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I have not yet been able to review all of these unedited tapes yet but from just the first couple, all I could think was - gosh, all JM has to do in closing statements is play all these videos for the jury - it sums it up what a sociopath Jodi is and her guilt for the butchering and death of Travis Alexander.

My second thought is - how very, very impressed I am with Detective Flores. At times like this (watching these tapes) I believe him to be as equally skillful as Juan Martinez - each playing out their specific role as honest, truthful men wanting to get an honest, truthful ending to this horrific tale of sex, jealously and death.
Day 37 part 3
Wilmott talking to the witness with her hands on her hip. I've never seen an attorney do that. What she's trying to be cutesie.
Re- watching testimony on hln Two things jumped out at me. First I've always thought jodi used two weapons to convince police it was two killers. Her first phone conversation with Det. Flores she gushes on about how strong Travis was and "IF" he was attacked it would have had to be two people. Second re-watching Det. Flores interview jodi says the masked intruder cuts her finger and that explains her blood being there. No mention of being kicked by Travis. I don't remember JM bringing that up. Third (I have trouble with math) Darrel said folks from the LDS church came out before jodi went to convention and she mouthed "after" in court. She's a master manipulator from day one.
hello could someone please give me a link to the live streaming thank you in advance
4/2/2013 testimony . . .

May 2007 to June 2007 - ALV said JA and TA were still in a relationship and still a couple. ALV reviewed JA's journals and emails. . . . June 5, 2007 diary entry -

ALV discusses JA writing about TA experience and his testimony about eternal fathers and his own father . . .what it meant to JA for someone so strong and jovial that it touched her heart that he was so sweet - touched her spiritually and she realized she was deeply in love with TA.

she have any misgivings? . . . impressions she has begun to feel suspicious - tA has been flirtatious with other women and there have been times he did not introduce her to other females . . . .

what are your impressions TA make her feel better . .. both feel lucky to be with each other . . . she thinks that really great.

significance of this particular writing - she is feeling insecure and she reassured . . . she is bonded spiritually . . . they are connected thru faith . . .spirituality.

another writing Jun 10 2007 journal writing . . . ALV recalls this journal writing . . . impressions? about time they go out for karoke - JA sings My Guy for TA . . . he likes it and appreciates her singing ability. . . . her using this talent to make an impression on TA and she feels special with TA . . . he has made her feel more special than anyone in her life. . . this is one example

significance: . . . feeling special is really important thing - we get into relationship - connecting place for relationship and further bonds together . . . .JA further bonded to TA

in June JA finds out TA was being unfaithful to her . . . JA became suspicious . . confessing she looked@ his text messages = numerous texts sexual in content - setting up future and previous rendezvous with other women . .. . they were planning a trip and she didn't want to ruin the trip so she didn't bring it up right away . . . she texted this other woman and said "Jodi cuddling with TA" . . .

June diary she is writing about suspicions . . . she looked @ texts on TA's cell. . . she wants to enjoy the trip and doesn't want to throw a monkey wrench into trip - she waits to confront him until after trip.

they enjoy trips - a strong point in their relationship . . .
June 24 JA writes journal entry - talks about Law of Attraction . . . her impression of God is that . . .. Heavenly Father wants her - objection . . .approach please

(note . . . Are these JA's words or ALV's summary words?)

Law of Attraction . . . think good things, talk good, write good things . . for good things to come into her life . . . she has to ignore things going on behind her back . .

ALV is familiar with Law of Attraction = she watched the Secret and another documentary film . . . Law of Attraction - energy you put out is what you bring back in . .. you have to go in the direction of that energy . . if you think good thoughts good things will happen. . . ALV finds this a bit extreme . . . .

it negates in some ways that she is just a human being . . .the way JA is taking it . . she doesn't have to be affected of any negative thing goin on around her . .it negates one human being to another . . you can create what you feel, talk, write down

if TA is being unfaithful to her does she need to ignore that? . . she needs to focus on the outcome instead of what is happening right now . . .can this be a problem? . . oh year big problem - you can't change someone else just by positive thinking . . if you dont' want to change no one can change you.

what happens on the trip when they are together? . . .bonding experience, connected . . .together. . . at the end of the trip JA brings up what he has found and they "allegedly" break up . . . they continue to see each other it is just more secretive now . .. TA gives her gifts . . .they continue contact with each other.

JA said she broke up with TA end of June -but continued regular contact . .. TA continued to call her . . . hearsay - overruled

TA called her and they continued to see each other.

into July 2007 - allegedly they broke up . . . from the time they started (they met) they were living in separate states - after they broke up what was TA doing? . . . they were in contact with each other . .. . JA ended up moving to Mesa in July 2007 . . . they are not living together . .. same city though.

July 25,2007 journal entry


It has to do it trust . . JA is saying they violate each others trust - she violates in lookin @ his text messages .. . he violates by cheating. . . . lack of trust and lack foundation for trust and TA is providing no reason for trust . . she is worried about someone she loves is distrustful . . . .JAfeels stupid and blind in this situation . . . .

shortly after she just moved to Mesa . . . significance = she is feeling very insecure in this relationship - she has not ended the relations but is still in it . . . .she can not check his texts but she doesn't trust him to not cheat . . . . see this often with victims blame selves for not doing anything about the problem

the Law of Attraction collides with self-blame . . . much easier to think you can change things by thinking and feeling them . . . she feels she is to blame

what did Ja learn that weekend about him? . . . he was priesthood holder - stresses family values in LDS church, he was a major player in PPL - invited to executive directors banquet . . . he was persistent . . . financial stability (ie: PPL E.D.) . . . TA portrayed himself to others as being financial stable.

#568 - email dated July 27, 2007
from Sky Hughes to tA . . . .impression of subject matter . . . her apology for not being able o loan TA $4K . . . . she able to give him some money? . . . .objection X2 . . . relevance? . . . approach

Baseball game . . . . JA attended or going to attend a game with some friends happened to be on TA's birthday . . he called her and asked her to . . .

after TA has a converstion with JA while walking toward the stadium . . . subject matter of conversation . . .why she hasn't planned anything to do with . .. to spend time with him on his birthday . . . .

had they made prior plans to his bday? no they have not . ..
diamond backs game

is he guilting her?
yes - he leaves but she asks him take her with - he refuses - her girlfriend takes her all way backto Mesa and she bakes him a cake and spends night with him

use of guilt, control, manipulate her into doing what he wants her to do . . they are not a couple in relationship and he is making demands on her as if they were in a relationship.

object = demands

more subtle demands not you are to be here . . . subtle . . . use of manipulation and emotion - subtle it is not as direct.

JA decides to go back and spend evening with TA . . isn't that her fault/ . .. there is power difference - she cares more about the relationship than he does. . . people who care more have less power in relationship.

JA cares more about relationship than TA . . . . power differential . .. .seen this many times in work and ALV has lots of friends.

power differential = start out in abusive relationship . . . .a difference in power. . person with less power in relationship often don't feel they have a choice . . .they want smething and feel they have to go extra mile to get it . . .don't often feel they have choice - more focused on moving relationship closer together than making own choices. . . . the relationship they want is driving this
Journal entry Aug 2, 2007 . . . .Wilmott and ALV on the stand

JA greatly loves TA when she is relying on his potential for greatness, hanging onto that - she loves him - wishes she didn't but she does . . . certainly speaks of hopefulness. . . on the DV continuum . . . the hope of seeing things better

she is doing what a lot people do . . . look back @ beginning relationship all the positive things and it can be that way in the future.

JA walked inand saw him on the couch with another women and JA left. . . they had "allegedly" broken up . . .. journal entry indicates they were still carrying on as if they had a relationship.

JA talks to TA the next day - he gets upset and he says he wants to F'ing . .


Willmot asked if TA threatened to commit suicide?
not sure of that . . . he was very upset with himself .. . he was hitting his head on the wall . . up against the door banging head repeatedly . . .. JA witnessed this. . . .

JA goes upstairs after seeing this . .. she tries to calm him down, it was ok to date other people but she wanted to know about it . . JA wanted him to tell her about it - appeared to calm him down

JA talks about empathy . . . she felt bad because he felt so bad . . . .this is empathy per ALV . . . .one partner empathizes with the other it is necessary for realationshps . .

JA is empathizing and calm him down an tell him it is ok . . . empathy is incredible pull for some people to stay - you are connecting with their pain . . . .women in shelters often over empathized with their partners and kept them in relationship.

Another entry . . .subject matter is suspicious of him when he acts kind . . the behaviors is more harsh, cruel, critical, and mean is becoming more commonplace in the relationship. . . . she received a nice text message from him and that was becoming uncommon. . .. triggered other thoughts

JA becoming numb about way she feels about him . . . not good for them spiritual or emotional - big warning signs saying wrongway . . . for this relationship . . .but she s not ready to leave . . . even though sh thinks not going in right direction but wants things the way they were . . . she is not ready t leave.

it isn't good for them but not ready to do anything about it . . .very common in abusive relationship. . . . they stay until they get to place where they fear significant harm . . . it differs for everyone

over the years they had some good times . . . she is talking aobut wanting good timesback . . . .intermittent reinforcement or variable reinforcement . . . . old psych terms . . . every time you press bar you get candy . . . . but if don't know when it will come they will continue to press bar . . . over and over hoping to get the reward from the partner.

Aug. 13, 2007 - moved to Mesa in July . . . timing of the more harsh, cruel words. . . .they didn't live in same state for almost a year - progression harsh put-downs are now escalating regularly . . . . since the month she lived there.

Journal entry Aug 17, 2007 = sexual experience . . . .TA gave her a compliment . . . . it is first time they have consensual vaginal sex . . . . particular to her body . . . her body being built for sex . . . she takes that as compliment because he thinks she is sexy . . .

does he leave after the sexual contact . . . . not sure . . . .oh yes he does leave.

talk about her feelings about this experience . . .yes
basically she doesn't feel ashamed, used or guilty because of the compliment . . . .emotionally and physically great just feels good - compliment about who she is .. . .

she doesn't feel ashamed or guilty . . . she even mentions that sh doesn't feel that way - rationalization .. . taking something we have done we don't like and make it viable for us so we can live with ourselves- rationalization is most common defense mechanism . . .. all human beings do it . . . not supposed to say all humans . . . way to cope

vaginal sex in their relationship - given their religion - she would have felt guilty . . .this was the area she set limits - the greatest sin . . . she is culpable. . . when you know you have crossed the line - you have become part of the deception . . . .TA and she crossed the line spiritually - her spirit mentor crossed line into sin . . . she feels culpable . . . biggest sin in terms of chastity . . .they are bound in this lie together.

she doesn't feel great . . . not ggood about self on regular basis - so this sexual contact with TA makes her feel good - based upon compliment and how he treated her @ time of journal entry.

did JA ever speak to anyone else about sexual contact? . . . yes she did spoke to friend Rachel . . . test waters told Rachel they had oral sex . . .. Rachel tells her go to Bishop right away so does TA .. . . they have crossed the lines.

tA doesn't agree to go to Bishop - he indicates he has been in trouble for this before. TA does not want to go to Bishop with JA.

JA reaches out to a friend for advice and then doesn't take the advise . . . doesn't go to Bishop . . .. now feels Rachel is someone she cannot talk to about this . . . binds them together in deception because of TA talks about being virgin . . . ruins his reputation and hurts hers too if she goes to Bishop.

Women in shelter emotional or physical abuse where women don't want to tell others because of partners reputation, career, status in community, being seen as less than . . . most womenwere very cautious . . .. didn't matterif they had money economically, status or not.

they have a secret between the 2 of them . . . it's our secret that oppresses (in AA) .. . secrets don't feel have ability to talk to other people . . . .in her journal she is writing .

does she say they had vaginal sex in the journal?
details about what going on?
no she is not

Aug 26 ,2007 - journal entry #510
she is glad no one reads this journal because she loves TA . . . she loves him but it is not always what she wishes . . . 2 separate experiences, . . . makes feel sick, happy, sad, uplifted beautiful . . . .backand forth best and worst . ..

she shouldn't word it as if he is doing that . . .part of Law of Attraction . . . if sh thinks and acts more positive she will be more positive despite what going on . . . she has popwer to change TA? . . . she has power to change her own life . . . if she thinks and feels different she will . .

she loves him . . .she feels sad . . wishes she could die . . . feeling very bad (I am feeling bipolar just typing all of this)

she can't reconcile this very easy . . . .
see self blame?
sure . . . she is talking about able to change things but not doing it . . she blames self for not being more effective.

basically unable to get out relationship - she is not ready - she is feeling so down . . . bu not ready to leave?

many women feel down but not ready to leave . . . one psych nurse ALV worked with was told she had to get help because sh was more down than the people who were locked down . . . .

she was isolated from family and friends . . . only resource was person abusing her.
If you have supportive friends and family you don't want them think you have a bad person in relationship . . .. they often push you to leave .. .

TA doesn't like Rachel based on conversation going to Bishop? . . . not sure but suspect. sometime after 8/17/2007 when they first had consensual vaginal sex is when she spoke to TA about going to Bishop

Another entry . .. sexy pictres not naked ones . . . tA wants to drool over them all day . . . 9/11/07 . . . they were allegedly broken up but still carrying on relations with JA and also had relations with Lisa Andrews . . . . he is able to manage not being truthful to several women @ a time.

JA didn't have knowledge of this particular woman . . . . importance of this email? . . . there is at this point JA . . Lisa Andrews who are in active relationship with TA and he is also trying toencourage another relationship with someone else.

Speak to infidelity?
very much also speaks to.


chronic infidelity considered abuse? . . . yes ... chronic abuse . . . partner is living in fear of relationship ending, not getting attention they did, dealing with guilt of person who is cheating .. . . seeds of anger

guilt - feel pain in someones eyes . . . . externalize the blame . . . .blame you for making me feel guilty . . . . guilt trip . . . to get off guilt trip you have to stop doing the things you feel guilty about . . . .psychological, physical and emotional abuse.

9/13/07 - journal entry . . . ALV hasn't seen this journal entry . . . .

says Sept 9th . . . go to the 13th journal entry - when they went to Havasuipai (sic)

Trip that TA takes w/Daniel Freeman and his sister . . . negative impact . . . something happen @ beginning of trip ... yes

take away from reading the journal?
approach please
From 4/3 court trial .. . .

JA is in the courtroom . . . wearing light blue long sleeve button down collared shirt. . . . Wilmott is checking her cellphone . . .Judge looks a little stern today - directs ALV to take the stand . . . JA pouring water for herself . . .

Wilmot has a huge stack of papers in binder clip with multiple sticky notes.

JA appears to be looking @ each juror . . . made a face just before sitting

ALV on the stand . . .

ended yesterday Oct 2007 - inkling JA was beginning to pull away . . .

Oct. 29, 2007 - journal entry #579 exhibit

JS is drinking water and tounging her teeth . . . pressing lips together.

Wilmot asks ALV this journal entry. . .

TA is looking @ her journal and wanting her rip out page where she gets specific about what he calls her and said to her . . . words can hurt and take a long time to heal . . . JAa talking about emotional abuse.

Wilmot shows actual journal . . . there are pages torn out of journal prior to Oct 2007

a journal entry from Aug 26? 2007 - 1/2 pg was torn out - ALV saw it yesterday.

JA goes along with law of attraction . . . .. basic thinking isolate JA from writing in her journal . . . she wrote diary since she was child . . . . TA restricts what she wrote - further isolates her.

This is TA power and control . . . . law of attraction was introduced to JA and fits with ppl but allows TA more power over JA

lack of details in JA's journal . . . not a good thing for JA to write thse things in her journal . . . he read her journals . . . her not writing these hateful things down . . .law of attraction keep positive.

November 1, 2007 . . .exhibit #58?

they made up he came over to her house for a couple of nights . . he snuck in after the room mate . . object -hearsay ..

basically making up together -he comes to the house she basically says he gives her a treat and she gives him one . . . assuming means they were sexual . . . JA talking about TA positive . . . . a couple of nights he was being good to her.

cycle . . . tension building, incident, and loving respite . . . something happens unacceptable and then there is forgiveness . . .

secret of their relationship . . .in journal says her roommates are asleep when tA comes over.

Nov 5, 2007 . . exhibit #581 . . . he's apologizing (objection ) . . hearsay . . X2 asks to approach

Nov 5, 2007 journal entry .. . .

journal entries, text messages, etc to help ALV come up with an opinion of TA and JA

harsh words between JA an TA - he wanted forgiveness for that - JA willingness to forgive despite fact she was hurt by these words - hard time forgetting them and not write them down and keep her word to TA not write those things in her journal

rely on this journal entry to form opinion . . . . JA giving TA empathy . .. . important reasons people stay in abusive relationships . . . .empathize with their childhood, their troubles.

Dec 4, 2007 - journal entry . . . subject matter important to your ultimate opinion?
hiding a relationship - preserving image of sexual purity . . . .JA picking TA up from airport visiting his Grandma who was ill . . . .sneak back into house while Gma was asleep and leaving prior to Gma waking up @ TA's request . . . . the alarm was set so she would be able to leave.

important in assssing relationship? .. . consistent with report @ least one other woman with the same experience - image of purity by TA by being a virgin . . . minimize importance of someone in the relationship - this person is not acknowledged and hidden - not introduced to public . . . . @ gma's house this happened with another woman as well.
Christmas 2007 - JA in Yreka w/family . . . . she called TA excited and ask him to call back . . . he doesn't call . . . she needs to remember this - can't write it in journal but this is one thing he does to upset her.

He purchases nice gifts for her Xmas - hymnal with her name in gold letters, calendar of 1000 places (important to their relationship) . .. sweater - even though he has very little money

she is starting to pull back - very much involved in relationship. Crossing bottom lines . . . with battered women in shelter and private practice . . . they impune their own integrity every time they cross their own bottom lines.

one woman she worked with very successful in own business took her over 1 year to share with ALV what happened . . . .ashamed, felt stuck, . . . . this woman married in 30's successful in their own business . . .had a cat who was her baby . . . . her husband threw cat across the room . . . he would never do that again . . stressed ut and having a bad day.

over time this woman lost who she was . . come hom and food dish was empty - never happened whn she was single . . one day cat's paw's cut . . . . said dropped glass . . . one day he took her cat away and never saw cat again.

for every dv relationship . . . their bottom line is compromised .. . they look like incest survivors in taking the blame (JA is attempting to fake tears? - IMO)

sexual intimacy and keep doing it - not because you want to but that is what keep relationship . .. but not what you want you still do it - we lose part owho we are . . .it is gradual . .. throw frog in pot boiling water . . . frog jump out . .. put frog in water and turn heat to boil - the frog will boil as it is gradual.

People sexual compromise act like incest survivors - blame self for abuse directed @ them . . . even when they are adults . . . . .they look @ it with adult lens. . .. people don't wan to talk about sex relations in public venue.

text messages between JA an TA reviewed by ALV

exhibit #440

group of text messages between the 2 . . . start end of 2007? . . .. actually start 2006 . . .til June 2008 . . .

text messages in beginning of Jan . . . TA text and saying I love you Jodi. . . objection

nice loving emails . . . TA starts them . . . JA is responding . .. . significant about them?
they have good times in their relationship -it is not just a blemish . . . good periods of time and caring, show love,ability to connect - normal positive periods of time in the relationship. .

act like a couple? . . .yes they do . . . talk about swap cars . . . normal part can we swap cars today . . . the normalcy of it . . .what people do in relationship . . . becomes important to see.

Jan 21, 2008 - time there is a 2nd physical aggressive act . . . . tell us about that incident?
objection - leading

Incident occurred on Jan 21st . . . JA spending time with TA . . . he had boxes out - he gave her something . . . she forgot to take object with her . . .drove away and came back . . .went up to his room and masturbating to pic of little boy . .. she freezes @ first . . . goes home - she throws up . . . calls from tA doesn't return them - goes to temple .

they have conversation later -he talks and she listens. . . she thinks about him as a little boy and his childhood . . . he tells her sex with women makes him feel more normal.

she goes back thinking about him as a child . . . .about empathy - he is privy and aware of what happened to him in childhood, feels for him as a child/little boy.

after conversation JA feels he needs help . . .. the next day she goesbck to his house - he wants to borrow $ from her . . . JA has no more money to loan - she has loaned $700 - they argued . . .. he throws her the floor . . . . he says that don't act like that hurts - he kicks her finger - her finger is broken . . . finger is crooked.. . . ALV didn't look @ her hand so she doesn't know .

TA leaves the room and goes somewhere other than where she goes . . . she is concerned - she is not scared according to the prosecution expert . . . . objection

made statements about not being scared . . . . I am not sure where he is going and I wonder if he is getting a weapon - that sounds like scared to ALV . .. . he comesback to the room and splints her finger.

ALV interview w/JM . . . . ALV said pictures were viewed on a computer . . . . JA never said pics were on a computer . . . ALV misspoke . . . .she is one of the few people who still does hard copies - young people do everything over the internet - that what she thought and misspoke.

not unusual - if you go to ER with an injury there is a mandatory report to the police - if they are injured from their partner the police are called .. .. not a lot of record of medical or police calls in DV cases. . . . when eople intend to stay together - they don't call - protective of the other - victims of either gender.

police reports - did JA notify LEO about broken finger? no she did not
people don't want to involve police . .. embarrassment and reputation protection . . . job hinges on police records. . . . . every state and county is different - there is generally a law but policy can differ from county to county.

TA is leader in community, priesthoodholder in temple, gives him a lot to lose - reputation and his job in PPL many people are Mormon . . . . victims of DV you do not want to destroy reputation of the other person.

he kicked her - she put her hand out and finger broken.

conflict tactic scale . . . . mild aggression to severe aggression . . mild acts - hitting, pushing, grabbing, restraining, . . .. . during the first incident between JA and TA . . . . mild act . . ALV doesn't feel this was a mild act - she differs from this scale.

severe acts . .. punching, choking, hair pulling, kicking, use weapon.

ALV disagree with mild acts of aggression . . .there is nothing about psychological abuse n the conflict scale. . .

in research asks have youever done anything . . . if say yes you are put in the aggressive group . . . no one asks why they did it . . . hit because self protection? fear? . . going thru stress . . .

add emotional/psychological abuse to mild acts . . . cause fear? . . . psychological abuse tears away your character . . . question own . . . .. mood of the relationship . . .. add physical abuse you add layers of fear . . . other kinds in the relationship.

he kicks her . . . escalation 3 months . . . . mild to more severe act of aggression . . . escalate intensity . . . relatively short period of time . . . 3 months . . . .her perspective as an expert 3 months not very long.

First incient and 2nd incident frequency . . . . kicking is severe on conflict tactic scale - intensity increasing . . . . prior to that emotional abuse going on.

starts subtle and most people don't realize it . . .starts name calling "*advertiser censored*" making that a joke . . . that alone supports abusive relationship? no . . ..

looking specifically @ JA and TA relationship and supportive messages from other women - you see a pattern of abuse - name calling, putting down of someone's values . . . . less long and less intense than TA and JA relationship.

escalate guilt coming from TA . . . he is just caught day before masturbating to pic of little boy . . . next day he asks money and he kicks her . . . . generally he would feel more guilty.

when person has guilt . . . . anytime you do soething to hurt partner physical, or psychological - you really feel guilty . . . Men will talk about how scared they are - worry about partner leaving . . . any aggressive act is eviencwe the victim has more reason to leave . .. fear goes up but guilt goes up to in the abusive person.

when someone feels guiltier - and look in person's eyes they have hurt - triggers more rage . . . . .fear makes someone more dangerous . .. fear of loss . .. human fear gets exaggerated in those relationship.

fear of loss - tends to be more controlling behaviors

JA starts to pull away from relationship - little bits . . . .contribute to TA's fear of loss.

Late Jan 2008 - characterize their relationship @ this time?
A domestically abusive relationship . . .. based upon everything we were just talking about.
frequency and escalation of abusive behaviors . . . adapt and adopt behaviors to ameliorate the tension in the relationship . . . . victims make behavioral changes . . . . psychological abuse relates to loss to self esteem . . . . more psychological abuse in relationship it creates a mood even when no physical violence going on there is that mood going on . .. . women try to change their behaviors = preventative behaviors.

escalate frequency and intensity . . .. still good times . . . glue holds them together - learned hopefulness . . . .

text messages between JA and TA in early Feb . . .2/8/08 #440
thru 2/14/08

Relationship going well . . . normalcy period of nice and feels good -connection after the incident . . . .
on 2/10 - TA doing anything make her feel special? . . . he sang to her . . . . planning something for her . . . .he has a special place to take her . . . Super Saturday meeting . . . place he knows terrific for her - knock her socks off - he knows she will like this . . . he sings to her . . .

bring her back and him back into relationship - bonding - part of the character - someone who is abusive isn't just abusive - they have wonderful traits as well . . . people lov and appreciate and want to spend time with them.

2/15/08 - JA still living in Mesa . . . subject matter important to final opinion relationhip?

JA is starting an Lds linkup account - she is starting to meet other men . . . .single Mormons to meet each other.

feeling special because TA's text messages - taking her to surprise place and makes he rfeel good - he is having financial trouble so she doesn't know if they are going .. she is pulling away a little more, independent. . . .

in 2008 her first goal was to get married- doesn't look like that will happen in their relationship . . . . inkling in Oct where she realizes something not right . . .behaviors are important - because they take action . . .

string of text messages - what JA doing important . . . . she is driving to spend time with TA on drive back he is upset - she not answer phone and respond to texts . . . . she has to tell him phone not working well she is singing - didn'thear phone . . . . there are a number of texts of why she missed his call - she apologizes . . . .

on the ride back she wants to take pics of Hoover Dam . . . she is photographer - she is giving up something she wants to do to get back to him sooner . . . .end of feb 2008 - she has to justify if she doesn't respond to him quickly . . .he needs quick response and she must explain why she can't . . . seems like controlling behaviors to ALV.

is JA ever abusive in any way to him? . . . no she is de-escalating, explaining and trying to comfort him . ..

social media portray victims are always backing dow and perfect angels and perps are always violent . . . victims of DV are able to get angry . . . anger can be byproduct of vicitmizaton = anger doesn't tend to have a real long period . . .. anger peaks and comes down.

2/26/08 journal entry.

Her drive back from Las Vegas . ..her wanting to spend time with TA . . . important when they got together - mood is he is tender, sweet, loving, really good close sexual experience - tender experience .. .bonding part of relationship . . .sex is powerful emotion -powerful pull in relationship - sex is tender people feel good.

sweet and tender because relationship comin to end . . . TA wants relations with women named Mimi . . . JA happy for him - she feels she has unconditional love for him - further evidence of her moving on? . . .seems to be - she is able to let go a bit - he could be happy and feel good in another relationship.

spontaneous trip to Las Vegas instead of spending time @pizza place?.. . she cancelled or rescheduled . . . .objection - sustained.

pg 771 . . .

JA excited about meeting Sam Schultz - Vegas trip . . . TA wants her to come back a day early and she doesn't . . .she stays extra time despite TA wants her tocome back = she is setting limit - doing what she wants to do . . . a little steel in her backbone - setting boundaries . . . . vs. diamond backs game on TA's birthday where she has friend drive her all the wayback . . . .important she is able to say no and further breaking away from him . . . starting to be able to pull away and interestedin someone else.

TA interested in Mimi - talk often about wanting TA to be happy - build a relationship with Mimi and JA doesn't want to be the person to get in the way . . . no seeds of jealousy coming from JA . . . .unconditional love for TA . . . . she also does not talk about jealousy . . . not in text messages or IM's or communication that ALV has reviewed.

end Feb .2008 . . . she is still in Mesa . . . 2/29/07 - review communications between JA and TA . . . TA gets choked up about JA wanting him to be happy . . . he is touched . . . .TA talks about he has had more memorable experiences with JA than anyone else in his life - they will be immortalized forever - relationship special .. . JA will feel special by having this attention . . . he says these things as JA is pulling more and more away from him.

on 3/2/07 - there was a 3rd violent incident . . . objection hearsay X3
approach please

He was upset and slapped JA across the face . . . she was upset and asked her Mom to come help her move . . . they don't talk about it much . . . this incident took place in his car . .. she is moving back to Yreka - important step . . he gets so upset he hits her . . .

happening when they are in a car . . . how does this end up . . . he is able to calm down and kisses her tenderly . ..

journal article 3/2/08 - tax seminar . . . ended up not going . . . . she plans to move back to Yreka and not attend PPL events anymore . . . she is attempting to break away from him - behavioral steps . . . .

(sorry - have to take dog out)
shorter period of time between incidents - before there was 3 months and now about a month goes by . . . you don't have to have frequent incidents of violence to be traumatized . . . have perpetrator look @ something that happened long time ago and how long term effects - could have happened 20or 30 years ago . . .

Jan violent incident and another in Mar . . . . rare that 3 times a week . . . smallest percentage of people . . . violence that often is most extreme regard physical violence . . . emotional violence are not counted as they become a mood and generalized feeling . . . tangible acts are easier to describe . . . . Ican say I was slapped on this day - easier to talk about and easier for others to understand . . people are talking more and more about verbal abuse - very recent.

people who are sophisiticated enough to not do physical abuse due to being arrested but using more psychological abuse - some perps can be very good @ that.

Journal entry Mar 13, 2008 - (JA wiping a tear?) . . .

talking about a trip they take . . . to the Carlsbad Caverns . . . they have a positive experience with each other - travel and see remarkable things . . . go to Roswell ufo museum . . .another connected experience -it will be hard for JA she will miss it when goes back to Yreka . . . she is not taking back her decision to move . . . .but talking very positively about TA and how much she will miss him . . .

they just can't behave when theyare physically together - sexually . . . flesh is weak . . . sexual contact physically impossible for them to behave - affirming how great he is. . . .

she wants TA to be happy with Mimi . . . .Wilmott directs ALV to pg .793 bottom . . . TA worried about getting married . . .concern he wants tobe with Mimi Hall and wants him to be happy.

text 3/17/08 - between tA and JA . . time is 9:18 . . . .ALV reviewing texts

is there a point there are talking about what great trip they had - very loving with each other . . . calling each other sweetheart . . objection hearsay . . . loving names.

journal entry 3/13 and few days later - discussing tripthey took - what type period in relationship . . . loving respite - loving period of time . . . it appears they are connected and close with each other . . . .

3/13 any evidence of seeds of jealousy coming from JA re: Mimi Hall .. . or him seeing othr people? . . . no evidence of jealousy from JA inany text message ALV read.

Wilmott asks to approach

Witness is ill and cannot continue today . . court is cancelled for the rest of the day.

(Did ALV barf in the courtroom too?)

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