Identified! Greece - LIVING 4 year old, with Roma couple, Oct'13 - #1

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I read that she speaks in an "obscure" Roma dialect and understands some greek. The children's home she is in said they communicate mostly by sign language.

Interesting that you mention the sign language because since this photo, it appeared to me like she was signing something. It is how my children signed cheese when they were smaller, though I realize that it is unlikely that that was what she was signing, if at all.

American couple: Is mystery girl found in Roma camp our missing daughter?

ATHENS -- An American couple whose baby daughter vanished from their Kansas City home two years ago has contacted authorities in Greece who are trying to solve the mystery surrounding a blond girl found in a Roma camp.

Lisa Irwin vanished from her home in Kansas City, Mo., in Oct. 2011.

Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley, whose 10-month-old daughter Lisa Irwin disappeared in October 2011, got in touch with the The Smile of a Child charity that is heading up the hunt for the girl's biological parents, a spokesman confirmed to NBC News on Tuesday.

John Picerno, a lawyer for the family, said he had contacted the FBI and the couple’s interest in the girl’s discovery had been registered.

"The (FBI) agent has made an official inquiry through governmental channels with the authorities in Greece," he said. "We are awaiting a response from them, which we anticipate will be forthcoming as soon as possible."
American couple: Is mystery girl found in Roma camp our missing daughter?

ATHENS -- An American couple whose baby daughter vanished from their Kansas City home two years ago has contacted authorities in Greece who are trying to solve the mystery surrounding a blond girl found in a Roma camp.

Lisa Irwin vanished from her home in Kansas City, Mo., in Oct. 2011.

Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley, whose 10-month-old daughter Lisa Irwin disappeared in October 2011, got in touch with the The Smile of a Child charity that is heading up the hunt for the girl's biological parents, a spokesman confirmed to NBC News on Tuesday.

John Picerno, a lawyer for the family, said he had contacted the FBI and the couple’s interest in the girl’s discovery had been registered.

"The (FBI) agent has made an official inquiry through governmental channels with the authorities in Greece," he said. "We are awaiting a response from them, which we anticipate will be forthcoming as soon as possible."

I am going to say that there is no way that she is Baby Lisa, considering Lisa would only be 3 years old now, and this child is said to be nearly twice that age.
I think she looks a lot like Lisa but Lisa's third birthday is next month and this girl's teeth look like she's five or six year old.

In other news, it's just amazing imo... these days they can tell where you made phone calls and what you last used your credit card for and yet there are all these children that no one seems to know who they are or even if they all exist.
I am going to say that there is no way that she is Baby Lisa, considering Lisa would only be 3 years old now, and this child is said to be nearly twice that age.

I agree. Just a way to divert suspicion IMHO. Just go back to the cowlick. That can rule a lot of possible matches out at the start. I've noticed with my own kids right from infancy, when the hair begins to grow in, the whorls and swirls of cowlick s are there from the beginning. If Baby Lisa didnt have a cowlick when she disappeared, she didnt grow one after. This goes for any child.

Also the complexion. This child has the extreme fair skin that leans to rudiness that is similar to what redheads have. Two of my kids have it. One was a very blonde child, and the other was/is strawberry blonde. All of the blonde girls suggested as matches here do not have that extremely fair skin, nor the cowlick. Just throwing that out there FWIW.
Wish we had any kind of idea of who this child belongs to.

It can't be Lisa Irwin, too old. Not Madeleine McCann, too young and no coloboma.

Gosh, I hope the news is world wide and someone knows who she is. It is possible, as others have stated, that she was born to someone in prostitution (either forced in, or just doing it to survive) and that mother may not come forward, or will never be allowed to come forward.
Gardaí received a tip-off from a member of the public that a six or seven year-old girl was living with a large Roma family but looked nothing like any of her supposed siblings.”

“Officers from the child protection unit attached to Tallaght station called to the home on Monday afternoon and spoke with two Roma adults. There were a number of children in the house and one was a young girl who had blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She looked nothing like anybody else in the house but the adults maintained that the girl was their daughter.”

“They were asked to produce a birth certificate but could not find one. In the meantime gardaí made contact with a hospital consultant in and asked if it was possible for Romas to give birth to blonde children, considering their natural dark complexions.”

“The consultant said that this would be extremely unusual.

From here. Gardai are Ireland's police force, for anyone unaware.

A girl who they think is eastern european was found on O'Connell street, which you can get the tram to from Tallaght. Possible trafficking ring?
I agree. Just a way to divert suspicion IMHO. Just go back to the cowlick. That can rule a lot of possible matches out at the start. I've noticed with my own kids right from infancy, when the hair begins to grow in, the whorls and swirls of cowlick s are there from the beginning. If Baby Lisa didnt have a cowlick when she disappeared, she didnt grow one after. This goes for any child.

Also the complexion. This child has the extreme fair skin that leans to rudiness that is similar to what redheads have. Two of my kids have it. One was a very blonde child, and the other was/is strawberry blonde. All of the blonde girls suggested as matches here do not have that extremely fair skin, nor the cowlick. Just throwing that out there FWIW.

I completely agree. All 3 of my nieces have a predominant cowlick exactly where Maria's is. They were all born with the cowlick and dark hair that lightened to white blond with my oldest niece being the blondest at 5 1/2yo. If they did not also tan, Maria could be their sister as well.

Though Baby Lisa was pretty bald when she went missing, or at least as far as I can tell from the most current photos, you can still tell that she did not have a cowlick.
Do you guys remember Baby Grace? She was the little girl whose body was found in the Galveston Bay but didn't have a name. There was a lot of national news coverage asking for help in identifying her. Well, I read that the police received "hundreds of tips" which tells me it wasn't close enough to 1000 to just round up. Now, I know that Maria has received more international news coverage...but do you think the fact that Maria is alive causes people to be more hopeful it will be a certain child? Wheras if they heard about Baby Grace, they will be happy to quickly eliminate the possibility of it being a certain missing child?
So I'm very new at this "sleuthing" and am mostly a lurker but I was trying to get educated on what a Roma family is. I brought up some images and this blonde child stood out for me. I was going to ignore it and then I thought..."hey you never know; that could be someone's missing child" so I am posting it here.

Hiya.. not sure we can post pics of minors that are not missing/in danger ( im pretty new too and could be wrong)

I totally see what u mean.. she sticks out like a sore thumb..and tbh i really dont know about genes etc

If i saw that family outside my home/travels in light of everythings thats happened this week. I would probably contact someone and that makes me sound terribly prejudice..
So I'm very new at this "sleuthing" and am mostly a lurker but I was trying to get educated on what a Roma family is. I brought up some images and this blonde child stood out for me. I was going to ignore it and then I thought..."hey you never know; that could be someone's missing child" so I am posting it here.

Oh my word! Great find savemoredogs!

So here's a Roma family with 14 children and 1 happens to be a little blonde girl. I noticed the upload date is from 2012. I wonder when the photo was actually taken.

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About 10 cases of missing children are "being taken very seriously" in connection with the suspected abduction of a girl by a Roma couple in Greece, a spokesman for a Greek children's charity said Tuesday.

I have a feeling that these 10 cases are the only ones being taken very seriously simply because they are the only children who *somewhat* match the description of Maria. For example, they are girls with at least one common feature, either blonde or around 5-6 years old.
Hiya.. not sure we can post pics of minors that are not missing/in danger ( im pretty new too and could be wrong)

I totally see what u mean.. she sticks out like a sore thumb..and tbh i really dont know about genes etc

If i saw that family outside my home/travels in light of everythings thats happened this week. I would probably contact someone and that makes me sound terribly prejudice..

I was wondering if I could post that. Mods, please remove if not allowed. Thanks.
IMO, It's freaky how much this angel looks like Lisa Irwin and her mother. I think she is too old to be Lisa. If I've got the dates right that is.

There's always a chance. But I think it's slim to none that she will be connected to the US.

I'm praying for the parents who will have their hearts broken again.
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