Found Deceased Greece - Dr. Suzanne Eaton, 60, American, gone for a run, Crete, 2 Jul 2019 *ARREST*

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I think that rules out your first option.
It could have been an academy employee (who would likely be a local) or a local that would know about the bunker and have a car.

That's my inclination right now. It's either an employee at the academy or a lunatic (less likely) who was lurking around the conference and had a car.
Snipped by me

(Lab tech so I’m not trained in this area, but the links give good information.)

She may have had bruising, or like you suggested tape, on and around her nose and mouth, but the signs of suffocation are likely clear.

Asphyxiation (Signs Of) |

My guess is her cuts and bruises and their healing stages may have indicated how long she lived after the attack.

Livor Mortis also may have helped determine time of death and that her body had been moved, and the approximate time it was left in the bunker.

****(Caution: graphic photo and information at link)****

Livor mortis - Wikipedia

***caution: very graphic link, autopsy photos*****

Untitled Document

Forensic entomology might also be a tool they’re using Entomology | Resources | INVESTIGATING FORENSICS

Thank you! Such an excellent post.

I absolutely agree that it makes sense that livor mortis and the positioning that the body was found in would have been a huge clue to that fact that Suzanne was killed elsewhere.

I'm curious about how precise the entomology estimates would be. As she was found a week after disappearing, would they know if she was killed 6 days versus 7 days prior? Would it make a difference in the entomology signs if she was held somewhere for an extra day before being killed? Same for the wound healing. How precise are those observations/tests a week out as signals for timing?

This case seems like a field day for forensics investigators.
I’m wishing that the mention of her injuries and DNA under her nails means that as a black belt, she fought hard for her life and that the killer is badly scratched and hopefully injured.

I wouldn't count on scratches if this was planned. This person was strong, and even with her self defense training, she was helpless. She could not prevent stabs wounds, or suffocation. If this was random, yes, I would expect that the suspect has at least a scratch.
That's my inclination right now. It's either an employee at the academy or a lunatic (less likely) who was lurking around the conference and had a car.

One other option...a non-local who hired a local. I think this is a bigger stretch though as the non-locals would have greater difficulty finding a local who they could trust to do the deed. In any case, the actual killer would likely be a local or a long-term resident/vistor.
As she was found a week after disappearing, would they know if she was killed 6 days versus 7 days prior?

They estimate the time of death by the presence and state of food in her stomach/intestines. The coroner said that she had had her last meal 2 hours prior to her death. I don't think her killer would have given her any additional food to eat.
I doubt it. Academics and researchers who are experts in their field have an ability to remain focused regardless of what is going on in the rest of the world. Employees are diferent, and would probably be deeply involved in gossip.

I doubt that murder is rare in any part of Greece. Greece is like Canada and Belgium. Murder is unusual, but it happens.
Even academics and researchers have the capacity to worry. Until her murder is solved and a person taken off the streets, I'd still think they'd be a bit wary. It's not even known at this point, if the crime began in or near the area of the conference. Unless they're so far into their Mensa mentality that it doesn't even cross their radar.

I'd be willing to bet it's part of the conversation over breakfast...
Comments about the lack of CCTV evidence...
We saw a report that said that she wasn't seen on CCTV south of the facility. And, SE had run north the previous day. Does this imply that there are no CCTVs north of OAC? Did she head out on a trail only to bump into an 'opportunist' with a knife?

I was at a conference in the Rockies once. During a break I headed out for a short walk near the hotel. As I followed a path in the nearby woods I saw large paw prints in the snow and a bit further some warning signs about wildlife. I realized that no one at the conference had seen me leave the building and that if something happened to me, well, they wouldn't come looking for a while! I scurried back to safety. I guess my comment is that it can be quite easy to leave a conference and have no one see you exit.
They estimate the time of death by the presence and state of food in her stomach/intestines. The coroner said that she had had her last meal 2 hours prior to her death. I don't think her killer would have given her any additional food to eat.
When was her last meal? Wonder if she had lunch with colleagues? Playing piano around 2pm? Last meal before or after? If she went for a run, did she carry a snack?

My point, helps to know when she last ate in order to determine when she was killed.
Thank you! Such an excellent post.

I absolutely agree that it makes sense that livor mortis and the positioning that the body was found in would have been a huge clue to that fact that Suzanne was killed elsewhere.

I'm curious about how precise the entomology estimates would be. As she was found a week after disappearing, would they know if she was killed 6 days versus 7 days prior? Would it make a difference in the entomology signs if she was held somewhere for an extra day before being killed? Same for the wound healing. How precise are those observations/tests a week out as signals for timing?

This case seems like a field day for forensics investigators.

Blood pooling in two different areas of the body would lead investigators to conclude that she was killed elsewhere and dropped into the bunker entrance after death, after dark? Information about killed elsewhere was released early, like the cut ear information. For some reason, night is also speculated - curious whether that relates to body temperature and decomposition. Decomposition would be slower in a bunker, but 6 days later apparently the smell of decomposition was so strong that people investigated.

My guess is that entomology depends on the outside temperature, cave temperature, number of days or hours in each environment, stomach contents, lividity, healing of superficial wounds, and forensic evidence - and bug type.

This is like a post-tech Agatha Christie mystery.
Does anyone know the exact location of the hatch on google maps?
I'd like to know how far away it was from any sight-line from a road or a house. The immediate area had a lot of trees, but did access to the area have a lot of trees?

I'm just trying to figure out another angle to why LE presumed they transferred SE's body at night.
This is like a post-tech Agatha Christie mystery.

I agree! But then the good thing about Agatha Christie mysteries is that they take place in train carriages or parties with known attendants, and the killer is caught at the end. I'm saddened to think that in Dr.Eaton's case, the killer may have blended into obscurity forever.
As I've posted these last few posts, I've been thinking about Suzanne's family, friends and colleagues. I can't imagine what they are going through. What a terrible shock and what a terrible loss of a brilliant, vivacious woman.

They estimate the time of death by the presence and state of food in her stomach/intestines. The coroner said that she had had her last meal 2 hours prior to her death. I don't think her killer would have given her any additional food to eat.

Some people have posted that she missed lunch and would have eaten something after 3PM. Conferences have set meals, and between events there are drinks and snacks. Some people said that there are only drinks between conference talks, but quite often there is cheese, crackers, muffins, fruits and snacks.

If her last meal was 2 hours before death, and she was playing the piano at 3PM, then it seems that her last meal was after 3PM and not 12 noon (as with conferences), unless meal and snack have the same meaning. Maybe she had a snack during the 2:15 break. Does that she was dead by 5:30PM? In the cave by 8:40PM, and everything on schedule for the murderer at 9PM?
Does anyone know the exact location of the hatch on google maps?
I'd like to know how far away it was from any sight-line from a road or a house. The immediate area had a lot of trees, but did access to the area have a lot of trees?

It's in the area "Pirgos Psilonerou" in Kolymvari Crete. I don't know the spot exactly. You could try cross-checking it against photos from when the body was first found, eg to locate the dirt road right next to the site of the cave.
Does anyone know the exact location of the hatch on google maps?
I'd like to know how far away it was from any sight-line from a road or a house. The immediate area had a lot of trees, but did access to the area have a lot of trees?

I'm just trying to figure out another angle to why LE presumed they transferred SE's body at night.

Try ArcGIS maps - better resolution. It's just a matter of finding the exact location - which I don't yet know. Does anyone have the coordinates? I'll find the map if someone knows where the bunker is.

The only clear reason for police to say that the body was moved after she was murdered is lividity. That is, there are two contradictory points of lividity and blood pooling. Night speculation is unclear, but it could be that the body is particularly well preserved for 6 days in a cave - lower body temp corresponds with finding stomach contents intact?
As I've posted these last few posts, I've been thinking about Suzanne's family, friends and colleagues. I can't imagine what they are going through. What a terrible shock and what a terrible loss of a brilliant, vivacious woman.

I agree. She goes to Crete to attend a conference as she has done for the pst 5 years. She goes for at least one run that we know of, as per her normal routine. She ends up murdered. Written in some cruel stars.

An Agatha Christie mystery indeed - what is needed is a Hercule Poirot or a Miss Marple. Case solved.
I agree! But then the good thing about Agatha Christie mysteries is that they take place in train carriages or parties with known attendants, and the killer is caught at the end. I'm saddened to think that in Dr.Eaton's case, the killer may have blended into obscurity forever.

A conference is like a party with unknown parties. Live laugh love until the flight home. The killer is not invisible - there is a trail, even if the killer is an academic.
It's in the area "Pirgos Psilonerou" in Kolymvari Crete. I don't know the spot exactly. You could try cross-checking it against photos from when the body was first found, eg to locate the dirt road right next to the site of the cave.

Yes, I've 'wandered' google street view to try to find the location of the road they show in the videos. I haven't nailed it down yet. It is right by an underpass, a T-intersection going to the right (facing the underpass).

And, once I figure that out, the hatch will be located well away from that, and that's what I want to find.
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