, the shot takes him down and then creates a fog for you, is that what you're saying?
A: It begins creating a fog.
M: But you weren't struck by the shot, were you?
A: no
M: In fact, you don't have really injuries as a result of killing him do you, other than the one to your left ring finger, do you?
A: That's the only visible injury
M: Pardon
A: That's the only visible injury
M: I'm talking about visible injuries, right that's the only visible injury you have to your left ring finger, even though according to you he slammed you down, right when he got out of the shower and then he slammed you down again when he was coming at you and you had to pull the gun, according to you, right?
A: yes
M: And he's also grabbing at you while you're on the ground and he's not being gentle about it right?
A: That's correct
M: no bruising no anything, other than just the thing the injury to the left ring-finger, right?
A: I don't know if my skull was bruised
M: Pardon
A: I don't know if my skull was bruised
M: Aside from that , but uh, did you get medical care for that?
A: no
M: Did you seek medical care for your finger?
A: No I did not,not professional
M: well you do have an injury to that left ring-finger don't you?
A: yes
M: And so when you arrive out in West Jordan Utah and you see Mr. Burns, you do have an injury to your left finger, correct?
A: We're talking about two different injuries. No
M: Well ma'am you just told me when we were talking about this killing that you injured your left ring-finger, do you remember just telling me now, just no, no more than two minutes ago.
A: Yes I was referring to this injury (holds up left hand)
M: Ma'am were we really talking about this particular injury at that time?
A: I didn't know
M: Oh , you don't know we were talking about the killing at that time?
A: you talked about injury to my left finger.
M: Ma'am what have we been talking about this whole afternoon?
N: Objection, argumentative
J: Overruled
A: June 4th
M: Pardon
A: June 4th
M: Right, we haven't mentioned any other day , right?
A: Not to my recollection.
M: You've been here throughout these proceedings and you've been asking, or you've been answering questions, right?
A: Yes
M: And as we were talking about it just now, I asked you isn't it true that the only injury as a result of this incident was this injury to the left ring-finger and you said yes, do you remember saying that?
A: I might have, but that's not what I meant
M: well ma'am you did say it didn't you
A: I don't know
M: And in fact, I followed it up by saying and you didn't seek medical care, do you remember me asking that?
A: I thought you meant about my skull
M: No, do you remember me asking you that
A: Yes
M: And do you remember you said well, not professional medical care, do you remember that?
A: I'm referring to the splint Travis made for me.
M: I know that that's what you're telling me now, but the line of questioning before involved the shooting, that's what we were talking about, right?
A: Yes, but then you went to my left finger
M: Mr. Alexander was dead after that, wasn't he?
A: Not immediately after that,
M: No, he grabbed the knife that you stabbed him with, didn't he, so he wasn't dead immediately after that, right?
N: Objection, calls for speculation she said she doesn't remember
J: Restate the question
M: And we're talking about Mr. Alexander an individual you just shot, right? So it's not like we're talking about him providing any medical care for you, are we?
A: that's right
M: You're the person that's come in here at least we know that you've indicated that you did kill Mr. Alexander , correct?
A: Yes
M: the only incident where this could have happened was on June 4th, 2008, right?
A: Yes
M: So this issue of him providing a splint or splinting your finger really doesn't have anything to do with June 4th of 2008, does it?
A: No
M: And you did say that the only injury you received was to your left ring-finger on June 4, 2008, remember that?
A: I didn't say that
M: well, yes you did and in fact you used the word physical injuries do you remember that/
N: Objection, argumentative, she said she didn't say that
J: Sustained
M: And you also indicated well I may have had some injuries to my head, do you remember that?
A: yes
M: Those were the only injuries that you sustained on June 4, 2008, remember I asked you about that and you said yes
A: that's not how I understood your question
M: so then he's down ma'am and he's to your right What happens now?
A: I break away from him and he screams out “****ing kill you *****”
M: So then even though you've already shot him, he's been grabbing at you, he does say I'll ****ing kill you, *****, right?
A: I don't think he said I'll, those words are in my head. He may have said that maybe not , I just heard ****ing kill you *****.
M: Okay what are the words let's hear the words one more time so we can get them right?
A: I heard him say ****ing kill you *****
M: Aren't these the same words that you indicated that you heard when he was doing his pirouette outside the shower, ****ing kill you *****, aren't they the same words?
A: I don't think they were the same, he was still screaming at me coming after me.
M: Just so we're clear, what did he say as he's getting out of the shower?
A: As he was getting out of the shower he called me a ****ing idiot and said a ****ing 5 year old could hold the camera better than you
M: and then when he's down after being shot he says ****ing kill you, right?
A: After I broke away from him, right after, he screamed out when he couldn't grab me any more.
M: He's trying to grab you and he's still on the floor but you're able to get away, right?
A: Yes
M: I thought you said that he was this really, remember when you had the conversation with Det. Flores and you told him he was a really strong guy, a wrestler in high school, do you remember saying that?
A: Yes
M: You're saying you're able to get away from this man who was a wrestler in high school who's very strong, that's what you're saying, right?
A: Yes
M: And then what did you do?
A: I don't remember, I don't remember anything at that point so I would be speculating
M: so you don't remember a single, solitary thing after that, right?
A: there are a few little pieces that have come back sense but not immediately after, I don't remember.
M: Okay, well what are the pieces that have come back. Tell me about what you remember about this. Whatever pieces you remember.
A: um, at one point I remember dropping the knife and screaming
M: But that's something that's come to you since, right
A: Since, yes
M: You don't remember.. alright what else?
A: um, the others are more vague so I'm not sure
M: If they're vague, we don't want to hear them. Where were you standing when you had this recollection about dropping the knife and screaming
A: I don't remember the exact position but I was in the bathroom because it hit the tile.
M: Ma'am that's all that you remember with regard to this particular event, correct?
A: from that point to that point yes
Sidebar, afternoon recessSidebar Camera's stop recording until 51:32
M: Now stand up and go to left. Show me the posture of Mr. Alexander immediately before he rushed you according to you.
A: I was
M: No, no, just show me, that's what I'm asking you to do, not talk, show me, c'mon, show me the linebacker pose
A: He got down and
M: Well show me the linebacker pose that what I'm asking for you to do.
A: He went like that and he turned his head and he grabbed my waist.
M: Just like that, correct?
A: pretty much
M: And he grabbed your waist, right?
A: I can't say it's just like that but it's how I remember it.
M: Well no, I want it without talking ,just show me the pose
A: He got down like that
M: Alright, go ahead and have a seat ma’am. And now you said that this happened right about here correct?
A: I don't know, it was somewhere in the center of the bathroom.
M: Right so how is it ma'am that if you are shooting him and that's the first thing that happened, then how is it that the shell-casing, exhibit 111 then landed in blood?
N: Objection, calls for speculation
J: Overruled
A: It didn't land in blood
M: You see exhibit 111, right?
A: Yes
M: That's the casing that was involved in this case isn't it?
A: Yes
M: There was a casing that was ejected, wasn't it?
A: Yes
M: And when you say this happened there wasn't any blood on the floor, correct?
A: Yes
M: This was the first, if you will, blow, correct?
A: Yes
M: And this is how the casing land it, do you see it?
A: That's not how it landed from the blow
M: Ma'am, you do see the casing there, don't you
A: Yes
M: After he came at you ma'am and that happened, did you go down?
A: We both went down
M: You went down on your back, right?
A: Yes, I went on my back
M: Did you strike your head?
A: Um, I don't recall striking my head that time.
M: So the answer is no, you don't remember striking your head.
N: Objection, asked and answered.
J: Overruled
A: No, I don't think I did, but I don't know.
M: And was he one top of you? How was it?
A: He landed to the side of me and was grabbing at my clothes
M: okay so he landed to which side of you, the right or the left?
A: The right
M: Okay he landed to the right and now he's got this gunshot where?
A: I didn't know he had a gunshot
M: I'm not asking you if you knew he had a gunshot, we know he did. I'm asking you after he has this gunshot, what is he doing?
A: He's very pissed off and he's trying to grab me
M: And he's speaking to you, right?
A: He's screaming obscenities at me
M: What's he saying? What's he saying to you after he was shot, tell me what he's saying?
A: I don't remember the words
M: You can't remember a single word that he's screaming at you afterward?
A: No, I don't
M: And he's screaming this loudly, screaming but he's doing it loudly correct?
A: Yes
M: And he is to your left or to your right?
A: my right
M: So he's toward the tub, correct
A: He would be on that side but not near the tub
M: But it would be on that side, correct?
A: Yes that's correct
M: And you're saying he wasn't bleeding at that time.
A: I'm not saying that, I don't think you've asked me anything about that.
M: I'm asking you right now, are you saying he was bleeding?
A: No, I”m not saying that
M: so he was bleeding at the time, correct?
A: I don't remember seeing any blood at that moment
M: When he's down there, you don't see any blood, right?
A: No
M: So at that point there can be no blood in the bathroom, we can agree on that, right?
A: No, I don't agree with that
M: There was blood somewhere in the bathroom, immediately after you shot him, other than around him?
A: I don't know
M: Well you were there, right?
A: Yes
M: You said that you ran in this direction when he was chasing you did you happen to see the blood over on the left side when you were running in that direction?
A: There was no blood there when I was running in that direction?
M: And was there any blood down here when you ran down the first time?
A: No
M: How about any blood where it says number 5, it's right here.
A: no
M: So there was no blood when you shot him then, right?
A: Um, not at the moment the gun went off.
M: How about immediately after he was struck was there any blood?
A: I don't remember
M: Weren't you looking at him or anything?
A: Um, I wasn't examining him or anything
M: Weren't you looking at him right after the gun went off?
A: I think I closed my eyes really tight. I've never seen him. I just remember getting hit really hard and we fell
M: So you remember going down but you don't remember looking at his face or anything like that.
A: not at that point
M: well according to you you don't know if he's been shot, isn't he still a threat?
A: Definitely
M: right and you're not trying to get away at that point, right?
A: I was
M: Well, no, you said your eyes were closed and you were just laying there, didn't you just say that?
A: No, I closed my eyes I think as the gun began to go off.
M: You opened them up at some point, right?
A: yes
M: did you open them up when he was lying right next to you on your right hand side?
A: I believe I did
M: and so then you see him bleeding, right?
A: I never looked at him.
M: So you never looked at him but he's cursing at you, though, right?
A: Yes
M: He's cursing at you like before, right?
A: Maybe not the same words but he was cursing at me.
M: He was cursing at you which you say precipitated this killing, right?
A: um, yeah
M: and so then you say that you're down on the ground and he's still cursing, whatever the words may be, right?
A: Yes
M: And you're not looking at him now, right?
A: no
M: You're not rolling away from him at this point, right?
A: I'm attempting to get away from him
M: With your eyes closed right?
A: No
M: your eyes are open now, right?
A: I believe they are open, yea.
M: And you aren't looking at the source of the danger, right?
A: no
M: You're not
A: No
M: why not? If you were looking at him before and this person was threatening you, why aren't you looking at what the source is? So that you can try to get away again.
A: I don't need to because I already knew what he was doing at that point,
M: What
A: I didn't need to because I already knew what he was doing at that point.
M: you already knew what he was doing at that point.
A: Yes
M: You knew he was cursing, right?
A: Yes
M: you knew he was right next to you, right?
A: Yes
M: You knew he was grabbing at you, right?
A: yes
M: And so you just kept your eyes closed and you don't even know where you’re going to go?
A: I believe I said my eyes weren't closed at this point
M: Okay so you're eyes are closed for how long?
A: I don't know I just blinked hard.
M: So then you do open your eyes, right?
A: Yes
M: Then do you see blood
A: Id don’t remember seeing blood
M: so you don't see blood at that point, right?
A: no
M: and he's still not dead, right?
A: definitely not dead and he's very angry
M: He's very angry and this is seconds afterward, right?
A: yes
M: Is he on all fours now?
A: Um, he's on the side of my grabbing at my clothes and grabbing me.
M: So he's at your right side grabbing at you, right?
A: Yes
M: Is he punching you?
A: no
M: Is he hitting you?
A: no
M: is he doing anything else?
A: He's just, it seemed like he was trying to get control of me and I was pushing him away.
M: throughout this whole thing where you are having this confrontation with him do you ever tell him to stop, or tell him to do anything?
A: I think I screamed stop when I pointed the gun at him
M: and when he's next to you on the right hand side did you say anything to him?
A: I don't remember
M: are you saying that you're having a hard time remembering things that are happening now that you've shot him?
A: yes
M: so it appears then that your memory gets faulty immediately upon shooting him.
A: yeah, things get very foggy from there.
M: That's immediately, the shot takes him down and then creates a fog for you, is that what you're saying?
A: It begins creating a fog.
M: But you weren't struck by the shot, were you?
A: no
M: In fact, you don't have really injuries as a result of killing him do you, other than the one to your left ring finger, do you?
A: That's the only visible injury
M: Pardon
A: That's the only visible injury
M: I'm talking about visible injuries, right that's the only visible injury you have to your left ring finger, even though according to you he slammed you down, right when he got out of the shower and then he slammed you down again when he was coming at you and you had to pull the gun, according to you, right?
A: yes
M: And he's also grabbing at you while you're on the ground and he's not being gentle about it right?
A: That's correct
M: no bruising no anything, other than just the thing the injury to the left ring-finger, right?
A: I don't know if my skull was bruised
M: Pardon
A: I don't know if my skull was bruised
M: Aside from that , but uh, did you get medical care for that?
A: no
M: Did you seek medical care for your finger?
A: No I did not,not professional
M: well you do have an injury to that left ring-finger don't you?
A: yes
M: And so when you arrive out in West Jordan Utah and you see Mr. Burns, you do have an injury to your left finger, correct?
A: We're talking about two different injuries. No
M: Well ma'am you just told me when we were talking about this killing that you injured your left ring-finger, do you remember just telling me now, just no, no more than two minutes ago.
A: Yes I was referring to this injury (holds up left hand)
M: Ma'am were we really talking about this particular injury at that time?
A: I didn't know
M: Oh , you don't know we were talking about the killing at that time?
A: you talked about injury to my left finger.
M: Ma'am what have we been talking about this whole afternoon?
N: Objection, argumentative
J: Overruled
A: June 4th
M: Pardon
A: June 4th
M: Right, we haven't mentioned any other day , right?
A: Not to my recollection.
M: You've been here throughout these proceedings and you've been asking, or you've been answering questions, right?
A: Yes
M: And as we were talking about it just now, I asked you isn't it true that the only injury as a result of this incident was this injury to the left ring-finger and you said yes, do you remember saying that?
A: I might have, but that's not what I meant
M: well ma'am you did say it didn't you
A: I don't know
M: And in fact, I followed it up by saying and you didn't seek medical care, do you remember me asking that?
A: I thought you meant about my skull
M: No, do you remember me asking you that
A: Yes
M: And do you remember you said well, not professional medical care, do you remember that?
A: I'm referring to the splint Travis made for me.
M: I know that that's what you're telling me now, but the line of questioning before involved the shooting, that's what we were talking about, right?
A: Yes, but then you went to my left finger
M: Mr. Alexander was dead after that, wasn't he?
A: Not immediately after that,
M: No, he grabbed the knife that you stabbed him with, didn't he, so he wasn't dead immediately after that, right?
N: Objection, calls for speculation she said she doesn't remember
J: Restate the question
M: And we're talking about Mr. Alexander an individual you just shot, right? So it's not like we're talking about him providing any medical care for you, are we?
A: that's right
M: You're the person that's come in here at least we know that you've indicated that you did kill Mr. Alexander , correct?
A: Yes
M: the only incident where this could have happened was on June 4th, 2008, right?
A: Yes
M: So this issue of him providing a splint or splinting your finger really doesn't have anything to do with June 4th of 2008, does it?
A: No
M: And you did say that the only injury you received was to your left ring-finger on June 4, 2008, remember that?
A: I didn't say that
M: well, yes you did and in fact you used the word physical injuries do you remember that/
N: Objection, argumentative, she said she didn't say that
J: Sustained
M: And you also indicated well I may have had some injuries to my head, do you remember that?
A: yes
M: Those were the only injuries that you sustained on June 4, 2008, remember I asked you about that and you said yes
A: that's not how I understood your question
M: so then he's down ma'am and he's to your right What happens now?
A: I break away from him and he screams out “****ing kill you *****”
M: So then even though you've already shot him, he's been grabbing at you, he does say I'll ****ing kill you, *****, right?
A: I don't think he said I'll, those words are in my head. He may have said that maybe not , I just heard ****ing kill you *****.
M: Okay what are the words let's hear the words one more time so we can get them right?
A: I heard him say ****ing kill you *****
M: Aren't these the same words that you indicated that you heard when he was doing his pirouette outside the shower, ****ing kill you *****, aren't they the same words?
A: I don't think they were the same, he was still screaming at me coming after me.
M: Just so we're clear, what did he say as he's getting out of the shower?
A: As he was getting out of the shower he called me a ****ing idiot and said a ****ing 5 year old could hold the camera better than you
M: and then when he's down after being shot he says ****ing kill you, right?
A: After I broke away from him, right after, he screamed out when he couldn't grab me any more.
M: He's trying to grab you and he's still on the floor but you're able to get away, right?
A: Yes
M: I thought you said that he was this really, remember when you had the conversation with Det. Flores and you told him he was a really strong guy, a wrestler in high school, do you remember saying that?
A: Yes
M: You're saying you're able to get away from this man who was a wrestler in high school who's very strong, that's what you're saying, right?
A: Yes
M: And then what did you do?
A: I don't remember, I don't remember anything at that point so I would be speculating
M: so you don't remember a single, solitary thing after that, right?
A: there are a few little pieces that have come back sense but not immediately after, I don't remember.
M: Okay, well what are the pieces that have come back. Tell me about what you remember about this. Whatever pieces you remember.
A: um, at one point I remember dropping the knife and screaming
M: But that's something that's come to you since, right
A: Since, yes
M: You don't remember.. alright what else?
A: um, the others are more vague so I'm not sure
M: If they're vague, we don't want to hear them. Where were you standing when you had this recollection about dropping the knife and screaming
A: I don't remember the exact position but I was in the bathroom because it hit the tile.
M: Ma'am that's all that you remember with regard to this particular event, correct?
A: from that point to that point yes
Sidebar, afternoon recess
That's the last place I don't know if it got kicked around, I don't know
fingerprint evidence, you were there, right?
M: same thing with the DNA Evidence, you were there, right?
A: Yes
Ma'am after this shot rang, you said you went into a fog, right?
A: Yes, things went foggy after that point
M: So with regard to the camera, can you tell us what happened to the camera?
A: I don't remember what I did with the camera
M: You acknowledge that immediately prior to the killing, the camera was here right next to the tub, correct?
A: um that's the last place I saw it rolling, I don't know if it got kicked around or what
M: But you acknowledge though that, I'm looking at exhibit 162. First let's look at the date and time. You acknowledge that this says or was taken on June 4, 2008 at 5:32:16, correct?
A: Yes
M: What time was your understanding that the roommates got home?
A: I didn't know
M: so, did you even know if they were there?
A: Um, I don't remember if they were there or not at that time.
M: Well do you remember one of the things you told us on direct examination was that when there were roommates the two of you had to be careful in your sexual trysts so that as not to , not awaken, but let the others know what was going on.
A: that's correct
M: So if this was going on on that day it would be fair to say that you believe that they were not home, right?
A: This part of the day
M: This part of the day
A: No, I don't think that would have made a difference
M: What I'm saying is when this happened, you believed their were no roommates there, correct?
A: I don't know what time they got home, I don't know
M: And you are wearing socks, right?
A: Yes
M: And there is, appears to be, a zipper on that foot, correct?
A: Yes
M: If we look at this further to orient ourselves, this is Mr. Alexander's head, correct?
A: Yes
M: Blood right there, right?
A: Yes
M: And that's his foot, right?
A: Yes
M: And given the way that the lights are, in this particular photograph, the bathroom is in this direction, correct?
A: Yes
M: And you would agree with me that if the camera, exhibit 249 was last seen here, you see that,
A: Yes
M: And things happened the way you say they happened. We now have this photograph that you were the one that moved that camera, right?
A: It could have been us both, I don't remember moving it.
M: Well, based on what you tell us there is this gunshot that rings out, right?
A: Yes
M: And then you don't remember anything right?
A: I didn't say that, I said it got foggy after that point. The point where I can't remember anything is after he said, well after he threatened my life
M: What's that
A: After he threatened my life
M: What was it that he said?
A: f*cking kill you b*tch.
M: So after that, after f*cking kill you b*tch, you don't remember anything else, right?
A: No, except the one thing that I described
M: Right, but you do remember that as you ran down this hallway, you were not carrying the camera with you, right?
A: Um, no not the first time I ran down the hallway
M: Of course not, you were concerned for your life you told us, right?
A: Yes
M: And you told us that the camera landed next to the tub, right?
A: yes
M: And so if this photograph was snapped at the time that we agreed that it's snapped, and the camera, the last time you see it is next to the tub and then you describe what happens, that Mr. Alexander is down, next to the tub, then it was you that moved that camera, right?
N: Objection calls for speculation, she says she doesn't remember
J: Sustained
M: With regard to Mr. Alexander, ma'am, the last memory that you have of him is that he was down on the ground, correct?
A: Um, yes
M: And the last memory that you have of him is after you shot him, right?
A: Yes
M: You never saw him walking around, did you?
A: No, I didn't
M: And so if he didn’t, assuming that he didn't get up and walk around, and assuming you did shoot him, and assuming the camera is where you told us it was, then this camera, to take this photograph would have to be moved, right?
A: Yeah, it had to be moved.
M: And you would acknowledge that you did the moving, right?
N: Objection, calls for speculation, she's said over and over again that she doesn't remember
J: Overruled, you may answer
A: Under that theory that would be right
M: Well, you see him right there, ma'am, Mr. Alexander
A: Yes
M: No, take a look at it
A: I've already seen it
M: Alright, are you saying that in the condition that Mr. Alexander is in exhibit number 162, you were there, it's your opinion that he, in that condition could move the camera?
A: I'm not saying that
M: So you did move the camera, right?
N: Again, objection, argumentative, she's already said she doesn't know what happened after wards.
J: Overruled
A: I don't know
M: And that camera as we know ended up in a washing machine, you know that, right?
A: Yes
M: you have this horrible incident that happens upstairs and the camera's being used for, to photograph Mr. Alexander, right?
A: In the shower, yes
M: And then the camera's dropped, and then we see the photographs here. You would acknowledge ma'am, that under those set of facts it was you who put that camera in the washing machine.
A: Yes, I don't remember but that would be logical
M: Because, sure because Mr. Alexander never left the upstairs bathroom, right?
A: I think that's right.
M: And you would acknowledge, ma'am, that if you did that, it would be an indication from you, you say you're in a fog and you don't remember but it would be certainly an indication of your mental state back then, that you picked up that camera and put it in the washing machine, wouldn't it?
A: Yes
M: And that would be an indication, ma'am, that you knew what happened?
A: um, yes, I guess, I don't know why it went in the washing machine
M : And ma'am, we know that these were, this photograph, was deleted from his camera, correct?
A: Correct
M: We know that he's dead after this, right?
A: Um after this yes
M: And we know as you've just told us there was nobody else there, no roommates, right?
A: yes
M: So, if he's dead, no roommates are there, this photograph is snapped and it's deleted, you're the one who deleted it, aren't you?
A: That would make sense , I don't remember deleting it
M: I'm not asking if you remember now, I'm not asking that at all. I'm asking you, given the circumstances that we have here, your the one that deleted it, right?
A: I would have to say yes
M: And in fact, deleting something is not a once, given your expertise in cameras and photography, deleting something is not a one step process, right?
A: that's correct
M: And you were not familiar with this camera, were you?
A: Not prior to June 4th, yes
M: So what this required you to do, and I understand that you're going to say you don't remember, I'm not asking that, but I, wouldn't you acknowledge then that it took some mechanical movement and thinking, and by mechanical movement I mean fingers, and some thought process on your part in order to delete these images, right?
N: Calls for speculation
J: Overruled
A: I would agree with that
M: And you would agree that the deleting these items from the camera was not in any way necessary for you to do prior to leaving Mr. Alexander's home.
A: I don't understand what you means.
M: Well, there is nothing, you acknowledge, there is nothing that was pressing about , or threatening about the camera that required you to delete these images, right?
A: Um, I don't know what you mean
M: Well, in order for you to delete them ma'am you have to view them
A: Yes
M: And if you view them, then the decision is made. And I know you're going to say you don't remember, but you acknowledge then that a decision is made by you to delete this photograph, right/
A: There must have been, yes
M: And you would agree, then, that if the police don't find this photograph that would be beneficial to you, wouldn't it, in terms of your culpability involving Mr. Alexander's death?
A: I would not agree with that
M: K, exhibit number 163, so you think this helps your case?
A: I don't agree with that, either
M: 163 there are the, that's the floor board would you agree?
A: Yes
M: And this is the hallway that you claim that you ran down, correct?
A: Yes, uh-huh
M: And that would mean that this up here would be Mr. Alexander, correct?
A: Yes
M: And that reddish substance would be blood, right?
A: yes
M: And again if we apply the same analysis that we did before, you would acknowledge that the person who deleted this photograph was you?
A: Um, yeah, I guess.
M: There were other things that were done to the scene. Take a look at exhibit. Let's take a look at exhibit number 67 followed by exhibit 68. Do you see 67?
A: yes
M: There is blood there, isn't there, ma'am?
A: Yes
M: That's not your blood, right?
A: I don't think my blood is there.
M: That would be Mr. Alexander's blood, right?
A: Yes
M: And you would agree that to the right of that it appears there is more, if you will, a different pattern . In other words, the pattern on the right is not as dark as the one on the left, right
A: Yes
M: :And you would agree that if you, if you had socks on, which we know that you did, and you were walking through the blood that this would be the kind of pattern that your socks would leave, right?
A: I don't know
N: Objection ...wearing socks at that time
J: overruled
A: I'm not sure.
M: Take a look at exhibit 130, you see that?
A: Yes
M: Would you agree then that we've seen the photograph and it's exhibit number 162 and if we look at, this is exhibit 162, do you see it?
A: Yes
M: and you told us that to this end over here is the bathroom, over here do you see that?
A: Yes
M: And if we look at this exhibit which is 130, you would agree that the bathroom is in this direction, correct?
A: Yes
M: So that if his foot that we were looking at would be right about where my pen is, or right in front of that door, right?
A: yes
M: And the door that's behind it is the door that you claim he was banging his head on back on August 7 of 2007, I'm sorry, August of 2007, right?.
A: yes
M: And you would agree, ma'am, that if this is the pattern that we have here and his head is in this direction as we see it in the picture, then because of the way the blood is flowing down, this is where his head was resting, right here?
A: I think, I don't know, I guess
M: He would not be the person that would be leaving these marks here to the right, because he wasn't standing, was he.
N: Objection, she's already said she has no memory it would call for speculation
J: Sustained
M: 162, is he standing there ma'am?
A: no
M: Would you acknowledge that after every thing you know he is not going to stand after that?
N: Objection, calls for speculation
J: Overruled
A: I would be very inclined to agree with that
M: you told us, ma'am that there was just this shooting when he was coming at you from the bathroom, right?
A: Yes
M: I'm sorry, from the closet, my mistake
A: yes
M: And that he came at you, then you showed us the pose and then according to you, the shooting happened, right?
A: Yes
M: You would agree, ma'am that the shooting, where it occurred, is not near to what is pictured in exhibit 98, correct?
A: Yes
M: you weren't bleeding, even though you said you had an injury to your left ring-finger,
you weren't bleeding that profusely to put all this blood here, right
A: Um, well my left ring-finger wasn't bleeding at all, so
M: The answer's no
A: That's correct
M: That is not your blood, right?
A: No, I don't think it is
M: And again, based on what we, what you know about this case and based on the fact that you acknowledge that you've done the shooting and acknowledging that that was his foot in this photograph, you would have to agree that the person would have to be standing, or Mr. Alexander would have to be standing for that blood to be placed there, right?
N: Objection, cause for speculation
J: Overruled
A: I would think, yes I would think that
M: Ma'am one of the things that happened or that was found on the body was a glass. Are you aware of that?
A: Yes
M: Before the murder, there was no glass in the bathroom, right?
A: There was, it's under the sink
M: It's under the sink then, right?
A: Yes
M: So you would agree that if it's under the sink before the murder and it was found on top of him after the murder, you would agree that you were the person, you would acknowledge that you were the person that went underneath the sink, got the glass, correct?
A: I would acknowledge that
M: And you would acknowledge that you used that glass to clean up or throw it on the floor of that bathroom.
A: I don't know what I did with it
M: If there were lots of water in the bathroom after the killing, for example if we take a look at exhibit number 118, you see that, the water marks here?
A: Yes
M: You would acknowledge that these water marks in red-colored blood, or what appears to be blood, you would acknowledge that you're the person that created those marks, correct/
A: Yes
M: And you would also acknowledge ma'am, that these reddish spots here are Mr. Alexander's blood, correct?
A: Yes
M: Which would indicate that he was in that area bleeding, correct?
A: yes
M: and exhibit 125 shows us the relationship between the closet to the right, correct?
A: Yes
M: The closet to the left, correct/
A: Yes
M: And the end of the hallway into the bedroom, right?
A: Yes
M: And ma'am you would agree that we've now seen that there was staining, 128, here, do you see that and it's concentrated there, do you see that?
A: Yes
M: And we've heard that it's nowhere else in the top floor of that bedroom and we also know that you were the only one walking around in 162 wearing socks, you see that?
A: Yes
M: You would acknowledge, ma'am that prior to walking out from here and leaving you would acknowledge that you took those socks off, correct?
A: I don't know
M: Well, you would acknowledge that there was not blood other than this area here, you see that/
A: Yes
M: So you would acknowledge that if you did have blood on your socks, and there was water on the floor and you were walking in It, you would acknowledge that there may be, based on whatever experience you have there may be other blood throughout wherever it was you stepped?
N: Objection, argumentative and calls for speculation
J: Overruled, you may answer
A: Um, can you please repeat that?
M: You would acknowledge that you took your socks off before you went in the bedroom,
A: I don't know
M: Because you knew, I'm not saying you remember it, because you knew that they had blood on them and you didn't want to get the rest of the bedroom dirty
N: Objection calls for speculation, she says she doesn't even remember removing her socks.
J: Sustained
M: ma'am, you did leave the house, though didn't you?
A: Yes
M: you would acknowledge that you left, right?
A: Yes
M: And you would acknowledge that there was no record anywhere in Arizona, of you ever being in Arizona, other than this killing, right?
A: No, I disagree with that
M: Are there receipts for example from the places you filled up with gas?
A: No, at one time there would have been surveillance video, but no.
M: you think there was surveillance video, okay. Isn't it true ma'am that as you drove out of Arizona, one of the things that you did was that you used the gasoline in those three cans to fill up, to put in your car.
N: Objection
J: Overruled
A: Will you repeat that, sorry?
M: You will acknowledge, ma'am, that in Arizona, you filled up the car from the gas the three gas cans that were in your possession filled with gas.
A: I didn't have three gas cans in my possession
M: Ma'am do you remember in Pasadena, there were three separate transactions, do you remember that?
A: yes
M: There was one at the pump, do you remember that?
A: Yes
M: There was also one inside the store, if you will, do you remember that one?
A: Yes
M: Of approximately 10 gallons, do you remember that?
A: Yes
M: And then there was another transaction inside the store, you acknowledge that, right?
A: Yeah that was the 2 gallons or something
M: Right, 2.7 gallons, right?
A: yes
M: There were three transactions in Pasadena, correct?
A: Yes
M: you acknowledge that there are two gas cans that Mr. Brewer gave you, correct?
A: Yes
M: and you acknowledge that you bought one gas can from Walmart, right?
A: I understand that you say you returned it, but you did have, at least at some point, you acknowledge, have three gas cans, right?
A: Yes, in Salinas, I did.
M: Pardon?
A: In Salinas, I did
M: And so the gas that you had in those gas cans you placed in your car in Arizona, right?
A: No, I didn't need to do that.
M: Well, ma'am do you remember that you told us on direct examination that the next time you could remember anything was when you were way out in the middle of the desert?
A: That's correct
M: And do you remember the testimony of Det. Larry Gladdish, who indicated that the phone call to Mr. Alexander's telephone was 57 miles north of Kingman Do you remember that?
A: Um, no, but okay, I will assume he said that.
M: Ok, but you do remember that you testified that you were out in the middle of the desert, do you remember that?
A: Um, yes
M: And do you remember that you said that you stopped, right?
A: Yes
M: And do you remember that you said I got rid of the gun, right?
A: Yes
M: So you would acknowledge ma'am, that even though immediately after this killing happened, you say you went into a fog, do you remember saying that?
A: uh, it was in a fog, yes
M: You were in a fog, right?
A: Yes
M: And one of the things that we know from your own admission was that there was a gun that was involved, right?
A: Yes
M: that's what you used to shoot him, right?
A: Yes
M: And so this gun that you tell us, you took it out to the desert, didn't you?
A: Yes
M: You were the one that removed it from the house, right?
A: Yes
M: If you didn't know what was going on, if you were in a fog ma'am, which means that you don't know the status of your current events, or the status of what's going on, would you agree that there would be no need to take the gun, if you were unaware of your status?
A: I would not agree with that
M: Even though you're in a fog, there's a decision, a knowing decision a voluntary movement that is made, to take the gun on your part, right?
A: I think you're getting fog confused, my memory was in a fog, I don't remember what happened after those things.
M: I'm not asking if you remember that, please, that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking whether you acknowledge that you removed the gun from the crime scene.
A: Yes
M: And you do acknowledge that if you're in a fog, you're in a fog about everything, not just certain specific things, right?
A: I don't know.
M: Well, it's your fog!
A: Is that a question
M: Yes it is
A: What is the
M: It's your fog, isn't it?
A: Yes
M: With regard to this particular fog that you are in, why would you even think of taking the gun unless you really knew what was going on.
A: I could only speculated because I don't remember.
M: If you were in a fog and you didn't know what you were doing, why take the gun, ma’am?
N: Objection, asked and answered, argumentative
J: Overruled
A: I don't remember taking the gun, I remember throwing the gun.
M: If you remembered throwing the gun, you recognized where the gun came from, didn't you?
A: I recognized it as Travis's gun, yes.
M: I know you say that it's Travis's gun, but shortly before embarking on this trip to Mesa, Arizona on May 28, 2008, your grandfather had a 25 caliber gun taken during a burglary, right?
A: Yes
M: And you knew about that, right?
A: I found out about it when I got back into town.
M: The answer is yes, you did know, didn't you?
A: Yes, afterward
M: You did know on May 28, 2008 that there was a burglary at your grandfather's house, correct?

A: Yes
M: And you're telling us that June 4th, after the murder you stopped on the side of the road, right?
A: yes
M: And according to you you have one of the implements that was used to kill Mr. Alexander, correct/
A: Yes
M: If you didn't think that you had done anything wrong, and you were in this fog that you weren't thinking, why get rid of it, why get rid of it?
A: I never said I didn't think I did anything wrong.
M: Oh, so you acknowledge then, that you believe you did something wrong with regard to Mr. Alexander then, right?
A: I believed that something
M: Yes or no, yes or no.
A: very bad had happened, um how did you word that again?
M: You believe that you did something wrong with regard to Mr. Alexander
A: Yes
M: and that belief you had was with you on the side of the road to the point you got rid of the gun, right?
A: Well, I just threw it, so year,
M: You did get rid of the gun, right?
A: Yes
M: and this knowing that you had done something wrong was preceded by you removing the gun from the crime scene, right?
A: Yes
M: So you would agree that at the crime scene, you knew that what you had done was wrong, correct/
A: I would say that that would be accurate, but I don't remember
M: and you were trying to alter the crime-scene, weren't you?
A: It appears that way.
M: Well, no, based on what you know, there was an altering of the crime scene, wasn't there?
A: Yes
M: The gun was taken, right?
A: yes
M: And you know that you took it, right?
A: yes
M: we also know that there was no knife that was found up in the bathroom area, right?
A: Yes
M: so we know that you took it right?
A: I don't remember having the knife at all afterwards.
M: But there was no knife up there, right?
A: not, I haven't heard any testimony about that, so
M: You would acknowledge, ma'am, that exhibit 193, that Mr. Alexander was stabbed. You would acknowledge that, right?
A: yes (hand over face)
M: And you would acknowledge that that stabbing was with the knife, right?
A: Yes
M: And according to your version of events, you would acknowledge that that stabbing was after the shooting according to you, right?
A: Yes, I don't remember
M: I'm not asking if you remember, ma'am, I'm asking if you acknowledge that it would be you that did it, correct?
A: Yes
M: And you would acknowledge that a lot of the stab wounds and we can count them together, were to the back of the head, and the back of the torso, correct?
A: Ok, I don't want to count them, I don't know, I'll just take your word for it.
M: Would you like to look at the photograph?
A: No
M: So if he is being stabbed in the back, would you acknowledge that at that point, he's no threat to you, right?
N: Objection, calls for speculation
J: Overruled
A: I don't know
M: Well, if he's already been shot according to you, and he's facing away from you, how could he possibly be any threat to you?
A: I could only guess, I don't know what you’re asking me.
M: Well, with regard, to the, you were here when the medical examiner testified about the would to the throat. Do you remember that?
A: yes
M: With regard to that wound, ma'am, you would acknowledge that that was in term of the stab wounds, you would acknowledge that that was the last wound in the sequence of events?
N: Objection, she says she doesn't remember
J: overruled that was the
N: How can she acknowledge the sequence of the stabs when she doesn't remember it?
J: That wasn't the question, overruled, you may answer the question
A: Are you talking about his testimony?
M: Yes
A: I disagree with the sequence of events.
M: Would you agree that you're the person that actually slip Mr. Alexander's throat from ear to ear?
A: Yes
M: would you also agree that you're the individual that stabbed him in the upper torso?
A: Yes
M: And you're doing all this to this, according to your version of events, you're doing this to this individual after you've already shot him, right?
A: Yes
M: Correct?
A: I believe so
M: Well no, do you remember previously talking about how he was coming after you, and he was this horrible man with this mean face? Do you remember telling me that?
A: Yes, I didn't say he was horrible.
M: Okay, thank you for correcting me, but do you remember telling us that he was a mean man?
A: Not today
M: But previously you did say that he was a mean man, correct?
A: I think I did, yes
M: And on this particular occasion you told us that he was cursing at you, right?
A: Yes
M: that he threw you down, right?
A: Yes
M: That he chased you down, right?
A: yes,
M: And this is the individual that you shot first, right?
A: I didn't know if I shot him, just the gun went off.
M: the gun went off, you can at least acknowledge that, right?
A: Yes
M: That's something that you do remember, correct?
A: Yes
M: Ma'am one of the things that we also know is that there was this rope that was involved earlier in the evening or in the day at 1:00, do you remember telling us about that, around 1:30?
A: Yes
M: that it involved this sexual interlude with you and Mr. Alexander, right?
A: Yes
M: And you told us that it went behind the headboard,
A: Yes
M: Police did not find a rope there, correct?
A: Yes
M: You took that rope, didn't you?
A: yes
M: Why did you take that rope, ma'am, if you were in a fog?
A: I don't know. I don't remember taking it.
M: The rope, according to you it didn't have anything to do with the killing, did it?
A: No, not that I remember.
M: But you acknowledge that there was this rope that was taken, right?
A: Yes
M: Don't you also acknowledge that you were the one that threw it away?
A: Yes
M: And you also acknowledge that you were the one that took it, right?
A: um, yes
M: And even though you were in this fog that you call it, you knew, as you're walking in this fog, to go looking around for this particular rope, as you say, right?
A: I don't know
M: Well, you did say that you did take it, right?
A: Yes
M: And in fact you remember where you threw it away, right?
A: Um, I think it was in a dumpster.
M: Right you threw it away in a dumpster, right?
A: Yeah.
M: Other than that it would show that you had been there, ma'am, why take the rope and then get rid of it?
A: I don't know, maybe for that very reason, I don't know.
M: So you did take the rope, then?
A: nods
M: You also changed clothing, right?
A: I think I did
M: Well, you said you pulled off the side of the road in the desert, right?
A: Yes
M: And then you said that you went to the trunk of the car, right?
A: Yes
M: Isn't it true, ma'am that that's where you claim to have the gas cans?
A: That's where they were
M: Pardon
A: That's where they were.
M: And so the gas cans with the gas were in the back with the water, right?
A: yes, the case of water and my suitcase.
M: And you found that you had some blood on you, correct?
A: Yes
M: And back then there was this stop, or security check-point before Hoover Dam, right?
A: I pulled over before that
M: Right, you weren't in so much of a fog that you didn't know that the checkpoint existed, right?
A: I did not know that the check-point existed
M: Well you just told me that you knew the check-point was there, do you remember telling me that/
A: I came to know of it's existence when I drove up to it, or when there was a sign or something
M: But conveniently , or to your advantage, you stopped the car before you got to the checkpoint, right?
A: A long time before the check-point, when I called Ryan or texted somebody or Leslie or someone.
M: So the answer is yes, right?
A: Yes
M: And one of the things that you did was that you got the water from the trunk, right?
A: Yes
M: You cleaned your hands, right?
A: Yes
M: And you changed your socks or put some shoes on, correct?
A: um, I put socks and shoes on, I think
M: Right, and you took the bloody clothes that you had on and you took those off, right?
A: um, I think I did
M: Well, do you remember testifying that you threw them away along with the gun?
A: I don't recall throwing my clothes out in the desert.
M: But you did changes in anticipation of the check-point, right?
A: no, I didn't know there was a check-point til I reach it
M: Well, you will acknowledge that this changing or washing of hands occurred before you got to the check-point whether you knew, or not the check-point was there.
A: That's correct
M: And you would agree that it was to your advantage to be, to have clean hands and clothing that is not soiled with blood if you're going to go through a check-point, correct?
A: that wasn't my line of thinking but I would agree with what you said.
M: You are making some calls at that time, aren't you?
A: Prior to the checkpoint, yes
M: You have the, I guess the ability to say, I'm going to look through the car to see if I can find my charger, right?
A: Um, I wasn't looking for my charger, but I looked through the car
M: You were looking through the car then, when you pulled over?
A: Yes
M: And when you pulled over, you found a charger according to you underneath the seat, right?
A: Yes
M: And that allowed you to make some telephone calls, right?
A: Not right away because there was no reception.
M: But you made some telephone calls before you reached the Arizona-Nevada border, right?
A: Yes, I turned my phone on and it just took awhile to place a call because the call kept dropping.
M: Right, it was before the checkpoint, right?
A: Yes
M: And while you were driving, and we're you driving at that time when the telephone was in a position to make calls out?
A: I believe, yes
M: So when it first came on so that it had the ability for calls to be made, how far was it to the check-point?
A: It felt like an hour.
M: It felt like an hour? Do you know where Kingman is?
A: No
M: And when this telephone came on, you started to make telephone calls, right?
A: I attempted to, I was only able to send text messages.
M: I realize that you are only talking about text messages, I'm talking about telephone calls. You were able to call Ryan Burns, right?
A: Yes
M: And even though you were in this fog, that you're telling us about, you were able to call him and make up a lie, right?
A: The fog that I'm referring to relates to my memory,
M: Right, in relation to your memory, you could have told Mr. Burns that you were with Mr. Alexander, but you didn't, right?
A: That's right
M: Instead you made up a story, didn't you.
A: Yes
M: So this fog that you're talking about, it wasn't so heavy that it prevented you from thinking and making up a lie
A: Um, yes, that's right
M: You made up a lie that you had lost your charger, right?
A: Yes
M: You made up a lie that you had gone to a gas station to get the charger, right?
A: No, that's not what I told him.
M: And so Mr. Burns is full of crap when he tells us that?
A: No, he just has a poor memory on some things.
M: And you know that based on that one limited time you met him in West Jordan Utah, correct?
A: No, I know that from all his inconsistent statements to police
M: but you only met him one time, right?
A: Um
M: As a romantic interest
A: Yes
M: You also told him that you got lost
A: I did say that
M: That was also not true, correct?
A: um, well technically it was, but not for the reason I was telling it.

M: No, ma'am you actually knew where you were going, you were going to Mr. Alexander's house, you knew that, right?
A: No, I got lost after leaving his house, that's what I mean so technically I did get lost, but that's not why I told Ryan that.
M: Even though there's this technicality, are you telling us that when you told Mr. Burns you got lost you were clear wit h him that the reason you got lost was that you killed Mr. Alexander and you'd been driving and you got lost that way? Or did you tell him you got lost a different way?
A: I don't remember what way, I think I made up something stupid and I certainly didn't tell him I got lost about Travis, I told him I got lost to deceive him
M: Right, so even in this fog, you still have the ability to think, to protect yourself, right?
A: Yes
M: And the other thing that you did is you attempted to call Matthew McCartney, right?
A: Yes
M: And you attempted to call Mr. Brewer, right?
A: Um, I don't remember, I might have
M: One of the other things that you did, and you know we were talking about protecting yourself, is that you , immediately, almost immediately when you say you come out of this fog one of the first things that you do is you try to divert attention away from you so that the police won't think you had anything to do with this killing, right?
A: Yes
M: And this fog that you're telling us about is not so deep that it stops you from fabricating or attempting to fabricate evidence, right?
A: Um, that would be correct
M: And it's not so deep that, according to you, you can stay on the telephone and know the prompts so you can get the telephone message just right, according to you, right?
A: Well just so I wasn't crying in the message, yes
M: Right, but you want the message to be just so, so that it sounds natural, right?
A: yeah, as natural as possible, right
M: And you went to great lengths according to you, didn't you?
A: Yes
M: and the reason that you went to great lengths to do that was so that if there was any suspicion, it would be drawn to you, right?
A: Not immediately, that was the point, yes
M: You wanted the police to look elsewhere, right?
A: I guess
M: Well, no, you made the call knowing the reason why you made the call, right?
A: yes
M: If you really weren't wanting to fabricate evidence you would have just left whatever message instead of worrying about crying or whatever else you were worrying about, right?
A: That's right
M: And so you call Mr. Alexander and you left him a message, right?
A: Yes
M: Let's play it and see what you said.
A: big sigh
This is exhibit number 365.
(47:21) Message plays: “hey what's going on, just calling...anyway this is probably the time your starting to gear up, I know Leslie called you so I already talked to her, so, uh, you can call her back if you want, but it's not necessary. Um, my phone died so I wasn't getting back to anybody. Um, and what else, oh and I drove a hundred miles in the wrong direction, over a hundred miles thank you very much, so yeah, remember in New Mexico, it was a lot like that only you weren't here to protect me from going into the three digits, so fun, fun, tell you all about that later. Also, we were talking about when we were talking about your upcoming travels my way, I was looking at the May calendar, duh, so I'm all confused, but Heather and I are going to see Othello on July 1st and we would love for you to accompany us, um I don't know what's...for you though, but you know it's on the list so we could do Shakespeare, Crater Lake and the coast, if you can make it, or if not, we'll just do the coast and Crater Lake, but let me know and I'll talk to you soon, bye. End of message. To delete this message press 7, to save it in the archives press 9. To hear Message will be saved for 21.
M: That's you, correct?
A: correct
M: That's you lying on the message, right?
A: Yes
M: You're telling, or leaving the message for Mr. Alexander indicating you got lost, fun, fun, right?
A: Yes
M: That's not true, right
A: That's not true.
M: Asking him or talking to him about coming up to visit you up in Yreka and doing some of the things that you mentioned, you know that that's not true, either, right?
A: No, that was our plan before June 4th
M: That was the plan before June 4th, but you're talking to him, or leaving the message for him indicating that you know your sorry you couldn't stop by, but you guys could make up for it when he comes to visit you, right?
A: Yes
M: that's a lie
A: Yes
M: And all of these lies, ma'am are meant for your benefit so that you can escape responsibility.
A: I don't see how that's to my benefit, I don't know what you mean by benefit, but yeah, so I could escape whatever for the time being.
M: Well, you keep saying for the time being, you would have been happy to avoid the consequences for a long time wouldn't have you?
A: I can't say I would be happy,
M: You would have preferred that, wouldn't you?
N: Objection, relevance
J: overruled
A: I don't know how to answer that
M: Well, you didn't go to the police with any of your information ever, until they contacted you, right?
A: um, I think I initiated the contact.
M: Oh, so you're saying when you called the police, you told them the truth?
A: I'm not saying that
M: You would have been satisfied to avoid any responsibility for the killing of Mr. Alexander, wouldn't you?
A: I don't know if satisfied is the word, probably relieved.
M: okay, you would have been relieved to avoid any consequences for the killing of Mr. Alexander, correct?
A: Um, that was, that was my goal that day
M: And that's why you left this message that we heard in exhibit 365, correct?
A: Well, that's part of the reason.
M: Well, that was the main reason wasn't it?
A: Yes
M: I mean there would be really no other reason to leave a dead man a telephone call would there?
A: I probably wouldn't have done that but Leslie said she um called his phone asking for me cuz I was missing and then I thought maybe I should do something about that and that's why I did it. So ultimately that was the main reason, yes
M: So you're looking to Leslie Uti as the reason that you made that telephone call, ma'am?
A: no, I said the other to avoid whatever was the ultimate reason
M: You gave me a reason involving Leslie Uti right now, didn't you?
A: Yes, I wouldn't have thought to leave a message if she hadn't , if I hadn't talked to her prior to her leaving that message and then she said that, um, we've been calling and we called Travis and left a message and that kind of thing
M: But she told you that ma'am, knowing, believing that he was still alive, didn't she?
A: Yes
M: You knew better though.
A: um, I think I did
M: And so you didn't have to follow her advice
A: She didn't give me advice
M: Well, you didn't have to follow her words, did you?
A: Um, I didn't have to but it reminded me of her cell phone, I chose to do it, I chose to, if you're going down the route saying Leslie Ute made me do that, I'm not saying that.
M: I'm not saying Leslie made you do it. I'm saying you're looking again, in a personal relationship, in an issue that is absolutely yours to own, you're looking for somebody else, saying Leslie Uti I talked to her and as a result of talking to Leslie Uti, that's why I left this message.
N: Objection, argumentative
J: Sustained
M: Ma'am, Leslie Uti really didn't have anything to do with that call, right?
A: I mean I made the call, I just got the idea after speaking with her.
M: So, she was the reason why you got the idea, then?
A: That kind of I guess
M: And according to you if it had not been for Leslie Uti, you wouldn't have thought about it, right?
A: I probably would have thought about it eventually, but maybe not I don't know. I just know that I thought of it after she mentioned that she had left a message on his voice mail.
M: and so because of this outside stimulus, you decided to leave this message, it was your decision.
A: It was my decision
M: Just like visiting Mr. Alexander was your decision, right?
A: Yes
M: On June 4th 2008, it was your decision, right?
A: yes
M: Even though you told us before that he guilted you, that really wasn't the reason you went, you wanted to go, correct?
A: Part of me did and part of me didn't, obviously the bigger part did cuz I went and he did guilt me and ultimately it still was my decision.
M: So you made the decision to go, right?
A: Yes
M: And then, though, after that, you did something else to cover-up, didn't you?
A: Yes.
M: Let's take a look at another exhibit. Take a look at exhibit number 504. Recognize it?
A: yes
M: It's a text message that you sent, right?
A: Yes
M: What's the date on it
A: the 6th of June
M: Pardon
A: June 6th 2008
M: and it's to Mr. Alexander, correct?
A: Yes
M: And again the hours are off by seven, correct?
A: Um, yeah, I didn't look at the hours.
M: Why don't you just take a look at the hours, so we can make sure.
A: Ok
M: They're off by seven, correct?
A: Yes
M: I move for the admission of exhibit 504
N: No objection
J: 504's admitted

M: Let's take a look at this text message. First of all that's your telephone number here on the left, correct?
A: Yes, it was
M: And the date there is 6/6/08, correct?
A: yes
M: We take the seven hours away from the 16:58, what we're really talking, seven hours from 16:58 what we're really talking about is 9:58 in the morning, is that correct?
A: yes
M: this is while you were still on the road driving home, correct?
A: Yes , I believe it was
M: And why don't you read to us what the message is that you left for Mr. Alexander.
A: Hey, I need to know when you're going to deposit that check.
M: You're referring to the check involving the car, correct?
A: Yes
M: The check that you know was uncashed in his, um, desk in his office, right?
A: I didn't know where it was, but I figured it wasn't cashed.
M: And in fact there was a conversation you had with the detective where you talked to him about the uncashed check, correct?
A: yes
M: So you knew that it was uncashed, correct?
A: by, yeah, by the time it hadn't cleared by whenever I talked to him, I knew it wasn't cashed
M: But another thing that you knew on this date was that Mr. Alexander was dead, didn't you?
A: Yeah.
M: And you did that again, so you could cover up what you'd done, right?
A: yes
M: Cause you did not want to be faced with whatever consequences that were involved, right?
A: I was afraid of the consequences
M: And because you were afraid, that was good enough for you to send something like that, right?
N: Objection, argumentative
J: Restate
M: The reason that you gave to us that you were afraid, in your mind, even though the fog had lift, even though there was a fog that was involved, you felt it was okay to send this message?
A: I didn't feel it was okay, it's not like that, so I guess that would be no.
M: So why are you sending it, are you sending it so he can reach you in the grave, or what?
A: No
M: You're sending it so that, as you previously said involving the telephone calls, so you won't have to face the consequences of what you did, right?
A: Yes
M: Just like the scene, you're trying to manipulate the evidence, right?
A: Yes
M: Let's take a look at another exhibit. Exhibit 505. Do you recognize this?
A: yeah
M: And that's an email, right?
A: Yeah
M: Sent by you, right?
A: Yes
M: Sent to Mr. Alexander, correct?
A: to his email
M: And what date and time was it sent.
A: Saturday June 7th, 2008
M: And what time?
A: I'm sorry 10:21
M: I move for the admission of exhibit 505.
N: No objection
J: 505 is admitted
M: Let's take a look at it. It's from you, right?
A: Yes
M: And you've already told us the date and time. You're sending it, even though you know he's dead, right? A way to stage the scene.
A: I think so, that was my goal, I think
M: Well, I didn't hear you
A: That was my
M: Goal, right?
A: Yeah
M: Why don't you start with “hey, you” and read what it says.
N: Objection, the fact that is was send is enough
J: Overruled
A: Hey you, I haven't heard back from you. I hope you're not still upset that I didn't come to see you. I just didn't have enough time off, it's ok, sweetie, you're going to be here in less than two weeks—we're going to see the sights, (she breaks down
M: You also right check things off “The List” and all kinds of fun things, right?
A: Yes
M: You say “ Oregon is BEAUTIFUL this time of the year. Yaaay!....be happy!”, correct?
A: nods
M: Then you say: Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about pushing my visit up to next week but it depends on my budget, so I'm not for sure yet. I know you'll be in Cancun, but I'll probably crash at your house in your cozy bed anyway...eat some of your oatmeal and frozen dinner, you know, the usual-jk =) I know you said the door was always open, but I wanted to give you a heads up. If for any reason that won't work, let me know and I'll make other arrangements. Your house has always been my second home although it's a bit more lonely without Naps around. You're probably in California right now, but wherever you are get a hold of me at least before you head to Mexico, thanks hun, Jodi. You wrote that right?
A: Yes
M: that was your way of an attempt to, again stage the scene, right?
A: Yes
M: I want to play something for you, ma'am. Exhibit 248( Inside Edition): No jury is going to convict me. Reporter: Why is that ma'am? Because I'm innocent and you can mark my words on that one. No jury is going to convict me.” That's you, right?
A: Yes
M: And that's you saying not that you're not going to be convicted, because you're going to commit suicide or anything like that, is it?
A: that's correct
M: You're saying that you're innocent, right?
A: Yes
M: And you believe that no jury would convict you because you are going to lie your way out of it, right?
A: No
N: Objection, argumentative
J: Sustained
M: Ma'am, you indicated certain things in this court as part of your testimony, didn't you?
A: Yes
M: You indicated that Travis Alexander, that you say him masturbating to a picture, or pictures of young boys, correct?
A: I only saw one picture.
M: Right, you saw him do that, that's a lie, isn't it ma'am.
N: Objection, argumentative
J: Overruled
A: I wish it was a lie.
M: And ma'am with regard to this issue of him being hyper sexual and him being overbearing in that department, that's not true, is it?
N: Objection, argumentative
J: Overruled
A: um, it's true that he was hyper sexual, it isn't true that he was overbearing.
J: I'm not asking you if he was hyper sexual, I asked if he was overbearing
A: You said hyper sexual
M: Alright, let's go with overbearing, then
A: No, I don't think he was overbearing
M: And in fact, you gave as well as you took, didn't you?
N: Objection, calls for speculation
J: sustained
M: You were in it to the same extent that he was, in the activities, right?
N: Objection, calls for speculation
J: rephrase
M: Ma'am for example, we saw some of the text messages that you sent to him., right?
A: Yes
M: We heard some of the conversations that you had with him, right?
A: Yes
M: You indicated, for example, I don't need to go into all of them, that you wanted to sexually blossom, do you remember that?
A: Yes
M: And you specifically said that you wanted a facial, do you remember that?
A: Yes
M: So you were enjoying the sex, weren't you?
A: Yes, most of it, yes?
M: And yes you came in here and for days upon days you told us how uncomfortable he made you feel, right?
A: Only those times, we didn't talk about all the other times.
M: And ma'am additionally, you talked about how he was physically abusive to you during your testimony, right?
A: Yes
M: You said in your testimony, for example, in March you were going to move to Yreka that he hit you on the freeway, right?
A Yes
M: But we took a look at your journal entry, do you remember that?
A: Yes
M: an your journal entry speaks otherwise, doesn't it?
A: It doesn't speak of the incident
M: No, it spoke of tenderness, three soft kisses, doesn't it?
A: Yes
M: And involving the allegation that he kicked you and did something to your finger, you remember that we also took a look at your journal
A: Yes
M: And in that journal, that journal indicated that on the day that was supposed to have happened, nothing noteworthy happened. That's what your journal said, right?
A: Over the span of those 4 days
M: Right, and on January 22nd when you allegedly saw him in the masturbatory conduct, that's also when you wrote in your journal that nothing noteworthy occurred, right?
A: I'm sorry it was on the 21st, but
M: Right the 21st, but your journal entry of the 24th covers January 21st doesn't it?
A: Yes
M: And so you believe that your going to be acquired because you came in and told those stories, don't you?
N: Objection, argumentative
J: overruled
A: I can't predict the future, and that's not why I told the truth, I still planned to kill myself when I told the truth.
M: And you believe that, you're saying that at that time you planned to kill yourself, right?
A: Yes
M: But that's not what you say in there, do you?
A: No, I couldn't say that.
M: I'm not saying whether or not you could say it, you started your testimony on direct examination by saying those are the bitterest words I have ever uttered, do you remember saying that?
A: No, I said those are probably the most bitterest words I will ever eat or something.
M: Right, so you have a very good memory as to what you said about that, right?
A: Yes
M: And you said that the reason that you made that comment that no jury would convict you because you were going to commit suicide, right?
A: That's right
M: But in this clip that we saw, you actually say, it's because you're innocent, right?
A: Yes, of first degree murder, and I'm innocent of that
M: Yeah, it does say that you're innocent, right?
A: Yes
M: Even that's a lie, isn't it ma'am
A: Um
N: Objection
A: Not how I
N: Objection, argumentative
M: Rephrase the question
M: Isn't in inconsistent, your testimony, isn't it inconsistent with this exhibit, 248, what you say in exhibit 248?
N: Objection ,that's not accurate …
J: Approach , you may continue, objection overruled
M: In this exhibit 248, you heard yourself, right?
A: yes
M: You said I'm innocent, no jury will convict me, right?
A: Yes
M: Where as when you started this direct examination, your testimony, you said that the reason I said no jury would convict me was because I planned to kill myself, right?
A: I said that I planned to be dead, yes
M: because you planned to commit suicide, right?
A: That's correct
M: Those are two different stories, aren't they.
A: No, on the stand I explained why I didn't say suicide as opposed to the alternative, because there was an officer sitting a few feet behind me and if I would have said that, they would have hauled me off to a padded room, stripped me naked, and I would have lived there until whenever.
M: So what you are saying, even today, that when you say you are innocent, that means to you that there is an officer sitting next to you and you didn't want him to know that you wanted to commit suicide, right? That's what you're saying?
A: When I made that statement?
M: Yes, when you say innocent, that's what you equate it with
A: Yes, well definitely innocent of pre-planning whatever you were trying to say, but
M: No, I'm not asking about that, I'm asking about the statements. Isn't it true that the statements are different, that's all I'm asking?
A: Yeah, they're different
M: I don't have anything else, ma'am
Back to our crude layout drawing. We can easily debunk her versions of how the attack happened.

In scenario #1 She is lifted up and body slammed...you see her here with her camera in the direction she'd be laying on hard tile after the body slam, and this is where she would remain for...maybe 4 days as her back would be out and she would have a concussion thereby making it impossible to get up. Travis would simply go to Cancun and wish her well.

In scenario #2 assuming by some miracle she got body slammed...and holy jesus, she rolled to her left as she said, got up (as he stands there and watches her roll and get up) and she takes off running past him as he stands there for some reason watches her go by and takes a step out, and poof, he is practically giving her a flat tire he is so close to her little running feet and bam.. he is behind her in the closet and she does what? Flies up and gets a gun, and he politely stands there while she gets the gun and then she runs by him, gets in the bathroom and then he comes at her. Ok, I can't type anymore, I'm laughing too hard.

How do I access the forensic photos in the Travis Alexander/Jodia Arias case?? I am new...

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