*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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DNA Solves
March 6, 2013

Jury questions for Jodi Arias

--Starts with the judge asking the lawyers to approach for a sidebar.
--Court is delayed due to technical difficulty, no microphones working.
--Judge is reading the preliminary jury instructions about jury questions and how they are dealt with.
--Questions will be asked in the order they were submitted

1) did mr. alexander pay for a majory of your trips?
Answer: we split it. Sometimes he paid and I paid him back and other times I paid and he paid me back.

2) if he did pay was that a factor in questioning his choices, eg. introduction to others and sleeping arrangements?
Answer: TA created the itineraries (missed the rest)

3) was it his money, his choices? Answer: it was his choices on the church history trips, the choices were mutual as far as 1000 places to see, sometimes it was his money and I would pay him back.

4) why did you put the camera in the washer?
Answer: I don't have memory of that and don't know why I did it.

5) did you ever take pictures of yourself after he hit you?
Answer: no I did not

6) why did you call the cops on your ex who shook you but you never called the cops on Travis?
Answer: it was a very negative experience (with the ex) and then years and years later as far as June 4th there were no phones upstairs and I knew TA would make up for it if I called.

7) why would you continue to sleep with TA after you learned of his child *advertiser censored* issues?
Answer: that was a side of Travis that he wated to even exist. I was under the impresseion when he was able to sleep with a woman he felt more normal as a man. I had seen so many good qualities. This incident was...(missed all of it)

8) why didn't you just change your gmail password?
Answer: it didn't really become a problem right away and after I moved it did become a problem and I eventually did change my password. we had a conversation on May 22, 2008 that we weren't going to do that anymore.

9) did Travis' closet doors have locks on them? Answer: I don't remember them having any locks. Question: if "no" how did you have time to get the gun down if he was right behind you.
Answer: I don't know if he was right behind me or not I just had the sense he was chasing me.

10) did you record other phone sex conversations?
Answer: yes

11) Ryan Burns testified that he met you at a PPL convention in April 2008 and you had blonde hair? How is that possible?
Answer: Ryan Burns is mistaken about the date.

12) why did you feel so uncomfortable with anal sex with Travis when you had previously tried it?
Answer: in previous relationships it was something we tried once or twice. with Travis that was his preference and that is why I got the KY, it made it less uncomfortable.

13) you took pictures of the shirt and shorts, did you take pictures of the spiderman underwear? Answer: I didn't take pictures because it was embarassing. I didn't want people to know it was a problem of his.

14) you told DB you wanted to wait until marriage to have sex, if that were the case why did you have sex with Travis?
Answer: My understanding at the time, the missionaries didn't overly preach about chastity, Travis and I had intimate conversations, vaginal sex is off limits and everything else is not frowned upon (paraphrasing)

15) Travis stated in the phone sex, he did not like Spiderman why did he send you Spiderman underwear?
Answer: I don't know why they were spiderman, the year prior, there was a child he was close with that really liked spiderman, Martinez objects

16) why would you tell Leslie you wanted your children to play with Travis' if you felt T was into younger children?
Answer: I wanted to edify Travis only in good ways. Statement was made on June 5th. I wanted him to be ????

17) if you had bruises, why is it that no one else said anything to you about the bruises.
Answer: there was a PPL associate that made a joke about it, we were at a business briefing, I felt like I got beet red, thought the makeup was covering them. I was putting more makeup on.

18) if you were so nearsighted, how were you able to drive?
Answer: I never had a problem driving, I could see where I was going on the freeway but had to get closer to see signs. in 2010 I put on glases and everything was sharp.

19) in Travis' text to Jodi, exhibit 44, he talks about the mysterious man that wrote to you, who is this man?
Answer: steve carroll, he wrote me a very nice email whichwent to my gmail account, I never met steve,

20) did T think it was someone you lied about? Answer: I think he did

21) you took a photo of the pink t-shirt and undies
Answer: they were taken in July I knew my time was winding down and by that point I heard several rumours that said I was obsessed. if somebody finds these it looks strange, they were sentimental to me, they were special.

22) you testified that Travis gave you the book of Mormon did you read it thoroughly?
Answer:I attempted to read one chapter a day and finished it about 8 months later. I started in January.

23) does the book of Mormon go into detail about the vow of chastity? Answer: doesn't go into detail. uses terms such as whoredom and being unclean.

24) who intitiated contact after the vaious break ups, start with Bobby.
Answer: with Bobby we broke up and got together so many times it would be hard to remember. one time I was packing and driving away, he lived in Montague, small town, he had nothing, no food no money, I sort of initiated...I bought groceries and left them at the door. he called me as he knew it was me.
Beth Karas ‏@BethKaras
The judge has asked 25 questions from the jury. Arias was still answering question 25 when court took a recess to... http://fb.me/1ZmhTxhjY
Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin
Judge called lawyers into chambers. #JodiArias
Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin
Oh boy, now we've got a team of AV people in court. This doesn't look good. #JodiArias
mods, I hope it's ok for me to post this here....

Here is the question list w no answers:

1) did Mr. Alexander pay for a majority of your trips? If he did pay was that a factor in your choices for example introduction to others and sleeping arrangements?
2) why did you put the camera in the washer?
3) did you ever take pictures of yourself after he hit you?
4) why did you call the cops on your ex when he shook you but you never called the cops on Travis?
5) why would you continue to sleep with Travis after you learned of his child *advertiser censored* issues?
6) why didn't you just change your gmail password so Travis could not get into it anymore?
7) did Travis' closet doors have locks in them? If no, how did you have time to get the gun down If he was chasing after you?
8) did you ever record other phone sex conversations?
9) Ryan burns testified that he met you at a ppl event in April 2008 and you had blonde hair. How is that possible if you dyed it in March 2008?
10) why did you feel so uncomfortable about anal sex with Travis when you had previously tried it?
11) you took pictures of the shirt and shorts. Did you take pictures of the Spider-Man underwear? If no, why not?
12) you told Darryl you wanted to abstain from sex until you were married. If so, why did you have sex with Travis?
13) Travis stated on the phone sex conversation that he didn't like Spider-Man. Why did he but you Spider-Man underwear if he did not like that character?
14) why would you tell Leslie you wanted your kids to play with Travis' kids if you knew he was into younger children?
15) if you had bruises that were visible after the April 2008 incident why did nobody else said anything to you about those bruises?
16) if you were so near sighted how were you able to drive?
17) in Travis' text to Jodi exhibit 444 he talks about the mysterious man you've never seen before who wrote for you. Who is this man and why is he bringing it up? Did Travis think it was someone you lied about?
18) you took a picture of the t shirt and pink shorts but not the boys underwear. Why were the pictures taken so much later?
19) you testified that Travis gave you the book if Mormon at Starbucks. Did you read it? If so when?
20) does the Book of Mormon go into detail regarding the law of chastity?
21) who initiated contact after the various breakups: Bobby, Matt, Darryl and Travis. start with Bobby.
22) how far is Crater Lake from Ashland? How far is Medford from Crater Lake? How far is Medford from Ashland?
23) how did you know Victor Arias' family?
24) please explain the events again that led up to your dad slapping you during the incident that you described earlier?
25) what is your relationship w your father like today?
26) would it be possible to have Jodi run through the attack on 6-4-08 using the floor plan exhibit 249?
27) regarding the 9mm gun purchased on July 1 2008, you mentioned a camping trip as one of the reasons for the purchase. Who was going on that trip?
28) why were you planning on going if you were scared?
29) were you paid for the interview with 48 hours?
30) were you paid for the interview with inside edition?
31) in an interview w detective Flores, exhibit 503, you talk to him about taking photos of Travis while he was shaving. You stated "he must have liked it because he used it on his myspace page." Can you explain what he used?
32) you said you tried to call Matt and Darryl about your change in plans regarding going to Mesa but said they did not answer. Why didn't you just leave a message or text them?
33) you testified that you reported you cell phone lost in may of 2008. When and where was it found?
34) have you take long trips by yourself in the past, such as the in from California to Arizona to Utah in June of 2008?
35) how often did you take such trips?
36) during the trips you took, did you take extra gas cans with you?
37) of you took has cans with you where did you get them?
38) during your testimony you mentioned Travis had hit your car once. Can you tell us about that incident?
39) why did you confront Travis after seeing him with another woman through his backyard window if it wasn't because of jealousy?
40) if you simply wanted to know where you stood because he was courting you back, why were you so upset that you needed to call your father about the incident the next day?
41) you mentioned an earlier failed attempt using rope during a sexual encounter. Can you tell us what happened that day, when this occurred and how Travis handled the failure?
42) did Travis' dog usually bark when someone came into the house?
43) did the dog usually bark with loud unexplained noises,?
44) why would you continue to stay with someone who had sex w you while you were sleeping?
45) when did you find out Travis had a gun?
46) to your knowledge did police ever find your grandfathers gun that was stolen?
47) why did you place Travis' body back in the shower?
48) do you know what time you left Travis house on June 4 2008?
49) What happened to the clothes you were wearing on June 4 2008?
50) you say Travis had attacked you previously but would apologize to you after he did it. So why was the June 4 2008 incident different?
51) you and Travis continued to talk on the phone after you moved back to yreka, including phone sex. Would it be fair to say you were upset he was taking another woman to cancun?
52) why did you send his grandmother flowers?
53) why did you take the rope and gun with you?
54) did you lock Travis' bedroom door when you left on June 4 2008?
55) did you try and clean up the scene after you left on June 4 2008?
56) if you climbed on the shelf to grab the gun in a hurry, how is it that nothing is disorganized on Travis' closet?
57) if you shot Travis first, how did the casing land on blood?
58) after you shot Travis, why not run out of the house to get away?
59) why didn't you call 911?
60) if Travis attacked you on June 4 why not just tell police the truth from the start?
61) were you kneeling when you dropped the camera?
62) when Travis stepped out if the shower to attack you was he wet? If so did he slip at all on the tile in the bathroom or hallway?
63) when entering the closet why did t you just open the door closest to you?
64) do you know how tall the ceiling in Travis' closet was?
65) was the gun in a case or just laying on the shelf?
66) why is it that you have no memory of stabbing Travis?
67) whether you had plans to commit suicide or not, why even mention "no jury will ever convict me, mark my words, because I am innocent" in the interview?
68) in your interviews you gave on tv, were you forced to answer all of the questions they asked you?
69) you have pictures of your other finger injuries with time stamps. Do you have a picture of your [left ring] finger injury with a timestamp?
70) do you have pictures of you wearing a finger splint?
71) did anyone see you wearing a finger splint?
72) when did you realize that you had memory loss? The approximate date.
73) did you have an attorney prior to the interview w CBS?
74) you said you got the 2 gas cans so you could fill up in Nevada or Utah where gas was cheaper than California. Why did you fill up in Pasadena?
75) in all of the three hour church sessions, family home evenings, missionary discussions and other church events, you were never told or under the impression that other forms of intercourse, anal or oral, were forbidden?
76) did you know Travis did not like John Dixon prior to your date w John Dixon?
77) why were you willing to get involved w two men at the same time?
78) when you were asked about the video you made with Travis having sex on june 4 2008 you said you used your camera but later when you were asked about your camera you said the camera stayed in the car all day. Which of these 2 is true?
79) when you realized that you did not connect like you had expected, why did you continue to speak to Travis?
80) what is your understanding of the word "*advertiser censored*"?
81) why did you share housing with Matt at the time you were in a relationship w Travis?
82) were there any girls living there that you could've roomed with?
83) how could you be a sister to Matt, a man you'd had sex with in the past?
84) why didn't you read the Book of Mormon to see what you were and weren't allowed to do?
85) why did you ask Travis about everything you did? (Question skipped bc defendant didn't understand)
86) why did you start a relationship with Ryan Burns when you said earlier "when I am with one guy I don't see other guys"?
87) why is it you can't remember when Travis lent you money, but you remember the exact amount you lent him all three times?
88) why did you think that the incident that happened on June 4 2008 was any different than the ones before, such that you had to kill him to protect yourself?
89) you mentioned injuries that would not have been seen by others when you were in Utah in June of 2008. Can you go into detail as to where they were and how you received them?
90) when you injured yourself at casa Roma's rotating glasses, did your supervisor have you fill out any firms to document the injury for workers compensation purposes?
91) who was the main factor in your decision to move from Big Sur/palm desert to Mesa-Rachel or Travis?
92) you testified that you heard his footsteps. If you weren't sure why didn't you just run downstairs and out the door?
93) why would you take the time to delete the photos off of the camera after you killed Travis?
94) you stated you remember dropping the knife and hearing it hit the tile. What happened to the knife after that?
95) if your phone died while at Travis', why not use a wall charger to charge your phone before you got on the road?
96) in your email to Travis after June 4 of 2008, you told him you would sleep in his bed while he was in cancun. Did you ever sleep in his bed when he wasn't there?
97) how is it that you are so calm on the television interviews?
98) you stated in the 48 hours interview that Travis' family deserved to know the truth. If you really believed that why didn't you confess then?
99) if Travis wanted the phone sex conversations recorded why didn't he record them?
100) if you didn't want to be tied up to a tree why did you go and look for a place to do that?
101) if you dropped the camera on the bathmat, how is it that it rolled all the way in front of the bathtub?
102) on the phone sex tape when Travis was talking about taking photos and video was that all part of his fantasy?
103) did you ever voice any concern to Travis about being uncomfortable with any of his sexual fantasies?
104) why didn't you call Ryan and tell him you were going to Arizona when you decided you were going to Arizona?
105) you testified to many times where you performed sexual favors with Travis to keep him pleased and happy. Are you saying you never got pleasure out of sex w Travis?
106) why would you continue to carry around your journals with you if you thought it was possible others like Travis might find them and read them?
107) why were the laws of attraction so important to follow but the law if chastity was not?
108) do the laws if attraction also apply to recording phone sex conversations?
109) you stated there were times that Travis made you tear out pages where you had written negative things about him. Right before that you stated you would never write negative things about Travis in your journal. Which is correct?
110) can we see other examples of when you called men you did not have romantic interest in "hottie biscotti"? Are there texts, IMs, or emails?
111) if you weren't going to marry Travis because of the January 21 and 22 2008 events, why stay with him at all?
112) do you feel the guys in your life cheated on you because you were controlling?
113) were you mad at Travis while you were stabbing him?
114) how is it that you remember so many of your sexual encounters including your ex boyfriends but you don't remember stabbing Travis or dragging his body?
115) during cross examination you were asked if you were crying when you stabbed Travis and you said no. How would you know if you had a memory gap at that time?
116) you said you bought a gun to commit suicide but never ended up doing so. What stopped you from doing so?
117) you stated you wouldn't want kids with Travis because you would be worried about them. Why then did you tell Leslie you couldn't wait for your kids and Travis' kids to play together at future ppl events?
118) a lot of your answers to the questions you were asked made it seem like you put Travis' feelings and priorities before your own. If that were true why didn't you call for help after you shot Travis?
119) why did you decide to tell the truth two years after the killing?
120) what made you change you mind and tell everyone about Travis' secret-the child picture?
121) you said you were sick to your stomach when you saw Travis with child pictures, so why did you sleep with him again?
122) would you classify your relationship with Travis Alexander as a love/hate relationship?
123) on June 4 2008 after you got up and ran toward the bathroom closet is it possible that Travis picked up the camera and moved it? Could that also explain the delay in his arrival and his anger at the closet door threshold?
124) given that there are guiding principles such as the law of attraction and passing down journals to future generations do you feel the Mormon church encourages burying the truth about issues that may be considered embarrassing?
125) can you give a few examples of what might be considered negative other than those already discussed?
126) how do you determine when you will tell the truth and when you will not tell the truth? What are the determining factors?
127) when did you find Travis' gun? Was it kept loaded in the closet?
128) today, March 5 2013, you stated before lunch that you think you filled the car up first. If you did have the third gas can, as we saw in several hypothetical situations after lunch, do you see it possible to put 8.301 gallons if gas in the car exhibit 237.011 and then 9.59 gallons and 2.74 gallons for a total of 12.368 gallons in the remaining 3 gas cans exhibits 237.012 and 237.013
129) you have described that sex was a way for Travis to relieve stress and later testified that sex was a way to relieve anger. Which is true? How do you know that?
130) would a screwdriver be required to take off the license plates
131) did you find it strange that only your license plate was messed with in that parking lot?
132) if you were travelling to a place you had never been before, meaning Utah, why didn't you map out different towns that would have gas or rest stations?
133) did you ever see a doctor for your memory issues?
134) if you were scared if Travis' anger and violence why would you go upstairs when he was banging his head when you knew he was already mad?
135) did Travis ever tell you he kept his gun loaded?
136) if you did not think the gun was loaded why chance grabbing a gun that might not be loaded? Instead of just running outside?
137) you stated that when you walked out of Starbucks you did not notice anything wrong with the car. How us it that the back license plate ended upside down?
138) why did you plan on going to see John Dixon when you were on your way to Utah to see Ryan?
139) how many men are you willing to be involved with at the same time
140) did you ever seek medical help for your mental condition? Have you ever taken medication for your memory issue? Did you ever tell anyone about your condition prior to the killing?
141) you told us you weren't able to make out the license plate leaning up against the curb because you are nearsighted. What is your prescription in each eye?
142) did anyone ever see you shaking?
143) so any of your journal entries discuss you shaking, blacking out or getting scrambled?
144) you claim to have memory lapses or gaps during times of stress or when you're being grilled. How is it you have such specific memories of violence and yelling by Travis such a long time ago if this is the case
Additional Jury Questions from March 7, 2013

Why would you hypothesize about filling a third gas can?

You stated today that you did not have professional help when dealing with your issues yet yesterday you mentioned talking to a psychiatrist about Travis' child *advertiser censored* issues.

You say you waited two years to tell the truth because you were ashamed. Does that mean you are no longer ashamed?

Did you look into a possibility of renting a GPS system when renting the rental car?

In the story of the man and woman attacking Travis you mention talking to him and also mention was T being on all fours. Do you in fact rmember any of those things?

You claim that everything happened so fast and you didn't have time to think so why did you grab the gun from the closet?

How can you say that you don't have memory issues when you stabbed him so many times and slit his throat?

Did Mr. Martinez cause you to shake during his questioning?

Can you please provide an estimate of how many times during the current trial?

After all the lies you have told, why should we believe you now?

What happened to the suicide letters you wrote to your Grandmother?

How can you kiss another man when you knew what you just did to Travis?

Were you in the fog when you were kissing Ryan?

Would you agree that you came away from the June 4th incident unscathed while Travis had a gunshot, his throat cut and stab wounds? (last part is paraphrased)

Nurmi Followup

KN:you were asked about receiving the book of Mormon from T and you had said you read a chapter a day, and there are some other questions that brought up the visits from the missionairies, the basis of some of these questions related to the law of chastity, one of the things you talked about as it related to the book of Mormon, does that contain a sort of list, as it related to premarital sex, activites that are okay or not okay?
JA: it's broad, ????
KN: for example the book of Mormon does not say that oral sex is okay or not okay. It does not spell it out.
JA: correct
You mention the missionairies being younger men that came to your house. And this kind of do's and don'ts list that wasn't in the book of Mormon did they give you anything of that nature?
JA: no, I had pamphlets and as far as the law of chastity goes that was not broken down
KN: when they explained to you from your answers that your take away was penile/vaginal
JA: I considered all kinds of sex, sex but when T explained it, vaginal sex was a place to not go until marriage.
KN: and in terms of going to this place of penile/vaginal intercourse, after these missionaries coming over were you still engaging in sex with DB?
JA: no
KN: part of what he heard in your questioning is that T served to provide you with elaboration if you will on the law of chastity.
JA: yeah he delineated it more
KN: so using oral sex as a continued example, oral sex is okay or not okay, he kind of provided that checklist for you
JA: yes
KN: and based on his teachings if you will, you came away from that, that the law of chastity only prevented penile/vaginal intercourse. after Travis taught you these things
JA: the law of chastity prohibited vaginal intercourse between a man and a woman and that it should be saved for marriage
KN: we heard as you answered these questions, that a guiding principal in your life was the law of attaction, and one of the things that came up, you also started talking about the secret. Is the secret part of the law of attraction?
JA: the secret is a film that came out in 2006. it's exactly the same thing. (book and movie)
KN: is that something you and Travis watched together?
JA: yes, he introduced me to the movie.
KN: but the law of attraction was something you were familiar with before?
JA: yes
KN: now we talked a little bit yesterday about your breakups with your boyfriends and I want to go back through that a little bit. You began with Bobby Juarez, you were 15?
JA: yes
KN: and you said you broke up with him and got back together a few times over the years. Can you explain that?
JA: I broke up with him because I felt the relationship was getting too serious and then after a few years I called him and then he called me back and then...there as a girl that came from Louisiana. and we were always breaking up and getting back together. When I went to Costa Rica that was 8 days I thought that was enough but he came to my job.
KN: and this conversation you just spoke of when you were in a phone booth, how old were you?
JA: I was 19, almost 20
KN: you spoke about this occasion when you gave him groceries after you broke up. Was this before this phone call or after?
JA: it was during one of the several break ups we had. it was before the phone call.
KN: after the phone booth call, you didn't make any other attempts
KN: You were asked about Victor Arias. It sounds like Victor was a gentleman sometime when you were in an off time with Juarez.
JA: it was during a time when I thought I would never see Bobby again
KN: you were asked about a trip you made to spend time with Victor's family in Costa Rica, what were the circumstances? You met Victor in Costa Rica?
JA: I met Victor when I was 16. It was right after my sophmore year and there were posters at the school, I told my parents I was going to Costa Rica and I worked at my Dads restaurant
it was an exchange program, they have some kind of rotating semester system and did extra curricular activities on the weekend.
met Victor during that time
KN: and so when you went to visit, we talked about the continued correspondence with Victor, was there continued communication with his family?
JA: yes, we would email. Victor would email my Mom.
KN: when you went back to Costa Rica was that to rekindle things with Victor?
JA: I was interested in maintaining a friendship, not romantic
KN: you also had a breakup with MM, and we heard about the conversation you had with Bianca and how he was unfaithful to you, that breakup then you had a conversation with MM after you spoke to Bianca.
JA: ummm I went to his father's house and when I show...arrived we...and we went into my car that was parked on the street and had a conversation, we both hugged and cried, we were both sad. it wasn't volatile.
KN: as far as after that conversation when you broke up did you disconnect yourself from MM for a while? did you still converse?
JA: after I sent him a really long email, part of the way I processed it was by writing everything down, I sent him the email about our relationship and how I felt. we talked on the phone but that was after a month.
KN: and afterwards a friendship built?
JA: I don't remember rekindling but he was looking for work and when he knew I was going to be staying in a campground he came with me, not as an intention to get back together with me, he was looking for work.
KN: you mentioned and it was questioned of you yesterday this idea that eventually, this man you were involved with sexually, was more like your brother, is h
JA; with time progressing and the separating, in spring 2002, the restuarant closed and MM's income went away so he moved to Vale Colorado, so I stayed there to earn a little bit of money and then when the season...MM came back to Ventana, and with that space I think he had a trailer and I went over there and we laughed and joked and he thought my blonde hair,

***we don't even really hug..or then we didn't***(slip up there???)

that was then and we are different now
and we are able to maintain a friendship.

You were one who filled cans up in Pasadena. I don't know if I filled them to the brim. You paid for them right. Yes. You were one who put gas in car. Do you remember issue about 3 gas cans. Now she is playing with him. He is mad. You indicated previously you didn't know what happened first - car or cans. Do you remember not remembering? I remember on cross I couldn't remember because of how you were questioning me. When jurors asked you, you said oh I put gas into car and then must have tripped/turned off meter and that's why separate transactions. Isn't that what you told jury? Not in response to question you're asking me. My question to you: Isn't it true you do remember sequence of events filling car up in Pasadena. The only part I remember is putting gas in gas can so I wouldn't leave hose on ground and ended transaction. Now you're back to saying you don't remember car or cans first? I really don't know exact sequence can only go by receipts. Nobody was yelling at you at that time right? Right. You said you purchased gas can in Salinas. 5 gallon. You said you returned it back to Walmart. Same store purchased. Because same vicinity. Reason you did this was expensive and didn't seem to make sense to buy it. Why is it then maam that you showed up with 3 cans in SLC?
You had 3 cans in SLC. I don't even recall going to SLC. I went to West Jordan. Let's break that down. You don't remember going to SLC 6/6. To answer gas can - I went to Mesa with 2. You did go to SLC? I was in the vicinity. You did visit Ryan? You left SLC area in morning hours. You filled up with gas right. I don't know. Let's look. In fact ma'am - you see SLC. Receipt of gas station. Look down here has your name. Showing another receipt in SLC.

Juan pulls out the receipts from SLC.

You were there right?


You can't make this stuff up! :lol:
June 6, 2008:

Salt Lake City, Utah

Arias makes two gas purchases at Tesoro between 3:57 a.m. and 4:05 a.m. The first one was for $41.18. The second one was 8 minutes later for an additional $36.98.

He got her!
I left Ryan's house early morning hours. Receipt indicates 3:57 a.m. Pump 2. 10 gallons. $41.18. Next receipt same station. 4:05 a.m. 9.583 gallons. You actually put in more gas right. I don't know. YOu had Washington Mutual bank account? You had 2 of them.

Jodi looking nervous. What's next? Showing receipts again. WM keeps statements and receipts. Are you aware of that? Yes. Take a look at exhibit. See if this refreshes your memory. See if it is yours. Yes. Damn it . Lost feed
Former HR Manager here... Metal=Tetanus Shot! Gotta do it!

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