Greta, 8 6 08, Mark F says timeline 6 16 08 to 6 18 08

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I have my doubts that the divers will find Caylee's body.
Most apt. complexes have dumpsters where the tenants dispose of their garbage. I think it is possible that when Casey went to the Sawgrass apts. she put the body in the dumpster there, and it was deposited in the landfill.
I bleieve that is why she is not talking, as she feels confident that Caylee's body will never be found.
I think that when Cindy mentioned to Greta about the gate being left open the story will be that Caylee just wandered off and disappeared or was kidnapped.

Sutton Place
Goldenrod & Colonial
Glenwood Drive

plus many others
maybe at a car wash?

shopping mall?

She may never be found[ Caylee that is]
So they need to persue this case without a body.
Did George say he was home all day until he was watching the cooking show?

He could have been in and out... doing errands and then just watching the show before he left for work....therefore, seeing Caylee and Casey leave would have been the first and last time he saw them that day.


A show that comes on at 1pm?
Everyday before work...
didn't he tell Greta that ?
Greta wire has foums and transcripts.
I wish Nancy would put up a Nancywire or instant forum for discussions too...
Did George say he was home all day until he was watching the cooking show?

No clue if he was home in the morning or not. He basically hinted about after the lunch hour, so I am wondering did he see Caylee have lunch at any point considering he was watching his favorite Food Channel between 12:00 to 1:00 PM

When I personally listen to George, I keep in mind his training in LE with "attention to details", see what others don't see, think outside the box rather than inside the box, take mental notes and so on.
What I would have asked George is "what were they cooking on the show you were watching?"
In all fairness to GP. I watch cooking shows too and I couldn't tell you what they cooked 2 days ago nevermind 30 + days ago.

Is there a bathroom in Casey's bedroom? You would think Caylee had to use the potty when she woke up!
Not if she isn't completely potty trained. My granddaughter still wear pull ups to bed and she just turned 3.
Here's how I think it went down.

After Cindy retrieved Casey and brought her home on July 15th, after LE left, at some point she told George and Cindy what she did. They engaged in her story about Zanny and hid evidence in the car before LE took it on the evening of the 16th. And they've been lying and obsfucating ever protect Casey. It is very possible that Lee knows, too. If you read the exchanges on myspace between Casey and Lee, it's evident that theirs is an oddly close relationship. Big brother would protect little sister, even though he's disgusted at what she did.

A couple of nights ago, Cindy told Rozzie Franco, "I'm not going to lose another one." They know Caylee is dead, and they don't want to lose Casey--either to prison or to Ol' Sparky (or the needle, if that's what Florida's using these days).

That's my theory, anyway.

I agree with you that the Anthonys are now preparing themselves for the worst. But I don't believe she has known all along. I think the 911 calls uphold that from the start.

During the the 911 calls, at first Cindy is calm talking to dispatch about having Casey arrested for theft. But Casey hasn't yet told Cindy that Caylee was "taken" a month ago by the babysitter, and Cindy doesn't yet know about the "smell" in the car. That is revealed in the next call. Now Cindy's voice and demeanor is completely different. Faster speech, more demanding, slightly quivering in near panic.

I'm no expert, but imo...either Cindy is worthy of an Academy Award for that performance, or it was a genuine reaction upon learning for the first time from Casey that Caylee is missing.
I need to point out here that LE has stated several times that the family is being cooperative and shared information. So many people on WS are ripping into the family that I believe the real facts in this case are getting muddled. The family's contradicting statements have been suspicious but honestly, when I watched the GVS interview I saw George and Cindy trying to answer questions and nothing they said seemed preposterous to me. (Let's keep in mind that LE has not revealed all the evidence they have and George and Cindy are caught between a rock and a hard place.) All this emotional "did you see the way they kept looking at each" OMG - I do that all the time to my DH! (It's a married thing!) Until I see hard evidence that they were directly involved, I will give them the benefit of the doubt - whether I like Cindy or not. I feel horrible for them. I wonder if we will see them today, knowing that dive crews are searching nearby ponds and streams for Caylee?
I totally agree with you Stoelly.Moreover, I think if we examine the statements made by the parents I don't think they are all that inconsistent.
I agree with you that the Anthonys are now preparing themselves for the worst. But I don't believe she has known all along. I think the 911 calls uphold that from the start.

During the the 911 calls, at first Cindy is calm talking to dispatch about having Casey arrested for theft. But Casey hasn't yet told Cindy that Caylee was "taken" a month ago by the babysitter, and Cindy doesn't yet know about the "smell" in the car. That is revealed in the next call. Now Cindy's voice and demeanor is completely different. Faster speech, more demanding, slightly quivering in near panic.

I'm no expert, but imo...either Cindy is worthy of an Academy Award for that performance, or it was a genuine reaction upon learning for the first time from Casey that Caylee is missing.

That's the only time in this case we have seen the REAL Cindy.

As I said in my post above, I believe that the "come to jesus" conversation happened AFTER the 911 calls, AFTER LE left the home. Sometime in between law enforcement leaving the Anthony house and Casey being arrested on the 16th, Cindy and fam learned the truth, and at that time they decided to save Casey--like Cindy said to Rozzie (another rare moment of utter honesty) "I'm not going to lose another one."
In all fairness to GP. I watch cooking shows too and I couldn't tell you what they cooked 2 days ago nevermind 30 + days ago.

Especially due to the (alleged) fact, that Geo says it's his fave cooking show on the food network and he watches it every day. That would be kinda hard for even someone with a photographic memory to recall from well over a month ago.

On the OTR taping, I don't think George was giving his accounting for his entire day since awakening. He was specifically stating the time at which he alleges to have last seen Caylee.
I totally agree with you Stoelly.Moreover, I think if we examine the statements made by the parents I don't think they are all that inconsistent.

Uh-oh JBean ... don't you make us have to start a thread on all the Grand's inconsistencies.

There have been a few. Maybe not 'all that inconsistent' but inconsistent, no less. ;)
Uh-oh JBean ... don't you make us have to start a thread on all the Grand's inconsistencies.

There have been a few. Maybe not 'all that inconsistent' but inconsistent, no less. ;)
HI Liz. I think they have corrected some dates, which to me is perfectly logical. They also came clean about Casey taking the gas cans and I think that is also reasonable.
I think they spoke out without really thinking things through and are paying for that. But I don't see them as lying or doing anything sinister.
Do we have the myspace pages anywhere on this time frame?

All I have is this:

June 17 Casey's Facebook comments to Amy
Casey Anthony wrote
at 3:15pm on June 17th, 2008
cheer up me lady! i love you and can't wait to finally get you moved in

I'm curious to know if she meant to write "cheer me up lady"...
I totally agree with you Stoelly.Moreover, I think if we examine the statements made by the parents I don't think they are all that inconsistent.

If you look at the myspace posting by Cindy on 7/3 and then look at her statements about her mindset while Casey and Caylee were away for the month, it is clearly inconsistent.

The myspace posting says that Casey left without warning, yet in her statements she leads you to believe that Casey's departure for the month was planned. She also claims to know where here daughter went, yet, again, in the myspace posting she writes "where did she go?". The myspace posting says she is "distraught", yet she states she "never thought much of it".

From this report on July 18th:

In early June, Casey Anthony told her mother she was being sent to Tampa for work and would be back in a few days. Later, she said she was going on a "mini-vacation" with friends and taking Caylee with her. Cindy Anthony never thought much of it.


"I had no reason to believe they weren't where they were supposed to be," Cindy Anthony said. "I don't know why she fabricated this."

I know, wrong thread for this discussion...
I don't think Caylee drowned in the pool. I believe that Casey put Caylee in the pool until she could figure out what to do with her body. If I'm looking at MF's time line right the ladder was back on the pool and the gate was open on Tues. 6/17. She then returned and borrowed the shovel and backed her car in on 6/18.
That's the only time in this case we have seen the REAL Cindy.

As I said in my post above, I believe that the "come to jesus" conversation happened AFTER the 911 calls, AFTER LE left the home. Sometime in between law enforcement leaving the Anthony house and Casey being arrested on the 16th, Cindy and fam learned the truth, and at that time they decided to save Casey--like Cindy said to Rozzie (another rare moment of utter honesty) "I'm not going to lose another one."

I don't think there really was a time when they were alone on the night of July 15th. According to Cindy at the bond hearing, LE was there pretty much all night long, and they separated them. Although I haven't gone back to compare that to the arrest warrent, I did rewatch Cindy's bond video and noticed they didn't have much time privately after the 911 calls.
OK, I'm troubled by a few things:

(1) Where was Amy moving into, as described by Casey on the 17th? Has anyone had any brilliant insights that I've missed on that? Was it the Anthony house (where Casey had apparently left on the 16th)? Was it the Oviedo house? What is the Oviedo house that Amy mentions in a myspace page about having her insurance information forwarded? Was it supposed to be forwarded to or from the Oviedo house? Why was Amy moving out of JP and Ricardo's? Or was she?

(2) I have a hard time believing that Casey would be together enough to think -- Gee I just killed my daughter, I need to come up with a plan to frame a non-existent babysitter, I think what I'll do is go and fill out an apartment card using that babysitter's name. If she had, it wouldn't have helped her -- it just proved that she was lying. Because the babysitter didn't actually live there for the last year and a half, like she claimed, its now clear that ZG (or Casey in disguise, or with her) simply looked at the apartment on June 17th AFTER Casey claims to have left Caylee there. I'm more inclined to believe that Casey was using a ZG alias (maybe with a stolen credit card) to try to rent an apartment -- maybe for her and Amy and Caylee. Didn't she say somewhere that it would be "the girls"? When I read that, I included Caylee in my mind, otherwise it would have been "us" or "the two of us girls". . .

(3) The other reason I don't believe that Caylee was already dead on the 17th/18th time frame is this -- I don't think even someone as inhumane and disturbed as Casey seems to be would describe killing her child and abandoning her parents house as "DRAMAAAA" as she does on a myspace page in describing why she hasn't been at "the house" in 9 days. If you do the count, that seems to mean that she is talking about being absent from the Anthony's house (but I acknowledge it could be a different house), so I think she left because of some "DRAMAAAA" more along the lines of . . . GM is pissed at her for not doing X, Y or Z or cleaning up her act . . . Also, she wouldn't want to talk about the DRAMAA to Amy in such an off hand way (tell ya later, I think she says) if it was the fact that she killed and dumped her baby.

(4) Not buying the pool gate stuff -- or at least I didn't hear it live from their mouths in such a way as to buy it. I've just heard it reported second hand. Any links?

Any thoughts?
Worriedmom Here's the link about the pool,2933,399183,00.html

"VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, the business about the -- there's a pool in the back yard, and there's something about the ladder connected to the pool. And in fact, if you can just stand over on -- I've actually got a picture, so you can explain the significance of new information on the ladder and the pool in the back yard. What is the story on this ladder?
FUHRMAN: Well, it's interesting. You know, the grandparents are telling me that on the 16th, when Casey and Caylee are leaving that morning at 12:50 -- the previous night, Cynthia, the grandmother, and Casey swam in the pool. After they were done, they take me ladder, which snaps off, and then they take the ladder away from the pool so Caylee can't climb up it by herself.
Now, nobody swam in the pool after that night on Sunday. Nobody swam there on Monday. And then Tuesday morning, they noticed that the ladder was back up on the pool, hooked up, and the gate on the side of the house was open. So it's interesting information considering the activity that preceded -- you know, preceded that on the day before."
worriedmom, those are interesting thoughts...but the thing is, NO ONE has come forward saying they saw Caylee after the 16th. And kids just aren't hard to miss nor easy to hide. We're pretty sure Casey didn't actually have a babysitter/nanny, so Caylee would have to be with her all the time. And she was, what staying with Tony at that time? And Tony hadn't seen Caylee by then?

I'm guessing there's just so much more to this timeline than we've been told, more about what was going on for each and every person who intereacted with Casey and what they saw in those few weeks.

As for whether she's cold enough to dismiss her daughter's death as "DRAMAAAA" well, anyone who could respond as she has to her daughter's disappearance just might. I've got three little kids, and there's no way I could rest or be at all peaceful without knowing where they are and that they are safe.

The thing that I don't quite understand is how she goes from apparently loving and nurturing her child, to being so detached. Something slipped.

I wonder something else about this timeline...maybe there were new drugs involved. My understanding is that Meth leaves a person's system pretty quickly but that it makes you crazy as well...maybe she took something, realized that she was out of control, tried to get some help...and no one was home. Then Caylee died by neglect or even violence, and when Casey finally comes out of it, she covers it up and just erases the whole thing from her mind.

I'm sure that SHE has convinced herself, even if that's the only person who believes in Zanny the Nanny.
So, the shovel wasn't used for breaking into the shed for the gas-- as that was done late June 22nd-early hours 24th ( George said he was in the shed the 22nd and police were at the home to file report 10am-ish the 24th) and they say the shovel was nailed down to June 18th.

I suppose what catches me most is that gate was open on the morning of the 17th and the ladder was clipped back down/on. They know the ladder was put away on Sunday the 15th after Casey and Caylee had a eve? night? swim.

I think they could mistake the ladder but the gate would be hard to miss. They had a toddler at the house and even more they had 2 dogs that need to go potty. I doubt the gate could have been open for days and the pups not find it open and run off on an adventure.

It would seem on the night of the 16th somebody had been in the backyard. Why would somebody sneaking etc screw up and leave the gate open? George said in one of his interviews there had recently been some burglarys in the neighborhood. Was it neighborhood kids taking a swim or did Casey sneak back into the yard at dark and fail to shut the gate? She put the ladder down too? A late night swim?

I just don't 'get it'..well a few ideas crossed my mind but I don't want to type those thoughts. The gate..the darn gate really bugs me!

They should be able to test the lock on the shed to the shovel. Could prove whoever borrowed the shovel broke into the shed. This case is going to come down to forensics.
Worriedmom Here's the link about the pool,2933,399183,00.html

"VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, the business about the -- there's a pool in the back yard, and there's something about the ladder connected to the pool. And in fact, if you can just stand over on -- I've actually got a picture, so you can explain the significance of new information on the ladder and the pool in the back yard. What is the story on this ladder?
FUHRMAN: Well, it's interesting. You know, the grandparents are telling me that on the 16th, when Casey and Caylee are leaving that morning at 12:50 -- the previous night, Cynthia, the grandmother, and Casey swam in the pool. After they were done, they take me ladder, which snaps off, and then they take the ladder away from the pool so Caylee can't climb up it by herself.
Now, nobody swam in the pool after that night on Sunday. Nobody swam there on Monday. And then Tuesday morning, they noticed that the ladder was back up on the pool, hooked up, and the gate on the side of the house was open. So it's interesting information considering the activity that preceded -- you know, preceded that on the day before."

Could have been any of the neigbor kids. As a kid we did this too. Used our neighbors pool when they weren't home.
I don't think Caylee drowned in the pool. I believe that Casey put Caylee in the pool until she could figure out what to do with her body. If I'm looking at MF's time line right the ladder was back on the pool and the gate was open on Tues. 6/17. She then returned and borrowed the shovel and backed her car in on 6/18.

Agreed. I think Casey put Caylee's body in the pool. I think she may have carried her from the house and put her down on the ground before placing her into the pool, thus the cadaver dog hit but no body.
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