Greta, 8 6 08, Mark F says timeline 6 16 08 to 6 18 08

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Aug 15, 2003
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I*m going to have to watch Greta again, but Mark F has stated LE has the phone records for this period of time, and there was a flurry of calls after Casey and Caylee left the house on June 16th.

ETA several WSers have narrowed the timeline down to 6 16 08 to 6 18 08.
were the calls complete? perhaps they kept dropping calls and redialing? Were the calls answered?
were the calls complete? perhaps they kept dropping calls and redialing? Were the calls answered?

My understanding is the calls started sometime around or after 3pm on the 16th. Greta will reair in a couple of hours so it would be worth watching.
My understanding is the calls started sometime around or after 3pm on the 16th. Greta will reair in a couple of hours so it would be worth watching.
Thanks WW. Could be nothing... could be something.
Thanks WW. Could be nothing... could be something.

I*m inclined to think the phone records released by Mark F are important because of all of the cases I*ve followed over the years. Mark is usually pretty much on the money with his inside information.

I have no idea if the flurry of phone calls between Casey and her parents are because of an on going power struggle between parents and a child or whatever. The point is no one has mentioned why this exchange between parties happened (speculation has addressed this).
I*m inclined to think the phone records released by Mark F are important because of all of the cases I*ve followed over the years. Mark is usually pretty much on the money with his inside information.

I have no idea if the flurry of phone calls between Casey and her parents are because of an on going power struggle between parents and a child or whatever. The point is no one has mentioned why this exchange between parties happened (speculation has addressed this).
Yes phone records are always of value. they can determine her whereabouts and that in and of itself could be helpful. But what we don't know is if the flurry of phone calls themselves were about. I will be anxious to hear if George and Cindy speak to this.
Yes phone records are always of value. they can determine her whereabouts and that in and of itself could be helpful. But what we don't know is if the flurry of phone calls themselves were about. I will be anxious to hear if George and Cindy speak to this.

Hey, JBean!

I think it is important that Casey went to the house when her mother Cindy wasn*t at home.

My feeling is George kept Casey*s secrets from Cindy because Casey treated George like he was more important than Cindy. They were confidants.
I*m going to have to watch Greta again, but Mark F has stated LE has the phone records for this period of time, and there was a flurry of calls after Casey and Caylee left the house on June 16th.

ETA several WSers have narrowed the timeline down to 6 16 08 to 6 18 08.

Here's how I think it went down.

Since we suspect that she was already setting up a story on the 17th by visiting the Sawgrass as "Zenaida," then I believe that it happened on the 16th. Maybe the morning of the 17th.

I'm guessing that there was a throw-down between Cindy and Casey on the night of the 15th/morning of the 16th about Casey's lifestyle...Cindy was always having to watch Caylee while Casey partied like a rock star and refused to get a job. Additionally, Casey always asserted herself as Caylee's mother, but took no responsibility for Caylee--her hackles went up anytime Cindy said something about the party environment that she exposed Caylee to, and about Casey doing nothing to help with household bills. But mostly, she wanted Casey to be a responsible parent to her daughter, and to realize that mothers don't go out and party and sleep around when they have children...but Casey laid the guilt trip on Cindy..."You told me when I came to you pregnant that you wanted me to have this baby. But I never intended to give up my social life!" Casey got sick of telling Cindy, "I'm her mother, so you really have no say in how I raise Caylee. If you don't like it, we'll just leave, and you'll never see her again."

Casey and Caylee left.

In anger and because of resentment toward Cindy, Casey retalliated against Cindy the most painful way she could. She killed Casey on the 16th not long after a verbal spat with her mother...and then she set in motion actions covering the murder with the babysitter story.

She visited the Sawgrass as "Zaneida," to set up the babysitter story. A week later, though, she still had Caylee's body in the trunk. She went home on the 22nd or 23rd to bury the baby in the back yard. She backed into the garage, then went next door to borrow the shovel. She unloaded Caylee from the trunk, and carried her and the shovel to the back yard. She set Caylee on the ground. Then she started digging. She realized that the ground was too hard for her to dig deep enough to conceal the body, so she put the body back in the trunk, and then she used the shovel to break into the shed. She took the gas to either burn the body or to burn evidence (clothing, stuff in the trunk that the body had leaked decomp fluids onto, possibly her clothes). She left the home and disposed of the body. More than likely, she buried it somewhere.

After Cindy retrieved Casey and brought her home on July 15th, after LE left, at some point she told George and Cindy what she did. They engaged in her story about Zanny and hid evidence in the car before LE took it on the evening of the 16th. And they've been lying and obsfucating ever protect Casey. It is very possible that Lee knows, too. If you read the exchanges on myspace between Casey and Lee, it's evident that theirs is an oddly close relationship. Big brother would protect little sister, even though he's disgusted at what she did.

A couple of nights ago, Cindy told Rozzie Franco, "I'm not going to lose another one." They know Caylee is dead, and they don't want to lose Casey--either to prison or to Ol' Sparky (or the needle, if that's what Florida's using these days).

That's my theory, anyway.
Here's how I think it went down.

Since we know that she was already setting up a story on the 17th by visiting the Sawgrass as "Zenaida,"

Do you have a link for that? i didn't realize that had been confirmed. thank you.
Hey, JBean!

I think it is important that Casey went to the house when her mother Cindy wasn*t at home.

My feeling is George kept Casey*s secrets from Cindy because Casey treated George like he was more important than Cindy. They were confidants.
I think Cindy and Casey were at odds a lot and finally Cindy was trying to hold casey's feet to the fire by calling the police regarding the car. Little did she know that she was turning her in for possible murder as well. I think Cindy is overcome with guilt because she had been previously fighting with Casey and because she called the cops. I think she feels some responsibility and so now she is trying to stand up for Casey and she wants to do the right thing, but she doesn't know what the right thing is exactly.
I don't think Cindy is doing anything *wrong* at this point. i think she hasn't opened her eyes yet and is hoping against hope that casey is finally telling her the truth.
jmho of course.
Not that it's been definitely determined.

Like I said, it's my belief that it's what happened.
Oh I see. The way you said it I thought it was a fact. thanks for clearing that up.:)
Oh I see. The way you said it I thought it was a fact. thanks for clearing that up.:)

I changed the wording from "know" to "suspect."

Thanks for pointing that out...don't want to post anything as fact when it's only suspicion.
were the calls complete? perhaps they kept dropping calls and redialing? Were the calls answered?

Watching again to make sure I understood correctly. The calls did NOT go thru - no one answered her calls. This at least seems to cover the initial calls on the 16th and he *implied* the same was true for the calls that evening. Really didn't give any indication if the same was true on the 18th. Stated the calls were like a minute - minute 1/2 apart and trying different numbers (cell, office, etc).

Also rather than the time George went to work, it would seem the time Casey and Caylee left the house on the 16th would be what was important (12:50pm).
Watching again to make sure I understood correctly. The calls did NOT go thru - no one answered her calls. This at least seems to cover the initial calls on the 16th and he *implied* the same was true for the calls that evening. Really didn't give any indication if the same was true on the 18th. Stated the calls were like a minute - minute 1/2 apart and trying different numbers (cell, office, etc).

Also rather than the time George went to work, it would seem the time Casey and Caylee left the house on the 16th would be what was important (12:50pm).
Thank you Maconrich
I changed the wording from "know" to "suspect."

Thanks for pointing that out...don't want to post anything as fact when it's only suspicion.
Oh thank you. I was excited there for a second because I thought it was revealed!
Mark F. is incorrect, imo. The date would have to be June 15th and not the 16th. The last known person to be seen with Caylee alive was Cindy at the nursing center while video taping Caylee. Mark F. is wrong to take into account the sightings on June 16th of the grandparents. Their statements should be excluded at this point since they have been caught in several discrepancies, too.
So, the shovel wasn't used for breaking into the shed for the gas-- as that was done late June 22nd-early hours 24th ( George said he was in the shed the 22nd and police were at the home to file report 10am-ish the 24th) and they say the shovel was nailed down to June 18th.

I suppose what catches me most is that gate was open on the morning of the 17th and the ladder was clipped back down/on. They know the ladder was put away on Sunday the 15th after Casey and Caylee had a eve? night? swim.

I think they could mistake the ladder but the gate would be hard to miss. They had a toddler at the house and even more they had 2 dogs that need to go potty. I doubt the gate could have been open for days and the pups not find it open and run off on an adventure.

It would seem on the night of the 16th somebody had been in the backyard. Why would somebody sneaking etc screw up and leave the gate open? George said in one of his interviews there had recently been some burglarys in the neighborhood. Was it neighborhood kids taking a swim or did Casey sneak back into the yard at dark and fail to shut the gate? She put the ladder down too? A late night swim?

I just don't 'get it'..well a few ideas crossed my mind but I don't want to type those thoughts. The gate..the darn gate really bugs me!
Why the phone calls and why didn't either parent pick them up? Did they already know what she wanted since they'd argued about it earlier? Were they angry/ didn't want to talk to her? Then a space of time. We need to know where she was then, visiting a friend? Then another flurry of calls that evening.

Think she wanted something from her parents? Money or babysitter?
I am guessing that perhaps they thought she was calling for a babysitter and wanted her to take responsibility for her child, so they didn't answer.

I was wondering too, does it mean she went to Tony's after whatever happened to Caylee--the avidavit states that " The defendant said she was "pacing and worrying" and went to her boyfriends house where she felt "safe". Her boyfriend is Anthony Lazzaro. "

It goes on to say she went there and worked on her own investigation by checking clubs Zanny went to yada....The date is stated as the 9th but it is her telling about last she saw Caylee. So, did casey go straight to Tony's after whatever happened, happened?
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