*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
some of the phone calls were duplicated between 5 - 9
text messages . . .we exchanged them but not kept or recovered
no emails.

Nurmi asking about the BOM . . . were you a perfect Mormon?
no nobody is a perfect Mormon

one of the things you do is speak to the Bishop . .. . . more formal for more serious transgressions . . . otherwise it is between you and God

You were not a Mormon until after met TA . . . transgressions you told us about . . . did you ever seek to go to Bishop about these transgressions?
yes I did - sexual sin
with TA
that is correct
no other member of the Mormon church
that is correct - tA was only one sexual sin . . . Travis discouraged me from talking to bishop . . .
after TA died did you ever go to a bishop and speak to Bishop?
I did go and talk to him about sexual transgressions . . . but I didn't talk about what happened on June 4th . . .. but I wanted to talk to him about the sexual sin we had during our relationship.

injury to neck not on june 4th from the jury - JM
Beth Karas InSession
There were 9 additional questions from the jury. This next round of questioning by Nurmi and Martinez will be limited to those 9 questions. #JodiArias
Pictures of injury to neck in April . . . I was wearing makeup to conceal the fingermarks he left . . .
why didn't you document these injuries
something I wanted to forget not remember - law of attraction I think if I documented it or wrote it down it would make it stronger or more likely to happen . . I was ashamed and embarrassed - somehow my fault I illicited that from TA . . . somehow my fault. . . afraid it would be perceived that way . . . sometimes I do think I did things to provoke him

in that relationship with MM seeing Bianca and remember that question . . . if it is possible he perceived that . . . . do you know Alice Laviolette( sic?) she is a Social Worker - you told her you and MM were broken up at the time he started to see Bianca . . . not when he started but he was by the time we were broken up . . . .you didn't tell Laviolette . . . .

you went to Bishop . . . . you confess . . . you lied to him?
I did not confess I was the person responsible for Travis death
asked and answered

any more questions from the jury

all for today
tomorrow 10:30 am - excused for the evening -
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial
Richard Samuels is an expert psychologist. Juan is objecting to a cross section of Travis' brain and a Time magazine article. #JodiArias
Just so we know who we're dealing with, from his website (the bolds are BBM):



Richard M. Samuels, Ph.D., FACCS, ABPP is a practicing Clinical and Forensic Psychologist with over thirty years of experience. With an extensive background in evaluation, analysis, report writing and testimony, Dr. Samuels specializes in Sexually Violent Perpetrator evaluations, Psychosexual Risk Assessments, Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination Matters for Defendants and Emotional Trauma from Medical Malpractice for Defendants and Plaintiffs.

Working closely with public defenders and private attorneys, he will determine the facts of the case and any special circumstances and mitigating factors involving the trial process. An extensive evaluation of the respondent, in depth case analysis and research contributes to a succinct report which often will result in a more favorable outcome for your client. His clear and strong testimony in support of the report can help to educate juries and judges.

When you need a verified expert in the field of Sexually Violent Perpetrator commitment hearings, Psychosexual Risk Assessments for sentencing, Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination Matters for Defendants and Emotional Trauama from Medical Malpractice for Defendants and Plaintiffs, Dr. Richard Samuels has the experience, education and prestige to help you support your vital arguments.

Contact Richard M. Samuels, Ph.D. for a no obligation consultation regarding your important matter.
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial
Juan is also objecting to a few slides. He has not had time to review these exhibits before. #JodiArias
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial
Juan has objected to 11 exhibits so far, "none of this has been disclosed to the state" he exclaims. #JodiArias
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial
The judge is seen sighing as she tries to comprehend what Willmott is saying in her ultra fast speak. #JodiArias
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial
Judges face looks like that of a mother listening to why her child should get a chocolate bar while check out at grocery store. #JodiArias
We are starting . . .
JM has something to put on the record . . . mr. Samuels wants to present a power point . . . new evidence being presented? . . . .JM met w/him and he was given a report, all of his notes and his findings but no power point . . . . something that was not done overnight . . . . JM objects to

first slide is psychologist - bringing a cross section of the brain - he is not psychiatrist -

magazine article from Time - your Brain under fire - it is hearsay - JM did not read article and no time to understand assimilate what it was saying.

doesn't see relevance to this case what someone in Time Magazine might have written

slide about PTSD - written by a PhD . . . new material was available before - they have tried to hide it and present it in a surprise manner today.

another (sorry missed this)

correlation of offender relationships - 2 types of homicide -
not a premeditated act - self defense

instrumental and reactive

7, 8, 9, 10 . . . .instrumental and reactive homicide
purely reactive,, purely instrumental, and study in Finland . . . not relative to US

violence and personality D/O . . . if he was going to hang his hat on this - he should have told the court . . . this Dr. has an opinion that JA had PTSD . . . it appears this opinion may have been tailored to

it was completed June 2012 but as of December he was still visiting defendant

transient amnesic syndrome , transient global amnesia, not discussed with Prosecutor previously

#16 stressed hippocampus . . .. plasticity and memory

JM objects to all of those . . . . now PhD comes in with something new and different and now comes in with Power Point - took some time to put together.

If Prosecutor witness Jean DeMarte came in with a new report and theory and only allow the defense a few minutes to review.

PhD has changed it . . . . there is a duty to tell Prosecutor . . . they have forsaken that duty and violate rule #15?

Wilmot - JM said no object to him testify but objects to PowerPOint - so guess JM objects to all of it. . . .Power Point is not new - it was completed this morning prior to court - says Dr. Samuels is not changing his report at all

picture of the brain - objects to Psychologist not know study of brain . . . . Psychologists talk about amygdala and hippocampus . . . .

physiological reasons why people don't remember situations in high stress - he can come in and testify for his 30 years experience

Time magazine - sudden events do to people in stressful events - about a LEO who shoots somebody . . . Dr. Samuels worked with LEO previously
what happens to physiologically, amygdala, hippocampus . . . .

Dx w/PTSD . . . . well relied upon in his circles . . . .
slide is to help explain to the jury - they will not have it back with them - because he is not an expert - it is not hearsay - it is recognized in scientific community.

based upon his training and experience it is not a planned crime - Wilmot not going to ask him that . . . Defense will not give him a road map to what will be asked.

expressive crimes are more violent and no thinking ahead of time . . . . different crimes and how they relate to crime scenes . . . . expressive crimes you will see maylay and

he is not changing his opinion . . . . expressive vs. instrumental crimes - explanatory and goes to research he relies upon

amnesia, disassociative amnesia,
in this interview - Dr. Samuels interview - JA has no memory of what happened during this . . . we have talked for the past 18 days.

high stress . . . . amnesia can be expected . . . . .
he can talk about it and her disassociative state . . . already noted in his report - he is just going to use these aids to explain to the jury = that is what a Dr. does - explain.

JM interviewed Dr. Samuels 7/15/2011 -
agrees he has not changed his opinion . . . . he wants to "couch" his statement with the new words "instrumental" - pre-planned even though the court has ruled the pre-planned or instrumental vs. expressive crime is a back door way of bringing in pre-planned or crime of passion.

How is JM going to be able to drop everything to read the Time article and then question him . . . . what is printed in Time Magazine is not something the experts usually rely upon.

psychologists do not have the authority to tell jury whether it is pre-meditated or not . . . doesn't believe that is appropriate.

Wilmot says she will not ask the final opinion expressive vs. instrumental

The point of the expert is that he relies upon artilces.

jM says he cannot talk about a premediated crime . . . . he cannot say certain crimes are not premeditated . . . that is for jury to decide not for him

Wilmot will not question whether he will opine about pre-meditation . . . . .not invading province of the jury when she will not ask the final question . . . just what the research shows . . .

Judge will take recess - allow the state to interview the witness once again. . . . this is obviously a question that should have been raised in Motion in Limine . . . .back @ 1:15
We are starting . . .
JM has something to put on the record . . . mr. Samuels wants to present a power point . . . new evidence being presented? . . . .JM met w/him and he was given a report, all of his notes and his findings but no power point . . . . something that was not done overnight . . . . JM objects to

first slide is psychologist - bringing a cross section of the brain - he is not psychiatrist -

magazine article from Time - your Brain under fire - it is hearsay - JM did not read article and no time to understand assimilate what it was saying.

doesn't see relevance to this case what someone in Time Magazine might have written

slide about PTSD - written by a PhD . . . new material was available before - they have tried to hide it and present it in a surprise manner today.

another (sorry missed this)

correlation of offender relationships - 2 types of homicide -
not a premeditated act - self defense

instrumental and reactive

7, 8, 9, 10 . . . .instrumental and reactive homicide
purely reactive,, purely instrumental, and study in Finland . . . not relative to US

violence and personality D/O . . . if he was going to hang his hat on this - he should have told the court . . . this Dr. has an opinion that JA had PTSD . . . it appears this opinion may have been tailored to

it was completed June 2012 but as of December he was still visiting defendant

transient amnesic syndrome , transient global amnesia, not discussed with Prosecutor previously

#16 stressed hippocampus . . .. plasticity and memory

JM objects to all of those . . . . now PhD comes in with something new and different and now comes in with Power Point - took some time to put together.

If Prosecutor witness Jean DeMarte came in with a new report and theory and only allow the defense a few minutes to review.

PhD has changed it . . . . there is a duty to tell Prosecutor . . . they have forsaken that duty and violate rule #15?

Wilmot - JM said no object to him testify but objects to PowerPOint - so guess JM objects to all of it. . . .Power Point is not new - it was completed this morning prior to court - says Dr. Samuels is not changing his report at all

picture of the brain - objects to Psychologist not know study of brain . . . . Psychologists talk about amygdala and hippocampus . . . .

physiological reasons why people don't remember situations in high stress - he can come in and testify for his 30 years experience

Time magazine - sudden events do to people in stressful events - about a LEO who shoots somebody . . . Dr. Samuels worked with LEO previously
what happens to physiologically, amygdala, hippocampus . . . .

Dx w/PTSD . . . . well relied upon in his circles . . . .
slide is to help explain to the jury - they will not have it back with them - because he is not an expert - it is not hearsay - it is recognized in scientific community.

based upon his training and experience it is not a planned crime - Wilmot not going to ask him that . . . Defense will not give him a road map to what will be asked.

expressive crimes are more violent and no thinking ahead of time . . . . different crimes and how they relate to crime scenes . . . . expressive crimes you will see maylay and

he is not changing his opinion . . . . expressive vs. instrumental crimes - explanatory and goes to research he relies upon

amnesia, disassociative amnesia,
in this interview - Dr. Samuels interview - JA has no memory of what happened during this . . . we have talked for the past 18 days.

high stress . . . . amnesia can be expected . . . . .
he can talk about it and her disassociative state . . . already noted in his report - he is just going to use these aids to explain to the jury = that is what a Dr. does - explain.

JM interviewed Dr. Samuels 7/15/2011 -
agrees he has not changed his opinion . . . . he wants to "couch" his statement with the new words "instrumental" - pre-planned even though the court has ruled the pre-planned or instrumental vs. expressive crime is a back door way of bringing in pre-planned or crime of passion.

How is JM going to be able to drop everything to read the Time article and then question him . . . . what is printed in Time Magazine is not something the experts usually rely upon.

psychologists do not have the authority to tell jury whether it is pre-meditated or not . . . doesn't believe that is appropriate.

Wilmot says she will not ask the final opinion expressive vs. instrumental

The point of the expert is that he relies upon artilces.

jM says he cannot talk about a premediated crime . . . . he cannot say certain crimes are not premeditated . . . that is for jury to decide not for him

Wilmot will not question whether he will opine about pre-meditation . . . . .not invading province of the jury when she will not ask the final question . . . just what the research shows . . .

Judge will take recess - allow the state to interview the witness once again. . . . this is obviously a question that should have been raised in Motion in Limine . . . .back @ 1:15
Mr Martinez will now have 2 hours to re interview Dr Samuels.

At 1:00 they will come back in and she will hear objections (from the State) if there still are some.

1:15pm Jury will come in as long as this issue is settled by then
March 14, 2013

Discussion about Dr. Richard Samuels


--Martinez states he noticed that Mr. Samuels was preparing a Powerpoint presentation this morning. Martinez objects to new information.
--Had discussed all of Samuels notes and findings.
--All of Samuels slides are new to the state and subject to the rule of discovery.
--JM objects to the first slide of a cross section of the brain. Samuels is a psychologist not a medical doctor.
--second slide refers to a Time magazine article, "your brian under fire". The Time magazine article is from January ? 2013.
--number 3 is a slide of a quote from Time magazine, from January 2013, Your Brain under Fire.
--number 4, slide about PTSD, something like that, written by a PhD. Again new material, they have chosen to hide it
--number 5, slide involving something called intrusive memories, again, not disclosed
--number 6, correlation of victim/offender relationship, expressive and instrumentive homicide.
--Number 7, 8, 9, and maybe 10 talk about reactice homicide, Samuels feels he needs to define them to the jury. none has been disclosed.
--next slide indicates violence and personality disorders, if he was going to hang his hat on this, he should have told us about it.
--defendant suffered from PTSD at the time of the killing and involved a certain stressor that triggered the PTSD
--His opinion has been tailored with the defendant recently, his report was completed back on June 21, 2010 and as of December of last year he was still visiting the defendant.
--slide 13, amnesia and crime, something again that he has not expressed
--slide 14, transient amnesic symtoms
--slide 15, transient global amnesia
--slide 16, stressed hippocampus
--JM: I object to all of those. I interviewed him with regard to his report and now he has brought new information.
--JM: if we were to look at the other side of the coin and brought in my expert Janine Demarte, and she brought in new information, my view with respect to this presentation is that he arrived here, if he is going to change something there is a duty....
--Violation of rule 15, no problem with him testifying

Wilmott--JM is objecting because it is helpful to Arias. The slides are used to explain to the jury, what the slides do is assist
--Wilmott says that the Powerpoint was completed this morning.
--Samuels is not changing his opinion that JA suffers from PTSD.
--because he says that Dr. Samuels is a psychologist and not an expert on the brain, is ridiculous, the picture of the brain is about how memories are formed.
--In Samuels report he talks about JA's memory gaps, the picture of the brain is there to assist the jury.
--Because the state has gone into JA's memory problems, it is more important now to show the jury the parts of the brain that affect memory.
--with regard to the Time magazine article he relies on these to explain how stressful events affect a person. It is in layman's terms.
--Samuels used to work with police in NJ and worked with them about what happens after a shooting.
--It's used to help explain to the jury so they can understand why memories may not be implanted.
--In regards to PTSD articles they discussed PTSD these are articles that are relied on, the slide is just so that he can explain it to the jury.
--Because he is an expert it is not hearsay
--Samuels has said that this is not premeditated, his reasoning for that is not something JM asked him during the interview, based on his research on instrumental and expressive crimes, a lot of times these kinds of crimes, Dr Samuels talks about them in relation to crime scenes.
--He can talk about the types of crimes and the research, it's not an opinion it's just research.
--re: personality disorder, he is not going to change his opinion, it follows the expressive vs. instrumental crimes, it's just research
--amnesia slides, those are all something the state has been made aware of
--JA has no memory of what occurred, what those slides have to do with is that those slides are consistent.
--it's research that Dr. Samuels relies upon to talk about amnesia and to talk about disassociative state and why she can't remember afterwards.
--that's what a doctor does, that's what an expert does,
--Wilmott insists that nothing is new

--JM: Samuels was interviewed July 19, 2011
--Judge asks Wilmott if Samuels ????
--JM: he wants to bring it in through the back door about non premeditated crime, from what I hear he is going to say based on looking at this scene, based on speaking to the defendant.
--JM: this issue involving instrumental vs. expressive crime should not be allowed.
--JM: I have certainly known that she has claimed that she has amnesia
--It may be that is the opinion, but with regard to the Time article it is not what experts rely on, Time magazine
--JM I have a grave concern about this expressive vs. instrumental
--JM: a psychologist does not have the ability under the law to provide an opinion.
--JW: an expert can't lay out the articles they have read
--JM: my motion, he can't talk what a premeditated crime is, that is something for the jury to decide. It invades the province of the jury. It's for the jury to decide, not him.
--JW: the research is not about premeditated crimes, I am not going to ask him the final question and it is not invading the jury to ask him about the

-- it appears that while the DT does not believe anything new, the state disagrees. The state will be given time to reinterview Samuels.
--we will be back at 1300 and make a record at that time. Jury to be back at 1315.
Hi Guys . . . I just found a livestream that works (having trouble this afternoon) . . .

Just jumping on . . .. .

Restoration work - deemed to be mentally unfit . . . . go to facility until they are able to stand trial . . . most of the time he is hired by the defense.

ever turned down a case?
turned down a few when I could not help them . .I would tell them I couldn't help . if they wanted me to write a report to save money

Hired prior to 12/16/2009 . . . discussed case w/Nurmi - gave background what happened, interest in the case - met w/JA . . . attempt to develop the repoire . . . met 12 times over the course . . .

he knew this would be difficult for her - skirted around issues of events that happened with her . .. she told about the 2 intruders story - didn't push the point/confront her first couple of times . . . asking most intimate details . . .. try to develop a repoire . . . he never records - people are usually reluctant . . . very rarely record . . .. you have to write very quickly sometimes a word or two is missed and have to get that info next time . . .. he is not linear. . . what's on her mind today - he also had his agenda . . . previous interaction can get out his information - they skirt around issues that are particularly important

after meeting with JA he eventually writes a report - a function of the interviews and a review of case history . . . he read 1500 or 1600 pgs in diarys beginning in Jr. High . .. he administered 2 psychological tests . . .. the Milan . . . paper test - algorhythm . . . uses that as a 2nd opinion. . . trained in psychology he learns to look @ the world with a clinical eye . . . reviewed media footage, reviewed messages and such . . he made his report . . . he has to write down his notes . . . . would have been easier if he did it in a linear fashion but not how he did it . . . specific dates aren't really that important . . . .maybe they are to LEO but not to him - it is a global approach.
did you ever make an addendum?
I did . . . .new information came available the hard dr


(new info being introduced? . . . . .uh-oh!0

In that addendum did you change your opinion - no . . .

Ja was first talking about intruder s tory . . . not initially confront her wanted to see if her story changed @ all . . . . Nurmi and he eventually confronted her . . . she eventually stopped the intruder story and eventually now says this is what happened . . . .

ever have to confront her again?
not on that - no

intruder story - did ya get feeling she wasn't being forthcoming about the whole story . . .
I did - often have patients who don't tell whole story for a year or so . . . . establishing rapport . . ..

confidence level . .
clear to me it became after the beginning . . .

felt that she was woman with low self-esteem . . . . pacifist . . . I read all her writings by that point, she was confused . . .more to the story than she revealed . . . in order to do eval you have to confront stories that are improbable . .

more recently for foundation sake - end of last year
yes found her to be more confident, incontrol of her feelings, depression had lifted to a large degree from last time I had seen her (talking about suicide @ one point)

Memory - . . . degree in Bio-Psychology . . . . used to teach undergrad and grad students . . . director of cognitive . . . .cognitive exercise programs . . . Dr. Behnheim of AZ . . . function of brain . . . how memory is stored. . . . taught NJ Med, applied school of psychology . . . city of NY . . ..

learn about the brain . . .what is behavior coming from info in the brain . . . we don't treat brain disorder - but understand brain function

may we approach?
Dr. Samuels started his power point presentation . . .que'd up
how memory is formed, stored . . . in the brain . . .

this information is available
cross section of the human brain . . .see different layers of brain . . these poirtions referred as old brain, ,, , reptiles, birds, cats, human beings have same structures . . . emotions amgdyla . .. hippocampus means seahorse in Greek . . . . amygdala is emotions in the deep inside of the brian . . . hippocampus is where memory are stored . . we know that people with damage to that area are affected . . .people with alzheimers have shrunken hippocampus . . thus

hippocampus extremely sensitive to stress . . . when it is . . . .near miss accident or real tragdy . . . feel heart pound . . cold, clammy, stress on the brain . . first on amygdala then hippocampus . . .

can I refer to the article?
uh . . . lets talk about amygdala . . . .

when we sense danger . . . parasympathetic state to a sympathetic state . . . fight or flight to protect self (he forgot freeze .. . fight/flight/freeze - IMO)

glucose released the muscle groups get energized . . . muscle groups . .. . people have superhuman additional glucose and adrenaline in the body . . .

presence of adrenaline tends in shut this area down . . .brain is interested in shutting down because we are fight or flee from the scene . . .

chemical reactions from amygdala to hippocampus cannot be stopped

information in memory is not being retained . .. .

we know people in such settings do not remember . . . brain unable to process thru the hippocampus we are in survival . . that is it = it happens in all creatures.
he knew it would be difficult for her and he skirted around the issues . . . did not confront first couple of times . ..

She Lied to Nurmi . . . the Psychologist! . . . .
she was confronted by both to spill the beans . . .come clean and fess up. . . .
was she at the end of the hallway @ Universal????

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