Graphic Photos/ Day 6 The Garotte, The Cord, and Paint brush/12 Days of JonBenet

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Plus Patsy and Burke would not be physically stronge enough to break the paintbrush.

But I don't think it was a coverup. I think John killed JB to prevent her from reporting PREVIOUS sexual abuse; framed Patsy, and probably convinced Patsy that Burke had done it by accident.

That's what I think.

Plus Patsy and Burke would not be physically stronge enough to break the paintbrush.
Nothing to prevent Patsy or Burke placing the paintbrush against the basement wall and stepping on it, thereby snapping it, shards were found in a location consistent with such a scenario.

First venture into theoretical posting...please be kind! :)

I have been PDI since the initial murder, as soon as I saw Patsy say "we feel there are at least two people who know" and "we don't know if it's a he or a she..."

Lately I've been more and more willing to consider BDI...the one thing that I cannot believe is that Burke would ever have been handed over to the Whites so easily and early. Whether admonished to keep quiet or not, they would have HAD to be more possessive of his person if he had done it and could even remotely think of telling anyone. For that reason I can't turn BDI.

My thoughts (just musings, and MOO) about the murder and staging:

1) is it possible that PR was the one who planted the idea of a secret visit from Santa after Christmas in JB's mind, so that she could wrap and stash gifts in the WC and lure JB to the basement where Santa may have "just visited?" Using the flashlight because "it's a secret" and perhaps even having left out pineapple and tea earlier, for "Santa?"

2. Is it possible that PR planned to kill JB much earlier, had already written most of the RN tucked away in middle pages of her pad, and had already planned to cast it as a kidnapping and to blame any and every possible person she could in the note? I feel (MOO) that the last, more desperate and personal part of the RN was added after the murder, as both a warning and a plea to JR to remove the body so her staged kidnapping could proceed as she planned. This is why the note gets mean, threatening, and has a much different tone than the almost comically derivative content of the (earlier-penned) part of the note?

3) Having lived with a mother who was never abusive, but never really present either, who was still childlike in her worldview due to terrible sexual, verbal, and physical abuse in her childhood, and who lived a rich fantasy life of religion to the point where she begged Jesus to give her physical stigmata, and gave up her bedroom to sleep in a 4 foot wide hallway closet....I can say that just from what I've studied about PR, the possibility of near-psychotic religious delusion is very, very real as I see it. Might PR have sacrificed JBR, not as an angel to help PR in the afterlife, but as an offering to God to KEEP PR FROM DYING?

I mean...she firmly believed her cancer being cured was divine intervention. She appears to have been seeing signs everywhere leading up to Christmas, from the choice of purple to the MyTwinn "corpse" in its box, etc. I personally, knowing a similar psyche given to signs, believe she saw these as God sending an instruction and a confirmation of the course beforehand...not as "looking back" realizations. (MOO).

4) Is it possible that, in the grip of believing God demanded a sacrifice, (as both atonement for her own abuse (MOO) of JBR, and as a trade for continued survival) that there was a "God complex" in which PR saw herself as sacrificing her only child who WAS ALSO HERSELF, two persons in one "God," as it were, and set JBR up to act as a Jesus figure in this metaphor? I know it sounds crazy and I think of BrotherMoon and others who've been banned over such ideas...but I just can't shake what I feel might be a very real possibility. PR did say that she believed JBR's death would save many people, or something like that, and that JBR had been special, or had been meant for a larger purpose, or something similar, didn't she? I can't recall the actual quotes, so MOO.

Lastly for now, I believe (MOO) that PDI, by herself, with RN pre-readied, then proceeded to finish the RN as instructions for what exactly "is up to you now, John...," that she may have tried to convince JR it had been BR, until BR appeared during the 911 call (or perhaps had ventured into the basement for his toy and had seen what had been done to JBR?) at which point there was no removing the body as she'd hoped JR would, so both JR and PR completed the staging.

This would explain why BR knew there was a knife at the CS (put there to convince JR it was BR???), why he was allowed to leave (they may have convinced him it was a real RN left by an intruder), and why JAR insisted on "forgiveness..." If everyone thought it had been BR, this would all make sense.

I realize there are flaws with some of this thinking, and I claim no expertise or special knowledge. I am just wanting thoughts on my thoughts to help me decide further thoughts. Lol.

Toward the "JBR as Jesus" scenario:

JBR dressed all in white, wrapped like a shroud in a white blanket, strands of green garland (crown?) in her hair, placed in a remote concrete tomb. Wearing a shirt with a star on it (star led the 3 wise men to Jesus...)

Extra length of cord between wrists...could she have been posed in a crucifixion pose? Not necessarily hanging, even flat on the ground (her arms above her head).
The Lazarus reference the minute PR saw the body. Lazarus was revived after 4 days, Jesus on the third day. Depending on TOD (or intended day of death), PR's birthday was either 3 or 4 days later.
I keep thinking of the story of "the binding of Isaac," in which Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son under direct orders from God, only to be stopped at the last minute. This story involved binding to an altar and the raising of a knife.

One more RN observation: in mentioning every possible decoy to throw suspicion off the RN writer (foreign faction, business associations, leaving it on the spiral stairs a la LHP), the note also states "we will call you between 8 and 10..." what else was "between 8 and 10?" Burke.

Okay. I have spit some of this out. Please be gentle, kind. Etc. I love this forum. I am open-minded and friendly to ideas. I like to think I might open up some new ways of looking at possibilities, but I realize it's more likely that I will be seen as an inventor of figments. I live with my own mental illnesses, though nothing violent or psychotic. Don't need meds but do have some personal background for the concepts I outline. They DO sound crazy, but I have seen them play out in lesser ways in those I love.

ALL OF THE ABOVE IS MOO, and more brainstorming fruit than opinion.
Forgot the following.

The ONLY R who faced an imminent "intervention" with respect to JBR was PR. Motivation, IMOO, was hers more than anyone else's.

In my "Jesus" scenario (and on its own!) my belief is that S.B.T.C stood for "Saved By the Child." Not just the killer. But the whole world, in the killer's mind.
First venture into theoretical posting...please be kind! :)

I have been PDI since the initial murder, as soon as I saw Patsy say "we feel there are at least two people who know" and "we don't know if it's a he or a she..."

Lately I've been more and more willing to consider BDI...the one thing that I cannot believe is that Burke would ever have been handed over to the Whites so easily and early. Whether admonished to keep quiet or not, they would have HAD to be more possessive of his person if he had done it and could even remotely think of telling anyone. For that reason I can't turn BDI.

My thoughts (just musings, and MOO) about the murder and staging:

1) is it possible that PR was the one who planted the idea of a secret visit from Santa after Christmas in JB's mind, so that she could wrap and stash gifts in the WC and lure JB to the basement where Santa may have "just visited?" Using the flashlight because "it's a secret" and perhaps even having left out pineapple and tea earlier, for "Santa?"

2. Is it possible that PR planned to kill JB much earlier, had already written most of the RN tucked away in middle pages of her pad, and had already planned to cast it as a kidnapping and to blame any and every possible person she could in the note? I feel (MOO) that the last, more desperate and personal part of the RN was added after the murder, as both a warning and a plea to JR to remove the body so her staged kidnapping could proceed as she planned. This is why the note gets mean, threatening, and has a much different tone than the almost comically derivative content of the (earlier-penned) part of the note?

3) Having lived with a mother who was never abusive, but never really present either, who was still childlike in her worldview due to terrible sexual, verbal, and physical abuse in her childhood, and who lived a rich fantasy life of religion to the point where she begged Jesus to give her physical stigmata, and gave up her bedroom to sleep in a 4 foot wide hallway closet....I can say that just from what I've studied about PR, the possibility of near-psychotic religious delusion is very, very real as I see it. Might PR have sacrificed JBR, not as an angel to help PR in the afterlife, but as an offering to God to KEEP PR FROM DYING?

I mean...she firmly believed her cancer being cured was divine intervention. She appears to have been seeing signs everywhere leading up to Christmas, from the choice of purple to the MyTwinn "corpse" in its box, etc. I personally, knowing a similar psyche given to signs, believe she saw these as God sending an instruction and a confirmation of the course beforehand...not as "looking back" realizations. (MOO).

4) Is it possible that, in the grip of believing God demanded a sacrifice, (as both atonement for her own abuse (MOO) of JBR, and as a trade for continued survival) that there was a "God complex" in which PR saw herself as sacrificing her only child who WAS ALSO HERSELF, two persons in one "God," as it were, and set JBR up to act as a Jesus figure in this metaphor? I know it sounds crazy and I think of BrotherMoon and others who've been banned over such ideas...but I just can't shake what I feel might be a very real possibility. PR did say that she believed JBR's death would save many people, or something like that, and that JBR had been special, or had been meant for a larger purpose, or something similar, didn't she? I can't recall the actual quotes, so MOO.

Lastly for now, I believe (MOO) that PDI, by herself, with RN pre-readied, then proceeded to finish the RN as instructions for what exactly "is up to you now, John...," that she may have tried to convince JR it had been BR, until BR appeared during the 911 call (or perhaps had ventured into the basement for his toy and had seen what had been done to JBR?) at which point there was no removing the body as she'd hoped JR would, so both JR and PR completed the staging.

This would explain why BR knew there was a knife at the CS (put there to convince JR it was BR???), why he was allowed to leave (they may have convinced him it was a real RN left by an intruder), and why JAR insisted on "forgiveness..." If everyone thought it had been BR, this would all make sense.

I realize there are flaws with some of this thinking, and I claim no expertise or special knowledge. I am just wanting thoughts on my thoughts to help me decide further thoughts. Lol.

Toward the "JBR as Jesus" scenario:

JBR dressed all in white, wrapped like a shroud in a white blanket, strands of green garland (crown?) in her hair, placed in a remote concrete tomb. Wearing a shirt with a star on it (star led the 3 wise men to Jesus...)

Extra length of cord between wrists...could she have been posed in a crucifixion pose? Not necessarily hanging, even flat on the ground (her arms above her head).
The Lazarus reference the minute PR saw the body. Lazarus was revived after 4 days, Jesus on the third day. Depending on TOD (or intended day of death), PR's birthday was either 3 or 4 days later.
I keep thinking of the story of "the binding of Isaac," in which Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son under direct orders from God, only to be stopped at the last minute. This story involved binding to an altar and the raising of a knife.

One more RN observation: in mentioning every possible decoy to throw suspicion off the RN writer (foreign faction, business associations, leaving it on the spiral stairs a la LHP), the note also states "we will call you between 8 and 10..." what else was "between 8 and 10?" Burke.

Okay. I have spit some of this out. Please be gentle, kind. Etc. I love this forum. I am open-minded and friendly to ideas. I like to think I might open up some new ways of looking at possibilities, but I realize it's more likely that I will be seen as an inventor of figments. I live with my own mental illnesses, though nothing violent or psychotic. Don't need meds but do have some personal background for the concepts I outline. They DO sound crazy, but I have seen them play out in lesser ways in those I love.

ALL OF THE ABOVE IS MOO, and more brainstorming fruit than opinion.

I'm in Canada, and therefore obviously more removed from the situation. Do you mind if I ask why you don't consider John Ramsey as the guilty party? He had motive to silence JB from reporting PREVIOUS sexual abuse. Police found an instructional video for stun gun usage in John's possession. And the ransom note is obviously (in my opinion) composed (regarding the content) by John Ramsey - it's all about HIM; a big ego trip to HIMSELF.

I think John PROMOTES all the theories and documentaries and videos framing Patsy, Burke, neighbors, routine intruders and even John Andrew (who was in a different State at the time).

I'm sorry that you have some mental health issues - I guess we all do, to a certain extent. But Patsy had no motive to kill JonBenet whereas John did.
First venture into theoretical posting...please be kind! :)

I have been PDI since the initial murder, as soon as I saw Patsy say "we feel there are at least two people who know" and "we don't know if it's a he or a she..."

Lately I've been more and more willing to consider BDI...the one thing that I cannot believe is that Burke would ever have been handed over to the Whites so easily and early. Whether admonished to keep quiet or not, they would have HAD to be more possessive of his person if he had done it and could even remotely think of telling anyone. For that reason I can't turn BDI.

My thoughts (just musings, and MOO) about the murder and staging:

1) is it possible that PR was the one who planted the idea of a secret visit from Santa after Christmas in JB's mind, so that she could wrap and stash gifts in the WC and lure JB to the basement where Santa may have "just visited?" Using the flashlight because "it's a secret" and perhaps even having left out pineapple and tea earlier, for "Santa?"

2. Is it possible that PR planned to kill JB much earlier, had already written most of the RN tucked away in middle pages of her pad, and had already planned to cast it as a kidnapping and to blame any and every possible person she could in the note? I feel (MOO) that the last, more desperate and personal part of the RN was added after the murder, as both a warning and a plea to JR to remove the body so her staged kidnapping could proceed as she planned. This is why the note gets mean, threatening, and has a much different tone than the almost comically derivative content of the (earlier-penned) part of the note?

3) Having lived with a mother who was never abusive, but never really present either, who was still childlike in her worldview due to terrible sexual, verbal, and physical abuse in her childhood, and who lived a rich fantasy life of religion to the point where she begged Jesus to give her physical stigmata, and gave up her bedroom to sleep in a 4 foot wide hallway closet....I can say that just from what I've studied about PR, the possibility of near-psychotic religious delusion is very, very real as I see it. Might PR have sacrificed JBR, not as an angel to help PR in the afterlife, but as an offering to God to KEEP PR FROM DYING?

I mean...she firmly believed her cancer being cured was divine intervention. She appears to have been seeing signs everywhere leading up to Christmas, from the choice of purple to the MyTwinn "corpse" in its box, etc. I personally, knowing a similar psyche given to signs, believe she saw these as God sending an instruction and a confirmation of the course beforehand...not as "looking back" realizations. (MOO).

4) Is it possible that, in the grip of believing God demanded a sacrifice, (as both atonement for her own abuse (MOO) of JBR, and as a trade for continued survival) that there was a "God complex" in which PR saw herself as sacrificing her only child who WAS ALSO HERSELF, two persons in one "God," as it were, and set JBR up to act as a Jesus figure in this metaphor? I know it sounds crazy and I think of BrotherMoon and others who've been banned over such ideas...but I just can't shake what I feel might be a very real possibility. PR did say that she believed JBR's death would save many people, or something like that, and that JBR had been special, or had been meant for a larger purpose, or something similar, didn't she? I can't recall the actual quotes, so MOO.

Lastly for now, I believe (MOO) that PDI, by herself, with RN pre-readied, then proceeded to finish the RN as instructions for what exactly "is up to you now, John...," that she may have tried to convince JR it had been BR, until BR appeared during the 911 call (or perhaps had ventured into the basement for his toy and had seen what had been done to JBR?) at which point there was no removing the body as she'd hoped JR would, so both JR and PR completed the staging.

This would explain why BR knew there was a knife at the CS (put there to convince JR it was BR???), why he was allowed to leave (they may have convinced him it was a real RN left by an intruder), and why JAR insisted on "forgiveness..." If everyone thought it had been BR, this would all make sense.

I realize there are flaws with some of this thinking, and I claim no expertise or special knowledge. I am just wanting thoughts on my thoughts to help me decide further thoughts. Lol.

Toward the "JBR as Jesus" scenario:

JBR dressed all in white, wrapped like a shroud in a white blanket, strands of green garland (crown?) in her hair, placed in a remote concrete tomb. Wearing a shirt with a star on it (star led the 3 wise men to Jesus...)

Extra length of cord between wrists...could she have been posed in a crucifixion pose? Not necessarily hanging, even flat on the ground (her arms above her head).
The Lazarus reference the minute PR saw the body. Lazarus was revived after 4 days, Jesus on the third day. Depending on TOD (or intended day of death), PR's birthday was either 3 or 4 days later.
I keep thinking of the story of "the binding of Isaac," in which Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son under direct orders from God, only to be stopped at the last minute. This story involved binding to an altar and the raising of a knife.

One more RN observation: in mentioning every possible decoy to throw suspicion off the RN writer (foreign faction, business associations, leaving it on the spiral stairs a la LHP), the note also states "we will call you between 8 and 10..." what else was "between 8 and 10?" Burke.

Okay. I have spit some of this out. Please be gentle, kind. Etc. I love this forum. I am open-minded and friendly to ideas. I like to think I might open up some new ways of looking at possibilities, but I realize it's more likely that I will be seen as an inventor of figments. I live with my own mental illnesses, though nothing violent or psychotic. Don't need meds but do have some personal background for the concepts I outline. They DO sound crazy, but I have seen them play out in lesser ways in those I love.

ALL OF THE ABOVE IS MOO, and more brainstorming fruit than opinion.

The "Secret Santa" as per Steven Singular and Pam Griffin (Griffin testified at the grand jury investigation) was Fleet White. That doesn't necessarily indicate that Fleet White was involved - he may have been framed by John Ramsey. But I tend to think that Fleet White was involved since he was very anxious to endorse the Burke/Patsy guilty theories, as well as the theory that it was an accident. Fleet White should have remained neutral. But again, maybe Fleet White was just framed by John Ramsey.

I cannot see this murder as an accident - the strangulation was very deliberate and intentional. Whoever killed her had killed before - despite what theories on the Internet and Social Media claim. John had been in the military, but I cannot even see John doing it. I think John hired a paid killer.

As you probably know, many detectives believe that it was Patsy's baseball bat, rather than the flashlight, that was used to strangle JonBenet. More framing of Patsy by John.

I noticed that you lean toward viewing this murder as planned and deliberate - I definitely agree with you there.
Hmm. Well I struggle to believe JDI. For many reasons. I mostly feel PR had more immediate motive and psychological cause.

Secret Santa may well have been FW. But that doesn't mean PR couldn't have used this as a ruse to lure JBR (whose feet were dirty) into the basement.

I also struggle to consider FWDI.

More later.
First venture into theoretical posting...please be kind! :)

I have been PDI since the initial murder, as soon as I saw Patsy say "we feel there are at least two people who know" and "we don't know if it's a he or a she..."

Lately I've been more and more willing to consider BDI...the one thing that I cannot believe is that Burke would ever have been handed over to the Whites so easily and early. Whether admonished to keep quiet or not, they would have HAD to be more possessive of his person if he had done it and could even remotely think of telling anyone. For that reason I can't turn BDI.

My thoughts (just musings, and MOO) about the murder and staging:

1) is it possible that PR was the one who planted the idea of a secret visit from Santa after Christmas in JB's mind, so that she could wrap and stash gifts in the WC and lure JB to the basement where Santa may have "just visited?" Using the flashlight because "it's a secret" and perhaps even having left out pineapple and tea earlier, for "Santa?"

2. Is it possible that PR planned to kill JB much earlier, had already written most of the RN tucked away in middle pages of her pad, and had already planned to cast it as a kidnapping and to blame any and every possible person she could in the note? I feel (MOO) that the last, more desperate and personal part of the RN was added after the murder, as both a warning and a plea to JR to remove the body so her staged kidnapping could proceed as she planned. This is why the note gets mean, threatening, and has a much different tone than the almost comically derivative content of the (earlier-penned) part of the note?

3) Having lived with a mother who was never abusive, but never really present either, who was still childlike in her worldview due to terrible sexual, verbal, and physical abuse in her childhood, and who lived a rich fantasy life of religion to the point where she begged Jesus to give her physical stigmata, and gave up her bedroom to sleep in a 4 foot wide hallway closet....I can say that just from what I've studied about PR, the possibility of near-psychotic religious delusion is very, very real as I see it. Might PR have sacrificed JBR, not as an angel to help PR in the afterlife, but as an offering to God to KEEP PR FROM DYING?

I mean...she firmly believed her cancer being cured was divine intervention. She appears to have been seeing signs everywhere leading up to Christmas, from the choice of purple to the MyTwinn "corpse" in its box, etc. I personally, knowing a similar psyche given to signs, believe she saw these as God sending an instruction and a confirmation of the course beforehand...not as "looking back" realizations. (MOO).

4) Is it possible that, in the grip of believing God demanded a sacrifice, (as both atonement for her own abuse (MOO) of JBR, and as a trade for continued survival) that there was a "God complex" in which PR saw herself as sacrificing her only child who WAS ALSO HERSELF, two persons in one "God," as it were, and set JBR up to act as a Jesus figure in this metaphor? I know it sounds crazy and I think of BrotherMoon and others who've been banned over such ideas...but I just can't shake what I feel might be a very real possibility. PR did say that she believed JBR's death would save many people, or something like that, and that JBR had been special, or had been meant for a larger purpose, or something similar, didn't she? I can't recall the actual quotes, so MOO.

Lastly for now, I believe (MOO) that PDI, by herself, with RN pre-readied, then proceeded to finish the RN as instructions for what exactly "is up to you now, John...," that she may have tried to convince JR it had been BR, until BR appeared during the 911 call (or perhaps had ventured into the basement for his toy and had seen what had been done to JBR?) at which point there was no removing the body as she'd hoped JR would, so both JR and PR completed the staging.

This would explain why BR knew there was a knife at the CS (put there to convince JR it was BR???), why he was allowed to leave (they may have convinced him it was a real RN left by an intruder), and why JAR insisted on "forgiveness..." If everyone thought it had been BR, this would all make sense.

I realize there are flaws with some of this thinking, and I claim no expertise or special knowledge. I am just wanting thoughts on my thoughts to help me decide further thoughts. Lol.

Toward the "JBR as Jesus" scenario:

JBR dressed all in white, wrapped like a shroud in a white blanket, strands of green garland (crown?) in her hair, placed in a remote concrete tomb. Wearing a shirt with a star on it (star led the 3 wise men to Jesus...)

Extra length of cord between wrists...could she have been posed in a crucifixion pose? Not necessarily hanging, even flat on the ground (her arms above her head).
The Lazarus reference the minute PR saw the body. Lazarus was revived after 4 days, Jesus on the third day. Depending on TOD (or intended day of death), PR's birthday was either 3 or 4 days later.
I keep thinking of the story of "the binding of Isaac," in which Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son under direct orders from God, only to be stopped at the last minute. This story involved binding to an altar and the raising of a knife.

One more RN observation: in mentioning every possible decoy to throw suspicion off the RN writer (foreign faction, business associations, leaving it on the spiral stairs a la LHP), the note also states "we will call you between 8 and 10..." what else was "between 8 and 10?" Burke.

Okay. I have spit some of this out. Please be gentle, kind. Etc. I love this forum. I am open-minded and friendly to ideas. I like to think I might open up some new ways of looking at possibilities, but I realize it's more likely that I will be seen as an inventor of figments. I live with my own mental illnesses, though nothing violent or psychotic. Don't need meds but do have some personal background for the concepts I outline. They DO sound crazy, but I have seen them play out in lesser ways in those I love.

ALL OF THE ABOVE IS MOO, and more brainstorming fruit than opinion.

You think your theory sounds "crazy"? I'm in Canada, and conspiracy theories are not popular in Canada. Fortunately, we don't have the anti-Semitic theory Qnon theory in Canada.

Well, I think Nancy Krebs is credible - though I do believe that some of her recollections are embellished. That's not "crazy" to me - but I'm sure that a lot of people think that it is "crazy." And yes, I do tend to believe what Judge William Long of Boulder, Colorado, confessed: That John Ramsey belonged to a sexual abuse cult; that the cult had ties to prominent members of Boulder; and that law enforcement and police detectives (not Linda Arndt, but rather Steve Thomas and Kolar) covered it up by framing Patsy. But I don't necessarily think the cult was involved in the murder. I think the murder was premeditated and committed by John (maybe with Fleet White) to silence JB from reporting PREVIOUS sexual abuse. (I'd recommend checking into Access Graphics and Subic Bay for *advertiser censored*/prostitution/pedophilia connections.)

By the way: When John Ramsey's mother died, his father married his first wife's mother! My point is that (1) John Ramsey came from a bizarre family; and (2) I think a lot of these marriages were arranged. I also think John's first marriage broke up because he was sexually abusing Elizabeth, rather than because John had an affair with a co-worker.
Hmm. Well I struggle to believe JDI. For many reasons. I mostly feel PR had more immediate motive and psychological cause.

Secret Santa may well have been FW. But that doesn't mean PR couldn't have used this as a ruse to lure JBR (whose feet were dirty) into the basement.

I also struggle to consider FWDI.

More later.

"Secret Santa may well have been FW. But that doesn't mean PR couldn't have used this as a ruse to lure JBR (whose feet were dirty) into the basement."

Interesting - yes, because Patsy was a fairly small woman and could not knock her out and carry her downstairs. So she would have to lure JonBenet into the basement.
You think your theory sounds "crazy"? I'm in Canada, and conspiracy theories are not popular in Canada. Fortunately, we don't have the anti-Semitic theory Qnon theory in Canada.

Well, I think Nancy Krebs is credible - though I do believe that some of her recollections are embellished. That's not "crazy" to me - but I'm sure that a lot of people think that it is "crazy." And yes, I do tend to believe what Judge William Long of Boulder, Colorado, confessed: That John Ramsey belonged to a sexual abuse cult; that the cult had ties to prominent members of Boulder; and that law enforcement and police detectives (not Linda Arndt, but rather Steve Thomas and Kolar) covered it up by framing Patsy. But I don't necessarily think the cult was involved in the murder. I think the murder was premeditated and committed by John (maybe with Fleet White) to silence JB from reporting PREVIOUS sexual abuse. (I'd recommend checking into Access Graphics and Subic Bay for *advertiser censored*/prostitution/pedophilia connections.)

By the way: When John Ramsey's mother died, his father married his first wife's mother! My point is that (1) John Ramsey came from a bizarre family; and (2) I think a lot of these marriages were arranged. I also think John's first marriage broke up because he was sexually abusing Elizabeth, rather than because John had an affair with a co-worker.

PM, it's been a long time since NK's claims.
Wonder how she is doing and if she still holds her claims to be true.

Nancy Krebs - Jonbenet Ramsey Wiki
PM, it's been a long time since NK's claims.
Wonder how she is doing and if she still holds her claims to be true.

Nancy Krebs - Jonbenet Ramsey Wiki
I believe that NK is married and tries to stay out of the spotlight. And is doing very well. NK fared much better than her male attorney.

People conveniently like to forget that NK made her claims several years prior to JB's death, as did Elizabeth. Yet many details are similar to JB's death.

Thanks for the question.
The knot looks intricate to me. JR was in the navy. Maybe he taught BR how to tie knots? The knot makes me think a male made the garotte.
(I'd find it interesting to see statistics on how often women use ligature strangulation vs. men)

Was there touch DNA on the cord?

Was BR in boy scouts? Maybe dad and son visited the army store for items like the swiss army knife and cord for boy scout tasks. My daddy was a Boy Scout troup leader for 18 yrs. He was a eagle scout and silver beaver. Highest you can go. My brother was an eagle scout. I spent a lot of time with all of the scouts and am familiar with what they learn and badges earned. My daddy and my brother could tie any knot. They learned it in the scouts. It was an important part for them to learn. This is why I ask if BR was in the boy scouts at some point.

The paint brush was an opportunity item as was the cord. The train room BR had was also in basement. Maybe he kept things in the room like his knife and cords and such.

There was a lot of anger in whom ever choked her. That cord was deeply embedded in her neck. Also looks like there were several attempts like the person doing it wasn't quite strong enough to choke someone. It took some time. I think this is actually when the blow to the head happened. I notice a bruise on her shoulder too. Possibly the perp wasn't strong enough to finish choking her or wanted it over quickly.

Ok the cord around the wrist and long section to other wrist. This is some possibilities that come to my mind. Maybe the reason the cord was so long was because it was originally tied around an object to the other wrist to restrain her to a location.

It was supposedly tied in front of her. To make this situation make sense let me set up the scene.
JBR on tummy hands tied around something like a pipe. Choking was also from behind. Possible head injury from behind too?
After she was deceased, the perp undone the cord around wrist and wrapped her in her favorite blanket (which would mean the perp knew it was in the dryer.)

Question: Was both wrists still bound or only one wrist when she was found?
I think this would be an important fact due to the thought that if it was someone who loved her they may have tried to "undo" what they did by putting her clothes back on and wrapping her in blanket.
If it was a intruder, I feel they would have left her exposed.
Could BR have been caught by mama after the fact and she tried to give her back some dignity covering her up and staging scene.
I read somewhere that BR and JBR was caught by the housekeeper playing doctor. Maybe it got out of hand.

JMOO though and what the scene seems to say to me.
I'd be interested to know if there were any pipes or an object she could have been tied to in the basement.
Thanks for your thoughtful post
I believe that NK is married and tries to stay out of the spotlight. And is doing very well. NK fared much better than her male attorney.

People conveniently like to forget that NK made her claims several years prior to JB's death, as did Elizabeth. Yet many details are similar to JB's death.

Thanks for the question.

Do you have a source for the accusations Elizabeth made? I've tried to find the story to verify it and all I ever got was internet speculation.
I believe that NK is married and tries to stay out of the spotlight. And is doing very well. NK fared much better than her male attorney.

People conveniently like to forget that NK made her claims several years prior to JB's death, as did Elizabeth. Yet many details are similar to JB's death.

Thanks for the question.

When NK first came on the scene in the JBR case, I thought it was the craziest thing I had ever heard. Throughout the years when tidbits come out, for instance - FW pulling out a gun in Atlanta before the first TV appearance. All these sex rings of late, people like Epstein. It could be possible this sort of thing goes on all the time. They (the abusers) are protected. Makes me sick.
When NK first came on the scene in the JBR case, I thought it was the craziest thing I had ever heard. Throughout the years when tidbits come out, for instance - FW pulling out a gun in Atlanta before the first TV appearance. All these sex rings of late, people like Epstein. It could be possible this sort of thing goes on all the time. They (the abusers) are protected. Makes me sick.

The Epstein case is the real deal. Wealthy hedge fund guy moves into the Children for Sale market, except the target clients are wealthy guys just like himself.

The roll call of names listed as visiting his properties dotted all over the USA, usually gated communities, desert ranches, or private islands, etc, is staggering, people you would never associate with such activity.

This case is a security issue, which is likely why Epstein was judged to have committed suicide?

With JonBenet the parents are already extremely wealthy, there was no need for them to become involved in a sex ring.

There was nothing to prevent the Ramsey's legal team hiring anyone to speak to the media claiming any kind of sexual malpractise, as long as it pointed away from the Ramsey's themselves.

IMO the JonBenet case looks like an accident gone wrong which is then dressed up as a sexual homicide, or it is a sexual homicide faked to look like an intruder did it, but guess what it was really one of the residents, don't tell anyone though!
The Epstein case is the real deal. Wealthy hedge fund guy moves into the Children for Sale market, except the target clients are wealthy guys just like himself.

The roll call of names listed as visiting his properties dotted all over the USA, usually gated communities, desert ranches, or private islands, etc, is staggering, people you would never associate with such activity.

This case is a security issue, which is likely why Epstein was judged to have committed suicide?

With JonBenet the parents are already extremely wealthy, there was no need for them to become involved in a sex ring.

There was nothing to prevent the Ramsey's legal team hiring anyone to speak to the media claiming any kind of sexual malpractise, as long as it pointed away from the Ramsey's themselves.

IMO the JonBenet case looks like an accident gone wrong which is then dressed up as a sexual homicide, or it is a sexual homicide faked to look like an intruder did it, but guess what it was really one of the residents, don't tell anyone though!

I know you're probably right! I believed very much in Steve Thomas, we used to have chats with him back in the day. There maybe a few on ACR's page, not sure but I always come back to this case to review and read up.
I know you're probably right! I believed very much in Steve Thomas, we used to have chats with him back in the day. There maybe a few on ACR's page, not sure but I always come back to this case to review and read up.

Steve Thomas' heart was in the right place, he wanted justice for JonBenet.

Yet he was outplayed by Hunter and the Ramsey Spin Team, even taken to court over the content in his book.

I doubt if ever took his PDI claims seriously. Check the chapters in his book where he says his team reviewed the sexual assault evidence, which the Ramsey's had rephrased as Genital Trauma, duh, and you just know it's a sex case?

Once JR leaves us, Steve Thomas will be offered loadsa dollars for TV interviews and his opinion, i.e. PDI, BDI, or JDI?

Steve Thomas' heart was in the right place, he wanted justice for JonBenet.

Yet he was outplayed by Hunter and the Ramsey Spin Team, even taken to court over the content in his book.

I doubt if ever took his PDI claims seriously. Check the chapters in his book where he says his team reviewed the sexual assault evidence, which the Ramsey's had rephrased as Genital Trauma, duh, and you just know it's a sex case?

Once JR leaves us, Steve Thomas will be offered loadsa dollars for TV interviews and his opinion, i.e. PDI, BDI, or JDI?


Yes. Things did spiral! I enjoy all of your all's research here and reading it. So many things I have forgotten until I see it here. Keep up the good work!

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