Greta - August 20, 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Seems LP is finally realizing he is not going to be able to do things his way. I could not understand how he thought he would be questioning anyone about the case. He is a bounty hunter, not a bondsman, not an attorney.
He mentioned on NG this evening he was going to allow the mother a few days with her family before he started asking her questions.
He has been acting like he has control over the situation.
He may be able to be in the same vicinity as Casey Anthony, but most unlikley he will be able to speak with her or her parents without an attorney present.
This guy is wayyyy too excited about the lights coming on at 5AM!

He's been saying weird @#$% like that all week. :crazy:

okay thanks-I've not been able to keep up much this week and I've missed this nutcase's antics. Note to self: If ever in need of a bondsman/bountyhunterguy RUN from Padilla's offers.
Typical day in jail with Justin Wells. Lights on at 5:30am and breakfast is served. Lunch at 11:00am, and dinner at 4:00pm, and then lights out about 7:00pm. The jail only has local news stations. Casey can only watch tv during her "free" time. The tv is pointed away from her cell. She has one hour a day, no contact with other inmates, for outdoor exercise. Justin showing the exercise yard.
Mark Fuhrman and Dr. Baden coming up! :clap:
ok doesn't her not talking to the bondsman totally DEFEAT the purpose of him coming there?!? Are they supposed to wear earplugs while they guard her? WTH!
He said she could play volleyball or basketball -- by herself. Solitaire volleyball would be a real workout.

That guy sure put as much drama as possible into describing her boring days!
Who cares how Casey spends every hour of her day in jail? Really? Does anyone care what time the lights come on or how much time she gets to watch tv? I got a question: What's new in the search for Caylee Anthony? Have any new connections been made? Evidence found? Is anyone hammering the whole family for polygraph tests until they do it just to shut us up? That's what I care about.

This is turning into a joke.
ok - give me this guys name and a link or something? Help my sistas??
Rob Dick, Leonard's partner (and bud of liltigress).

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