**Graphic and adult content**Jodia Arias Trial Discussion #7

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Agreed, but younger people don't seem to value their privacy nowadays. I won't even have a facebook or Myspace page because I refuse to post personal info on the internet.
Respectfully though I am just a few months older than Travis would be now. I don't know my husband's ATM pin # and he doesn't know my online passwords.
We both use facebook and actually met via Myspace but we're both selective about what we put online too.

There are people who will post their every action for the world to see - and then there are people who want others just to know generalities. Travis seemed to be the latter. JMO
Defense is trying to make the point that JA could have been leaving a message and rerecording it over and over...
You're right nothing this woman does should be a shock after seeing/hearing what she did to Travis BUT after he is dead, after he is gone and can't see another woman, after she knows he won't be whooping it up in Cancun, after all that she still wants to keeps tabs on him thru his phone mail. The level of obsession is what blows me away.

Points even more to her psychosis and obsession, to me.
I think Jodi might be relishing the fact that this "Other woman" who he was taking to Cancun might be calling. it's also a way for her to keep tabs on discovery of body ,or to nose in on what is going on (People calling to ask where he is)
Regarding the record in front of him-

He called her 2 times.

She called him 14.
IMO Travis was just as much into that toxic relationship as she was.That's where my opinion differs from most of you guys.That's what enraged her and made her obsessiveness
even worse IMO.He called her twice in the middle of the night and they talked for a long time (sex tlk IMO) when she calls however he does not pick up.
Two calls total from him to her.... 14 calls from her to him.
Does anyone know the scope of time (dates) this set of phone records covers?
How sick! listening to his voicemails after murdering him.

This is my first ever trial, I have never watched one live or in full before. It's addictive! I have literally gotten nothing done

Welcome to WS's LOL You will learn the tricks when watching a trial. You do as much housework prior to Court. Always have a can of Febreeze so the house smells great. Oh and find your crock pot recipes. I tend to drag out a drawer I've been meaning to sort thru. Presto you have accomplished much LOL
Respectfully though I am just a few months older than Travis would be now. I don't know my husband's ATM pin # and he doesn't know my online passwords.
We both use facebook and actually met via Myspace but we're both selective about what we put online too.

There are people who will post their every action for the world to see - and then there are people who want others just to know generalities. Travis seemed to be the latter. JMO

Yea, Im the same age as Travis would be, and my hubs and I have been together for 12 years. I dont know his pin #'s or passwords. And he doesnt know mine. I have facebook, he HATES facebook.

Its VERY strange to me that she would have all these pin #'s after only 4 month TOTAL of dating..... :waitasec:
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ohhhhhhh come on this is boring...nomnom nom
It takes all these building blocks to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and get justice for Travis and all those who love him. I don't mind not being entertained as long as a guilty verdict comes back. JMO
Bet defense claims TA may have had a pre paid phone also. Those calls couldn't be pulled up could they?
Witness is looking over records to see if Travis made any calls after June 4th, after he was dead.
Respectfully though I am just a few months older than Travis would be now. I don't know my husband's ATM pin # and he doesn't know my online passwords.
We both use facebook and actually met via Myspace but we're both selective about what we put online too.

There are people who will post their every action for the world to see - and then there are people who want others just to know generalities. Travis seemed to be the latter. JMO

I'm younger than Travis would be now, and I agree with you. My generation posts a lot of dribble online, but I've never known passwords or access codes for anyone I dated, and they never knew mine. My husband and I know a lot of each other's passwords, but that's what happens when you share kids and household accounts for years....not 5 months of dating.
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