GUILTY on all 3 Counts!!! Post-Verdict Thread

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Another websleuther mentioned Big Bubba. I just thought that good ole Big Bubba is shouting out today "Good things are comming my way!!!!!" MR's very own choice words posted for many to see will be part of the karma that is awaiting him for the next quarter of a century or more. MR might have to start counting his pennies to give to Big Bubba but I don't think that will work. IMO

Also, I hope that Detective Smyth did get the chance to wave bye bye to Mike like he promised he would.

I saw this quote and it made me immediately think of all the moms who are WS members! Gave me a chuckle.

If only that was how it was going to be. Unfortunately, we all know he will be kept in segregation for his own protection, too many convicts would want to kill him. Prison officials have to keep him alive.

If he`d gone free, I`d be extremely fearful of meeting this crazy *advertiser censored** deviant nut in a dark alley!!!
If only that was how it was going to be. Unfortunately, we all know he will be kept in segregation for his own protection, too many convicts would want to kill him. Prison officials have to keep him alive.

If he`d gone free, I`d be extremely fearful of meeting this crazy *advertiser censored** deviant nut in a dark alley!!!

We can only hope someone forgets him in the yard.
...Just thought I would let you all know ....I got a message from Woodstock that they are having a CANDLE VIGIL now that Justice is served for TORI at 7;30 tonight.Sat.May 12, is for the community to say ....a final Good bye to Tori ...and that she can rest in peace...they are encouraging everyone who wants to remeber Tori to light a CANDLE tonight ...Our finally ..Good bye to Ontario's Angel ...may she R.I.P. and we shall never ever forget you ...Our ontario ANGEL ...we all love you shall be in the heart of so many world wide ...forever...robynhood!
Well they also believed that it was Tara that had something to do with it.

Jumping to conclusions when there is no proof costs lives, especially when a child is involved. They couldn't be sure of anything. I hope there are better standards now, after this bungling. MOO.
...Just thought I would let you all know ....I got a message from Woodstock that they are having a CANDLE VIGIL now that Justice is served for TORI at 7;30 tonight.Sat.May 12, is for the community to say ....a final Good bye to Tori ...and that she can rest in peace...they are encouraging everyone who wants to remeber Tori to light a CANDLE tonight ...Our finally ..Good bye to Ontario's Angel ...may she R.I.P. and we shall never ever forget you ...Our ontario ANGEL ...we all love you shall be in the heart of so many world wide ...forever...robynhood!

Do you know any details about the vigil, robynhood? Where? I think I might like to go to that...

Feeling strangely down in the dumps today, a bit of an 'emotional hangover', I guess... anyone else feeling this way today? I think it might be because the fight for justice is over, or about to be over, once sentencing is done... and without 'the fight', all that remains is the sad and empty realization that none of it will ever bring Tori back. Makes me wonder if there may be some even darker days ahead for her family yet... when there are no distractions and all they have left to focus on is the hole left in their lives now that Tori is gone.
OK, checked on FB re: vigil, it says that it is next Saturday, May 19 at 7:30 p.m. - but perhaps this is another one?!/events/406921129338832/

This will be a final goodbye ceremony for Tori Stafford. Now that justice has been served. I think we should all get together and say our final goodbye. This will be held at Zellers and Foodland parking lot, please everyone wear purple or have a purple ribbon on. Please invite all who would be interested. Please no dissrespect either, I am doing this because it is the right thing to do for Tori. Even if you cannot physically be there for the ceremony light a candle for Tori.
If only that was how it was going to be. Unfortunately, we all know he will be kept in segregation for his own protection, too many convicts would want to kill him. Prison officials have to keep him alive.

If he`d gone free, I`d be extremely fearful of meeting this crazy *advertiser censored** deviant nut in a dark alley!!!

Yes, I know Hello Kitty. In a perfect world, this sleuther can dream that Big Bubba is the Boogey Man that haunts the segregated wing. Being behind bars in a stinky little cell for the next century, off the streets is the next best thing. MOO
OK, checked on FB re: vigil, it says that it is next Saturday, May 19 at 7:30 p.m. - but perhaps this is another one?!/events/406921129338832/

I so wish that I could personally attend that vigil. I am from Ontario and actually born and raised very close to Woodstock. I live in a different province now. What I will do is have my very own purple day and burn a candle for Tori and her family. The news will certainly cover this. Thank you for sharing this.

the real Victoria ...posted from woodstock...I hope this youtubevideo works here ...robynhood

It worked fine for me. What an emotionally touching view of Victoria's short and precious life. It made me cry and reinforces how fragile life can be. It also made me happy that justice prevailed for Victoria but that it is bittersweet. Victoria will not be coming home to the loving arms of her family but hopefully the notoriety of this case and both Rodney and the Canadian communities pro-active actions in the future will not ever see another child in this circumstance.
I so wish that I could personally attend that vigil. I am from Ontario and actually born and raised very close to Woodstock. I live in a different province now. What I will do is have my very own purple day and burn a candle for Tori and her family. The news will certainly cover this. Thank you for sharing this.

thanks green thumb ...I goofed ...I guess i am way more upset than I thought ...looked at the date wrong sorry saturday is correct..omg...took much robynhood...thanks again green thumb! ...LOL!..silly robynhood has been tweeting too much!
snipped: Feeling strangely down in the dumps today, a bit of an 'emotional hangover', I guess... anyone else feeling this way today? I think it might be because the fight for justice is over, or about to be over, once sentencing is done... and without 'the fight', all that remains is the sad and empty realization that none of it will ever bring Tori back. Makes me wonder if there may be some even darker days ahead for her family yet... when there are no distractions and all they have left to focus on is the hole left in their lives now that Tori is gone.

You couldn't have said it better.
So what are some things that "we the people" can do to make changes?
What was learned from this?

--That we need a law in Canada where these sentences can run consecutively instead of concurrently.
--There needs to be a law that adds on extra time for disposing/hiding of a body.
--There needs to be extra time added when it involves a child.
--There needs to be an easier way to catch the pedophiles that download child *advertiser censored* and violent *advertiser censored*.
--The police need more resources to speed up the catching of the kiddie *advertiser censored* watchers.

It would be nice to have a seperate thread for this.
I pray Tori's family and friends are able to heal and move forward. Sadly, I have a feeling that this isn't over quite yet. I believe MR will appeal and there will be some defense lawyer somewhere that will take on the case. MR is too confident, arrogant, selfish, and cocky to not exhaust all the options available to him under the Law. He may have appeared to be a sniveling, whining, sorry excuse of a man (well that part is true) playing the poor victim in the police interrogation video, but he was in complete control the entire time.

4 hrs being grilled, provoked, babied and There wasn't even a slight crack in that arrogant monster's confidence that he would eventually be found innocent.

I feel for my friends and acquaintances who have had to look at this monster for the past 3 yrs and for those who will have to deal with him in a Federal Prison. How you go in to work every day and stand face to face with the pure evil that exists in this world, and yet keep your sanity, is beyond me.
Can you tell me where these petitions go?

They go to the Canadian Prime Minister, and in the case of this one it will be a complete waste of time. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but the Canadians are not going to reinstate the death penalty.

KMouse, your own list of suggestions was far more constructive, I'd happily sign your petition if you started one.

RIP Victoria Stafford, and my deepest sympathies to her family.
They go to the Canadian Prime Minister, and in the case of this one it will be a complete waste of time. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but the Canadians are not going to reinstate the death penalty.

KMouse, your own list of suggestions was far more constructive, I'd happily sign your petition if you started one.

RIP Victoria Stafford, and my deepest sympathies to her family.

I agree that Canada will never reinstate the death penalty for anybody.

I am sick of the LWOP for 25 years and the sentences run concurrently. There are far too many examples of these creeps serving 25 years only for horrendous and often multiple crimes.

In Rafferty's case it should be:
First degree murder=25 years
Sexual asault cause bodily harm to a child=20 years
Abduction and forcible confinement=10 years
Disposing of a body=10 years

all consecutive!
So am I. In some cases I can see why, but this guy should be one of those who is never let out. MOO.
Jumping to conclusions when there is no proof costs lives, especially when a child is involved. They couldn't be sure of anything. I hope there are better standards now, after this bungling. MOO.

There has already been a positive change coming out of this Flower, the Amber Alert in Ontario was changed. I hope it changes in every province and everywhere else there is an Amber Alert program.
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